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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
Weapons usually tend toward the velocity vector due to aerodynamics - calculate side slip and use calculation to do this
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78 lines
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class CfgAmmo {
class Bo_GBU12_LGB;
class GVAR(12): Bo_GBU12_LGB {
maneuvrability = 0; // no maneuvrability so that default guidance doesnt work
airFriction = 0.25; // bombs have high drag who woulda thunk
class ace_missileguidance {
enabled = 1;
pitchRate = 5;
yawRate = 5;
bangBangGuidance = 1;
stabilityCoefficient = 0.4; // how much this projectile likes to "weathervane" (keep direction toward velocity)
canVanillaLock = 0; // Can this default vanilla lock? Only applicable to non-cadet mode
// Guidance type for munitions
defaultSeekerType = "SALH";
seekerTypes[] = { "SALH" };
defaultSeekerLockMode = "LOAL";
seekerLockModes[] = { "LOAL" };
defaultNavigationType = "LineOfSight";
navigationTypes[] = { "LineOfSight" };
seekLastTargetPos = 0; // seek last target position [if seeker loses LOS of target, continue to last known pos]
seekerAngle = 60; // Angle from the shooter's view that can track the missile
seekerAccuracy = 1; // seeker accuracy multiplier
seekerMinRange = 5;
seekerMaxRange = 4000; // Range from the missile which the seeker can visually search
// Attack profile type selection
defaultAttackProfile = "DIR";
attackProfiles[] = {"DIR"};
class Bomb_03_F;
class GVAR(FAB250): Bomb_03_F {
maneuvrability = 0; // no maneuvrability so that default guidance doesnt work
airFriction = 0.25; // bombs have high drag who woulda thunk
class ace_missileguidance {
enabled = 1;
pitchRate = 8;
yawRate = 8;
bangBangGuidance = 1;
canVanillaLock = 0; // Can this default vanilla lock? Only applicable to non-cadet mode
// Guidance type for munitions
defaultSeekerType = "SALH";
seekerTypes[] = { "SALH" };
defaultSeekerLockMode = "LOAL";
seekerLockModes[] = { "LOAL" };
defaultNavigationType = "LineOfSight";
navigationTypes[] = { "LineOfSight" };
seekLastTargetPos = 0; // seek last target position [if seeker loses LOS of target, continue to last known pos]
seekerAngle = 60; // Angle from the shooter's view that can track the missile
seekerAccuracy = 1; // seeker accuracy multiplier
seekerMinRange = 5;
seekerMaxRange = 4000; // Range from the missile which the seeker can visually search
// Attack profile type selection
defaultAttackProfile = "DIR";
attackProfiles[] = {"DIR"};