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synced 2024-08-30 16:22:09 +00:00
DayZ SA Tomato
Dayz Standalone UI Admin Tool
- Copy DayZ-SA-Tomato to your Server/Client main Folder
- Set start param -mod=DayZ-SA-Tomato at Server/Client
- Since the Mod is currently not signed set verifySignatures = 0 in your server.cfg
- DayZ-SA-Tomato/Config/Admins.txt set your Steam64Id
Test And Use
Start your Server and login
In Game press "M" Key to Bring up The UI
- In Game - M Key Brings up the UI
- In Game - Insert Key go to Camera Mode Insert again to tp to Cursor
- In Game - N Key to Teleport to Cursor
- Commans Tab - Toggle In Game Keys
- Commans Tab - Self Heal
- Commans Tab - Daytime
- Commans Tab - Nighttime
- Commans Tab - Spawn Carrepaired and filled
- Commans Tab - Refill nearest Car
- Spwan Tab - Item/AI/Building Spawning
- Player Tab - Player List
- Player Tab - Tp Players and tp to Players
- Player Tab - Strip Player
- Player Tab - Position of Player
- Player Tab - Dissable Stamina for specific Player
- Player Tab - Heal Player
- Player Tab - Kill Player
- Map Tab - Shows Location of all Players on the Map
Known Issues
- Commans Tab - Camera,Camera TP Buttons without Function
- Spwan Tab - Item Preview (right side not working)
- Spwan Tab - Building spawning in ground
- Player Tab - Blood Energy not showing correctly (sometimes it does)
- Player Tab - Send Message not not Working
This project is licensed under the GNU v3 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Everyone on the Forums/Discord who answered question (not only me but everyone)
- DayZCommunityOfflineMode for Snippets