# DayZ SA Tomato Dayz Standalone UI Admin Tool ## Changelog See CHANGELOG.md ## News ## 15.12.2018 23:00 ### Fixed - For 1.0 Update (make sure to kopy the Key from Keys folder again !) ### Added - Teleport Locations Check the Config/List Folder u can add your own Locations to it (Adding Locations from ingame does not work since filewrite is bugged at the moment) ### next up - #### If Someone got the mod to work on a 3rd Party hoster Cantact me or join https://discord.gg/Svgz48m ## Notes You can do with this tool what you want as the licence says if you add any features to it i would appreciate if you would share your code so that everyone can benefit from it. You could cantact me per mail at DayZ-SA-Tomato@Primary-Network.de Or @Discord https://discord.gg/qqjwVXV ### Installing 0. Check out this Link if you are using a 3rd party hoster they changed there Wiki since a user asked them how to Install this mod probs to them https://trugaming.com/wiki/index.php?title=DayZ#Server_Side_Mods hoefully this helps a little bit 1. Copy DayZ-SA-Tomato to your Server/Client main Folder 2. Copy SchnitzelPommes.bikey to your Servers keys folder 3. Make sure YourServerFolder/DayZ-Sa-Tomato/Config/Admins.txt file exist (You can delete it Client side) 4. If You need to use the mod folder with an @ Make sure to create DayZ-Sa-Tomato Folder with the Config Folder in it or it wont load Admins.txt and TpLocations file 5. Make sure when step 3 completed add your Steam64ID to this file(for every ID 1 line) 6. Set start param -mod=DayZ-SA-Tomato at Server/Client 7. If not exist Add -profiles=D:\YourProfileFolderMaybe/DayzServer/Log and -scrAllowFileWrite To your server Parameters ![alt text](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/43117016076707122/9D374D1F7933C13B477EE6792A3735D9FFAC74B4/) Also Available in the Steam workshop (not updated all the time) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1575615457 ## Test and Use Start your Server and login Check your Server log for ``` Adding Admin: ``` If this Meessage appears the server loadet the tool if not you did something wrong ``` In Game press "M" Key ``` If Your Client is configured with the mod a Message will appear @chat If Your Server is also configured correct and Admins.txt Contains your id The Ui will open ## Features * **In Game** - M Key brings up the UI * **In Game** - Insert Key go to Camera Mode Insert again to tp to Cursor * **In Game** - N Key to Teleport to Cursor ------------ * **Commands Tab** - Toggle In Game Keys * **Commands Tab** - Self Heal * **Commands Tab** - Daytime * **Commands Tab** - Nighttime * **Commands Tab** - Spawn Car repaired and filled * **Commands Tab** - Refill nearest Car ------------ * **Spawn Tab** - Item/AI/Building Spawning ------------ * **Player Tab** - Player List * **Player Tab** - Tp Players and tp to Players * **Player Tab** - Strip Player * **Player Tab** - Position of Player * **Player Tab** - Disable Stamina for specific Player * **Player Tab** - Heal Player * **Player Tab** - Kill Player ------------ * **Map Tab** - Shows Location of all Players on the Map ### Known Issues * **Spwan Tab** - Item Preview (right side not working) * **Spwan Tab** - Building spawning in ground * **Player Tab** - Blood Energy not showing correctly (sometimes it does) * **Player Tab** - Send Message not working ## License This project is licensed under the GNU v3 License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details ## Acknowledgments * Everyone on the Forums/Discord who answered question (not only me but everyone) * DayZCommunityOfflineMode for Snippets