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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:18 +00:00
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * Update French Explosives Translation Update * Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation * Update hearing french translation * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Frag Module - Gestures Module - Goggles Module - Grenades Module - Gunbag Module - Hearing Module - Hellfire Module - Hitreactions Module - Hot Module - Interact_Menu Module - Interaction Module - Inventory Module - Laser Module - Laserpointer Module - Magazinerepack Module - Map Module - Map_gesture Module - Maptools Module - Markers Module - Maverick Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Interaction Module - Medical Module - Medical_damage Module - Medical_feedback Module - Medical_gui Module - Medical_statemachine Module - Medical_treatment Module - Microdagr Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Missileguidance Module - Missionmodules Module - Nametags Module - Nightvision Module - Nlaw Module - Noradio Module - Optionsmenu Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Overheating Module - Overpressure Module - Parachute Module - Pylons Module - Quickmount Module - Rangecard Module - Realisticnames Module - Rearm Module - Refuel Module - Reload Module * Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module * Correction typo mineure * Adding French translation and / or correction for : - Respawn Module - Safemode Module - Sandbag Module - Scopes Module * Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal * Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module * Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden. Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission. En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin. Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;). De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée. Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Slideshow Module, - Spectator Module, - Spottingscope Module, - Swichunits Module, Minor correction on Nametags Module * Correction ponctuation * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Tacticalladder Module, - Tagging Module, - Trenches Module, - Tripod Module. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - UI Module, - Vehiclelock Module, - Vehicles Module. Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
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583 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="UI">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_Category">
<English>User Interface</English>
<Czech>Uživatelské rozhraní</Czech>
<Portuguese>Interface do usuário</Portuguese>
<French>Interface Utilisateur</French>
<Japanese>ユーザ インタフェイス</Japanese>
<Polish>Interfejs użytkownika</Polish>
<Korean>사용자 인터페이스</Korean>
<Italian>Interfaccia Utente</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_ModuleName">
<English>User Interface</English>
<Czech>Uživatelské rozhraní</Czech>
<Portuguese>Interface do usuário</Portuguese>
<French>Interface Utilisateur</French>
<Russian>Пользовательский интерфейс</Russian>
<Japanese>ユーザ インタフェイス</Japanese>
<Polish>Interfejs użytkownika</Polish>
<Korean>사용자 인터페이스</Korean>
<Italian>Interfaccia Utente</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_ModuleDescription">
<English>This module allows toggling visible user interface parts.</English>
<Portuguese>Este módulo permite ligar ou desligar partes da interface do usuário</Portuguese>
<French>Ce module permet d'activer ou de désactiver certains éléments de l'Interface Utilisateur (IU).</French>
<Russian>Этот модуль позволяет переключать видимость элементов пользовательского интерфейса.</Russian>
<Japanese>モジュールではユーザ インタフェイスの一部表示を切り替えできます。</Japanese>
<Polish>Moduł ten pozwala zmienić stan widoczności poszczególnych elementów UI.</Polish>
<German>Dieses Modul erlaubt es, Teile der Benutzeroberfläche (UI) an- oder auszuschalten.</German>
<Korean>이 모듈은 사용자 인터페이스의 부분을 토글하는것을 가능케 해줍니다.</Korean>
<Italian>Questo modulo consente di commutare parti di interfaccia utente visibili.</Italian>
<Czech>Tento modul umožňuje přepínání viditelných částí uživatelského rozhraní.</Czech>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_AllowSelectiveUI">
<English>Allow Selective UI</English>
<Czech>Povolit selektivní UI</Czech>
<Portuguese>Permitir IU Selecionável</Portuguese>
<French>Autoriser la personnalisation de l'IU</French>
<Russian>Включить настраиваемый интерфейс</Russian>
<Japanese>UI 選択性を許可</Japanese>
<Polish>Zezwól na selektywne UI</Polish>
<German>Erlaube selektives UI</German>
<Korean>선택적 사용자 인터페이스 허가</Korean>
<Italian>Permette l'UI Selettiva</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_AllowSelectiveUI_Description">
<English>Allow client to modify their UI.</English>
<Czech>Povolit klientovi měnit jeho UI</Czech>
<Portuguese>Permite o cliente modificar sua IU.</Portuguese>
<French>Permet aux clients de modifier leur IU</French>
<Russian>Позволить клиентам изменять их пользовательский интерфейс.</Russian>
<Japanese>クライアントがユーザ インタフェイスを編集できるようにします。</Japanese>
<Polish>Zezwól klientowi na modyfikację UI.</Polish>
<German>Erlaube Clients, ihr UI zu modifizieren.</German>
<Korean>클라이언트가 선택적 사용자 인터페이스 사용하는것을 허가합니다</Korean>
<Italian>Permette al client di modificare la propria UI.</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_SoldierVehicleWeaponInfo">
<English>Soldier/Vehicle/Weapon Information</English>
<Czech>Informace o Vojákovi/Vozidlu/Zbrani</Czech>
<Portuguese>Informação de Soldado/Veículo/Armamento</Portuguese>
<French>Information Soldat / Véhicule / Arme</French>
<Russian>Информация о Солдате/Технике/Оружии</Russian>
<Polish>Informacje o żołnierzu/pojeździe/broni</Polish>
<German>Soldat/Fahrzeug/Waffe Information</German>
<Korean>병사/차량/무기 정보</Korean>
<Italian>Informazioni Soldato/Veicolo/Arma</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_VehicleRadar">
<English>Vehicle Radar</English>
<Czech>Radar vozidla</Czech>
<Portuguese>Radar de Veículo</Portuguese>
<French>Radar de véhicule</French>
<Russian>Радар в технике</Russian>
<Polish>Radar w pojeździe</Polish>
<Korean>차량 레이더</Korean>
<Italian>Rada Veicolo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_VehicleCompass">
<English>Vehicle Compass</English>
<Czech>Kompas vozidla</Czech>
<Portuguese>Bússola de Veículo</Portuguese>
<French>Boussole de véhicule</French>
<Russian>Компас в технике</Russian>
<Polish>Kompas w pojeździe</Polish>
<Korean>차량 나침반</Korean>
<Italian>Bussola Veicolo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_CommandMenu">
<English>Command Menu</English>
<Czech>Menu rozkazů</Czech>
<Portuguese>Menu de Comando</Portuguese>
<French>Menu de commandement</French>
<Russian>Командное меню</Russian>
<Polish>Menu dowodzenia</Polish>
<Korean>지휘 메뉴</Korean>
<Italian>Menù di Comando</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GroupBar">
<English>Group Bar</English>
<Czech>Panel skupiny</Czech>
<Portuguese>Barra de Grupo</Portuguese>
<French>Barre de groupe</French>
<Russian>Панель командира</Russian>
<Polish>Pasek grupy</Polish>
<Korean>그룹 막대</Korean>
<Italian>Barra del Gruppo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_WeaponName">
<English>Weapon Name</English>
<Czech>Název zbraně</Czech>
<Portuguese>Nome do Armamento</Portuguese>
<French>Nom de l'arme</French>
<Russian>Название оружия</Russian>
<Polish>Nazwa broni</Polish>
<Korean>무기 이름</Korean>
<Italian>Nome Arma</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_WeaponNameBackground">
<English>Weapon Name Background</English>
<Czech>Název zbraně v pozadí</Czech>
<Portuguese>Fundo do Nome do Armamento</Portuguese>
<French>Fond pour le nom de l'arme</French>
<Russian>Фон названия оружия</Russian>
<Polish>Tło nazwy broni</Polish>
<German>Waffenname Hintergrund</German>
<Korean>무기 이름 배경</Korean>
<Italian>Nome Sfondo Arma</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_FiringMode">
<English>Firing Mode</English>
<Czech>Režim palby</Czech>
<Portuguese>Modo de Disparo</Portuguese>
<French>Mode de tir</French>
<Russian>Режим стрельбы</Russian>
<Polish>Tryb ognia</Polish>
<Korean>사격 모드</Korean>
<Italian>Modalità di Fuoco</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_AmmoType">
<English>Ammo Type</English>
<Czech>Typ munice</Czech>
<Portuguese>Tipo de Munição</Portuguese>
<French>Type de munitions</French>
<Russian>Тип боеприпасов</Russian>
<Polish>Typ amunicji</Polish>
<Italian>Tipo Munizioni</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_AmmoCount">
<English>Ammo Count</English>
<Czech>Počet munice</Czech>
<Portuguese>Quantidade de Munição</Portuguese>
<French>Nombre de munitions</French>
<Russian>Количество боеприпасов</Russian>
<Polish>Ilość amunicji</Polish>
<Italian>Contatore Munizioni</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_MagCount">
<English>Magazine Count</English>
<Czech>Počet zásobníků</Czech>
<Portuguese>Quantidade de Carregadores</Portuguese>
<French>Nombre de chargeurs</French>
<Russian>Количество магазинов</Russian>
<Polish>Ilość magazynków</Polish>
<Italian>Contatore Caricatore</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_ThrowableName">
<English>Throwable Type</English>
<Czech>Typ granátů apod.</Czech>
<Portuguese>Tipo de Arremessável</Portuguese>
<French>Type d'objets jetables</French>
<Russian>Тип гранаты</Russian>
<Polish>Typ granatu</Polish>
<Korean>투척물 종류</Korean>
<Italian>Tipo Lanciabile</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_ThrowableCount">
<English>Throwable Count</English>
<Czech>Počet granátů apod.</Czech>
<Portuguese>Quantidade de Arremessável</Portuguese>
<French>Nombre d'objets jetables</French>
<Russian>Количество гранат</Russian>
<Polish>Ilość granatów</Polish>
<Korean>투척물 개수</Korean>
<Italian>Contatore Lanciabili</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_Zeroing">
<Portuguese>Zerar a mira</Portuguese>
<Russian>Дальность стрельбы</Russian>
<Polish>Wyzerowanie broni</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_WeaponLowerInfoBackground">
<English>Weapon Lower Info Background</English>
<Portuguese>Informações na parte de baixo do fundo do Armamento</Portuguese>
<French>Fond pour la barre d'informations inférieures de l'arme</French>
<Russian>Фон ниформации об оружии снизу</Russian>
<Japanese>武器名の背景表示 (下側)</Japanese>
<Polish>Tło dolnej części informacji o broni</Polish>
<German>Hintergrund der unteren Waffen-Info-Leiste</German>
<Korean>무기 상세 정보 배경</Korean>
<Italian>Informazioni Sfondo Arma Bassa</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_Stance">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_StaminaBar">
<English>Stamina Bar</English>
<Czech>Panel výdrže</Czech>
<Portuguese>Barra de Energia</Portuguese>
<French>Barre d'endurance</French>
<Russian>Полоса выносливости</Russian>
<Polish>Pasek staminy</Polish>
<Korean>체력 막대</Korean>
<Italian>Barra Stamina</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerWeaponName">
<English>Gunner Weapon Name</English>
<Portuguese>Nome da arma do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Nom de l'arme (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Название орудия наводчика</Russian>
<Polish>Nazwa broni strzelca</Polish>
<German>Richtschütze Waffenname</German>
<Korean>사수 무기 명칭</Korean>
<Italian>Nome Arma Artigliere</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerWeaponNameBackground">
<English>Gunner Weapon Name Background</English>
<Portuguese>Fundo do nome da arma do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Fond pour le nom de l'arme (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Фон названия орудия наводчика</Russian>
<Polish>Tło nazwy broni strzelca</Polish>
<German>Richtschütze Waffenname Hintergrund</German>
<Korean>사수 무기 명칭 배경</Korean>
<Italian>Nome Sfondo Arma Artigliere</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerFiringMode">
<English>Gunner Firing Mode</English>
<Portuguese>Modo de disparo do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Mode de tir (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Режим стрельбы наводчика</Russian>
<Polish>Tryb ognia strzelca</Polish>
<German>Richtschütze Feuermodus</German>
<Korean>사수 사격 모드</Korean>
<Italian>Modalità di Fuoco Artigliere</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerAmmoType">
<English>Gunner Ammo Type</English>
<Portuguese>Tipo de Munição do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Type de munitions (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Тип боеприпасов наводчика</Russian>
<Polish>Typ amunicji strzelca</Polish>
<German>Richtschütze Munitionstyp</German>
<Korean>사수 탄종</Korean>
<Italian>Tipo Munizioni Artigliere</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerAmmoCount">
<English>Gunner Ammo Count</English>
<Portuguese>Quantidade de Munição do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Nombre de munitions (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Количество боеприпасов наводчика</Russian>
<Polish>Ilość amunicji strzelca</Polish>
<German>Richtschütze Munitionsanzahl</German>
<Korean>사수 탄약 수량</Korean>
<Italian>Contatore Munizioni Artigliere</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerMagCount">
<English>Gunner Magazine Count</English>
<Portuguese>Quantidade de Carregadores do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Nombre de chargeurs (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Количество магазинов наводчика</Russian>
<Polish>Ilość magazynków strzelca</Polish>
<German>Richtschütze Magazinanzahl</German>
<Korean>사수 탄창 수량</Korean>
<Italian>Contatore Caricatore Artigliere</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerLaunchableName">
<English>Gunner Launchable Type</English>
<Portuguese>Tipo de Arremessável do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Type d'objets jetables (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Тип пусковой установки наводчика</Russian>
<Polish>Typ rakiet strzelca</Polish>
<German>Richtschütze Raketentyp</German>
<Korean>사수 발사체 종류</Korean>
<Italian>Tipo Lanciabile Artigliere</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerLaunchableCount">
<English>Gunner Launchable Count</English>
<Portuguese>Quantidade de Arremessável do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Nombre d'objets jetables (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Количество снарядов пусковой установки наводчика</Russian>
<Polish>Ilość rakiet strzelca</Polish>
<German>Richtschütze Raketenanzahl</German>
<Korean>사수 발사체 수량</Korean>
<Italian>Contatore Lanciabili Artigliere</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerZeroing">
<English>Gunner Zeroing</English>
<Portuguese>Zerar a mira do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Zérotage (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Дальность стрельбы наводчика</Russian>
<Polish>Wyzerowanie broni strzelca</Polish>
<German>Richtschütze Nullung</German>
<Korean>사수 영점</Korean>
<Italian>Azzeramento Artigliere</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_GunnerWeaponLowerInfoBackground">
<English>Gunner Weapon Lower Info Background</English>
<Portuguese>Informações na parte de baixo do fundo do Armamento do fuzileiro</Portuguese>
<French>Fond pour la barre d'informations inférieures (tireur)</French>
<Russian>Фон ниформации об орудии наводчика снизу</Russian>
<Japanese>射手用の武器名の背景表示 (下側)</Japanese>
<Polish>Tło dolnej części informacji o broni strzelca</Polish>
<German>Hintergrund der unteren Waffen-Info-Leiste (Richtschütze)</German>
<Korean>사수 무기 상세 정보 배경</Korean>
<Italian>Informazioni Sfondo Arma Artigliere Bassa</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_VehicleName">
<English>Vehicle Name</English>
<Czech>Název vozidla</Czech>
<Portuguese>Nome do Veículo</Portuguese>
<French>Nom du véhicule</French>
<Russian>Название техники</Russian>
<Polish>Nazwa pojazdu</Polish>
<Korean>차량 명칭</Korean>
<Italian>Nome Veicolo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_VehicleNameBackground">
<English>Vehicle Name Background</English>
<Czech>Název vozidla v pozadí</Czech>
<Portuguese>Fundo do Nome do Veículo</Portuguese>
<French>Fond pour le nom du véhicule</French>
<Russian>Фон названия техники</Russian>
<Polish>Tło nazwy pojazdu</Polish>
<German>Fahrzeugname Hintergrund</German>
<Korean>차량 명칭 배경</Korean>
<Italian>Nome Sfondo Veicolo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_VehicleFuelBar">
<English>Vehicle Fuel Bar</English>
<Czech>Ukazatel paliva</Czech>
<Portuguese>Barra de Combustível do Veículo</Portuguese>
<French>Barre d'essence du véhicule</French>
<Russian>Полоса топлива</Russian>
<Polish>Pasek paliwa</Polish>
<Korean>차량 연료 막대</Korean>
<Italian>Barra Carburante Veicolo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_VehicleSpeed">
<English>Vehicle Speed</English>
<Czech>Rychlost vozidla</Czech>
<Portuguese>Velocidade do Veículo</Portuguese>
<French>Vitesse du véhicule</French>
<Russian>Скорость техники</Russian>
<Korean>차량 속도</Korean>
<Italian>Velocità Veicolo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_VehicleAltitude">
<English>Vehicle Altitude</English>
<Czech>Výška vozidla</Czech>
<Portuguese>Altitude do Veículo</Portuguese>
<French>Altitude du véhicule</French>
<Russian>Высота полета</Russian>
<Polish>Wysokościomierz radarowy</Polish>
<Korean>차량 고도</Korean>
<Italian>Altitudine Veicolo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_VehicleDamage">
<English>Vehicle Damage</English>
<Czech>Poškození vozidla</Czech>
<Portuguese>Dano do Veículo</Portuguese>
<French>Dégâts du véhicule</French>
<Russian>Повреждение техники</Russian>
<Polish>Uszkodzenia pojazdu</Polish>
<Korean>차량 피해</Korean>
<Italian>Danno Veicolo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_VehicleInfoBackground">
<English>Vehicle Info Background</English>
<Czech>Info o vozidle v pozadí</Czech>
<Portuguese>Fundo das informações do veículo</Portuguese>
<French>Fond pour les informations du véhicule</French>
<Russian>Фон информации о технике</Russian>
<Polish>Tło informacji o pojeździe</Polish>
<German>Fahrzeug Info Hintergrund</German>
<Korean>차량 정보 배경</Korean>
<Italian>Informazioni Sfondo Veicolo</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_RequiresSoldierVehicleWeaponInfo">
<English>Requires Soldier/Vehicle/Weapon Information.</English>
<Czech>Vyžaduje informace o Vojákovi/Vozidlu/Zbrani</Czech>
<Portuguese>Requer informações de Soldado/Veículo/Armamento</Portuguese>
<French>Requiert l'option `Information Soldat / Véhicule / Arme`</French>
<Russian>Требуется Информация о Солдате/Технике/Оружии.</Russian>
<Polish>Wymaga informacji o żołnierzu/pojeździe/broni.</Polish>
<German>Benötigt Soldat/Fahrzeug/Waffe Information.</German>
<Korean>병사/차량/무기의 정보가 필요합니다.</Korean>
<Italian>Richiede informazione Soldato/Veicolo/Arma.</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_Disallowed">
<English>Modifying User Interface is disabled.</English>
<Czech>Změna uživatelského rozhraní je zakázána.</Czech>
<Portuguese>A modificação da interface do usuário está desabilitada.</Portuguese>
<French>La personnalisation de l'Interface Utilisateur est désactivée.</French>
<Russian>Изменение пользовательского интерфейса запрещено.</Russian>
<Japanese>ユーザ インタフェイスの変更は無効化されています。</Japanese>
<Polish>Modyfikacja interfejsu użytkownika jest wyłączona.</Polish>
<German>Die Modifizierung des UI ist deaktiviert.</German>
<Korean>사용자 인터페이스 변경이 비활성화 되어있습니다.</Korean>
<Italian>La modifica dell'Interfaccia Utente è disabilitata.</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_UI_Disabled">
<English>Cannot modify a forced User Interface element.</English>
<Portuguese>Não é possível modificar um elemento forçado da interface do usuário.</Portuguese>
<French>Impossible de modifier un élément forcé de l'Interface Utilisateur.</French>
<Russian>Невозможно изменить зафиксированный элемент пользовательского интерфейса.</Russian>
<Japanese>ユーザー インタフェイス要素の強制はできません。</Japanese>
<Polish>Nie można modyfikować wymuszonego elementu interfejsu użytkownika.</Polish>
<German>Gesperrte UI-Elemente können nicht modifiziert werden.</German>
<Korean>강제 사용자 인터페이스는 변경하실 수 없습니다.</Korean>
<Italian>Impossibile modificare un elemento forzato d' Interfaccia Utente.</Italian>
<Czech>Nelze upravit prvek vynuceného uživatelského rozhraní.</Czech>