Bob_MAIN_CODE = { systemchat 'Loading Menu...'; if (isNil 'ALT_IS_PRESSED') then {ALT_IS_PRESSED = false;}; if (isNil 'Bob_toggled_A') then {Bob_toggled_A = ['==== OnTarget ====','==== Toggleable ===='];}; if (isNil 'ALL_VEHS_TO_SEARCH') then { ALL_VEHS_TO_SEARCH = []; _cfgvehicles = configFile >> 'cfgVehicles'; for '_j' from 0 to (count _cfgvehicles)-1 do { _vehicle = _cfgvehicles select _j; if (isClass _vehicle) then { _veh_type = configName _vehicle; if ((getNumber (_vehicle >> 'scope') == 2) && (getText (_vehicle >> 'picture') != '') && ((_veh_type isKindOf 'Air') || (_veh_type isKindOf 'LandVehicle') || (_veh_type isKindOf 'Ship'))) then { if !((_veh_type isKindOf 'ParachuteBase') || (_veh_type isKindOf 'BIS_Steerable_Parachute')) then { ALL_VEHS_TO_SEARCH = ALL_VEHS_TO_SEARCH + [_veh_type]; }; }; }; }; }; if (isNil 'ALL_WEPS_TO_SEARCH') then { ALL_WEPS_TO_SEARCH = []; _CfgWeapons = configFile >> 'CfgWeapons'; for '_i' from 0 to (count _CfgWeapons)-1 do { _weapon = _CfgWeapons select _i; if (isClass _weapon) then { _wpn_type = configName _weapon; if (((getNumber (_weapon >> 'scope') == 0) || (getNumber (_weapon >> 'scope') == 2)) && (getText (_weapon >> 'picture') != '')) then { if !(_wpn_type in ALL_WEPS_TO_SEARCH) then { ALL_WEPS_TO_SEARCH = ALL_WEPS_TO_SEARCH + [_wpn_type]; }; }; }; }; }; if (isNil 'ALL_MAGS_TO_SEARCH') then { ALL_MAGS_TO_SEARCH = []; _CfgWeapons = configFile >> 'cfgmagazines'; for '_i' from 0 to (count _CfgWeapons)-1 do { _weapon = _CfgWeapons select _i; if (isClass _weapon) then { _wpn_type = configName(_weapon); if (((getNumber (_weapon >> 'scope') == 0) || (getNumber (_weapon >> 'scope') == 2)) && (getText (_weapon >> 'picture') != '')) then { if !(_wpn_type in ALL_MAGS_TO_SEARCH) then { ALL_MAGS_TO_SEARCH = ALL_MAGS_TO_SEARCH + [_wpn_type]; }; }; }; }; }; fnc_cleanDialogs = { {_ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl _x;lbclear _ctrl;} forEach [LEFT_CTRL_ID,RIGHT_CTRL_ID]; }; fnc_FULLinit = { disableSerialization; MAIN_DISPLAY_ID = 2727; LEFT_CTRL_ID = 1500; RIGHT_CTRL_ID = 1501; if (isNull findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) then {createdialog 'RscDisplayLocWeaponInfo';}; waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID}; if (isNil 'Bob_Layout_Selected') then {Bob_Layout_Selected = 1}; if (isNil 'KeyBindsWorking') then {KeyBindsWorking = true;}; Bob_add_weapons = nil; Bob_add_magazines = nil; Bob_add_vehicles = nil; uiSleep 0.1; [] spawn fnc_initMenu; }; fnc_initMenu = { disableSerialization; if (Bob_Layout_Selected == 1) exitWith { _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl LEFT_CTRL_ID; _ctrl ctrlSetFont 'TahomaB'; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; ctrlSetFocus _ctrl; _ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ['LBDblClick', 'call fnc_LBDblClick_LEFT;']; _ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ['LBSelChanged', 'call fnc_LBSelChanged_LEFT;']; [] spawn fnc_fill_Bob_Player; _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl RIGHT_CTRL_ID; _ctrl ctrlSetFont 'TahomaB'; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; ctrlSetFocus _ctrl; _ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ['LBDblClick', 'call fnc_LBDblClick_RIGHT;']; _ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ['LBSelChanged', 'call fnc_LBSelChanged_RIGHT;']; call fnc_fill_Bob_MAIN; if (MAIN_DISPLAY_ID == 2727) then { ctrlSetText [1000,format['AntiHack & AdminsTools by %1',VERSION]]; if (!isNil 'life_adminlevel') then {ctrlSetText [1000,format['by | CASH: %1K - BANK: %2K',life_cash/1000,life_atmcash/1000]];}; ctrlSetText [1001,format['Alive Players: %1',count playableUnits]]; ctrlSetText [1002,'Functions --- by']; ctrlSetText [1100,'']; ctrlSetText [1101,'']; ctrlSetText [1400,'']; ctrlSetText [1401,'']; call fnc_bottom_RIGHT; _btnClose = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl 2; _btnClose ctrlShow false; _btnClose ctrlEnable false; _btnClose ctrlCommit 0; }; }; if (Bob_Layout_Selected == 2) exitWith { _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl LEFT_CTRL_ID; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [SafeZoneX,SafeZoneY+0.03,0.4,SafeZoneH-1.125]; _ctrl ctrlSetFont 'TahomaB'; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; ctrlSetFocus _ctrl; _ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ['LBDblClick', 'call fnc_LBDblClick_LEFT;']; _ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ['LBSelChanged', 'call fnc_LBSelChanged_LEFT;']; [] spawn fnc_fill_Bob_Player; _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl RIGHT_CTRL_ID; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [SafeZoneX+0.4,SafeZoneY+0.03,2,SafeZoneH-1.125]; _ctrl ctrlSetFont 'TahomaB'; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; ctrlSetFocus _ctrl; _ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ['LBDblClick', 'call fnc_LBDblClick_RIGHT;']; _ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ['LBSelChanged', 'call fnc_LBSelChanged_RIGHT;']; call fnc_fill_Bob_MAIN; if (MAIN_DISPLAY_ID == 2727) then { _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl 1000; _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.9]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [SafeZoneX,SafeZoneY,SafeZoneW,0.03]; _ctrl ctrlSetFont 'TahomaB'; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; ctrlSetText [1400,'']; _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl 1400; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [SafeZoneX,(SafeZoneY+0.03)+(SafeZoneH-1.125),SafeZoneW/2,0.04]; _ctrl ctrlSetFont 'TahomaB'; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; ctrlSetText [1401,'']; _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl 1401; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [SafeZoneX+(SafeZoneW/2),(SafeZoneY+0.03)+(SafeZoneH-1.125),SafeZoneW/2,0.04]; _ctrl ctrlSetFont 'TahomaB'; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; call fnc_bottom_RIGHT; _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl 1100; _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [SafeZoneX,SafeZoneY+0.03,0.4,SafeZoneH-1.125]; _ctrl ctrlEnable false; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl 1101; _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,0.5]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [SafeZoneX+0.4,SafeZoneY+0.03,SafeZoneW - 0.4,SafeZoneH-1.125]; _ctrl ctrlEnable false; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; ctrlSetText [1000,format['AntiHack & AdminsTools by %1',VERSION]]; if (!isNil 'life_adminlevel') then {ctrlSetText [1000,format['by | CASH: %1K - BANK: %2K',life_cash/1000,life_atmcash/1000]];}; { _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl _x; if (!isNull _ctrl) then { _ctrl ctrlShow false; _ctrl ctrlEnable false; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [0,0,0,0]; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; }; } forEach [2,1001,1002,11000,11001,11002,11100,11200,11201]; }; }; }; fnc_colorizeMain = { _lsize = lbSize RIGHT_CTRL_ID; for '_i' from 0 to _lsize do { _lbtxt = lbtext [RIGHT_CTRL_ID,_i]; if (_lbtxt in Bob_Toggleable) then { if (_lbtxt in Bob_toggled_A) then { _ctrl lbSetColor [_i,[0,1,0,1]]; } else { _ctrl lbSetColor [_i,[1,0,0,1]]; }; }; if (_lbtxt in Bob_SubMenus) then { _ctrl lbSetColor [_i,[0,0.8,0.8,1]]; }; if (_lbtxt in Bob_OnTargetNICE) then { _ctrl lbSetColor [_i,COLORNICE]; }; if (_lbtxt in Bob_OnTargetEVIL) then { _ctrl lbSetColor [_i,COLOREVIL]; }; }; }; fnc_fill_Bob_MAIN = { lbclear _ctrl; _ADMINLEVELACCESS = call ADMINLEVELACCESS; COLORNICE = [0,0.8,1,1]; COLOREVIL = [0.99,0.8,0.8,1]; SHOWHACKLOG = format['==== HackLog %1 ====',count AH_HackLogArray]; SHOWTBANLOG = format['==== TempBanned %1 ====',count PVAH_AHTMPBAN]; Bob_HEADER = []; Bob_SubMenus = [ SHOWHACKLOG,SHOWTBANLOG, '==== Weapons ====','==== Magazines ====','==== Vehicles ====', '==== Loadouts ====','==== OnTarget ====','==== Toggleable ====', '==== AltisLife Misc ====','==== AltisLife Money ====' ]; Bob_OnTargetNICE = [ 'Teleport Target To Me','Teleport To', 'Revive','Heal','Repair', 'Move In My Vehicle','Move In Target Vehicle' ]; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { { Bob_OnTargetNICE = Bob_OnTargetNICE - [_x]; } forEach ['Revive']; }; Bob_OnTargetEVIL = [ 'Spawn UAV','Spawn Epoch_Cloak_F','Spawn Sapper_F','Spawn GreatWhite_F', 'Eject','Eject Crew','Kill','Zeus','Delete Vehicle', 'Force Disconnect','Kick','TempBan' ]; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { { Bob_OnTargetEVIL = Bob_OnTargetEVIL - [_x]; } forEach ['Spawn UAV','Spawn Epoch_Cloak_F','Spawn Sapper_F','Spawn GreatWhite_F']; }; Bob_OnTarget = Bob_OnTargetNICE + Bob_OnTargetEVIL; Bob_Toggleable = [ 'Box-ESP','Map-Icons','PlotPole Marker','Construction Marker','DeadPlayer Marker', 'God Mode','Vehicle God Mode','Lower Terrain','Vehboost','UnlimAmmo','noRecoil','FastFire', 'Stealth / Invisible','Disable Announces','Show FPS' ]; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { { Bob_Toggleable = Bob_Toggleable - [_x]; } forEach ['PlotPole Marker','Construction Marker']; }; if (!isNil 'life_adminlevel') then { { Bob_Toggleable = Bob_Toggleable - [_x]; } forEach ['noRecoil']; }; Bob_AltisLifeMisc = [ 'Give All Liscenses' ]; Bob_AltisLifeMoney = [ 'CASH','BANK', '---', '50K Cash','100K Cash','250K Cash','500K Cash','750K Cash','1.150K Cash','2.500K Cash','5.000K Cash','10.000K Cash', '50K Bank','100K Bank','250K Bank','500K Bank','750K Bank','1.150K Bank','2.500K Bank','5.000K Bank','10.000K Bank' ]; Bob_Loadouts = [ 'Epoch 1','Epoch 2', 'Sub Machinegun Kit','Light Infantry Kit','Heavy Infantry Kit','DMR Sniper Kit','LLR Sniper Kit', 'Normal Sniper Kit' ]; _ctrl lbAdd SHOWHACKLOG; if (!isNil 'Bob_add_HackLog') then { { _ctrl lbAdd _x; } forEach AH_HackLogArray; }; _ctrl lbAdd SHOWTBANLOG; if (!isNil 'Bob_add_TempBanned') then { { _ctrl lbAdd _x; } forEach PVAH_AHTMPBAN; }; if ('==== Weapons ====' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then { _ctrl lbAdd '==== Weapons ===='; if (!isNil 'Bob_add_weapons') then { { _ctrl lbAdd _x; _ctrl lbSetPicture [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,(getText (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _x >> 'picture'))]; } forEach ALL_WEPS_TO_SEARCH; }; }; if ('==== Magazines ====' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then { _ctrl lbAdd '==== Magazines ===='; if (!isNil 'Bob_add_magazines') then { { _ctrl lbAdd _x; _ctrl lbSetPicture [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,(getText (configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _x >> 'picture'))]; } forEach ALL_MAGS_TO_SEARCH; }; }; if ('==== Vehicles ====' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then { _ctrl lbAdd '==== Vehicles ===='; if (!isNil 'Bob_add_vehicles') then { { _ctrl lbAdd _x; _ctrl lbSetPicture [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,(getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _x >> 'picture'))]; } forEach ALL_VEHS_TO_SEARCH; }; }; if ('==== Loadouts ====' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then { _ctrl lbAdd '==== Loadouts ===='; if (!isNil 'Bob_add_Loadouts') then { { _ctrl lbAdd _x; } forEach Bob_Loadouts; }; }; _ctrl lbAdd '==== OnTarget ===='; if (isNil 'Bob_add_OnTarget') then { { if (_x in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then { _ctrl lbAdd _x; }; } forEach Bob_OnTargetNICE; _ctrl lbAdd '---'; { if (_x in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then { _ctrl lbAdd _x; }; } forEach Bob_OnTargetEVIL; }; _ctrl lbAdd '==== Toggleable ===='; if (isNil 'Bob_add_Toggleable') then { { if (_x in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then { _ctrl lbAdd _x; }; } forEach Bob_Toggleable; }; if (!isNil 'life_adminlevel') then { _ctrl lbAdd '==== AltisLife Misc ===='; if (!isNil 'Bob_add_AltisLife') then { { if (_x in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then { _ctrl lbAdd _x; }; } forEach Bob_AltisLifeMisc; }; if ('==== AltisLife Money ====' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then { _ctrl lbAdd '==== AltisLife Money ===='; if (!isNil 'Bob_add_AltisLifeMoney') then { { _ctrl lbAdd _x; } forEach Bob_AltisLifeMoney; _ctrl lbAdd ''; }; }; }; if ('Mass Message' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {_ctrl lbAdd 'Mass Message';}; if ('DayTime' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {_ctrl lbAdd 'DayTime';}; if ('NightTime' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {_ctrl lbAdd 'NightTime';}; if ('Add 2500 Crypto' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {if (!isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') exitWith {_ctrl lbAdd 'Add 2500 Crypto';};}; if ('Spawn Epoch-Box' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {if (!isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') exitWith {_ctrl lbAdd 'Spawn Epoch-Box';};}; if ('Spawn Ammo' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {_ctrl lbAdd 'Spawn Ammo';}; _ctrl lbAdd ''; _ctrl lbAdd 'Menu Layout 1'; _ctrl lbAdd 'Menu Layout 2'; _ctrl lbAdd ''; _ctrl lbAdd 'Self Disconnect'; call fnc_colorizeMain; }; fnc_fill_Bob_Player = { disableSerialization; _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl LEFT_CTRL_ID; lbclear _ctrl; _unsorted = playableUnits+alldead; _sorted = []; { if (str _unsorted != '[]') then { _closest = _unsorted select 0; if (!isNil '_closest') then { {if ((getPos _x distance player) < (getPos _closest distance player)) then {_closest = _x}} forEach _unsorted; _sorted = _sorted + [_closest]; _unsorted = _unsorted - [_closest] }; }; } forEach _unsorted; _sorted; _playableUnits = _sorted; lbclear _ctrl; _puid = getPlayerUID player; { if (!isNull _x) then { _PUIDX = getPlayerUID _x; if (_PUIDX != '') then { _txt = name _x; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then {_txt = format['%1 [%2]',name _x,side _x]}; _ctrl lbAdd _txt; _ctrl lbSetData [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,'1']; _clr = [1,1,1,1]; _veh = vehicle _x; _plrpic = getText (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _veh) >> 'picture'); if (alive _x) then { _clr = [0.2,0.2,0.9,1]; if (_x == _veh) then { _clr = [1,0.17,0.17,1]; _wpnstate = weaponState _x; _cwep = _wpnstate select 0; if (_cwep != '') then { _plrpic = getText (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _cwep >> 'picture'); }; }; }; if (((_PUIDX in Bob_ADMINS) && !(_PUIDX in Bob_DEVS)) || ((_PUIDX in Bob_DEVS) && (_puid in Bob_DEVS)) || (_PUIDX == _puid)) then { _clr = [0,1,0,1]; }; _ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,_clr]; _ctrl lbSetPicture [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,_plrpic]; }; }; true } count _playableUnits; _ctrl lbAdd '===================='; _ctrl lbAdd 'Sorted by distance to you';_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,[1,1,1,1]]; _ctrl lbAdd 'Green -> Admin';_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,[0,1,0,1]]; _ctrl lbAdd 'Red -> Player';_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,[1,0.17,0.17,1]]; _ctrl lbAdd 'Blue -> Player in Vehicle';_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,[0.2,0.2,0.9,1]]; _ctrl lbAdd 'White -> Dead Player';_ctrl lbSetColor [(lbsize _ctrl)-1,[1,1,1,1]]; }; fnc_LBDblClick_LEFT = { _target = lbtext [LEFT_CTRL_ID, (lbCurSel LEFT_CTRL_ID)]; SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET = objNull; if (!isNil 'SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER') then { if (!isNull SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER) then { SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET = SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER; }; }; if (isNull SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET) then { _break = false; { _puid = getPlayerUID _x; if (_puid != '') then { _search = name _x; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then {_search = format['%1 [%2]',name _x,side _x]}; if (_search == _target) then { _break = true; SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET = _x; }; }; if (_break) exitWith {true}; true; } count (playableUnits+allDead); }; _ADMINLEVELACCESS = call ADMINLEVELACCESS; if ('spectating' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] spawn adminspec;}; }; fnc_LBSelChanged_LEFT = { _target = lbtext [LEFT_CTRL_ID, (lbCurSel LEFT_CTRL_ID)]; _break = false; _health = ''; _distance = ''; _data = ''; _puid = ''; SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER = objNull; { _puid = getPlayerUID _x; if (_puid != '') then { _search = name _x; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then {_search = format['%1 [%2]',name _x,side _x]}; if (_search == _target) then { _break = true; SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER = _x; }; }; if (_break) exitWith {true}; true; } count (playableUnits+allDead); if (isNil 'SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER') then {SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER = objNull;}; if (!isNull SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER) then { _health = round(100 - ((damage SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER)*100)); _distance = round(SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER distance player); if (MAIN_DISPLAY_ID == 2727) then { _log = format['%1m - HP: %2 - UID: %3',_distance,_health,_puid]; ctrlSetText [1400,_log]; }; }; }; fnc_LBDblClick_RIGHT = { _click = format['%1',lbtext [RIGHT_CTRL_ID, (lbCurSel RIGHT_CTRL_ID)]]; if (_click == '') exitWith {}; if (_click in AH_HackLogArray) exitWith {}; if (_click in Bob_Toggleable) then { if (_click == 'Box-ESP') then {[] spawn Bob_fnc_boxesp;}; if (_click == 'Map-Icons') then {[] spawn Bob_A3MAPICONS;}; if (_click == 'PlotPole Marker') then {[] spawn adminPlotPole;}; if (_click == 'Construction Marker') then {[] spawn adminConstructions;}; if (_click == 'DeadPlayer Marker') then {[] spawn adminDeadPlayer;}; if (_click == 'God Mode') then {[] spawn Bob_A3Invulnerability;}; if (_click == 'Vehicle God Mode') then {[] spawn fnc_Bob_A3cargod;}; if (_click == 'Lower Terrain') then {[] spawn fnc_LowerTerrain;}; if (_click == 'Vehboost') then {[] spawn Bob_VehicleBoost;}; if (_click == 'UnlimAmmo') then {[] spawn fnc_Bob_A3UnlAmmo;}; if (_click == 'noRecoil') then {[] spawn fnc_Bob_A3noRecoil;}; if (_click == 'FastFire') then {[] spawn fnc_Bob_A3FF;}; if (_click == 'Stealth / Invisible') then {[] spawn fnc_BobHIDE;}; if (_click == 'Disable Announces') then {[] spawn fnc_DisableAnnouncements;}; if (_click == 'Show FPS') then {[] call Bob_A3showfps;}; if !(_click in Bob_toggled_A) then { lbSetColor [RIGHT_CTRL_ID,_click,[0,1,0,1]]; Bob_toggled_A = Bob_toggled_A + [_click]; } else { lbSetColor [RIGHT_CTRL_ID, _click, [1,0,0,1]]; Bob_toggled_A = Bob_toggled_A - [_click]; }; }; if (_click in Bob_SubMenus) then { lbSetColor [RIGHT_CTRL_ID,_click,[0,0.8,0.8,1]]; }; if (_click in Bob_OnTargetNICE) then { lbSetColor [RIGHT_CTRL_ID,_click,COLORNICE]; }; if (_click in Bob_OnTargetEVIL) then { lbSetColor [RIGHT_CTRL_ID,_click,COLOREVIL]; }; if (_click in Bob_OnTarget) then { _target = lbtext [LEFT_CTRL_ID, (lbCurSel LEFT_CTRL_ID)]; if (_target == '') then { hint 'You did not select a Target!'; } else { if (isNil 'SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER') then {SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER = objNull;}; _unit = SELECTED_TARGET_PLAYER; if (isNull _unit) then { _unit = objNull; _break = false; { if (getPlayerUID _x != '') then { _search = name _x; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then {_search = format['%1 [%2]',name _x,side _x]}; if (_search == _target) then { _break = true; _unit = _x; }; }; if (_break) exitWith {true}; true } count (playableUnits+allDead); }; if (!isNull _unit) then { if (_click == 'Teleport Target To Me') then {[_unit] call fnc_TP2ME;}; if (_click == 'Teleport To') then {[_unit] call fnc_TPME2;}; if (_click == 'Revive') then {[_unit] call fnc_ReviveTarget;}; if (_click == 'Heal') then {[_unit] call fnc_HealTarget;}; if (_click == 'Repair') then {[_unit] call fnc_RepairTarget;}; if (_click == 'Move In My Vehicle') then {[_unit] call fnc_MoveInMyVehicle;}; if (_click == 'Move In Target Vehicle') then {[_unit] call fnc_MoveInTargetVehicle;}; if (_click == 'Spawn UAV') then {[_unit,'UAV'] call fnc_spawn_EVENT;}; if (_click == 'Spawn Epoch_Cloak_F') then {[_unit,'Epoch_Cloak_F'] call fnc_spawn_EVENT;}; if (_click == 'Spawn Sapper_F') then {[_unit,'Epoch_Sapper_F'] call fnc_spawn_EVENT;}; if (_click == 'Spawn GreatWhite_F') then {[_unit,'GreatWhite_F'] call fnc_spawn_EVENT;}; if (_click == 'Eject') then {[_unit] call fnc_EjectTargetVeh;}; if (_click == 'Eject Crew') then {[_unit] call fnc_EjectCrewTargetVeh;}; if (_click == 'Kill') then {[_unit] call fnc_Kill_selected;}; if (_click == 'Zeus') then {[_unit] spawn zeus_attack;}; if (_click == 'Delete Vehicle') then {[_unit] call fnc_deleteVeh_selected;}; if (_click == 'Force Disconnect') then {[_unit] call fnc_Disconnect_selected;}; if (_click == 'Kick') then {[_unit] call fnc_Kick_selected;}; if (_click == 'TempBan') then {[_unit] call fnc_TempBan_selected;}; }; }; }; if (!isNil 'life_adminlevel') then { if (_click in Bob_AltisLifeMisc) then { if (_click == 'Give All Liscenses') then {{missionnamespace setVariable[(_x select 0),true];} foreach life_licenses;}; }; if (_click in Bob_AltisLifeMoney) then { if (_click == '50K Cash') then {['cash',50000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '100K Cash') then {['cash',100000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '250K Cash') then {['cash',250000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '500K Cash') then {['cash',500000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '750K Cash') then {['cash',750000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '1.150K Cash') then {['cash',1150000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '2.500K Cash') then {['cash',2500000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '5.000K Cash') then {['cash',5000000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '10.000K Cash') then {['cash',10000000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '50K Bank') then {['bank',50000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '100K Bank') then {['bank',100000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '250K Bank') then {['bank',250000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '500K Bank') then {['bank',500000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '750K Bank') then {['bank',750000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '1.150K Bank') then {['bank',1150000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '2.500K Bank') then {['bank',2500000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '5.000K Bank') then {['bank',5000000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; if (_click == '10.000K Bank') then {['bank',10000000] call fnc_AltisLife_cash;}; }; }; if (_click in Bob_Loadouts) then { if (_click == 'Epoch 1') then {[0] call fnc_add_loadout;}; if (_click == 'Epoch 2') then {[1] call fnc_add_loadout;}; if (_click == 'Sub Machinegun Kit') then {[2] call fnc_add_loadout;}; if (_click == 'Light Infantry Kit') then {[3] call fnc_add_loadout;}; if (_click == 'Heavy Infantry Kit') then {[4] call fnc_add_loadout;}; if (_click == 'DMR Sniper Kit') then {[5] call fnc_add_loadout;}; if (_click == 'LLR Sniper Kit') then {[6] call fnc_add_loadout;}; if (_click == 'Normal Sniper Kit') then {[7] call fnc_add_loadout;}; }; if (_click == '==== OnTarget ====') then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_OnTarget') then {Bob_add_OnTarget = true;} else {Bob_add_OnTarget = nil;};}; if (_click == '==== Toggleable ====') then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_Toggleable') then {Bob_add_Toggleable = true;} else {Bob_add_Toggleable = nil;};}; if (_click == '==== AltisLife Misc ====') then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_AltisLife') then {Bob_add_AltisLife = true;} else {Bob_add_AltisLife = nil;};}; if (_click == '==== AltisLife Money ====') then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_AltisLifeMoney') then {Bob_add_AltisLifeMoney = true;} else {Bob_add_AltisLifeMoney = nil;};}; if (_click == '==== Loadouts ====') then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_Loadouts') then {Bob_add_Loadouts = true;} else {Bob_add_Loadouts = nil;};}; if (_click == '==== Weapons ====') then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_weapons') then {Bob_add_weapons = true;} else {Bob_add_weapons = nil;};}; if (_click == '==== Magazines ====') then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_magazines') then {Bob_add_magazines = true;} else {Bob_add_magazines = nil;};}; if (_click == '==== Vehicles ====') then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_vehicles') then {Bob_add_vehicles = true;} else {Bob_add_vehicles = nil;};}; if (_click == SHOWHACKLOG) then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_HackLog') then {Bob_add_HackLog = true;} else {Bob_add_HackLog = nil;};}; if (_click == SHOWTBANLOG) then {if (isNil 'Bob_add_TempBanned') then {Bob_add_TempBanned = true;} else {Bob_add_TempBanned = nil;};}; if (_click in PVAH_AHTMPBAN) then { PVAH_AdminReq = [-667,player,_click]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; systemchat format['Removed %1 from TempBanList',_click]; }; if (_click == 'Mass Message') then {[] call fnc_mass_message;}; if (_click == 'DayTime') then {[11] call fnc_spawn_timemachine;}; if (_click == 'NightTime') then {[23] call fnc_spawn_timemachine;}; if (_click == 'Add 2500 Crypto') then {[2500] call fnc_spawn_Crypto;}; if (_click == 'Spawn Epoch-Box') then {[1] call fnc_spawn_Box;}; if (_click == 'Spawn Ammo') then {[] call Bob_A3addAmmo;}; if (_click == 'Menu Layout 1') then {closeDialog 0;Bob_Layout_Selected = 1;[] spawn fnc_FULLinit;}; if (_click == 'Menu Layout 2') then {closeDialog 0;Bob_Layout_Selected = 2;[] spawn fnc_FULLinit;}; if (_click == 'Self Disconnect') then {(finddisplay 46) closeDisplay 0;}; if (_click in Bob_HEADER) then { lbSetColor [RIGHT_CTRL_ID, _click, [0.2,0.4,1,1]]; }; if ((isClass (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _click)) || (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _click)) || (_click in ALL_WEPS_TO_SEARCH) || (_click in ALL_MAGS_TO_SEARCH)) then { _pos = player modelToWorld [0,1,0]; _log = format['Spawning %1 on the ground infront of you!',_click]; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; PVAH_AdminReq = [3,player,_pos,_click]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; }; if ((isClass (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _click)) || (_click in ALL_VEHS_TO_SEARCH)) then { _position = player modelToWorld [0,8,0]; NEW_VEHICLE_POS = _position; _dir = getDir (vehicle player); _log = format['Spawning %1 infront of you!',_click]; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; PVAH_AdminReq = [0,player,_click,_position,_dir]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; }; _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl RIGHT_CTRL_ID; lbclear _ctrl; call fnc_fill_Bob_MAIN; }; fnc_LBSelChanged_RIGHT = { _ctrl = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl RIGHT_CTRL_ID; lbclear _ctrl; call fnc_fill_Bob_MAIN; if (MAIN_DISPLAY_ID == 2727) then {call fnc_bottom_RIGHT;}; _selected = lbtext [RIGHT_CTRL_ID, (lbCurSel RIGHT_CTRL_ID)]; if (_selected in AH_HackLogArray) exitWith {systemchat _selected;}; _status = 'no'; if (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _selected)) then { _status = 'CfgWeapons'; }; if (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _selected)) then { _status = 'CfgMagazines'; }; if (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _selected)) then { _status = 'CfgVehicles'; }; if (_status != 'no') then { _pic = (getText (configFile >> _status >> _selected >> 'picture')); [' ',0,safezoneY+0.01,15,0,0,8406] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; _txt = (gettext (configFile >> _status >> _selected >> 'Library' >> 'libTextDesc')); [' '+_txt+' ',0,0.8 * safezoneH + safezoneY,15,0,0,8407] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; }; }; fnc_bottom_RIGHT = { _selected = format['%1',lbtext [RIGHT_CTRL_ID, (lbCurSel RIGHT_CTRL_ID)]]; if (!isNil 'life_adminlevel') then { _ctrlb = (findDisplay MAIN_DISPLAY_ID) displayCtrl 1401; _ctrltxt = ctrlText _ctrlb; _amount = parseNumber _ctrltxt; if (_selected == 'CASH') exitWith { ctrlSetText [1400,'Enter amount and press CASH again -->']; if (_amount > 0) exitWith {life_cash = _amount;}; }; if (_selected == 'BANK') exitWith { ctrlSetText [1400,'Enter amount and press BANK again -->']; if (_amount > 0) exitWith {life_atmcash = _amount;}; }; }; _cfg = ''; if (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _selected)) then { _cfg = 'CfgWeapons'; } else { if (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _selected)) then { _cfg = 'CfgMagazines'; } else { if (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _selected)) then { _cfg = 'CfgVehicles'; }; }; }; if (_cfg != '') then { _txt = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _selected >> 'displayName'); ctrlSetText [1401,format['%1 - %2',_selected,_txt]]; }; if (!isNil 'life_adminlevel') then {ctrlSetText [1000,format['by | CASH: %1K - BANK: %2K',life_cash/1000,life_atmcash/1000,_selected]];}; }; admin_d0 = { 'respawn_west' setMarkerText (_this select 0); PVAH_AdminReq = [69,player]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; }; ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlRemoveAllEventHandlers 'MouseButtonDown'; ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ['MouseButtonDown',' if ((_this select 1 == 0) && (ALT_IS_PRESSED)) then { _object = vehicle player; _pos = ((_this select 0) posScreenToWorld [_this select 2, _this select 3]); if (_object isKindOf ''AIR'') then { _posObj = getPosATL _object; _object setPosATL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1,_posObj select 2]; } else { _object setPosATL _pos; }; ALT_IS_PRESSED = false; {player reveal _x;} foreach (position player nearObjects 50); }; ']; admin_showGear = { closeDialog 0; if (!isNil 'SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET') then { if (!isNull SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET) then { player action ['Gear', SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET]; cutText [format['Showing Gear of %1',name SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET], 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; }; }; fnc_getConfig = { _cfg = ''; if (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _this)) then { _cfg = 'CfgWeapons'; } else { if (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgMagazines' >> _this)) then { _cfg = 'CfgMagazines'; } else { if (isClass (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _this)) then { _cfg = 'CfgVehicles'; }; }; }; _cfg }; remove_spec_000 = { (vehicle player) switchCamera cameraView; for '_i' from 3025 to 3045 do {['',0,0,1,0,0,_i] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;}; if (!isNil 'SpecateLoopActive') then { [] spawn remove_spec_000; SpecateLoopActive = nil; cutText ['Finished spectating.', 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; }; adminspec = { cutText ['Spectating - Press F10 to exit.', 'PLAIN DOWN']; if (isNil 'SpecateLoopActive') then { SpecateLoopActive = true; while {!isNil 'SpecateLoopActive'} do { uiSleep 0.2; if (isNil 'SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET') then {SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET = player;}; _unit = SELECTED_DOUBLECLICK_TARGET; if (isNull _unit) then {_unit = player;}; if (str(_unit) == '') then {_unit = player;}; if (getPlayerUID _unit == '') then {_unit = player;}; _veh = vehicle _unit; if (str _veh != str cameraOn) then {_veh switchCamera cameraView;for '_i' from 3025 to 3045 do {['',0,0,1,0,0,_i] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;};}; _log = format['%1 (%2) @%3 SPD %4',name _unit,getPlayerUID _unit,mapGridPosition _veh,abs(speed _veh)]; [''+_log+'',safezoneX+0.2,safezoneY+0.405,0.3,0,0,3033] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; _log2 = format['Health: %1',(1-(damage _unit))*100]; [''+_log2+'',safezoneX+0.2,safezoneY+0.435,0.3,0,0,3034] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; _cwep = ''; _cammo = ''; _cmags = ''; _wpnstate = weaponState _unit; if (!isNil '_wpnstate') then { if (str _wpnstate != '[]') then { _cwep = _wpnstate select 0; _cmags = {_wpnstate select 3 == _x} count magazines _unit; _cammo = _wpnstate select 4; }; }; if (_cwep == '') then { _log3 = 'Bare Fists'; [''+_log3+'',safezoneX+0.2,safezoneY+0.465,0.3,0,0,3035] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; } else { _type = _cwep; _cfg = _type call fnc_getConfig; _displayName = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _type >> 'displayName'); _pic = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _type >> 'picture'); _log3 = format[' %1 [%2] (%3/%4)',_displayName,_cwep,_cammo,_cmags]; [' '+_log3+' ', safezoneX+0.2,safezoneY+0.465,0.3,0,0,3035] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; if (_veh != _unit) then { _cwepsV = weapons _veh; _cwepsV = _cwepsV - ['CarHorn']; _cwepsV = _cwepsV - ['MiniCarHorn']; _cwepsV = _cwepsV - ['SportCarHorn']; _cwepsV = _cwepsV - ['TruckHorn']; if (count _cwepsV > 0) then { _id = 3032; _YPOS = safezoneY+0.355; { _cwep = _x; _cammo = _veh ammo _cwep; _cmags = {currentMagazine _veh == _x} count magazines _veh; _type = _cwep; _cfg = _type call fnc_getConfig; _displayName = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _type >> 'displayName'); _log3a = format[' %1 [%2] (%3/%4)',_displayName,_cwep,_cammo,_cmags]; [''+_log3a+'',safezoneX+0.2,_YPOS,0.3,0,0,_id] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; _id = _id - 1; _YPOS = _YPOS - 0.03; } forEach _cwepsV; }; }; }; _ct = cursorTarget; if (!isNull _ct) then { if (getPlayerUID _ct != '') then { _cwep_ct = currentWeapon _ct; _cammo_ct = _ct ammo _cwep_ct; _cmags_ct = {currentMagazine _ct == _x} count magazines _ct; _log4 = format['%1 (%2) @%3 SPD %4',name _ct,getPlayerUID _ct,mapGridPosition _ct,abs(speed _ct)]; [''+_log4+'',safezoneX+0.2,safezoneY+0.545,0.3,0,0,3036] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; _log5 = format['Health: %1 Distance: %2m',(1-(damage _ct))*100,round(cameraOn distance _ct)]; [''+_log5+'',safezoneX+0.2,safezoneY+0.575,0.3,0,0,3037] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; _type = _cwep_ct; _cfg = _type call fnc_getConfig; _displayName = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _type >> 'displayName'); _pic = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _type >> 'picture'); _log6 = format[' %1 [%2] (%3/%4)',_displayName,_cwep_ct,_cammo_ct,_cmags_ct]; [' '+_log6+' ', safezoneX+0.2,safezoneY+0.605,0.3,0,0,3038] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; } else { _type = typeOf _ct; _cfg = _type call fnc_getConfig; _displayName = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _type >> 'displayName'); _log4 = format['%1 [%2] @%3',_displayName,_type,mapGridPosition _ct]; [''+_log4+'',safezoneX+0.2,safezoneY+0.545,0.3,0,0,3036] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; _log5 = format['Health: %1 - Distance: %2m',(1-(damage _ct))*100,round(cameraOn distance _ct)]; [''+_log5+'',safezoneX+0.2,safezoneY+0.575,0.3,0,0,3037] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; ['',0,0,1,0,0,3038] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; }; _vehCT = vehicle _ct; if ((_vehCT isKindOf 'LandVehicle') || (_vehCT isKindOf 'Air') || (_vehCT isKindOf 'Ship') || (_vehCT isKindOf 'Static')) then { _cwepsV = weapons _vehCT; _cwepsV = _cwepsV - ['CarHorn']; _cwepsV = _cwepsV - ['MiniCarHorn']; _cwepsV = _cwepsV - ['SportCarHorn']; _cwepsV = _cwepsV - ['TruckHorn']; if (count _cwepsV > 0) then { _id = 3039; _YPOS = safezoneY+0.655; { _cwep = _x; _cammo = _vehCT ammo _cwep; _cmags = {currentMagazine _vehCT == _x} count magazines _vehCT; _type = _cwep; _cfg = _type call fnc_getConfig; _displayName = getText (configFile >> _cfg >> _type >> 'displayName'); _log6a = format[' %1 [%2] (%3/%4)',_displayName,_cwep,_cammo,_cmags]; [''+_log6a+'',safezoneX+0.2,_YPOS,0.3,0,0,_id] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; _id = _id + 1; _YPOS = _YPOS + 0.03; } forEach _cwepsV; }; }; }; }; [] spawn remove_spec_000; }; }; fnc_TP2ME = { _unit = _this select 0; _pos = player modelToWorld [0,5,0]; PVAH_AdminReq = [1,player,_unit,_pos]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; }; fnc_TPME2 = { _unit = _this select 0; _pos = _unit modelToWorld [0,-5,0]; (vehicle player) setPos _pos; }; fnc_MoveInMyVehicle = { _unit = _this select 0; _unit moveInAny (vehicle player); }; fnc_MoveInTargetVehicle = { _unit = _this select 0; player moveInAny (vehicle _unit); }; fnc_EjectTargetVeh = { _unit = _this select 0; _unit action ['eject',(vehicle _unit)]; }; fnc_EjectCrewTargetVeh = { _unit = _this select 0; _veh = (vehicle _unit); {_x action ['eject',_veh];} forEach (crew _veh); }; fnc_add_loadout = { _select = _this select 0; _wset = player; removeAllWeapons _wset; removeAllItems _wset; removebackpack _wset; removeAllAssignedItems _wset; switch (_select) do { case 0: { _wset = player; _wset addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo'; _wset forceAddUniform 'O_G_Soldier_M_F'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Heal_EPOCH'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Defib_EPOCH'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Repair_EPOCH'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'EnergyPackLg'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'MultiGun'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'ItemWatch'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'ItemCompass'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'ItemGPS'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'ItemMap'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Rangefinder'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'NVGoggles'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Hatchet'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'hatchet_swing'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'MeleeSledge'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'sledge_swing'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'srifle_EBR_F'; _wset addItemToBackpack '20Rnd_762x51_Mag'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'optic_DMS'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'optic_SOS'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'optic_MRCO'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'muzzle_snds_B'; }; case 1: { _wset = player; _wset addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo'; _wset forceAddUniform 'U_B_GhillieSuit'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'V_PlateCarrierIA1_dgtl'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Heal_EPOCH'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Defib_EPOCH'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Repair_EPOCH'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'EnergyPackLg'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'MultiGun'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'ItemWatch'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'ItemCompass'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'ItemGPS'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'ItemMap'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Rangefinder'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'NVGoggles'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'Hatchet'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'hatchet_swing'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'MeleeSledge'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'sledge_swing'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'srifle_EBR_F'; _wset addItemToBackpack '20Rnd_762x51_Mag'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'optic_DMS'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'optic_SOS'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'optic_MRCO'; _wset addItemToBackpack 'muzzle_snds_B'; _wset addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr'; _wset addWeapon 'NVGoggles'; _wset addWeapon 'Rangefinder'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'optic_Aco'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'muzzle_snds_M'; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['FirstAidKit',2]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_556x45_Stanag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['handGrenade', 2]; _wset addWeapon 'srifle_LRR_F'; [] call Bob_A3addAmmo; [] call Bob_A3addAmmo; [] call Bob_A3addAmmo; }; case 2: { _wset = player; _wset addHeadgear 'H_Beret_02'; _wset addGoggles 'G_Sport_Blackred'; _wset addUniform 'U_OrestesBody'; _wset addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr'; _wset addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo'; _wset addWeapon 'NVGoggles'; _wset addWeapon 'Rangefinder'; _wset addMagazine '30Rnd_9x21_Mag'; _wset addweapon 'hgun_PDW2000_Holo_snds_F'; _wset addMagazine '6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder'; _wset addweapon 'hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_Yorris_F'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'muzzle_snds_B'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'acc_pointer_IR'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemCompass'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemMap'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'Itemgps'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemWatch'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'itemradio'; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['FirstAidKit',2]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder', 9]; }; case 3: { _wset = player; _wset addHeadgear 'H_Beret_02'; _wset addGoggles 'G_Sport_Blackred'; _wset addUniform 'U_IG_Guerilla3_1'; _wset addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr'; _wset addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo'; _wset addWeapon 'NVGoggles'; _wset addWeapon 'Rangefinder'; _wset addMagazine '30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _wset addweapon 'arifle_TRG21_ACO_pointer_F'; _wset addMagazine '30Rnd_9x21_Mag'; _wset addweapon 'hgun_P07_F'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'optic_Aco'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'muzzle_snds_M'; _wset addHandgunItem 'muzzle_snds_L'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemCompass'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemMap'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'Itemgps'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemWatch'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'itemradio'; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['FirstAidKit',2]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_556x45_Stanag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['handGrenade', 2]; }; case 4: { _wset = player; _wset addHeadgear 'H_Beret_02'; _wset addGoggles 'G_Sport_Blackred'; _wset addUniform 'U_OG_leader'; _wset addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr'; _wset addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo'; _wset addWeapon 'NVGoggles'; _wset addWeapon 'Rangefinder'; _wset addMagazine '150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer'; _wset addweapon 'LMG_Zafir_pointer_F'; _wset addMagazine '30Rnd_9x21_Mag'; _wset addweapon 'hgun_P07_F'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'optic_Nightstalker'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'acc_pointer_IR'; _wset addHandgunItem 'muzzle_snds_L'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemCompass'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemMap'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'Itemgps'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemWatch'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'itemradio'; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['FirstAidKit',2]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['150Rnd_762x51_Box_Tracer', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['handGrenade', 2]; }; case 5: { _wset = player; _wset addHeadgear 'H_Beret_02'; _wset addGoggles 'G_Sport_Blackred'; _wset addUniform 'U_O_GhillieSuit'; _wset addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr'; _wset addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo'; _wset addWeapon 'NVGoggles'; _wset addWeapon 'Rangefinder'; _wset addMagazine '10Rnd_762x51_Mag'; _wset addweapon 'srifle_DMR_01_DMS_F'; _wset addMagazine '30Rnd_9x21_Mag'; _wset addweapon 'hgun_P07_F'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'acc_pointer_IR'; _wset addHandgunItem 'muzzle_snds_L'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemCompass'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemMap'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'Itemgps'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemWatch'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'itemradio'; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['FirstAidKit',2]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['10Rnd_762x51_Mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['handGrenade', 2]; }; case 6: { _wset = player; _wset addGoggles 'G_Sport_Blackred'; _wset addUniform 'U_O_CombatUniform_oucamo'; _wset addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr'; _wset addBackpack 'B_Carryall_oucamo'; _wset addWeapon 'NVGoggles'; _wset addWeapon 'Rangefinder'; _wset addMagazine '7Rnd_408_Mag'; _wset addweapon 'srifle_LRR_LRPS_F'; _wset addMagazine '30Rnd_9x21_Mag'; _wset addweapon 'hgun_P07_F'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'acc_pointer_IR'; _wset addHandgunItem 'muzzle_snds_L'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemCompass'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemMap'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'Itemgps'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemWatch'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'itemradio'; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['FirstAidKit',2]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['7Rnd_408_Mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['handGrenade', 2]; }; case 7: { _wset = player; _wset addHeadgear 'H_Beret_02'; _wset addGoggles 'G_Sport_Blackred'; _wset addUniform 'U_O_GhillieSuit'; _wset addVest 'V_BandollierB_cbr'; _wset addBackpack 'B_Carryall_ocamo'; _wset addWeapon 'NVGoggles'; _wset addWeapon 'Rangefinder'; _wset addMagazine '20rnd_762x51_mag'; _wset addweapon 'srifle_ebr_f'; _wset addMagazine '30Rnd_9x21_Mag'; _wset addweapon 'hgun_P07_F'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'optic_sos'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'muzzle_snds_B'; _wset addPrimaryWeaponItem 'acc_pointer_IR'; _wset addHandgunItem 'muzzle_snds_L'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemCompass'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemMap'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'Itemgps'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'ItemWatch'; _wset addWeaponGlobal 'itemradio'; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['FirstAidKit',2]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['20rnd_762x51_mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['30Rnd_9x21_Mag', 9]; (unitBackpack _wset) additemCargo ['handGrenade', 2]; }; default { hint 'no loadout selected' }; }; }; fnc_spawn_timemachine = { _offset = _this select 0; PVAH_AdminReq = [6,player,_offset]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _log = format['diag_tickTime changed to hour %1',_offset]; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; }; fnc_mass_message = { disableSerialization; _display = findDisplay 24; if (isNull _display) exitWith { _log = 'open your chat, type a message and start this function again!'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; systemchat _log; }; _chat = _display displayCtrl 101; _msg = ctrlText _chat; (_display) closeDisplay 0; PVAH_AdminReq = [7,player,toArray _msg]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _log = 'message sent!'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; }; fnc_spawn_Crypto = { _add = _this select 0; EPOCH_playerCrypto = EPOCH_playerCrypto + _add; _log = format['%1 Crypto added - now %2 Crypto!',_add,EPOCH_playerCrypto]; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; }; fnc_spawn_Box = { _select = _this select 0; _pos = player modelToWorld [0,3,0]; PVAH_AdminReq = [5000,player,_select,_pos]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _log = format['Spawning Box %1..',_select]; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; }; fnc_AltisLife_cash = { _state = _this select 0; _amount = _this select 1; if (typeName _state != 'STRING') exitWith {}; if (typeName _amount != 'SCALAR') exitWith {}; if (_amount == 0) exitWith {}; if (_state == 'cash') then { life_cash = life_cash + _amount; systemChat format['Cash %1K - %2K has been added.',life_cash/1000,_amount/1000]; }; if (_state == 'bank') then { life_atmcash = life_atmcash + _amount; systemChat format['Bank %1K - %2K has been added.',life_atmcash/1000,_amount/1000]; }; }; fnc_Bob_A3cargod = { if (isNil 'A3carGodRun') then {A3carGodRun = 0;}; if (A3carGodRun == 1) then { A3carGodRun = 0; _log = 'Vehicle God Mode - Disabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; } else { A3carGodRun = 1; _log = 'Vehicle God Mode - Enabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; while {A3carGodRun == 1} do { _veh = vehicle player; _added = false; if (_veh != player) then { _veh addEventHandler['HandleDamage',{false}]; _added = true; if (damage _veh < 0.2) then {_veh setFuel 1;}; }; uiSleep 0.1; if (_added) then {_veh removeAllEventhandlers 'HandleDamage';}; }; }; }; fnc_LowerTerrain = { if (isNil 'admin_terrain') then {admin_terrain = true;} else {admin_terrain = !admin_terrain}; if (admin_terrain) then { setTerrainGrid 50; _txt = 'Terrain Low'; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; } else { setTerrainGrid 25; _txt = 'Terrain Normal'; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; }; fnc_Bob_A3UnlAmmo = { if (isNil 'unlimAmmRun') then {unlimAmmRun = 0;}; if (unlimAmmRun==0) then { unlimAmmRun=1; _log = 'Unlimited Ammo ON'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; } else { unlimAmmRun=0; _log = 'Unlimited Ammo OFF'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; }; while {unlimAmmRun==1} do { if (local vehicle player) then { vehicle player setAmmo [currentWeapon vehicle player, 1000000]; }; player setAmmo [primaryWeapon player, 1000000]; (vehicle player) setVehicleAmmo 1; player setFatigue 0; uiSleep 0.1; }; }; fnc_Bob_A3noRecoil = { if (isNil 'noRecoilRun') then {noRecoilRun = 0;}; if (noRecoilRun==0) then { noRecoilRun=1; _log = 'No Recoil ON'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; } else { noRecoilRun=0; _log = 'No Recoil OFF'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; }; while {noRecoilRun==1} do { (vehicle player) setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0; player setUnitRecoilCoefficient 0; player setFatigue 0; uiSleep 2; }; }; fnc_Bob_A3FF = { if (isNil 'A3FFrun') then {A3FFrun = 0;}; if (A3FFrun==0) then { A3FFrun=1; _log = 'FastFire ON'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; } else { A3FFrun=0; _log = 'FastFire OFF'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; }; while {A3FFrun==1} do { (vehicle player) setWeaponReloadingTime [(vehicle player),currentWeapon (vehicle player),0]; player setWeaponReloadingTime [player,currentWeapon player,0]; player setFatigue 0; }; }; fnc_BobHIDE = { if (isNil 'A3HIDErun') then {A3HIDErun = 0;}; if (A3HIDErun==0) then { A3HIDErun=1; PVAH_AdminReq = [2,player,A3HIDErun]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _log = 'Stealth / Invisible ON'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; } else { A3HIDErun=0; PVAH_AdminReq = [2,player,A3HIDErun]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _log = 'Stealth / Invisible OFF'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; }; }; fnc_DisableAnnouncements = { if (isNil 'A3DANNrun') then {A3DANNrun = 0;}; if (A3DANNrun==0) then { A3DANNrun=1; AdminAnnounceDisabled = true; _log = 'Disable Announces - ON'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; } else { A3DANNrun=0; AdminAnnounceDisabled = nil; _log = 'Disable Announces - OFF'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; }; }; Bob_A3showfps = { if (isNil 'Bob_A3ShowFpsRun') then {Bob_A3ShowFpsRun = 0;}; if (Bob_A3ShowFpsRun == 0) then { Bob_A3ShowFpsRun = 1; Bob_A3showfpsLoop = [] spawn { while {1==1} do { _fps = diag_fps; _clr = '#FFFFFF'; if (_fps <= 20) then {_clr = '#D10823'}; if (_fps > 20) then {_clr = '#E65100'}; if (_fps > 30) then {_clr = '#FCB458'}; if (_fps > 40) then {_clr = '#BFFD67'}; if (_fps > 50) then {_clr = '#02EC32'}; [''+str _fps+' FPS',SafeZoneX+0.31,SafezoneY+0.015,1,0,0,1336] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText; uiSleep 0.5; }; }; _txt = format['SHOW FPS - %1',Bob_A3ShowFpsRun]; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; } else { Bob_A3ShowFpsRun = 0; terminate Bob_A3showfpsLoop; _txt = format['SHOW FPS - %1',Bob_A3ShowFpsRun]; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; }; fnc_deleteVeh_selected = { _target = _this select 0; if (typeName _target != 'OBJECT') then { _target = cursorTarget; }; if (!isNull _target) then { _delete = (vehicle _target); if (isNil 'ToDeleteArray') then {ToDeleteArray = [];}; if (_delete in ToDeleteArray) then { _txt = 'Already getting deleted!'; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; } else { ToDeleteArray = ToDeleteArray + [_delete]; PVAH_AdminReq = [-4,player,_delete]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _txt = format['Deleting %1 @%2..',typeOf _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; if (getPlayerUID _target != '') then { _txt = format['Deleting %1(%2) vehicle: %3 @%4..',name _target,getPlayerUID _target,typeOf vehicle _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; }; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; } else { _txt = 'target does not exist'; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; }; zeus_attack = { _target = _this select 0; _pos = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]; _ct = cursortarget; if (!isNull _ct) then { _pos = _ct modelToWorld [0,0,0]; }; if (typeName _target == 'OBJECT') then { _pos = _target modelToWorld [0,0,0]; }; PVAH_AdminReq = [-1,player,_pos]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; }; fnc_Kill_selected = { _target = _this select 0; if (typeName _target != 'OBJECT') then { _target = cursorTarget; }; if (!isNull _target) then { _txt = format['Killing %1 @%2',typeOf _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; if (getPlayerUID _target != '') then { _txt = format['Killing %1(%2) @%3',name _target,getPlayerUID _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; }; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; PVAH_AdminReq = [-2,player,_target]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; } else { hint 'target does not exist'; cutText ['target does not exist', 'PLAIN']; }; }; fnc_Disconnect_selected = { _target = _this select 0; if (!isNull _target) then { PVAH_AdminReq = [-5,player,_target]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _txt = format['Disconnect %1(%2)',name _target,getPlayerUID _target]; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; } else { hint 'target does not exist'; cutText ['target does not exist', 'PLAIN']; }; }; fnc_Kick_selected = { _target = _this select 0; if (!isNull _target) then { PVAH_AdminReq = [-3,player,_target]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _txt = format['Kicking %1(%2)',name _target,getPlayerUID _target]; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; } else { hint 'target does not exist'; cutText ['target does not exist', 'PLAIN']; }; }; fnc_TempBan_selected = { _target = _this select 0; if (!isNull _target) then { _TUID = getPlayerUID _target; if (_TUID != '') then { PVAH_AdminReq = [-666,player,_TUID]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _txt = format['TempBan %1(%2)',name _target,_TUID]; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; } else { hint 'target does not exist'; cutText ['target does not exist', 'PLAIN']; }; }; fnc_ATTACH_TO = { _target = _this select 0; if (typeName _target != 'OBJECT') then { _target = cursorTarget; }; if (!isNull _target) then { _bbr = boundingBoxReal _target; _p1 = _bbr select 0; _p2 = _bbr select 1; _offset = 5; _maxWidth = abs ((_p2 select 0) - (_p1 select 0)); _maxLength = abs ((_p2 select 1) - (_p1 select 1)); if (_maxWidth > _offset) then {_offset = _maxWidth;}; if (_maxLength > _offset) then {_offset = _maxLength;}; _bbr = boundingBoxReal vehicle player; _p1 = _bbr select 0; _p2 = _bbr select 1; _maxHeight = abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2)); _maxHeight = _maxHeight / 2; PVAH_AdminReq = [5,player,_target,_offset,_maxHeight]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; LastAttachedObject = _target; _log = format['Attaching %1 to player',typeOf _target]; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; } else { hint 'target does not exist'; cutText ['target does not exist', 'PLAIN']; }; }; fnc_spawn_EVENT = { _target = _this select 0; _EVENT = _this select 1; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') exitWith { _txt = 'Epoch Only!'; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; if (!isNull _target) then { PVAH_AdminReq = [4,player,_target,_EVENT]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; _log = format['%1..',_EVENT]; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; } else { hint 'target does not exist'; cutText ['target does not exist', 'PLAIN']; }; }; fnc_ReviveTarget = { _target = _this select 0; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') exitWith { _txt = 'Epoch Only!'; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; if (!isNull _target) then { _txt = format['Revived %1 @%2',typeOf _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; if (getPlayerUID _target != '') then { _txt = format['Revived %1(%2) @%3',name _target,getPlayerUID _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; }; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; PVAH_AdminReq = [8,player,_target,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'PVAH_AdminReq'; } else { hint 'target does not exist'; cutText ['target does not exist', 'PLAIN']; }; }; fnc_HealTarget = { _target = _this select 0; if (typeName _target != 'OBJECT') then { _target = cursorTarget; }; if (!isNull _target) then { _txt = format['Healed %1 @%2',typeOf _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; if (getPlayerUID _target != '') then { _txt = format['Healed %1(%2) @%3',name _target,getPlayerUID _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; }; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { _target setDamage 0; if (!isNil 'life_adminlevel') then { _target setVariable ['ace_w_bleed', 0,true]; _target setVariable ['ace_w_pain', 0,true]; _target setVariable ['ace_w_state', 0, true]; _target setVariable ['ace_sys_wounds_uncon', false, true]; _target setVariable ['ace_w_unconlen', diag_tickTime,true]; _target setVariable ['ace_w_revive', -1,true]; _target setVariable ['ace_sys_stamina_Fatigue', 0,true]; }; } else { EPOCH_repairVehicle_PVS = [_target,['ALL',0],player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_repairVehicle_PVS'; }; } else { hint 'target does not exist'; cutText ['target does not exist', 'PLAIN']; }; }; fnc_RepairTarget = { _target = _this select 0; if (typeName _target != 'OBJECT') then { _target = cursorTarget; }; if (!isNull _target) then { _txt = format['Healed %1 @%2',typeOf _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; if (getPlayerUID _target != '') then { _txt = format['Healed %1(%2) @%3',name _target,getPlayerUID _target,mapGridPosition getPosATL _target]; }; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { _target setDamage 0; vehicle _target setDamage 0; vehicle _target setFuel 1; if (!isNil 'life_adminlevel') then { _target setVariable ['ace_w_bleed', 0,true]; _target setVariable ['ace_w_pain', 0,true]; _target setVariable ['ace_w_state', 0, true]; _target setVariable ['ace_sys_wounds_uncon', false, true]; _target setVariable ['ace_w_unconlen', diag_tickTime,true]; _target setVariable ['ace_w_revive', -1,true]; _target setVariable ['ace_sys_stamina_Fatigue', 0,true]; }; } else { EPOCH_repairVehicle_PVS = [vehicle _target,['ALL',0],player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_repairVehicle_PVS'; EPOCH_fillVehicle_PVS = [vehicle _target,1,player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_fillVehicle_PVS'; }; } else { hint 'target does not exist'; cutText ['target does not exist', 'PLAIN']; }; }; Bob_A3Heal = { if (!isNil 'life_cash') then {life_thirst = 100;life_hunger = 100;}; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { call compile ('vehicle player s'+'e'+'t'+'D'+'a'+'m'+'a'+'g'+'e 0;'); } else { setPlayerRespawnTime 5; EPOCH_repairVehicle_PVS = [vehicle player,['ALL',0],player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_repairVehicle_PVS'; EPOCH_fillVehicle_PVS = [vehicle player,1,player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_fillVehicle_PVS'; }; _txt = 'Healed Myself'; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; Bob_A3RestoreNear = { if (!isNil 'life_cash') then {life_thirst = 100;life_hunger = 100;}; { if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { _x setDamage 0; } else { EPOCH_repairVehicle_PVS = [_x,['ALL',0],player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_repairVehicle_PVS'; EPOCH_fillVehicle_PVS = [_x,1,player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_fillVehicle_PVS'; }; } forEach (player nearEntities ['AllVehicles',15]); _txt = 'Restored Near'; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; Bob_A3Togglelock = { {player reveal _x;} foreach (position player nearObjects 50); private ['_veh', '_locked']; if (vehicle player == player) then { _veh = cursorTarget; } else { _veh = vehicle player; }; if ((player distance _veh < 12) || ((_veh == vehicle player) && (vehicle player != player))) then { _isLock = locked _veh in [2,3]; if (_isLock) then { if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { _veh lock 0; [[_veh,0], 'life_fnc_lockVehicle',_veh,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; } else { EPOCH_lockVehicle_PVS = [_veh, false, player, Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_lockVehicle_PVS'; [_veh,false] call EPOCH_client_lockVehicle; }; _txt = format['You have unlocked - [%1]',typeOf _veh]; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; } else { if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { _veh lock 2; [[_veh,2], 'life_fnc_lockVehicle',_veh,false] spawn life_fnc_MP; } else { EPOCH_lockVehicle_PVS = [_veh, true, player, Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer 'EPOCH_lockVehicle_PVS'; [_veh,true] call EPOCH_client_lockVehicle; }; _txt = format['You have locked - [%1]',typeOf _veh]; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; }; }; Bob_A3addAmmo = { _veh = vehicle player; _who = name player; if (_veh != player) then {_who = typeOf _veh}; _mag = currentMagazine _veh; if (_mag == '') then { _Wep = currentWeapon player; _magazines = getArray (configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> _Wep >> 'magazines'); { player addmagazine _x; _txt = format['[%1] added to %2',_x,_who]; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; } forEach _magazines; } else { _veh addmagazine _mag; _txt = format['[%1] added %2',_mag,_who]; hint _txt; cutText [_txt, 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; }; Bob_A3Invulnerability = { fnc_A3_stopGod = { player removeAllEventhandlers 'HandleDamage'; player removeAllEventhandlers 'Hit'; player removeAllEventhandlers 'Dammaged'; player removeAllEventhandlers 'Damaged'; if (!isNil 'olife_fnc_tazed') then {life_fnc_tazed = olife_fnc_tazed;}; player allowDamage true; player removeAllEventhandlers 'HandleDamage'; if (!isNil 'life_fnc_HandleDamage') then {player addEventHandler['HandleDamage',{_this call life_fnc_HandleDamage;}];}; }; if (isNil 'Bob_A3GodRun') then {Bob_A3GodRun = 0;}; if (Bob_A3GodRun == 0) then { Bob_A3GodRun = 1; if (!isNil 'life_fnc_tazed') then { if (isNil 'olife_fnc_tazed') then { olife_fnc_tazed = life_fnc_tazed; }; life_fnc_tazed = {}; }; Bob_A3InvulnerabilityLoop = [] spawn { while {1==1} do { player setFatigue 0; player allowDamage false; player removeAllEventhandlers 'HandleDamage'; player addEventhandler ['HandleDamage', {}]; player removeAllEventhandlers 'Hit'; player addEventHandler ['Hit',{}]; player removeAllEventhandlers 'Dammaged'; player addEventHandler ['Dammaged',{}]; player removeAllEventhandlers 'Damaged'; player addEventHandler ['Damaged',{}]; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then { if (!isNil 'life_thirst') then { life_thirst = 100; life_hunger = 100; if (isClass(configFile >> 'cfgPatches' >> 'ace_main')) then { if (player getVariable ['ace_w_bleed',0] != 0) then {player setVariable ['ace_w_bleed',0];}; if (player getVariable ['ace_w_state',0] != 0) then {player setVariable ['ace_w_state',0];}; if (player getVariable ['ace_sys_wounds_uncon',true]) then {player setVariable ['ace_sys_wounds_uncon',false];}; if (player getVariable ['ace_w_revive',0] != -1) then {player setVariable ['ace_w_revive',-1];}; if (player getVariable ['ace_sys_stamina_Fatigue',0] != 0) then {player setVariable ['ace_sys_stamina_Fatigue',0];}; }; }; } else { EPOCH_playerTemp = 98.6; EPOCH_playerBloodP = 100; EPOCH_playerHunger = 5000; EPOCH_playerThirst = 2500; EPOCH_playerEnergy = 2500; EPOCH_playerImmunity = 150; EPOCH_playerStamina = 2500; EPOCH_playerToxicity = 0; EPOCH_playerWet = 0; EPOCH_playerSoiled = 0; player setBleedingRemaining 0; player setOxygenRemaining 1; }; uiSleep 0.01; }; call fnc_A3_stopGod; }; cutText ['God Mode Enabled', 'PLAIN']; hint 'God Mode Enabled'; } else { Bob_A3GodRun = 0; call fnc_A3_stopGod; terminate Bob_A3InvulnerabilityLoop; cutText ['God Mode Disabled', 'PLAIN']; hint 'God Mode Disabled'; }; }; Bob_fnc_boxesp = { MYPUIDBOXESP = getPlayerUID player; if (isNil 'fnc_boxesp_state') then {fnc_boxesp_state = 0;}; if (fnc_boxesp_state == 0) then { hint 'ESP 1'; cutText [format['ESP 1'], 'PLAIN DOWN']; fnc_boxesp_state = 1; fnc_onEachFrame_boxesp = { { if (!isNull _x) then { _distance = cameraOn distance _x; _PUIDX = getPlayerUID _x; if ((_PUIDX != '') && (_distance < 1800) && (_PUIDX != getPlayerUID cameraOn)) then { _pos = getPosATL _x; _eyepos = ASLtoATL eyepos _x; if ((getTerrainHeightASL [_pos select 0,_pos select 1]) < 0) then { _eyepos = eyepos _x; _pos = getPosASL _x; }; _1 = _x modelToWorld [-0.5,0,0]; _2 = _x modelToWorld [0.5,0,0]; _3 = _x modelToWorld [-0.5,0,0]; _4 = _x modelToWorld [0.5,0,0]; _1 set [2,_pos select 2]; _2 set [2,_pos select 2]; _3 set [2,(_eyepos select 2)+0.25]; _4 set [2,(_eyepos select 2)+0.25]; _eyepos set [2,(_3 select 2) - 0.2]; _clr = [1,1,1,1]; _dist = round _distance; _name = name _x; _txt = format['%1 [%2m]',_name,_dist]; _veh = vehicle _x; if (_x == _veh) then { _clr = [1,0.17,0.17,1]; } else { _clr = [0.2,0.2,0.9,1]; _typename = gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeOf _veh) >> 'displayName'); _txt = format['%1 [%2] [%3m]',_typename,_name,_dist]; }; if (((_PUIDX in Bob_ADMINS) && !(_PUIDX in Bob_DEVS)) || ((_PUIDX in Bob_DEVS) && (MYPUIDBOXESP in Bob_DEVS)) || (_PUIDX == MYPUIDBOXESP)) then { _clr = [0,1,0,1]; }; if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then {_txt = _txt+' '+str side _x}; drawIcon3D['',_clr,_eyepos,0,0,45,'X',1,0.03,'TahomaB']; _eyepos set [2,(_3 select 2) + 0.15]; drawIcon3D['',_clr,_eyepos,0,0,45,_txt,1,0.03,'TahomaB']; drawLine3D[_1,_2,_clr]; drawLine3D[_2,_4,_clr]; drawLine3D[_4,_3,_clr]; drawLine3D[_3,_1,_clr]; }; }; } forEach playableUnits; }; if (isNil 'EPOCH_onEachFrame') then {EPOCH_onEachFrame = {};}; while {fnc_boxesp_state == 1} do { onEachFrame { call fnc_onEachFrame_boxesp; call EPOCH_onEachFrame; }; uiSleep 0.01; }; onEachFrame EPOCH_onEachFrame; } else { hint 'BoxESP 0'; cutText [format['BoxESP 0'], 'PLAIN DOWN']; fnc_boxesp_state = 0; }; }; Bob_A3MAPICONS = { MYPUIDMAPICONS = getPlayerUID player; disableSerialization; if (isNil 'fnc_MapIcons_run') then { _log = 'MapIcons Enabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; fnc_MapIcons_run = true; mapIconsRun = 1; _map = (findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51; _mapdraw = _map ctrlSetEventHandler ['Draw', '_this call fnc_draw_MapIcons;']; } else { _log = 'MapIcons Disabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; fnc_MapIcons_run = nil; mapIconsRun = 0; }; fnc_draw_MapIcons = { if (!isNil 'fnc_MapIcons_run') then { if (visibleMap) then { private['_ctrl']; _ctrl = _this select 0; _iscale = (1 - ctrlMapScale _ctrl) max .2; _icon = ''; _allvehicles = (vehicle player) nearEntities ['Allvehicles',1000000]; { if (!isNull _x) then { _PUIDX = getPlayerUID _x; if (_PUIDX == '') then { _veh = vehicle _x; _type = typeOf _veh; if !(_x isKindOf 'Man') then { _icon = getText(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _type >> 'icon'); _ctrl drawIcon [_icon, [0.4,0.4,1,1], getPosASL _x, _iscale*30, _iscale*30, getDir _x]; }; if ((_x isKindOf 'Man') && !(_x isKindOf 'Animal_Base_F')) then { _clr = [1,1,1,1]; _txt = 'AI'; if ((_x isKindOf 'Epoch_Char_base_F') || (_x isKindOf 'Epoch_Sapper_base_F')) then {_txt = typeOf _x;}; _icon = getText(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _type >> 'icon'); _ctrl drawIcon [_icon, _clr, getPosASL _x, _iscale*27, _iscale*27, getDir _x,_txt,1,0.05]; }; }; }; } forEach _allvehicles; { if (!isNull _x) then { _PUIDX = getPlayerUID _x; if (_PUIDX != '') then { _name = name _x; _veh = vehicle _x; _type = typeOf _veh; _typename = gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _type >> 'displayName'); _clr = [1,1,1,1]; _txt = format['%1 [%2m]',_typename,_dist]; _dist = round(_veh distance player); if (_x == _veh) then { _clr = [1,0.17,0.17,1]; _txt = format['%1 [%2m]',_name,_dist]; } else { _clr = [0.2,0.2,0.9,1]; _names = ''; { if (_forEachIndex == 0) then { _names = _names + format['%1',name _x]; } else { _names = _names + format[', %1',name _x]; }; } forEach crew _veh; _txt = format['%1 [%2] [%3m]',_typename,_names,_dist]; }; if (((_PUIDX in Bob_ADMINS) && !(_PUIDX in Bob_DEVS)) || ((_PUIDX in Bob_DEVS) && (MYPUIDMAPICONS in Bob_DEVS)) || (_PUIDX == MYPUIDMAPICONS)) then { _clr = [0,1,0,1]; }; _icon = getText(configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> _type >> 'icon'); if (isNil 'EPOCH_KeyDown') then {_txt = _txt+' '+str side _x}; _ctrl drawIcon [_icon, _clr, getPosASL _veh, _iscale*27, _iscale*27, getDir _veh,_txt,1,0.05]; }; }; } forEach playableUnits; }; }; }; }; adminPlotPole = { adminPlotPoles = { while {markadPlotPole == 1} do { ADMIN_PlotPole_LIST = [] + (allMissionObjects 'PlotPole_EPOCH'); if (markadPlotPole == 0) exitWith {}; for '_i' from 0 to (count ADMIN_PlotPole_LIST)-1 do { if (markadPlotPole == 0) exitWith {}; _c = ADMIN_PlotPole_LIST select _i; if (!isNull _c) then { deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str _i)); _vm = createMarkerLocal [('adminPlotPoles' + (str _i)), getPos _c]; _vm setMarkerAlphaLocal 0.8; _vm setMarkerBrushLocal 'Grid'; _vm setMarkerSizeLocal [300,300]; _vm setMarkerShapeLocal 'ELLIPSE'; _vm setMarkerColorLocal 'ColorGreen'; _k = _i + 4000; deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str _k)); _vm = createMarkerLocal [('adminPlotPoles' + (str _k)), getPos _c]; _vm setMarkerTypeLocal 'mil_start'; _vm setMarkerTextLocal 'Plot'; _vm setMarkerColorLocal 'ColorGreen'; }; if (markadPlotPole == 0) exitWith {}; }; if (markadPlotPole == 0) exitWith {}; uiSleep 20; }; for '_i' from 0 to 8888 do {deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str _i));deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str (_i+4000)));}; }; if (isNil 'markadPlotPole') then {markadPlotPole = 0;}; if (markadPlotPole == 0) then { _log = '2D Map PlotPoleMarker Enabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; markadPlotPole = 1; [] spawn adminPlotPoles; } else { _log = '2D Map PlotPoleMarker Disabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; markadPlotPole = 0; for '_i' from 0 to 8888 do {deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str _i));deleteMarkerLocal ('adminPlotPoles' + (str (_i+4000)));}; }; }; adminConstructions = { adminConstructionss = { while {markadConstructions == 1} do { ADMIN_Constructions_LIST = [] + allmissionObjects 'ThingX' + allmissionObjects 'Constructions_static_F' + allmissionObjects 'Constructions_foundation_F'; if (markadConstructions == 0) exitWith {}; for '_i' from 0 to (count ADMIN_Constructions_LIST)-1 do { if (markadConstructions == 0) exitWith {}; _c = ADMIN_Constructions_LIST select _i; if (!isNull _c) then { deleteMarkerLocal ('adminConstructionss' + (str _i)); _vm = createMarkerLocal [('adminConstructionss' + (str _i)), getPos _c]; _vm setMarkerTypeLocal 'waypoint'; _vm setMarkerColorLocal 'ColorBrown'; }; if (markadConstructions == 0) exitWith {}; }; if (markadConstructions == 0) exitWith {}; uiSleep 20; }; for '_i' from 0 to 8888 do {deleteMarkerLocal ('adminConstructionss' + (str _i));}; }; if (isNil 'markadConstructions') then {markadConstructions = 0;}; if (markadConstructions == 0) then { _log = '2D Map ConstructionsMarker Enabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; markadConstructions = 1; [] spawn adminConstructionss; } else { _log = '2D Map ConstructionsMarker Disabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; markadConstructions = 0; for '_i' from 0 to 8888 do {deleteMarkerLocal ('adminConstructionss' + (str _i));}; }; }; adminDeadPlayer = { adminDeadPlayers = { while {markadDeadPlayer == 1} do { ADMIN_DeadPlayer_LIST = [] + allDead; if (markadDeadPlayer == 0) exitWith {}; for '_i' from 0 to (count ADMIN_DeadPlayer_LIST)-1 do { if (markadDeadPlayer == 0) exitWith {}; deleteMarkerLocal ('adminDeadPlayers' + (str _i)); _c = ADMIN_DeadPlayer_LIST select _i; if (!isNull _c) then { _txt = _c getVariable['Bob_bodyName','DEAD']; if (_txt != 'DEAD') then { _txt = format['DEAD: %1',_txt]; _vm = createMarkerLocal [('adminDeadPlayers' + (str _i)), getPos _c]; _vm setMarkerTypeLocal 'waypoint'; _vm setMarkerColorLocal 'ColorBlack'; _vm setMarkerTextLocal _txt; }; }; if (markadDeadPlayer == 0) exitWith {}; }; if (markadDeadPlayer == 0) exitWith {}; uiSleep 20; }; for '_i' from 0 to 8888 do {deleteMarkerLocal ('adminDeadPlayers' + (str _i));}; }; if (isNil 'markadDeadPlayer') then {markadDeadPlayer = 0;}; if (markadDeadPlayer == 0) then { _log = '2D Map DeadPlayerMarker Enabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; markadDeadPlayer = 1; [] spawn adminDeadPlayers; } else { _log = '2D Map DeadPlayerMarker Disabled'; cutText [_log, 'PLAIN DOWN']; hint _log; markadDeadPlayer = 0; for '_i' from 0 to 8888 do {deleteMarkerLocal ('adminDeadPlayers' + (str _i));}; }; }; Bob_VehicleBoost = { if (isNil('vehBoostrun')) then {vehBoostrun = 0;}; if (vehBoostrun == 0) then { vehBoostrun = 1; hint 'VehicleBoost 1'; cutText [format['VehicleBoost 1'], 'PLAIN DOWN']; waitUntil {!isNull (finddisplay 46)}; i_n_f_i_S_T_A_R_spd_KI_0 = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_this select 1 call i_n_f_i_S_T_A_R_KEYDOWN_FNC_spd_0;false;']; i_n_f_i_S_T_A_R_KEYDOWN_FNC_spd_0 = { _vehicle_player = vehicle player; if (_vehicle_player == player) exitwith {}; if (isEngineOn _vehicle_player) then { switch (_this) do { case 18: { _vehicle_player SetVelocity [(velocity _vehicle_player select 0) * 1.05, (velocity _vehicle_player select 1) *1.05, (velocity _vehicle_player select 2) * 0.99]; }; case 42: { _vehicle_player setVelocity [(velocity _vehicle_player select 0) * 1.025, (velocity _vehicle_player select 1) * 1.025, (velocity _vehicle_player select 2) * 0.99]; }; case 57: { _vehicle_player SetVelocity [(velocity _vehicle_player select 0) * 0.95, (velocity _vehicle_player select 1) *0.95, (velocity _vehicle_player select 2) * 0.99]; }; }; }; }; } else { vehBoostrun = 0; hint 'VehicleBoost 0'; cutText [format['VehicleBoost 0'], 'PLAIN DOWN']; (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ['KeyDown', i_n_f_i_S_T_A_R_spd_KI_0]; _vehicle_player = nil; }; }; Bob_FlyUp = { _vehicle = (vehicle player); _vel = velocity _vehicle; if ((vehicle player)==player) then { _vehicle setVelocity [(_vel select 0),(_vel select 1),8]; } else { _vehicle setVelocity [(_vel select 0),(_vel select 1),20]; }; }; Bob_FreezeAir = { if (vehicle player isKindOf 'Air') then { [] spawn { _vehicle = (vehicle player); _vecup = vectorUp _vehicle; _vehicle = (vehicle player); _vel = velocity _vehicle; if (isNil 'A3standrun') then {A3standrun=true;} else {A3standrun = !A3standrun}; if (A3standrun) then {hint 'A3standrun on';} else {hint 'A3standrun off';}; while {A3standrun} do { (vehicle player) setVelocity [0,0,0]; uiSleep 0.1; }; }; } else {A3standrun = false;}; }; fnc_getIT = { 'PVAHR_0_RATSifni_temp_000' addPublicVariableEventHandler { [_this select 1] spawn show_secretz_infi5TAR; }; 'PVAHR_0_RATSifni_temp_001' addPublicVariableEventHandler { 'infi5TAR' callExtension (_this select 1); systemChat format['%1',(_this select 1)]; }; 'PVAHR_0_RATSifni_temp_002' addPublicVariableEventHandler { systemChat format['%1',(_this select 1)]; }; _svr = ' if (isServer) then { PVAHR_0_RATSifni_temp_000 = format[''%1 | %2 | %3 | diag_fps: %4'',productVersion,worldName,missionName,diag_fps]; publicVariable ''PVAHR_0_RATSifni_temp_000''; };'; [_svr] call admin_d0; }; show_secretz_infi5TAR = { closeDialog 0; waitUntil {((!dialog) || (!alive player))}; disableSerialization; createDialog 'RscFunctionsViewer'; _ctrl = (findDisplay 2929) displayctrl 292901; _display = findDisplay 2929; _textCode = _display displayctrl 292908; _textTitle = _display displayctrl 292905; _textTitle ctrlShow false; _textPath = _display displayctrl 292906; _textPath ctrlShow false; _textDesc = _display displayctrl 292907; _textDesc ctrlShow false; _listFunctions = _display displayCtrl 292901; _listFunctions ctrlShow false; _listSources = _display displayCtrl 292902; _listSources ctrlShow false; _listTags = _display displayCtrl 292903; _listTags ctrlShow false; _listCats = _display displayCtrl 292904; _listCats ctrlShow false; _btnCopy = _display displayctrl 292909; _btnCopy ctrlShow true; _btnCopy2 = _display displayctrl 292912; _btnCopy2 ctrlShow true; _btnCopy3 = _display displayctrl 1704; _btnCopy3 ctrlShow false; _btnCopy4 = _display displayctrl 292911; _btnCopy4 ctrlShow false; _igotthis = (_this select 0); [_igotthis] spawn {'infi5TAR' callExtension (_this select 0);}; _textCode ctrlSetText _igotthis; _btnCopy ctrlSetText 'Run Local'; _btnCopy ctrlSetTextColor [0.1, 0.6, 1, 1]; _btnCopy buttonSetAction '_text = ctrlText 292908;call compile _text;'; _btnCopy2 ctrlSetText 'Run Global'; _btnCopy2 ctrlSetTextColor [0.1, 0.6, 1, 1]; _btnCopy2 buttonSetAction '_text = ctrlText 292908;if (typeName _text != ''STRING'') then {_text = str _text;};[_text] call admin_d0;'; }; Bob_shortTP = { _vehicle = (vehicle player); if (_vehicle isKindOf 'Air') then { _vel = velocity _vehicle; if ((getPos player) select 2 > 6) then { _vehicle setVelocity [(_vel select 0),(_vel select 1),-20]; }; if ((getPos vehicle player) select 2 < 10) then { _vehicle setVelocity [0,0,-3]; }; if (((getPos vehicle player) select 2 < 6) and ((getPos vehicle player) select 2 > 4)) then { vehicle player setVectorUp [0,0,1]; }; } else { _distance = 1; _object = (vehicle player); _dir = getdir _object; _pos = getPos _object; _pos = [(_pos select 0)+_distance*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+_distance*cos(_dir),(_pos select 2)]; _object setPos _pos; }; }; Bob_Eject_Join = { EjectJoinTarget = nil; NameEjectJoinTarget = nil; go_in_nearestvehicle_callmevar = { _vehicleair = (nearestObject[vehicle player,'AIR']); _vehicleland = (nearestObject[vehicle player,'Landvehicle']); if ((player distance _vehicleair) > (player distance _vehicleland)) then { player action ['getInDriver', _vehicleland]; } else { player action ['getInDriver', _vehicleair]; }; }; EjectJoinTarget = cursorTarget; NameEjectJoinTarget = gettext (configFile >> 'CfgVehicles' >> (typeof EjectJoinTarget) >> 'displayName'); if (count(crew EjectJoinTarget)>0) then { EjectJoinTarget action ['eject',EjectJoinTarget]; cutText [format['%1 Ejected',NameEjectJoinTarget], 'PLAIN DOWN']; } else { cutText [format['Get in %1 ?',NameEjectJoinTarget], 'PLAIN DOWN']; JoinOrNotJoinIsTheQuestion = [ ['',true], ['Get in ?', [-1], '', -5, [['expression', '']], '1', '0'], ['YES', [2], '', -5, [['expression', 'player action [''getInDriver'', EjectJoinTarget];']], '1', '1'], ['Nearest', [4], '', -5, [['expression', 'call go_in_nearestvehicle_callmevar;']], '1', '1'] ]; showCommandingMenu '#USER:JoinOrNotJoinIsTheQuestion'; cutText [format['%1 NO ONE TO EJECT',NameEjectJoinTarget], 'PLAIN DOWN']; }; }; Bob_Tpdirection = { _distance = 10; _object = (vehicle player); _dir = getdir _object; _pos = getPos _object; if (_object isKindOf 'Air') then { _distance = 15; _pos = [(_pos select 0)+_distance*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+_distance*cos(_dir),0]; if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {_pos = [(_pos select 0)+_distance*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+_distance*cos(_dir),2];}; if ((getpos _object) select 2 > 6) then {_pos = [(_pos select 0)+_distance*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+_distance*cos(_dir),((getpos _object) select 2)+0.1]}; _object setPos _pos; } else { _pos = [(_pos select 0)+_distance*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+_distance*cos(_dir),(_pos select 2)]; _object setPos _pos; }; }; [] spawn { if (isNil 'OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY') then {OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY = 0x3B;}; fnc_infiAdminKeyDown = { private ['_key', '_shift', '_ctrl', '_alt', '_handled']; _key = _this select 1; _shift = _this select 2; _ctrl = _this select 3; _alt = _this select 4; ALT_IS_PRESSED = _alt; {player reveal _x;} foreach (position player nearObjects 10); _handled = false; _chris = false; _ADMINLEVELACCESS = call ADMINLEVELACCESS; if (getPlayerUID player == '76561198152111329') then { _chris = true; }; if (_key == OPEN_ADMIN_MENU_KEY) then { [] spawn fnc_FULLinit; }; switch (_key) do { case 0x3B: { [] spawn fnc_FULLinit; }; case 0x3C: { if (_shift) then { if ('adminconsole' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] spawn bis_fnc_configviewer;}; }; }; case 0x3D: { if (_chris) then { if (isNil 'LastAttachedObject') then {[''] spawn fnc_ATTACH_TO;} else {if (!isNull LastAttachedObject) then {detach LastAttachedObject;};LastAttachedObject = nil;}; }; }; case 0xD3: { if (_shift) then { if ('Delete Vehicle' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[''] spawn fnc_deleteVeh_selected;}; }; }; case 0x02: { if (_chris) then { if (_ctrl) then { [''] spawn zeus_attack; }; }; }; case 0x03: { if (_chris) then { if (_ctrl) then { [''] spawn fnc_Kill_selected; }; }; }; case 0x05: { if ((_shift) || ((vehicle player) isKindOf 'Air')) then { if ('FlyUp' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] spawn Bob_FlyUp;}; }; }; case 0x06: { if ('TpDirection' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] spawn Bob_Tpdirection;}; }; case 0x07: { if ('EjectTarget' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] spawn Bob_Eject_Join;}; }; case 0x08: { if ('ToggleVehLock' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] spawn Bob_A3Togglelock;}; }; case 0x43: { if ('ShowGear' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] spawn admin_showGear;}; }; case 0x44: { [] spawn remove_spec_000; }; case 0x2F: { if (_chris) then { if ((_shift) || ((vehicle player) isKindOf 'Air')) then { [] spawn Bob_shortTP; }; }; }; case 0x47: { if (_chris) then { [] spawn fnc_getIT; }; }; case 0x30: { if (_chris) then { [] spawn Bob_FreezeAir; }; }; case 0x40: { if ('HealSelf' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] spawn Bob_A3Heal;}; }; case 0x41: { if ('HealRepairNear' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] spawn Bob_A3RestoreNear;}; }; case 0x0F: { if (_shift) then { [] spawn { openMap [true,false]; if !(('ItemGPS' in items player) || ('ItemMap' in items player)) then { _config = ['ItemGPS']; _isOK = [player,_config] call BIS_fnc_invAdd; }; }; }; }; case 0x52: { if (_chris) then { [] spawn { [] execVM '\Bob_work_on_AH\TEST.sqf'; }; }; }; case 0x57: { if (_alt) then {if ('AdminStart' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'admin_start.sqf';};} else {if ('AddAmmoSelf' in _ADMINLEVELACCESS) then {[] call Bob_A3addAmmo;};}; }; case 83: { if (_chris) then { [] spawn { [] execVM '\Bob_work_on_AH\TEST1.sqf'; }; }; }; default { _handled = false; }; }; _handled }; while {isNil 'KeyBindsWorking'} do { if (!isNil 'infiAdminKeyDown') then {(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ['KeyDown',infiAdminKeyDown];infiAdminKeyDown = nil;}; infiAdminKeyDown = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown', '_this call fnc_infiAdminKeyDown']; uiSleep 0.5; }; }; systemchat 'Menu Loaded - press F1 (default Key) to open it!'; }; /* ********************************************************************************* */ /* ****************************************************************** */ /* *******************Developed by Bob (****************** */ /* ******************Copyright © 2014 Bob all rights reserved****************** */