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#include "script_component.hpp"
* Author: Brandon (TCVM)
* Sets up Active Radar state arrays (called from missileGuidance's onFired).
* Arguments:
* Guidance Arg Array <ARRAY>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [] call ace_missileguidance_fnc_ahr_onFired
* Public: No
params ["_firedEH", "_launchParams", "", "", "_stateParams"];
_firedEH params ["_shooter","","","","","","_projectile"];
_stateParams params ["", "_seekerStateParams"];
_launchParams params ["","_targetLaunchParams"];
_targetLaunchParams params ["_target"];
_target = missileTarget _projectile;
if (isNull _target && isVehicleRadarOn vehicle _shooter) then {
_target = cursorTarget;
if !(_target isKindOf "AllVehicles") then {
_target = nil;
_launchParams set [0, _target];
_projectile setMissileTarget objNull; // to emulate a no launch warning
private _projectileConfig = configOf _projectile;
private _config = _projectileConfig >> "ace_missileguidance";
private _isActive = false;
private _activeRadarDistance = [_config >> "activeRadarEngageDistance", "NUMBER", 500] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry;
private _projectileThrust = [_projectileConfig >> "thrust", "NUMBER", 0] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry;
private _projectileThrustTime = [_projectileConfig >> "thrustTime", "NUMBER", 0] call CBA_fnc_getConfigEntry;
private _velocityAtImpact = _projectileThrust * _projectileThrustTime;
private _timeToActive = 0;
if (!isNil "_target" && _velocityAtImpact > 0) then {
private _distanceUntilActive = (((getPosASL _shooter) vectorDistance (getPosASL _target)) - _activeRadarDistance);
_timeToActive = 0 max (_distanceUntilActive / _velocityAtImpact);
if (isNil "_target") then {
_timeToActive = 0;
_isActive = true;
_target = objNull;
private _shooterHasActiveRadar = {
if ("ActiveRadarSensorComponent" in _x) exitWith { true };
} forEach listVehicleSensors vehicle _shooter;
if !(isVehicleRadarOn vehicle _shooter) then {
_isActive = true;
_seekerStateParams set [0, _isActive];
_seekerStateParams set [1, _activeRadarDistance];
_seekerStateParams set [2, CBA_missionTime + _timeToActive];
_seekerStateParams set [3, getPosASL _target];
_seekerStateParams set [4, CBA_missionTime];
_seekerStateParams set [5, _shooterHasActiveRadar];
_seekerStateParams set [6, false];
_seekerStateParams set [7, [0, 0, 0]];
_seekerStateParams set [8, CBA_missionTime];
_seekerStateParams set [9, isNull _target];