//AlPMaker _max = 10; snext = false; plist = []; pselect5 = ""; {if ((_x != player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {plist set [count plist, name _x];};} forEach entities "CAManBase"; {if ((count crew _x) > 0) then {{if ((_x != player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {plist set [count plist, name _x];};} forEach crew _x;};} foreach (entities "LandVehicle" + entities "Air" + entities "Ship"); smenu = { _pmenu = [["Teleport To Me",true]]; for "_i" from (_this select 0) to (_this select 1) do {_arr = [format['%1', plist select (_i)], [12], "", -5, [["expression", format ["pselect5 = plist select %1;", _i]]], "1", "1"]; _pmenu set [_i + 2, _arr];}; if (count plist > (_this select 1)) then {_pmenu set [(_this select 1) + 2, ["Next", [13], "", -5, [["expression", "snext = true;"]], "1", "1"]];} else {_pmenu set [(_this select 1) + 2, ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"]];}; _pmenu set [(_this select 1) + 3, ["Exit", [13], "", -5, [["expression", "pselect5 = 'exit';"]], "1", "1"]]; showCommandingMenu "#USER:_pmenu"; }; _j = 0; _max = 10; if (_max>9) then {_max = 10;}; while {pselect5 == ""} do { [_j, (_j + _max) min (count plist)] call smenu; _j = _j + _max; WaitUntil {pselect5 != "" or snext}; snext = false; }; if (pselect5 != "exit") then { _name = pselect5; { if(name _x == _name) then { hint format ["Teleporting %1", _name]; _x attachTo [vehicle player, [2, 2, 0]]; sleep 0.25; detach _x; }; } forEach entities "CAManBase"; };