// EPOCH SERVER CONFIG // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "Z's EpochMod"; password = "joejer"; passwordAdmin = "474478"; serverCommandPassword = "474478joe"; logFile = "A3Master.log"; verifySignatures = 2; BattlEye = 1; requiredBuild = 136470; // WHITELIST FILE TYPES allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {:}; allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"sqf"}; allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"html"}; disconnectTimeout = 10; // default 90 // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day") // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval motd[] = { "Welcome to ArmA3 Epoch!", "Server hosted by Zepheris" }; motdInterval = 5; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message // JOINING RULES maxPlayers = 50; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player. // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 200; // Prevents Votes. voteThreshold = 2; // Prevents Votes. // DISALLOW VOTING since 1.39 allowedVoteCmds[] = {}; allowedVotedAdminCmds[] = {}; // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available vonCodecQuality = 30; // Quality from 1 to 30 forceRotorLibSimulation = 0; // Enforces the Advanced Flight Model on the server. Default = 0 (up to the player). 1 - forced AFM, 2 - forced SFM. persistent = 1; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected. // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) (epoch.Altis, epoch.Stratis, epoch.Chernarus, epoch.Bornholm) class Missions { class Epoch { template = epoch.Bornholm; // DO NOT CHANGE THIS, IT WILL BREAK YOUR SERVER difficulty = "custom"; // difficulty settings: Recruit, Regular Veteran, Custom }; }; kickDuplicate = 1; equalModRequired = 0; requiredSecureId = 2; timeStampFormat = "short"; // SCRIPTING ISSUES onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; doubleIdDetected = ""; // SIGNATURE VERIFICATION onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // unsigned data detected onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; //"ban (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected onDifferentData = "kick (_this select 0)";