mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 16:42:11 +00:00
132 lines
4.4 KiB
132 lines
4.4 KiB
Original script by KiloSwiss
Modified and enhanced by GhostriderDbD
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
_knownWeapons = [];
_allWeaponRoots = ["Pistol","Rifle","Launcher"];
_allWeaponTypes = ["AssaultRifle","MachineGun","SniperRifle","Shotgun","Rifle","Pistol","SubmachineGun","Handgun","MissileLauncher","RocketLauncher","Throw","GrenadeCore"];
_addedBaseNames = [];
_allBannedWeapons = [];
_wpnAR = []; //Assault Rifles
_wpnARG = []; //Assault Rifles with GL
_wpnLMG = []; //Light Machine Guns
_wpnSMG = []; //Sub Machine Guns
_wpnDMR = []; //Designated Marksman Rifles
_wpnLauncher = [];
_wpnSniper = []; //Sniper rifles
_wpnHandGun = []; //HandGuns/Pistols
_wpnShotGun = []; //Shotguns
_wpnThrow = []; // throwables
_wpnUnknown = []; //Misc
_aBaseNames = [];
_wpList = (configFile >> "cfgWeapons") call BIS_fnc_getCfgSubClasses;
_wpList sort true;
_item = _x;
_isWeap = false;
_isKindOf = false;
_isKindOf = (_item isKindOF [_x, configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]);
if (_isKindOf) exitWith {};
} forEach _allWeaponRoots;
if (_isKindOf) then
//if (getnumber (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "scope") == 2) then {
_itemType = _x call bis_fnc_itemType;
_itemCategory = _itemType select 1;
diag_log format["pullWepClassNames:: _itemType = %1 || _itemCategory = %2",_itemType, _itemCategory];
if (((_itemType select 0) == "Weapon") && ((_itemType select 1) in _allWeaponTypes)) then {
_baseName = _x call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon;
diag_log format["pullWepClassNames:: Processing for _baseName %3 || _itemType = %1 || _itemCategory = %2",_itemType, _itemCategory, _baseName];
if (!(_baseName in _addedBaseNames) && !(_baseName in _allBannedWeapons)) then {
_addedBaseNames pushBack _baseName;
case "AssaultRifle" :{
if(count getArray(configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "muzzles") > 1)then[{_wpnARG pushBack _baseName},{_wpnAR pushBack _baseName}];
case "MachineGun" :{_wpnLMG pushBack _baseName};
case "SubmachineGun" :{_wpnSMG pushBack _baseName};
case "Rifle" :{_wpnDMR pushBack _baseName};
case "SniperRifle" :{_wpnSniper pushBack _baseName};
case "Shotgun" :{_wpnShotGun pushBack _baseName};
case "Handgun" :{_wpnHandGun pushBack _baseName};
case "MissileLauncher" :{_wpnLauncher pushBack _baseName};
case "RocketLauncher" :{_wpnLauncher pushBack _baseName};
case "DMR" : {_wpnDMR pushBack _baseName};
case "Throw" : {_wpnThrow pushBack _baseName};
default{_wpnUnknown pushBack _baseName};
} foreach _wpList;
_clipBoard = format["%2%3// // Assault Rifles %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl];
}forEach _wpnAR;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// Assault Rifles with GL %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnARG;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// LMGs %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnLMG;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// SMGs %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnSMG;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// Snipers %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnSniper;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// DMRs %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnDMR;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// Launchers %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnLauncher;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// Handguns %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnHandGun;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// Shotguns %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnShotGun;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// Throwables %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnThrow;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format["%2%3// Unknown %1",endl,endl,endl];
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + format['"%1%",%2',_x,endl]
}forEach _wpnUnknown;
copyToClipboard _clipBoard;