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synced 2024-08-30 16:42:11 +00:00
Tools Redone to take advantage of BIS_fnc_itemType; coding inefficiencies addressed. Output now correctly lists items that were missing in the past including backpacks and glasses.
103 lines
2.3 KiB
103 lines
2.3 KiB
Class Name Extraction Tool
By GhostriderDbD
For Arma 3
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
_allTanks =
_vehiclesBase = [];
#include "ExcludedClassNames\baseVehicles.sqf"
_veh = (configfile >> "CfgVehicles") call BIS_fnc_getCfgSubClasses;
_veh sort true;
_index = 0;
_cars = [];
_tanks = [];
_boats = [];
_air = [];
_helis = [];
_planes = [];
_exile = 0;
if !(_x in _vehiclesBase) then
if (_x isKindOf "Tank") then {_tanks pushBack _x;systemChat format["Adding Tank %1",_x];};
if (_x isKindOf "Car") then {_cars pushBack _x};
if ((_x isKindOf "Plane")) then {_planes pushBack _x};
if ((_x isKindOf "Helicopter")) then {_helis pushBack _x};
if (_x isKindOf "Ship") then {_boats pushback _x;};
}forEach _veh;
systemChat format["%1 tanks found",count _tanks];
_clipBoard = "";
if (GRG_mod == "Exile") then
_clipboard = _clipboard + GRG_Exile_TraderItemLists_Header;
if (GRG_mod == "Epoch") then
_clipboard = _clipboard + GRG_Epoch_ItemLists_Header;
private _t = "";
_clipboard = _clipboard + format["%2%2// %1%2%2",_x select 0,endl];
_t = [_x select 1] call fn_generateItemList;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + _t;
["Other Air",_air]
if (GRG_mod == "Exile") then
_clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Exile_Pricelist_Header;
if (GRG_mod == "Epoch") then
_clipboard = _clipBoard + GRG_Epoch_Pricelist_Header;
private _t = "";
_clipboard = _clipboard + format["%2%2// %1%2%2",_x select 0,endl];
_t = [_x select 1] call fn_generatePriceList;
_clipBoard = _clipBoard + _t;
["Other Air",_air]
copyToClipboard _clipboard;
hint format["Vehicles Config Extractor Run complete%1Output copied to clipboard%1Paste it into a text editor to acces",endl]; |