/* Original script by KiloSwiss https://epochmod.com/forum/topic/32239-howto-get-available-weapons-mod-independent/ Modified and enhanced by GhostriderDbD 7/20/17 All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ */ _weaponsBase = []; _knownWeapons = []; #include "ExcludedClassNames\baseWeapons.sqf" _allWeaponRoots = ["Pistol","Rifle","Launcher"]; _allWeaponTypes = ["AssaultRifle","MachineGun","SniperRifle","Shotgun","Rifle","Pistol","SubmachineGun","Handgun","MissileLauncher","RocketLauncher","Throw","GrenadeCore"]; _addedBaseNames = []; _allBannedWeapons = []; _wpnAR = []; //Assault Rifles _wpnARG = []; //Assault Rifles with GL _wpnLMG = []; //Light Machine Guns _wpnSMG = []; //Sub Machine Guns _wpnDMR = []; //Designated Marksman Rifles _wpnLauncher = []; _wpnSniper = []; //Sniper rifles _wpnHandGun = []; //HandGuns/Pistols _wpnShotGun = []; //Shotguns _wpnThrow = []; // throwables _wpnUnknown = []; //Misc _wpnUnderbarrel = []; _wpnMagazines = []; _wpnOptics = []; _wpnPointers = []; _wpnMuzzles = []; _aBaseNames = []; _wpList = (configFile >> "cfgWeapons") call BIS_fnc_getCfgSubClasses; //_wpList sort true; { _item = _x; _isWeap = false; _isKindOf = false; { _isKindOf = (_item isKindOF [_x, configFile >> "CfgWeapons"]); if (_isKindOf) exitWith {}; } forEach _allWeaponRoots; if (_isKindOf) then { //_msg = format["weapons classname extractor: _item = %1",_item]; //diag_log _msg; //systemChat _msg; if !(_item in _knownWeapons) then { _knownWeapons pushBack _item; //if (getnumber (configFile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _x >> "scope") == 2) then { _itemType = _x call bis_fnc_itemType; _itemCategory = _itemType select 1; //diag_log format["pullWepClassNames:: _itemType = %1 || _itemCategory = %2",_itemType, _itemCategory]; if (((_itemType select 0) == "Weapon") && ((_itemType select 1) in _allWeaponTypes)) then { _baseName = _x call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon; //diag_log format["pullWepClassNames:: Processing for _baseName %3 || _itemType = %1 || _itemCategory = %2",_itemType, _itemCategory, _baseName]; if (!(_baseName in _addedBaseNames) && !(_baseName in _allBannedWeapons)) then { _addedBaseNames pushBack _baseName; switch(_itemCategory)do{ case "AssaultRifle" :{ if(count getArray(configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "muzzles") > 1)then[{_wpnARG pushBack _baseName},{_wpnAR pushBack _baseName}]; }; case "MachineGun" :{_wpnLMG pushBack _baseName}; case "SubmachineGun" :{_wpnSMG pushBack _baseName}; case "Rifle" :{_wpnDMR pushBack _baseName}; case "SniperRifle" :{_wpnSniper pushBack _baseName}; case "Shotgun" :{_wpnShotGun pushBack _baseName}; case "Handgun" :{_wpnHandGun pushBack _baseName}; case "MissileLauncher" :{_wpnLauncher pushBack _baseName}; case "RocketLauncher" :{_wpnLauncher pushBack _baseName}; case "DMR" : {_wpnDMR pushBack _baseName}; case "Throw" : {_wpnThrow pushBack _baseName}; default{_wpnUnknown pushBack _baseName}; }; // Get options for magazines and attachments for that weapon and store these if they are not duplicates for items already listed. _ammoChoices = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "magazines"); { if !(_x in _wpnMagazines) then {_wpnMagazines pushback _x}; }forEach _ammoChoices; _optics = getArray (configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "CowsSlot" >> "compatibleItems"); { if !(_x in _wpnOptics) then {_wpnOptics pushback _x}; }forEach _optics; _pointers = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "PointerSlot" >> "compatibleItems"); { if !(_x in _wpnPointers) then {_wpnPointers pushback _x}; }forEach _pointers; _muzzles = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "MuzzleSlot" >> "compatibleItems"); { if !(_x in _wpnMuzzles) then {_wpnMuzzles pushback _x}; }forEach _muzzles; _underbarrel = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _baseName >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "UnderBarrelSlot" >> "compatibleItems"); { if !(_x in _wpnUnderbarrel) then {_wpnUnderbarrel pushback _x}; }forEach _underbarrel; }; }; }; }; } foreach _wpList; _clipboard = ""; if (GRG_mod == "Exile") then { _clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Exile_TraderItemLists_Header; }; if (GRG_mod == "Epoch") then { _clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Epoch_ItemLists_Header; }; { _clipboard = _clipboard + format["%2%2// %1 %2%2",_x select 0, endl]; _temp = [_x select 1] call fn_generateItemList; _clipBoard = _clipBoard + _temp; } foreach [ ["Assault Rifles ",_wpnAR], ["Assault Rifles with GL",_wpnARG], ["LMGs",_wpnLMG], [" SMGs ",_wpnSMG], ["Snipers ",_wpnSniper], ["DMRs ",_wpnDMR], ["Launchers ",_wpnLauncher], ["Handguns ",_wpnHandGun], ["Shotguns ",_wpnShotGun], ["Throwables ",_wpnThrow], ["Magazines ",_wpnMagazines], ["Optics ",_wpnOptics], ["Muzzles ",_wpnMuzzles], ["Pointers ",_wpnPointers], ["Underbarrel ",_wpnUnderbarrel], ["Unknown ",_wpnUnknown] ]; if (GRG_mod == "Exile") then { _clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Exile_Pricelist_Header; }; if (GRG_mod == "Epoch") then { _clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Epoch_Pricelist_Header; }; { _clipboard = _clipboard + format["%2%2// %1 %2%2",_x select 0, endl]; _temp = [_x select 1] call fn_generatePriceList; _clipBoard = _clipBoard + _temp; } foreach [ ["Assault Rifles ",_wpnAR], ["Assault Rifles with GL",_wpnARG], ["LMGs",_wpnLMG], [" SMGs ",_wpnSMG], ["Snipers ",_wpnSniper], ["DMRs ",_wpnDMR], ["Launchers ",_wpnLauncher], ["Handguns ",_wpnHandGun], ["Shotguns ",_wpnShotGun], ["Throwables ",_wpnThrow], ["Magazines ",_wpnMagazines], ["Optics ",_wpnOptics], ["Muzzles ",_wpnMuzzles], ["Pointers ",_wpnPointers], ["Underbarrel ",_wpnUnderbarrel], ["Unknown ",_wpnUnknown] ]; if (GRG_mod == "Exile") then { _clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Exile_Loottable_Header; }; if (GRG_mod == "Epoch") then { _clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Epoch_Loottable_Header; }; { _clipboard = _clipboard + format["%2%2// %1 %2%2",_x select 0, endl]; _temp = [_x select 1] call fn_generateLootTableEntries; _clipBoard = _clipBoard + _temp; } foreach [ ["Assault Rifles ",_wpnAR], ["Assault Rifles with GL",_wpnARG], ["LMGs",_wpnLMG], [" SMGs ",_wpnSMG], ["Snipers ",_wpnSniper], ["DMRs ",_wpnDMR], ["Launchers ",_wpnLauncher], ["Handguns ",_wpnHandGun], ["Shotguns ",_wpnShotGun], ["Throwables ",_wpnThrow], ["Magazines ",_wpnMagazines], ["Optics ",_wpnOptics], ["Muzzles ",_wpnMuzzles], ["Pointers ",_wpnPointers], ["Underbarrel ",_wpnUnderbarrel], ["Unknown ",_wpnUnknown] ]; copyToClipboard _clipBoard; hint format["Weapons Config Extractor Run complete%1Output copied to clipboard%1Paste it into a text editor to acces",endl];