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358 lines
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// =========================================================================================================
// String Functions Library
// Version: 2.2.1
// Author: Kronzky
// =========================================================================================================
// Usage:
// • KRON_StrToArray - Converts a string into an array of characters:
// _array=[_str] call KRON_StrToArray
// • KRON_StrLen - Returns the length of the string
// _len=[_str] call KRON_StrLen
// • KRON_StrLeft - Returns l characters from the left side of the string
// _left=[_str,l] call KRON_StrLeft
// • KRON_StrRight - Returns l characters from the right side of the string
// _right=[_str,l] call KRON_StrRight
// • KRON_StrMid - Returns l characters from the string, starting at position p (zero-based)
// If l is not defined, the rest of the string is returned
// _mid=[_str,p,(l)] call KRON_StrMid
// • KRON_StrInStr - Tests whether string b is present in string a
// _found=[a,b] call KRON_StrInStr
// • KRON_StrIndex - Returns the position of string b in string a
// _index=[a,b] call KRON_StrIndex
// • KRON_StrUpper - Converts a string to uppercase characters
// _upper=[_str] call KRON_StrUpper
// • KRON_StrLower - Converts a string to lowercase characters
// _lower=[_str] call KRON_StrLower
// • KRON_Replace - Replaces every occurrence of string _old in string _str with string _new
// _index=[_str,_old,_new] call KRON_Replace
// • KRON_FindFlag - Checks a mixed array (_this) for the presence of a string (_str)
// _flg=[_this,_str] call KRON_FindFlag
// • KRON_getArg - Searches a mixed array (_this) for a matching string beginning with (_t), and returns the part after a separator (s)
// A default value can be defined as (_d).
// _arg=[_this,_t,(_d)] call KRON_getArg
// • KRON_getArgRev - Works like getArg, but search for the part *after* the colon, and return the part in front of it
// A default value can be defined as (_d).
// _arg=[_this,_t,(_d)] call KRON_getArgRev
// • KRON_Compare - Compares two elements and returns -1 if first is smaller, 1 if second is smaller, and 0 if equal
// If optional parameter "case" is given, capitalization is considered (upper before lowercase)
// _cmp=[_str1,_str2,("case")] call KRON_Compare
// • KRON_ArraySort - Sorts an array of strings in acsending order (Numbers before letters, uppercase before lowercase)
// If array is multi-dimensional, optional parameter (_idx) specifies which column is used for sorting
// If optional parameter "desc" is given, order is reversed
// If optional parameter "case" is given, capitalization is considered (upper before lowercase)
// _srt=[_arr,(_idx),("desc"),("case")] call KRON_ArraySort
// =========================================================================================================
if !(requiredVersion '1.09') exitWith {};
KRON_StrToArray = {
_in=_this select 0;
_arr = toArray(_in);
for "_i" from 0 to (count _arr)-1 do {
_out=_out+[toString([_arr select _i])];
KRON_StrLeft = {
_in=_this select 0;
_len=(_this select 1)-1;
_arr=[_in] call KRON_StrToArray;
if (_len>=(count _arr)) then {
} else {
for "_i" from 0 to _len do {
_out=_out + (_arr select _i);
KRON_StrLen = {
_in=_this select 0;
_arr=[_in] call KRON_StrToArray;
_len=count (_arr);
KRON_StrRight = {
_in=_this select 0;
_len=_this select 1;
_arr=[_in] call KRON_StrToArray;
if (_len>(count _arr)) then {_len=count _arr};
for "_i" from ((count _arr)-_len) to ((count _arr)-1) do {
_out=_out + (_arr select _i);
KRON_StrMid = {
_in=_this select 0;
_pos=abs(_this select 1);
_arr=[_in] call KRON_StrToArray;
if ((count _this)>2) then {_len=(_this select 2)};
if ((_pos+_len)>=(count _arr)) then {_len=(count _arr)-_pos};
if (_len>0) then {
for "_i" from _pos to (_pos+_len-1) do {
_out=_out + (_arr select _i);
KRON_StrIndex = {
_hay=_this select 0;
_ndl=_this select 1;
if (_hay == _ndl) exitWith {0};
_lh=[_hay] call KRON_StrLen;
_ln=[_ndl] call KRON_StrLen;
if (_lh < _ln) exitWith {-1};
_arr=[_hay] call KRON_StrToArray;
for "_i" from 0 to (_lh-_ln) do {
for "_j" from _i to (_i+_ln-1) do {
_tmp=_tmp + (_arr select _j);
if (_tmp==_ndl) exitWith {_out=_i};
KRON_StrInStr = {
_in=_this select 0;
_out=if (([_this select 0,_this select 1] call KRON_StrIndex)==-1) then {false} else {true};
KRON_Replace = {
_str=_this select 0;
_la=count _arr;
_old=_this select 1;
_new=_this select 2;
_na=[_new] call KRON_StrToArray;
_lo=[_old] call KRON_StrLen;
_ln=[_new] call KRON_StrLen;
for "_i" from 0 to (count _arr)-1 do {
if (_i <= _la-_lo) then {
for "_j" from _i to (_i+_lo-1) do {
_tmp=_tmp + toString([_arr select _j]);
if (_tmp==_old) then {
} else {
_out=_out+toString([_arr select _i]);
KRON_StrUpper = {
_in=_this select 0;
KRON_StrLower = {
_in=_this select 0;
KRON_ArrayToUpper = {
_in=_this select 0;
if ((count _in)>0) then {
for "_i" from 0 to (count _in)-1 do {
_e=_in select _i;
if (typeName _e=="STRING") then {
_out set [_i,_e];
KRON_Compare = {
_k=[_this,"CASE"] call KRON_findFlag;
for "_i" from 0 to 1 do {
_t=_this select _i;
switch (typeName _t) do {
case "SCALAR": {_n=1};
case "BOOL": {_this set [_i,str(_t)]};
case "SIDE": {_this set [_i,str(_t)]};
case "STRING": {if !(_k) then {_this=[_this] call KRON_ArrayToUpper}};
default {_n=-1};
_s1 = _this select 0;
_s2 = _this select 1;
if (_n!=0) exitWith {
if (_n==1) then {
if (_s1<_s2) then {_s=-1} else {if (_s1>_s2) then {_s=1}};
_s1 = toArray(_s1);
_s2 = toArray(_s2);
_l1 = count _s1;
_l2 = count _s2;
_l=if (_l1<_l2) then {_l1} else {_l2};
for "_i" from 0 to _l-1 do {
if ((_s1 select _i)<(_s2 select _i)) then {
} else {
if ((_s1 select _i)>(_s2 select _i)) then {
if (_s==0) then {
if (_l1<_l2) then {
} else {
if (_l1>_l2) then {_s=1};
KRON_ArraySort = {
_a = +(_this select 0);
_d = if ([_this,"DESC"] call KRON_findFlag) then {-1} else {1};
_k = if ([_this,"CASE"] call KRON_findFlag) then {"CASE"} else {"nocase"};
_s = -1;
if (typeName (_a select 0)=="ARRAY") then {
if (((count _this)>1) && (typeName (_this select 1)=="SCALAR")) then {
_s=_this select 1;
for "_i" from 0 to (count _a)-1 do {
_vo = _a select _i;
_v1 = _vo;
if (_s>-1) then {_v1=_v1 select _s};
_j = 0;
for [{_j=_i-1},{_j>=0},{_j=_j-1}] do {
_v2 = _a select _j;
if (_s>-1) then {_v2=_v2 select _s};
_c=[_v2,_v1,_k] call KRON_Compare;
if (_c!=_d) exitWith {};
_a set [_j+1,_a select _j];
_a set [_j+1,_vo];
KRON_findFlag = {
_in=_this select 0;
_flg=toUpper(_this select 1);
_arr=[_in] call KRON_ArrayToUpper;
_out=_flg in _arr;
KRON_getArg = {
_in=_this select 0;
_flg=toUpper(_this select 1);
_fl=[_flg] call KRON_StrLen;
if ((count _this)>2) then {_out=_this select 2};
_arr=[_in] call KRON_ArrayToUpper;
if ((count _arr)>0) then {
for "_i" from 0 to (count _in)-1 do {
_as = _arr select _i;
if (typeName _as=="STRING") then {
_aa = [_as] call KRON_StrToArray;
_p = _aa find ":";
if (_p==_fl) then {
if (([_as,_fl] call KRON_StrLeft)==_flg) then {
_org = _in select _i;
_out=[_org,_p+1] call KRON_StrMid;
KRON_getArgRev = {
_in=_this select 0;
_flg=toUpper(_this select 1);
_fl=[_flg] call KRON_StrLen;
if ((count _this)>2) then {_out=_this select 2};
_arr=[_in] call KRON_ArrayToUpper;
if ((count _arr)>0) then {
for "_i" from 0 to (count _in)-1 do {
_as = _arr select _i;
if (typeName _as=="STRING") then {
_aa = [_as] call KRON_StrToArray;
_p = _aa find ":";
if (_p+1==(count _aa)-_fl) then {
if (([_as,_p+1] call KRON_StrMid)==_flg) then {
_org = _in select _i;
_out=[_org,_p] call KRON_StrLeft;