diff --git a/MPMissions/epoch.Altis/custom/briefing.sqf b/MPMissions/epoch.Altis/custom/briefing.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78a61a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MPMissions/epoch.Altis/custom/briefing.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+This was pulled from Darkside Altis Life Server by Brun and Modified for [Z] EPOCH, 20141217
+Credits to for controls to http://epochmod.gamepedia.com/A3Epoch:Arma_3_Epoch#Building_.26_Crafting
+if (!isDedicated) then {
+waitUntil { alive player && time > 0 && !isnull (finddisplay 46)};
+sleep 5;
+player createDiarySubject ["serverrules","General Rules"];
+player createDiarySubject ["donations","Donation Info"];
+player createDiarySubject ["controls","Controls"];
+ player createDiaryRecord ["donations",
+ [
+ "How To?",
+ "
How to donate?
+We do Accept Donations
+See the Website for Details
+All Donations Received help to keep the Servers and Teamspeak Online.
+ "
+ ]
+ ];
+ player createDiaryRecord ["serverrules",
+ [
+ "General Rules",
+ "
If you break the rules you will not be kicked, but banned.
+1. No Spawn Killing.
+2. No Hacking/Glitching.
+3. No Duping.
+4. No Base Griefing includes helilifting out of buildings.
+5. No Excessive Swearing.
+6. No Talking In Radio Chat.
+7. No Racism.
+8. EpochMod is currently Alpha, as such we do not compensate vehicles etc due to game glitches!
+ "
+ ]
+ ];
+// Controls Section
+ player createDiaryRecord ["controls",
+ [
+ "Controls",
+ "
General Controls
+ I: Main Interaction key which is used for picking up items/money, interacting with cars, interact with traders and looting trash.
+ Mouse Wheel: Shows option to Search items
+ ~: Shows Debug Menu
+ Ctrl + T: Opens Player Trade window
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Building Controls
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Special Instructions
+ Before a player can start building, they must first gain some energy. This can be done in three ways...
+ Vehicles - While in any vehicle with the engine running, the player will gain approximately 5 energy every 10 seconds.
+ Solar/Wind Power - If the player is within 75 meters of a solar farm tower or wind turbine they will gain approximately 5 energy every 10 seconds.
+ Energy Packs - By double clicking an energy pack in your inventory, there is an option to use. This will give the player energy instantly, but will use up the energy pack (small energy pack = 100 energy. large energy pack = 1000 energy).
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ 1: Toggle Fixed snap building mode and place object
+ 2: Toggle Free building mode and place object
+ 3: Snap type
+ 4: Build object (Used for building Storage Devices Tipi and Shelf Kit)
+ Space: Grab objects
+ Q: Center object in front of players view
+ E: Free Rotate
+ Page Up: Lift object
+ Page Down: Lower object
+ Home: Push object away from you
+ End: Move object towards you
+ Ctrl + I: Upgrade an existing structure
+ ]
+ ];
\ No newline at end of file