// Lootspawner deleter script to remove old loot // Author: Na_Palm (BIS forums) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private["_objlT","_countdel","_timedel","_objempty","_playersnear","_objisContainer","_objVar","_obj","_objlocked","_objclass"]; _objlT = _this; while {true} do { _countdel = 0; //_timedel = time; { { _objempty = false; _playersnear = false; _objisContainer = false; //try to get local server Var "Lootready" _objVar = (_x getVariable "Lootready"); //if "Lootready" NOT present then its not spawned by LS or in creation if (!isNil "_objVar") then { //check if lifetime is expired if ((time - _objVar) > _objlT) then { //if object has the var. "objectLocked", it belongs now to a player and therefor bad idea to delete it _objlocked = (_x getVariable "objectLocked"); if(isNil "_objlocked") then { //case-insensitive _objclass = typeOf _x; if (({_x == _objclass} count exclcontainer_list) > 0) then { _objisContainer = true; if ((count ((getWeaponCargo _x) select 0)) == 0) then { if ((count ((getMagazineCargo _x) select 0)) == 0) then { if ((count ((getItemCargo _x) select 0)) == 0) then { if ((count ((getBackpackCargo _x) select 0)) == 0) then { _objempty = true; }; }; }; }; }; _obj = _x; //check if any alive player is near { if ((isPlayer _x) && (alive _x)) then { if (((getPosATL _x) distance (getPosATL _obj)) < 500) then { _playersnear = true; }; }; sleep 0.001; }forEach playableUnits; //if (_objempty AND !_playersnear) OR (!_objisContainer AND !_playersnear) then delete if (((_objempty) && (!_playersnear)) || ((!_objisContainer) && (!_playersnear))) then { //diag_log format["-- DEBUG LOOTSPAWNER Delete item: %1:%2:%3 %4vLT%5v%6v for %7 v%8v%9%10v%11v --", _objisContainer, _objempty, _playersnear, _objVar, (time - _objVar), _objlT, (typeOf _x), ((getWeaponCargo _x) select 0), ((getMagazineCargo _x) select 0), ((getItemCargo _x) select 0), ((getBackpackCargo _x) select 0)]; deleteVehicle _x; _countdel = _countdel + 1; }; }; }; }; _objVar = Nil; _objlocked = Nil; sleep 0.001; }forEach allMissionObjects _x; sleep 0.001; }forEach LSusedclass_list; if (_countdel > 0) then { diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER deleted %1 objects --", _countdel]; }; sleep 60; };