EASY/QUICK indestructible bases - DONE loading screen - DONE Credits/intro menu - DONE missions - DONE custom loot - DONE packable bike - DONE custom startup loadout - DONE single currency - INCLUDED IN EPOCH snapbuild - INCLUDED IN EPOCH self bb - NOT NEEDED supply drops (medical/building supplies/gold/guns) craft-able lil' bird slightly modded damage to strengthen helis rearm/refuel/repair What I call 'One of the Gang' or Hero/Bandit mission non-aggro. added mosquitoe heli to hero/bandit traders (guns active/no missiles) added AH-6 to hero/bandit (guns active/ missiles disabled) plot for life Server time rotation - 3 hour restarts with 12AM & 12PM moon lit nights auto database backups The gps script (not hard just time consuming)