PabstMirror ffd2a18532 macros
2024-01-06 19:06:32 -06:00

28 lines
1.2 KiB

#include "script_component.hpp"
if (hasInterface) then {
#include ""
// add camera interactions
private _switchToCameraAction = ["SwitchToCamera", "Switch To Missile Camera", "", {
// statement
params ["_target", "_player", "_params"];
private _camera = _player getVariable [QGVAR(missileCamera), objNull];
[_camera] call FUNC(camera_switchTo);
}, {
// condition
params ["_target", "_player", "_params"];
private _camera = _player getVariable [QGVAR(missileCamera), objNull];
private _projectile = _camera getVariable [QGVAR(missile), objNull];
!([] call FUNC(camera_userInCamera)) && { !(_camera isEqualTo objNull); } && { !(_projectile isEqualTo objNull) }
}/*, {
params ["_target", "_player", "_params"];
// insert children
}*/] call EFUNC(interact_menu,createAction);
["CAManBase", 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"], _switchToCameraAction, true] call EFUNC(interact_menu,addActionToClass);
GVAR(activeCamera) = objNull;
GVAR(projectileHashMap) = createHashMap; // used in the seeker to get the namespace for the associated projectile