# DayZ SA Tomato Dayz Standalone UI Admin Tool ## Changelog See CHANGELOG.md ## Notes 27.11.2018 Today an Update will roll out critical errors gonna be fixed 1. Menu opens for everyone when admin opens it (players can't run any command) 2. I need to check why for some ppl it's not working my guess is it does not work via launcher 3. Some always getting kicked because modified data (need to talk to ppl to see what they are doing wrong and update installation guide That are the main problems I came across today as soon as I am back home I am gonna address those. That would be the day one patch. Sorry for that ! It is probably bad written It can be done better It has surely bugs i dont know of There will be someone who creates an actuall good Admin Tool Meanwhile i am Listening to suggestions and fixing the known bugs if i can You could cantact me per mail at DayZ-SA-Tomato@Primary-Network.de ## Installing 1. Copy DayZ-SA-Tomato to your Server/Client main Folder 2. Set start param -mod=DayZ-SA-Tomato at Server/Client (3. Since the Mod is currently not signed set verifySignatures = 0 in your server.cfg) Should Work now Signed the mod 4. DayZ-SA-Tomato/Config/Admins.txt set your Steam64Id Also Available in the Steam workshop https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1575615457 ## Test and Use Start your Server and login ``` In Game press "M" Key to bring up the UI ``` ## Features * **In Game** - M Key brings up the UI * **In Game** - Insert Key go to Camera Mode Insert again to tp to Cursor * **In Game** - N Key to Teleport to Cursor ------------ * **Commands Tab** - Toggle In Game Keys * **Commands Tab** - Self Heal * **Commands Tab** - Daytime * **Commands Tab** - Nighttime * **Commands Tab** - Spawn Car repaired and filled * **Commands Tab** - Refill nearest Car ------------ * **Spawn Tab** - Item/AI/Building Spawning ------------ * **Player Tab** - Player List * **Player Tab** - Tp Players and tp to Players * **Player Tab** - Strip Player * **Player Tab** - Position of Player * **Player Tab** - Disable Stamina for specific Player * **Player Tab** - Heal Player * **Player Tab** - Kill Player ------------ * **Map Tab** - Shows Location of all Players on the Map ### Known Issues ** If admins open the ui it opens for all player ! Gets fixed today** * **Commands Tab** - Camera TP Buttons without Function * **Spwan Tab** - Item Preview (right side not working) * **Spwan Tab** - Building spawning in ground * **Player Tab** - Blood Energy not showing correctly (sometimes it does) * **Player Tab** - Send Message not working ## License This project is licensed under the GNU v3 License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details ## Acknowledgments * Everyone on the Forums/Discord who answered question (not only me but everyone) * DayZCommunityOfflineMode for Snippets