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178 lines
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// Lootspawner spawn script
// Author: Na_Palm (BIS forums)
//local to Server Var. "BuildingLoot" array of [state, time], placed on buildings that can spawn loot
// state: 0-not assigned, 1-has loot, 2-currently in use/blockaded
// time : timestamp of last spawn
//local to Server Var. "Lootready" time, placed on generated lootobject, needed for removing old loot
// time: timestamp of spawn, object is ready for use by player and loot deleter
//BaP - Buildings around Player
_BaP_list = _this select 0;
_spInterval = _this select 1;
_chfullfuel = _this select 2;
_genZadjust = _this select 3;
_chpSpot = _this select 4;
_begintime = time;
_BaPname = "";
_lootClass = 0;
_buildPosViable_list = [];
_buildPosZadj_list = [];
_lBuildVar = (_x getVariable ["BuildingLoot", [0, 0]]);
//diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER DEBUG BaP _lBuildVar: v%1v v%2v --", _lBuildVar ,_x];
if ((_lBuildVar select 0) < 2) then {
//flag immediately as in use
_x setVariable ["BuildingLoot", [2, (_lBuildVar select 1)]];
if (((_lBuildVar select 1) == 0) || ((time - (_lBuildVar select 1)) > _spInterval)) then {
//get building class
_BaPname = typeOf _x;
//here an other _x
//if junction found, get lists and -> exit forEach
if (_BaPname == (_x select 0)) exitWith {
_lootClass = (_x select 1);
//get viable positions Idx
_buildPosViable_list set [count _buildPosViable_list, ((Buildingpositions_list select _forEachIndex) select 1)];
if (swSpZadjust) then {
//get position adjustments
_buildPosZadj_list set [count _buildPosZadj_list, ((Buildingpositions_list select _forEachIndex) select 2)];
sleep 0.001;
}forEach Buildingstoloot_list;
//diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER DEBUG BaP: v%1v%2v :: v%3v :: v%4v --", _BaPname, _lootClass, _buildPosViable_list, _buildPosZadj_list];
//get spawn position, here the former _x
_posviablecount = 0;
for "_poscount" from 0 to 100 do {
//check if position is viable
if (_poscount == ((_buildPosViable_list select 0) select _posviablecount)) then {
_posviablecount = _posviablecount +1;
//consider chance per Slot
if ((floor random 100) < _chpSpot) then {
_spwnPos = (_x buildingPos _poscount);
_tmpPos = [(_spwnPos select 0), (_spwnPos select 1), 60000];
if ((_spwnPos select 0) == 0 && (_spwnPos select 1) == 0) then {
_spwnPos = getPosATL _x;
_tmpPos = [(_spwnPos select 0), (_spwnPos select 1), 60000];
if (swSpZadjust) then {
_spwnPos = [_spwnPos select 0, _spwnPos select 1, (_spwnPos select 2) + ((_buildPosZadj_list select 0) select _poscount)];
//generally add 0.1 on z
_spwnPos = [_spwnPos select 0, _spwnPos select 1, (_spwnPos select 2) + _genZadjust];
//check if position has old loot
if ((count (nearestObjects [_spwnPos, LSusedclass_list, 0.5])) == 0) then {
sleep 0.001;
//check what type of loot to spawn
_lootspawned = false;
for "_lootType" from 1 to 5 do {
//get chance for loot every time, so all combos in spawnClassChance_list are viable
_randChance = floor(random(100));
if (((spawnClassChance_list select _lootClass) select _lootType) > _randChance) then {
_lootspawned = true;
//special for weapons
if(_lootType == 1) exitWith {
_lootholder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", _tmpPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_selecteditem = (floor(random(count((lootWeapon_list select _lootClass) select 1))));
_loot = (((lootWeapon_list select _lootClass) select 1) select _selecteditem);
_lootholder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_loot, 1];
_lootholder setdir (random 360);
_lootholder setPosATL _spwnPos;
//special for magazines: spawn 1-6
if(_lootType == 2) exitWith {
_lootholder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", _tmpPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_randChance = 1 + floor(random(5));
for "_rm" from 0 to _randChance do {
_selecteditem = (floor(random(count((lootMagazine_list select _lootClass) select 1))));
_loot = (((lootMagazine_list select _lootClass) select 1) select _selecteditem);
_lootholder addMagazineCargoGlobal [_loot, 1];
_lootholder setdir (random 360);
_lootholder setPosATL _spwnPos;
//special for item/cloth/vests
if(_lootType == 3) exitWith {
_lootholder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", _tmpPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_selecteditem = (floor(random(count((lootItem_list select _lootClass) select 1))));
_loot = (((lootItem_list select _lootClass) select 1) select _selecteditem);
_lootholder addItemCargoGlobal [_loot, 1];
_lootholder setdir (random 360);
_lootholder setPosATL _spwnPos;
//special for backpacks
if(_lootType == 4) exitWith {
_lootholder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", _tmpPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_selecteditem = (floor(random(count((lootBackpack_list select _lootClass) select 1))));
_loot = (((lootBackpack_list select _lootClass) select 1) select _selecteditem);
_lootholder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_loot, 1];
_lootholder setdir (random 360);
_lootholder setPosATL _spwnPos;
//special for world objects: account for Wasteland and other items
if(_lootType == 5) exitWith {
_selecteditem = (floor(random(count((lootworldObject_list select _lootClass) select 1))));
_loot = (((lootworldObject_list select _lootClass) select 1) select _selecteditem);
_lootholder = createVehicle [_loot, _tmpPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
if(_loot == "Land_CanisterFuel_F") then {
_chfullf = (random 100);
if (_chfullfuel > _chfullf) then {
_lootholder setVariable["mf_item_id", "jerrycanfull", true];
} else {
_lootholder setVariable["mf_item_id", "jerrycanempty", true];
if(_loot == "Land_CanisterOil_F") then {
_lootholder setVariable["mf_item_id", "syphonhose", true];
if(_loot == "Land_Can_V3_F") then {
_lootholder setVariable["mf_item_id", "energydrink", true];
if(_loot == "Land_Basket_F") then {
_lootholder setVariable["mf_item_id", "cannedfood", true];
if(_loot == "Land_CanisterPlastic_F") then {
_lootholder setVariable["mf_item_id", "water", true];
if(_loot == "Land_Suitcase_F") then {
_lootholder setVariable["mf_item_id", "repairkit", true];
//if container clear its cargo
if (({_x == _loot} count exclcontainer_list) > 0) then {
clearWeaponCargoGlobal _lootholder;
clearMagazineCargoGlobal _lootholder;
clearBackpackCargoGlobal _lootholder;
clearItemCargoGlobal _lootholder;
_lootholder setdir (random 360);
_lootholder setPosATL _spwnPos;
//1 category loot only per place so -> exit For
//no lootpiling
if (_lootspawned) exitWith {
_lootholder setVariable ["Lootready", time];
//if all viable positions run through -> exit For
if (_posviablecount == (count (_buildPosViable_list select 0))) exitWith {};
//release building with new timestamp
_x setVariable ["BuildingLoot", [1, time]];
} else {
//release building with old timestamp
_x setVariable ["BuildingLoot", [1, (_lBuildVar select 1)]];
sleep 0.001;
}forEach _BaP_list;
//diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER DEBUG BaP: %1 buildings ready, needed %2s, EXIT now --", (count _BaP_list), (time - _begintime)];