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synced 2024-08-30 16:42:12 +00:00
251 lines
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251 lines
11 KiB
// Lootspawner setup and control script
// Author: Na_Palm (BIS forums)
// credit to: Ed! (404Forums) and [GoT] JoSchaap (GoT2DayZ.nl) for initial script
if (!isServer) exitwith {};
swDebugLS = false; //Debug messages on/off
swSpZadjust = false; //needed for ArmA 2 and older Maps/Buildings -> true
_spawnradius = 80; //Radius (in meter) around players to spawn loot
_spInterval = 1800; //Time (in sec.) to pass before an building spawns new loot
_chfullfuel = 35; //Chance (in %) of a spawned fuelcan to be full instead of empty
_genZadjust = -0.1; //High adjustment (in engine units) thats generally added to every spawnpoint
_tmpTstPlace = [14730, 16276, 0]; //Coord's, in [x,y,z] of a preferably flat and unocupied piece of land
_chperSpot = 75; //Chance (in %) if a spot gets loot. Will be considered before 'spawnClassChance_list'
//"spawnClassChance_list" array of [class, %weapon, %magazine, %ICV, %backpack, %object]
// class : same classname as used in "Buildingstoloot_list"
// %weapon : % chance to spawn a weapon on spot
// %magazine : % chance to spawn magazines on spot
// %ICV : % chance to spawn item/cloth/vests on spot
// %backpack : % chance to spawn a backpack on spot
// %object : % chance to spawn an world object on spot
//-------------- A VALUE OF '-1' RESULTS IN NO LOOT FOR THIS CLASS AND TYPE ----------------
spawnClassChance_list = [
[0, 13, 21, 24, 18, 22], // civil
[1, 22, 36, 28, 26, 18], // military
[2, 10, 21, 28, 26, 36], // industrial
[3, 12, 36, 36, -1, -1] // research
//"exclcontainer_list" single array of container classnames to NOT to delete if filled
exclcontainer_list = [
"Box_East_Ammo_F", "Box_East_AmmoOrd_F", "Box_East_AmmoVeh_F", "Box_East_Grenades_F", "Box_East_Support_F",
"Box_East_Wps_F", "Box_East_WpsLaunch_F", "Box_East_WpsSpecial_F",
"Box_IND_Ammo_F", "Box_IND_AmmoOrd_F", "Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F", "Box_IND_Grenades_F", "Box_IND_Support_F",
"Box_IND_Wps_F", "Box_IND_WpsLaunch_F", "Box_IND_WpsSpecial_F",
"Box_NATO_Ammo_F", "Box_NATO_AmmoOrd_F", "Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F", "Box_NATO_Grenades_F", "Box_NATO_Support_F",
"Box_NATO_Wps_F", "Box_NATO_WpsLaunch_F", "Box_NATO_WpsSpecial_F"
//DONT change these, will be filled in MAIN -------------------------------------------
spawnBuilding_list = [];
Buildingpositions_list = [];
LSusedclass_list = ["WeaponHolderSimulated"];
//DONT change these, will be filled in MAIN -------------------------------------------
//Buildings that can spawn loot go in this list
#include "LSlootBuildings.sqf"
//Loot goes in these lists
#include "LSlootLists.sqf"
//function only runs once on beginning of mission, not really needs a compile
//fill spawnBuilding_list with buildingnames only
getListBuildingnames = {
spawnBuilding_list set [count spawnBuilding_list, (_x select 0)];
//diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER DEBUG add to spawnBuilding_list: %1 ", (_x select 0)];
}forEach Buildingstoloot_list;
//function only runs once on beginning of mission, not really needs a compile
//get list of all Lootspawner generatable 'Worldobjects'
getUsedclasses = {
for "_class" from 0 to ((count lootworldObject_list) - 1) do {
for "_item" from 0 to ((count ((lootworldObject_list select _class) select 1)) - 1) do {
if !((((lootworldObject_list select _class) select 1) select _item) in LSusedclass_list) then {
LSusedclass_list set [count LSusedclass_list, (((lootworldObject_list select _class) select 1) select _item)];
sleep 0.001;
sleep 0.001;
//function only runs once on beginning of mission, not really needs a compile
//fill Buildingpositions_list with [_buildingname, [_posIdxlist], [_posAdjustZlist]]
getListBuildingPositionjunction = {
_tmpTstPlace = _this select 0;
_randomweapontestint = 0.01; //Sets the highintervals in which weaponpositions are tested. (Lower = slower, but more accurate. Higher = faster, but less accurate.)
_nearLootdist = 0.5;
_buildingname = _x;
_tmpBuild = _buildingname createVehicleLocal _tmpTstPlace;
//check if the creation was successful
if (isNil {_tmpBuild}) then {
diag_log format["--!!ERROR!! LOOTSPAWNER in Buildingstoloot_list: %1 no viable object !!ERROR!!--", _buildingname];
} else {
//get spawnpositions from building
_poscount = 0;
_posAdjustZlist = [];
_posIdxlist = [];
_tmpPoslist = [];
_endloop = false;
while {!_endloop} do {
if((((_tmpBuild buildingPos _poscount) select 0) != 0) && (((_tmpBuild buildingPos _poscount) select 1) != 0)) then {
//counter loot piling
_pos = _tmpBuild buildingPos _poscount;
_posOrg = _pos;
_posViable = false;
if (_poscount != 0) then {
if ((_pos distance _x) > _nearLootdist) exitWith {
_posViable = true;
}forEach _tmpPoslist;
} else {
_posViable = true;
_tmpPoslist set [count _tmpPoslist, _pos];
//get Z adjustment for position
if (_posViable) then {
_posIdxlist set [count _posIdxlist, _poscount];
_posAdjustZ = 0;
if (swSpZadjust) then {
if(_pos select 2 < 0) then {
_pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 1];
_z = 0;
_posnew = _pos;
_testpos = true;
while {_testpos} do
if((!lineIntersects[ATLtoASL(_pos), ATLtoASL([_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) - (_randomweapontestint * _z)])]) && (!terrainIntersect[(_pos), ([_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) - (_randomweapontestint * _z)])]) && (_pos select 2 > 0)) then {
_posnew = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, (_pos select 2) - (_randomweapontestint * _z)];
_z = _z + 1;
} else {
_testpos = false;
_posnew = [_posnew select 0, _posnew select 1, (_posnew select 2) + 0.05];
_posAdjustZ = (_posOrg select 2) - (_posnew select 2);
// diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER DEBUG adjusted %1 times", _z];
_posAdjustZlist set [count _posAdjustZlist, _posAdjustZ];
} else {
_posAdjustZlist set [count _posAdjustZlist, _posAdjustZ];
_poscount = _poscount + 1;
} else {
_endloop = true;
//save final position Index & adjustments to list
if (_poscount != 0) then {
//diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER DEBUG add to Buildingpositions_list: v%1v v%2v v%3v added", _buildingname, _posIdxlist, _posAdjustZlist];
Buildingpositions_list set [count Buildingpositions_list, [_buildingname, _posIdxlist, _posAdjustZlist]];
} else {
diag_log format["-- !!LOOTSPAWNER WARNING!! in Buildingstoloot_list: %1 has no building positions --", _buildingname];
Buildingpositions_list set [count Buildingpositions_list, [_buildingname, [0], [0]]];
deleteVehicle _tmpBuild;
}forEach spawnBuilding_list;
diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER initialise ------------------------"];
if ((count Buildingstoloot_list) == 0) then {
diag_log format["--!!ERROR!! LOOTSPAWNER Buildingstoloot_list in lootBuildings.sqf MUST have one entry at least !!ERROR!!--"];
diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER disabled --"];
} else {
_dbgTime = time;
_hndl = [] spawn getListBuildingnames;
waitUntil{scriptDone _hndl};
diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER spawnBuilding_list ready, d: %1s", (time - _dbgTime)];
_dbgTime = time;
_hndl = [_tmpTstPlace] spawn getListBuildingPositionjunction;
waitUntil{scriptDone _hndl};
diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER Buildingpositions_list ready, d: %1s", (time - _dbgTime)];
_dbgTime = time;
_hndl = [] spawn getUsedclasses;
waitUntil{scriptDone _hndl};
diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER LSusedclass_list ready, d: %1s", (time - _dbgTime)];
//run loot deleter continously
null = _spInterval spawn LSdeleter;
diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER LSDer started..."];
if (swDebugLS) then {
dbgTime = time;
dbgTurns = 0;
dbgTurnsplU = 0;
dbgloopTime = 0;
dbgloopTimeplU = 0;
diag_log format["-- LOOTSPAWNER ready and waiting for players -----"];
//go into mainloop till mission ends
while {true} do {
_playersalive = false;
if (swDebugLS) then {
dbgTimeplU = time;
//is Player online and alive?
if ((isPlayer _x) && (alive _x)) then {
_playersalive = true;
//jogging has 4.16..., sprinting has 5.5... so if player velocity is < 6 spawn loot
//works for players in vehicles too
if (((velocity _x) distance [0,0,0]) < 6) then {
//if ((vehicle _x isKindOf "Land") || (vehicle _x isKindOf "Ship")) then {
_posPlayer = getPos _x;
//get list of viable buildings around player
_BaP_list = nearestObjects [_posPlayer, spawnBuilding_list, _spawnradius];
if ((count _BaP_list) > 0) then {
//give to spawn function
_hndl = [_BaP_list, _spInterval, _chfullfuel, _genZadjust, _chperSpot] spawn fn_getBuildingstospawnLoot;
waitUntil{scriptDone _hndl};
sleep 0.001;
if (swDebugLS) then {
dbgloopTimeplU = dbgloopTimeplU + (time - dbgTimeplU);
dbgTurnsplU = dbgTurnsplU + 1;
}forEach playableUnits;
if (swDebugLS) then {
dbgloopTime = dbgloopTime + dbgloopTimeplU;
dbgloopTimeplU = 0;
dbgTurns = dbgTurns + 1;
//every 30 sec. give stats out
if ((time - dbgTime) > 30) then {
if (dbgTurnsplU > 0) then {
diag_log format["-- DEBUG LOOTSPAWNER MAIN turns (spawned): %1(%2), duration: %3sec, average: %4sec.",dbgTurns ,dbgTurnsplU , dbgloopTime, (dbgloopTime / dbgTurnsplU)];
} else {
diag_log format["-- DEBUG LOOTSPAWNER MAIN waiting for players"];
dbgTime = time;
dbgTurns = 0;
dbgTurnsplU = 0;
dbgloopTime = 0;
//if no players online wait a bit
if (!_playersalive) then {
sleep 2;