2018-07-23 01:12:39 +00:00
nearby [ ] =
" Fire " , //Name of field, anything
" " , //image folder path (ie "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\crafting\"), empty for Epoch default
" fire " , //image prefix, suffix will be added by code. 2 possible suffixes: [_true.paa, _false.paa]
{ 1 , { " ALL " } } , //ARRAY of p3D {0,{"filename.p3d","filename.p3d"}} or ARRAY of logic classes {1,{"AIR","LAND","className"}} or 2 WorldInteractions check {2,{"water"}} Integer to switch array mode
3 , //distance to check in meters
1 , //count
1 , //BOOL: object has to be on fire
0 //BOOL: object has to be alive (not destroyed)
} ;
} ;
//Can be multiple requirements like this, example requires both fire and water (unlimited, but requires mouse scroll if more than 8 elements):
nearby [ ] =
{ " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } ,
{ " Water source " , " " , " water " , { 0 , { " barrelwater_f.p3d " , " water_source_f.p3d " , " pumpa.p3d " , " misc_wellpump.p3d " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 0 } ,
{ { " Water source " , " " , " water " , { 2 , { " water " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 0 } }
} ;
WARNING : DO NOT inherit from existing items , create each item as unique entry , only inherit defaults such as part or kit !
/*[[[cog from arma_config_tools import *; json_to_arma()]]]*/
@ author = " Aaron Clark - https://EpochMod.com " ;
@ contributors [ ] = { " Raimonds Virtoss " } ;
@ description = " Epoch Crafting v2 configs " ;
@ licence = " Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike " ;
@ github = " https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/cfgCrafting.hpp " ;
class CfgCrafting
DeveloperMode = 0 ;
colorScheme [ ] = { " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_code \ Data \ UI \ crafting \ cancel.paa " , " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_code \ Data \ UI \ crafting \ craft.paa " , " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_code \ Data \ UI \ crafting \ close.paa " , { " Recipes " , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.8 } } , { " Ingredients " , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.8 } } , { " Preview " , { 0.76 , 0.5 , 0.07 , 0.8 } } , { " Resources " , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.8 } } , { " Description " , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.8 } } , { " -- Requires -- " , { 0.99 , 0.53 , 0.03 , 1 } } , { " -- Used in -- " , { 0.99 , 0.53 , 0.03 , 1 } } , { 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 } , { 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 } , { 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 } , { 1 , 0 , 0 , 1 } , { 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 } , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.1 } , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 } , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } , { 0.76 , 0.5 , 0.07 , 0.8 } , { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.3 } , " #FFFFFF " , { 1 , 0.6 , 0.01 , 1 } } ;
/** --------- Don't edit --------- **/
class Default //className, any object or item
craftTime = 1 ; //time it takes to craft
craftCount = 1 ; // number of crafted items
recipe [ ] = { } ; //nested arrays, {{"item", 1}};
nearby [ ] = { } ; //nearby requirements - fire, water source, object
usedIn [ ] = { } ; //item is an ingredient
recipeReturn [ ] = { } ; // items to return after crafting is completed
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8125 , 1 , 0.285 } ; //XzY
previewScale = 1 ;
previewVector = 0 ; //vector rotation multiplier
priority = 0 ; //Recipe list priority, items with 0 are on top followed by order in config file.
type = 0 ; //After crafting, item is added: [0 - to inventory], [1 - in weapon holder], [2 - as vehicle]
descriptionFull = " " ; //Structured text, added on new line after descriptionShort
/** --------- Config Overrides --------- **/
//displayName = "";
//picture = "";
//descriptionShort = "";
//model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\models\logo.p3d";
} ;
/** --------- Main templates --------- **/
class WeaponHolder : Default //Placed inside weaponholder in front of player (?)
priority = 0 ;
type = 1 ;
offset [ ] = { 0 , 1 , 0 } ; //local space
craftTime = 10 ;
descriptionFull = " Demo: Can be used if player's inventory space is an issue " ;
} ;
class Vehicle : Default //Spawned in front of player (?)
priority = 0 ;
type = 2 ;
offset [ ] = { 0 , 5 , 0 } ; //local space
craftTime = 10 ;
descriptionFull = " Demo: Should be used for vehicles only " ;
} ;
class Kit : Default //base building kits gets higher priority on the list
priority = 1 ;
descriptionFull = " Base building material " ;
craftTime = 4 ;
} ;
class Item : Default //Goes into inventory
priority = 2 ;
craftTime = 2 ;
} ;
class Part : Default //Looted part - an ingredient for other items, can't be crafted
priority = 3 ;
descriptionFull = " <t color='#FD7F30'>This item has no recipe, but is a part used for other recipes</t> " ;
} ;
/** --------- RECIPES BELOW --------- **/
class ItemCoolerE : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCooler0 " , " ItemCooler1 " , " ItemCooler2 " , " ItemCooler3 " , " ItemCooler4 " , " KitSnowman " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.795709 , 1 , 0.415296 } ;
previewScale = 0.8 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemCooler0 : Item
recipe [ ] = { " ItemCoolerE " , { " SnakeMeat_EPOCH " , 2 } , " sweetcorn_epoch " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.795709 , 1 , 0.415296 } ;
previewScale = 0.8 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemCooler1 : Item
recipe [ ] = { " ItemCoolerE " , { " CookedRabbit_EPOCH " , 2 } , " sweetcorn_epoch " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.795709 , 1 , 0.415296 } ;
previewScale = 0.8 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemCooler2 : Item
recipe [ ] = { " ItemCoolerE " , " CookedChicken_EPOCH " , " sweetcorn_epoch " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.795709 , 1 , 0.415296 } ;
previewScale = 0.8 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemCooler3 : Item
recipe [ ] = { " ItemCoolerE " , " CookedGoat_EPOCH " , " sweetcorn_epoch " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.795709 , 1 , 0.415296 } ;
previewScale = 0.8 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemCooler4 : Item
recipe [ ] = { " ItemCoolerE " , " CookedSheep_EPOCH " , " sweetcorn_epoch " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.795709 , 1 , 0.415296 } ;
previewScale = 0.8 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class sweetcorn_epoch : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCooler0 " , " ItemCooler1 " , " ItemCooler2 " , " ItemCooler3 " , " ItemCooler4 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.799332 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 2.7 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class CircuitParts : Part
2018-08-11 17:15:16 +00:00
usedIn [ ] = { " EnergyPack " , " EnergyPackLg " , " KitPlotPole " , " ItemBattery " , " KitSolarGen " , " KitSolarCharger " , " KitSolarChargerXL " , " KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH " , " KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH " , " BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag " , " BarrelBomb2_EPOCH_Remote_Mag " , " KitPortableLight_Single " , " KitPortableLight_Double " , " BaseCam " , " BaseCamTerminal " , " KitIcebox " } ;
2018-07-23 01:12:39 +00:00
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.791044 , 1 , 0.256956 } ;
previewScale = 2 ;
previewVector = 2.3 ;
} ;
class EnergyPack : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EnergyPackLg " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " CircuitParts " , 1 } , { " ItemCopperBar " , 1 } , { " clean_water_epoch " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.29 } ;
previewScale = 1.75 ;
previewVector = 2.8 ;
} ;
class EnergyPackLg : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemBattery " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " EnergyPack " , 3 } , { " ItemGoldBar " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.29 } ;
previewScale = 1.75 ;
previewVector = 2.8 ;
} ;
class ItemSodaEmpty : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemAluminumBar " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798771 , 1 , 0.238154 } ;
previewScale = 4 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemAluminumBar : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemAluminumBar10oz " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemSodaEmpty " , 6 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797144 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 1.3 ;
previewVector = 2.5 ;
} ;
class ItemAluminumBar10oz : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemAluminumBar " , 10 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797144 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.7 ;
previewVector = 2.5 ;
} ;
class ItemEmptyTin : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemTinBar " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.799961 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 3 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemTinBar : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemTinBar10oz " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemEmptyTin " , 6 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797144 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 1.3 ;
previewVector = 2.5 ;
} ;
class ItemTinBar10oz : Item
usedIn [ ] = { } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemTinBar " , 10 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797144 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.7 ;
previewVector = 2.5 ;
} ;
class PartOre : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemScraps " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 1.38 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class PartOreSilver : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemSilverBar " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 2.4 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class PartOreGold : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemGoldBar " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 2.4 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class Pelt_EPOCH : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitTiPi " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.793741 , 1 , 0.274824 } ;
previewScale = 0.7 ;
previewVector = 2.2 ;
} ;
class ItemRock : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitFirePlace " , " MeleeMaul " , " CrudeHatchet " , " MortarBucket " , " Kit_Garden " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796998 , 1 , 0.35 } ;
previewScale = 1.3 ;
} ;
class ItemStick : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " WoodClub " , " MeleeMaul " , " CrudeHatchet " , " KitFirePlace " , " KitSpikeTrap " , " KitMetalTrap " , " MeleeRod " , " KitSunShade " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " WoodLog_EPOCH " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.25 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class JackKit : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitSpikeTrap " , " KitMetalTrap " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.80573 , 1 , 0.461778 } ;
previewScale = 0.5 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemSeedBag : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " SeedPacket_Hemp " , " SeedPacket_GoldenSeal " , " SeedPacket_Poppy " , " SeedPacket_Pumpkin " , " SeedPacket_Sunflower " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCanvas " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.6 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class Hemp : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemKiloHemp " , " SeedPacket_Hemp " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.24 } ;
previewScale = 0.11 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class GoldenSeal : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " SeedPacket_GoldenSeal " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.1 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class Poppy : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " SeedPacket_Poppy " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class Pumpkin : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " SeedPacket_Pumpkin " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.35 } ;
previewScale = 0.8 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class Sunflower : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " SeedPacket_Sunflower " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.15 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class SeedPacket_Hemp : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " Hemp " , 1 } , { " ItemSeedBag " , 1 } } ;
craftCount = 2 ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.4 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class SeedPacket_GoldenSeal : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " GoldenSeal " , 1 } , { " ItemSeedBag " , 1 } } ;
craftCount = 2 ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.4 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class SeedPacket_Poppy : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " Poppy " , 1 } , { " ItemSeedBag " , 1 } } ;
craftCount = 2 ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.4 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class SeedPacket_Pumpkin : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " Pumpkin " , 1 } , { " ItemSeedBag " , 1 } } ;
craftCount = 2 ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.4 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class SeedPacket_Sunflower : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " Sunflower " , 1 } , { " ItemSeedBag " , 1 } } ;
craftCount = 2 ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.4 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemKiloHemp : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemRope " , " ItemBurlap " , " ItemCanvas " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " Hemp " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796267 , 1 , 0.322762 } ;
previewScale = 0.9 ;
previewVector = 1.4 ;
} ;
class ItemRope : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " WoodClub " , " MeleeMaul " , " CrudeHatchet " , " MeleeRod " , " KitSunShade " , " KitScaffolding " , " KitBarbedWire " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemKiloHemp " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.35 } ;
previewScale = 4 ;
} ;
class ItemBurlap : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " KitHesco3 " , " KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH " , " KitSandbagWall " , " KitSandbagWallLong " , " KitBagBunker " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemKiloHemp " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.38 } ;
previewScale = 0.5 ;
previewVector = - 0.3 ;
} ;
class MeleeMaul : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemRock " , 1 } , { " ItemStick " , 2 } , { " ItemRope " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798975 , 1 , 0.300388 } ;
previewScale = 0.3 ;
previewVector = - 1.8 ;
} ;
class CrudeHatchet : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemRock " , 1 } , { " ItemStick " , 1 } , { " ItemRope " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.786139 , 1 , 0.328525 } ;
previewScale = 0.6 ;
} ;
class WoodClub : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemStick " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.799633 , 1 , 0.237804 } ;
previewScale = 0.35 ;
previewVector = 2.4 ;
} ;
class WoodLog_EPOCH : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " PartPlankPack " , " ItemStick " , " ItemPlywoodPack " , " KitBurnBarrel " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800064 , 1 , 0.25 } ;
previewScale = 0.3 ;
} ;
class MortarBucket : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " KitFoundation " , " KitCinderWall " , " KitHesco3 " , " KitCinderFloor " , " KitCinderHalfFloor " , " KitCinderQuarterFloor " , " KitCinderTower " , " KitSandbagWall " , " KitSandbagWallLong " , " KitBagBunker " , " KitWaterPump " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemRock " , 12 } , { " water_epoch " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.799442 , 1 , 0.426761 } ;
previewScale = 0.6 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemScraps : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCorrugated " , " KitMetalTrap " , " MeleeRod " , " KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH " , " KitBarbedWire " , " BaseCam " , " BaseCamTerminal " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " PartOre " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797144 , 1 , 0.309158 } ;
previewScale = 1 ;
previewVector = 2.8 ;
} ;
class ItemCorrugated : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " KitShelf " , " ItemCorrugatedLg " , " VehicleRepairLg " , " EngineParts " , " KitSink " , " KitFieldToilet " , " KitWaterPump " , " KitLightPole " , " FuelTank " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemScraps " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.791088 , 1 , 0.300004 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class CinderBlocks : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitCinderWall " , " KitCinderFloor " , " KitCinderHalfFloor " , " KitCinderQuarterFloor " , " KitCinderTower " , " KitBarGate " , " KitWaterPump " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.801866 , 1 , 0.35 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
} ;
class ItemMixOil : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " CSGAS " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802419 , 1 , 0.433119 } ;
previewScale = 1.5 ;
} ;
class jerrycan_epoch : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " CSGAS " , " KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH " , " BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag " , " BarrelBomb2_EPOCH_Remote_Mag " , " KitBurnBarrel " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802443 , 1 , 0.254301 } ;
previewScale = 0.6 ;
previewVector = 4.9 ;
} ;
class VehicleRepair : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " VehicleRepairLg " , " EngineParts " , " SpareTire " , " KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH " , " FuelTank " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.787659 , 1 , 0.30098 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = 1.5 ;
} ;
class VehicleRepairLg : Item
recipe [ ] = { " VehicleRepair " , " ItemCorrugated " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798742 , 1 , 0.317871 } ;
previewScale = 0.25 ;
previewVector = 0.7 ;
} ;
class ItemDuctTape : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " SpareTire " , " EngineParts " , " ItemRotor " , " BaseCam " , " BaseCamTerminal " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.807346 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 1.8 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class ItemGlass : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " BaseCam " , " BaseCamTerminal " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.807346 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.55 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EngineParts : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EngineBlock " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " VehicleRepair " , 2 } , { " ItemCorrugated " , 1 } , { " ItemDuctTape " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.807346 , 1 , 0.29 } ;
previewScale = 0.38 ;
previewVector = 0.9 ;
} ;
class EngineBlock : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " EngineParts " , 1 } , { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.807346 , 1 , 0.29 } ;
previewScale = 0.38 ;
previewVector = 0.5 ;
} ;
class ItemRotor : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 1 } , { " ItemDuctTape " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.807346 , 1 , 0.29 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = 0.5 ;
} ;
class FuelTank : Item
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugated " , 1 } , { " VehicleRepair " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio0 : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio1 " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio1 : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio2 " } ;
recipe [ ] = { " EpochRadio0 " , " ItemGarnet " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio2 : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio3 " } ;
recipe [ ] = { " EpochRadio1 " , " ItemCitrine " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio3 : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio4 " } ;
recipe [ ] = { " EpochRadio2 " , " ItemAmethyst " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio4 : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio5 " } ;
recipe [ ] = { " EpochRadio3 " , " ItemTopaz " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio5 : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio6 " } ;
recipe [ ] = { " EpochRadio4 " , " ItemSapphire " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio6 : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio7 " } ;
recipe [ ] = { " EpochRadio5 " , " ItemOnyx " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio7 : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio8 " } ;
recipe [ ] = { " EpochRadio6 " , " ItemEmerald " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio8 : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio9 " } ;
recipe [ ] = { " EpochRadio7 " , " ItemRuby " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class EpochRadio9 : Item
recipe [ ] = { " EpochRadio8 " , " ItemJade " } ;
model = " \a 3 \ ui_f \ objects \ Radio.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800569 , 1 , 0.272473 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = - 3.9 ;
} ;
class ItemGarnet : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio1 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.801697 , 1 , 0.379502 } ;
previewScale = 3 ;
} ;
class ItemCitrine : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio2 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796925 , 1 , 0.285847 } ;
previewScale = 3.5 ;
previewVector = 2.7 ;
} ;
class ItemAmethyst : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio3 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798082 , 1 , 0.277137 } ;
previewScale = 3 ;
previewVector = 2.9 ;
} ;
class ItemTopaz : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio4 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.79555 , 1 , 0.393739 } ;
previewScale = 3 ;
} ;
class ItemSapphire : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio5 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.804014 , 1 , 0.283865 } ;
previewScale = 3 ;
previewVector = 3.3 ;
} ;
class ItemOnyx : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio6 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.799376 , 1 , 0.283337 } ;
previewScale = 3 ;
previewVector = 3.1 ;
} ;
class ItemEmerald : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio7 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.805568 , 1 , 0.293134 } ;
previewScale = 3 ;
previewVector = 2.5 ;
} ;
class ItemRuby : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio8 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.79555 , 1 , 0.393739 } ;
previewScale = 3 ;
} ;
class ItemJade : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " EpochRadio9 " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796903 , 1 , 0.369781 } ;
previewScale = 3 ;
} ;
class SnakeCarcass_EPOCH : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " SnakeMeat_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.808621 , 1 , 0.238853 } ;
previewScale = 0.55 ;
previewVector = 1.8 ;
} ;
class SnakeMeat_EPOCH : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCooler0 " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " SnakeCarcass_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.803189 , 1 , 0.408752 } ;
previewScale = 6 ;
} ;
class RabbitCarcass_EPOCH : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " CookedRabbit_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.340971 } ;
previewScale = 1.5 ;
} ;
class CookedRabbit_EPOCH : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCooler1 " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " RabbitCarcass_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.340971 } ;
previewScale = 1.5 ;
} ;
class ChickenCarcass_EPOCH : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " CookedChicken_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.340971 } ;
previewScale = 0.9 ;
} ;
class CookedChicken_EPOCH : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCooler2 " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " ChickenCarcass_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.340971 } ;
previewScale = 0.9 ;
} ;
class ItemTuna : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemTunaCooked " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.25 } ;
previewScale = 0.21 ;
previewVector = 2.1 ;
} ;
class ItemSeaBass : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemSeaBassCooked " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.25 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 2.1 ;
} ;
class ItemTrout : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemTroutCooked " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.25 } ;
previewScale = 0.7 ;
previewVector = 2.1 ;
} ;
class ItemTunaCooked : Item
usedIn [ ] = { } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " ItemTuna " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.25 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = 2 ;
} ;
class ItemSeaBassCooked : Item
usedIn [ ] = { } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " ItemSeaBass " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.3 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 2 ;
} ;
class ItemTroutCooked : Item
usedIn [ ] = { } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " ItemTrout " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.25 } ;
previewScale = 0.7 ;
previewVector = 2 ;
} ;
class GoatCarcass_EPOCH : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " CookedGoat_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 2.1 ;
} ;
class CookedGoat_EPOCH : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCooler3 " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " GoatCarcass_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 2 ;
} ;
class DogCarcass_EPOCH : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " CookedDog_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 2.1 ;
} ;
class CookedDog_EPOCH : Item
usedIn [ ] = { } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " DogCarcass_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 2 ;
} ;
class SheepCarcass_EPOCH : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " CookedSheep_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 2.1 ;
} ;
class CookedSheep_EPOCH : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCooler4 " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " SheepCarcass_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
previewVector = 2.1 ;
} ;
class icecream_epoch : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitSnowman " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796141 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.7 ;
previewVector = 2.1 ;
} ;
class emptyjar_epoch : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " water_epoch " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.807346 , 1 , 0.43035 } ;
previewScale = 2.5 ;
} ;
class water_epoch : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " clean_water_epoch " , " MortarBucket " , " ItemCopperBar " , " ItemCopperBar10oz " , " ItemGoldBar " , " ItemSilverBar " , " ItemGoldBar10oz " , " ItemSilverBar10oz " , " ItemAluminumBar " , " ItemAluminumBar10oz " , " ItemTinBar " , " ItemTinBar10oz " , " Kit_Garden " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Water source " , " " , " water " , { 2 , { " water " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " emptyjar_epoch " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.807346 , 1 , 0.43035 } ;
previewScale = 2.5 ;
} ;
class clean_water_epoch : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " EnergyPack " , " KitSnowman " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " water_epoch " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.807346 , 1 , 0.43035 } ;
previewScale = 2.5 ;
displayName = " Clean Water " ;
} ;
class CSGAS : Item
recipe [ ] = { " ItemMixOil " , " jerrycan_epoch " } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_2 \ jerrycan.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802443 , 1 , 0.254301 } ;
previewScale = 0.6 ;
previewVector = 4.9 ;
} ;
class ItemCorrugatedLg : Item
2018-08-11 17:15:16 +00:00
usedIn [ ] = { " KitPlotPole " , " KitTankTrap " , " KitHesco3 " , " KitSolarGen " , " KitSolarCharger " , " KitSolarChargerXL " , " ItemRotor " , " EngineBlock " , " KitMetalFloor " , " KitMetalHalfFloor " , " KitMetalQuarterFloor " , " KitMetalTower " , " KitFieldToilet " , " KitSink " , " KitPortableLight_Single " , " KitPortableLight_Double " , " KitBarbedWire " , " KitMetalRack_EB4E " , " KitMetalRackTall_EB4E " , " KitToolTrollyRed_EB4E " , " KitToolTrollyBlue_EB4E " , " KitIcebox " , " KitCargo10_yellow_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_white_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_red_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_orange_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_military_green_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_cyan_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_brick_red_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_blue_EB4E " } ;
2018-07-23 01:12:39 +00:00
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugated " , 3 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797491 , 1 , 0.32899 } ;
previewScale = 0.25 ;
previewVector = 0.5 ;
} ;
class PartPlankPack : Item
2018-08-11 17:15:16 +00:00
usedIn [ ] = { " KitStudWall " , " KitWoodFloor " , " KitWoodFoundation " , " KitWoodStairs " , " KitWoodRamp " , " KitWoodLadder " , " KitWoodTower " , " KitTiPi " , " KitWorkbench " , " KitSpikeTrap " , " KitMetalTrap " , " KitWoodQuarterFloor " , " KitWoodHalfFloor " , " KitBarGate " , " KitBagBunker " , " KitWatchTower " , " KitLightPole " , " KitScaffolding " , " KitPlyThirdWall_EPOCH " , " KitMetalRack_EB4E " , " KitMetalRackTall_EB4E " , " KitWoodenRack_EB4E " , " KitToolTrollyRed_EB4E " , " KitToolTrollyBlue_EB4E " , " KitWoodenShelvesBlue_EB4E " , " KitWoodenShelves_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_yellow_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_white_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_red_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_orange_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_military_green_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_cyan_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_brick_red_EB4E " , " KitCargo10_blue_EB4E " } ;
2018-07-23 01:12:39 +00:00
recipe [ ] = { { " WoodLog_EPOCH " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797837 , 1 , 0.288258 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
craftTime = 2 ;
} ;
class ItemPlywoodPack : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " KitPlyThirdWall_EPOCH " , " KitWoodenRack_EB4E " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " WoodLog_EPOCH " , 3 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797837 , 1 , 0.288258 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
craftTime = 2 ;
} ;
class KitFirePlace : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemRock " , 2 } , { " ItemStick " , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_2 \f ireplace.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.791523 , 1 , 0.244987 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = 1.5 ;
} ;
class KitSpikeTrap : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 4 } , { " ItemStick " , 1 } , { " JackKit " , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_1 \ models \ supply_crate.p3d " ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitMetalTrap : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 4 } , { " ItemStick " , 1 } , { " ItemScraps " , 2 } , { " JackKit " , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_1 \ models \ supply_crate.p3d " ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitStudWall : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 4 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \ Wooden_Wall_SIM.p3d " ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797675 , 1 , 0.398882 } ;
previewScale = 0.07 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitPlyThirdWall_EPOCH : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 2 } , { " ItemPlywoodPack " , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \t hird_ply_wall.p3d " ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797675 , 1 , 0.398882 } ;
previewScale = 0.07 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
descriptionShort = " 1/3 Plywood Wall " ;
descriptionFull = " Base building material " ;
} ;
class KitWoodFloor : Kit
usedIn [ ] = { " KitWoodTower " , " KitBagBunker " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 8 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \ Wooden_Floor.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitWoodHalfFloor : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_1 \ models \ Half_Floor.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitWoodQuarterFloor : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_1 \ models \ Quarter_Floor.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitWoodLadder : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_3 \ CfgVehicles \ Ladder \ wood_ladder.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798736 , 1 , 0.441696 } ;
previewScale = 0.08 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitWoodRamp : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 6 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \ Wood_Ramp.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.799137 , 1 , 0.350575 } ;
previewScale = 0.05 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitTankTrap : Kit
usedIn [ ] = { " KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 1 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_3 \ CfgVehicles \ Defense \t ank_trap.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.25 } ;
previewScale = 0.19 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitHesco3 : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemBurlap " , 3 } , { " MortarBucket " , 2 } , { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_3 \ CfgVehicles \ Defense \ hesco.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798145 , 1 , 0.325629 } ;
previewScale = 0.095 ;
previewVector = 0.3 ;
} ;
class KitWoodStairs : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \ Wood_stairs.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.795037 , 1 , 0.377922 } ;
previewScale = 0.054 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitWoodTower : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " KitWoodFloor " , 1 } , { " PartPlankPack " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_3 \ CfgVehicles \ Tower \ Tower \ Base_Tower_Frame.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800653 , 1 , 0.378749 } ;
previewScale = 0.05 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitMetalFloor : Kit
usedIn [ ] = { " KitMetalTower " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_1 \ models \ metal_floor.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitMetalHalfFloor : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \ metal_floor_half.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitMetalQuarterFloor : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 1 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } , { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \ metal_floor_quarter.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitMetalTower : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " KitMetalFloor " , 1 } , { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ Metal_Base_Tower \ Metal_floor_tower.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800653 , 1 , 0.378749 } ;
previewScale = 0.05 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitCinderFloor : Kit
usedIn [ ] = { " KitCinderTower " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " CinderBlocks " , 4 } , { " MortarBucket " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \ cinderfloor.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitCinderHalfFloor : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " CinderBlocks " , 2 } , { " MortarBucket " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \ cinderfloor_half.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitCinderQuarterFloor : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " CinderBlocks " , 1 } , { " MortarBucket " , 1 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \ cinderfloor_quarter.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitCinderTower : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " KitCinderFloor " , 1 } , { " CinderBlocks " , 2 } , { " MortarBucket " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ Cinder_Base_Tower \ cinder_tower_upgrade.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800653 , 1 , 0.378749 } ;
previewScale = 0.05 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitTiPi : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " Pelt_EPOCH " , 4 } , { " PartPlankPack " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \t p.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.801503 , 1 , 0.433758 } ;
previewScale = 0.06 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitShelf : Kit
usedIn [ ] = { " KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH " } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugated " , 3 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \ shelf.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.803749 , 1 , 0.448515 } ;
previewScale = 0.17 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitWorkbench : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 2 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_1 \ models \ workbench.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.39 } ;
previewScale = 0.25 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitFoundation : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " MortarBucket " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \ Concrete_Col.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796787 , 1 , 0.211457 } ;
previewScale = 0.047 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitWoodFoundation : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 8 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \ Wood_Col.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796787 , 1 , 0.211457 } ;
previewScale = 0.047 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitCinderWall : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " CinderBlocks " , 2 } , { " MortarBucket " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \ cinder_half.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797638 , 1 , 0.341915 } ;
previewScale = 0.07 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class Kit_Garden : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemRock " , 4 } , { " water_epoch " , 4 } , { " PartPlankPack " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \ Farming \ epoch_Garden.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.800198 , 1 , 0.262418 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 3.6 ;
} ;
class KitBarbedWire : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } , { " ItemScraps " , 10 } , { " ItemRope " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \b arbed_wire.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.3 } ;
previewScale = 0.038 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitPlotPole : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " ItemBattery " , 1 } , { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } , { " CircuitParts " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets \ models \ jammer.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.801378 , 1 , 0.464834 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitSnowman : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCoolerE " , 1 } , { " icecream_epoch " , 1 } , { " clean_water_epoch " , 2 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \ hol_x \ epoch_snowman.p3d " ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.801378 , 1 , 0.29 } ;
previewScale = 0.15 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
descriptionShort = " Snowman " ;
descriptionFull = " Nice deco for Wintertime " ;
} ;
class ItemSolar : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitSolarGen " , " KitSolarCharger " , " KitSolarChargerXL " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802374 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.19 ;
previewVector = 3.3 ;
} ;
class SmeltingTools_EPOCH : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCopperBar " , " ItemCopperBar10oz " , " ItemGoldBar " , " ItemSilverBar " , " ItemGoldBar10oz " , " ItemSilverBar10oz " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.25 } ;
previewScale = 0.6 ;
previewVector = 1.2 ;
} ;
class ItemCables : Item
2018-08-11 17:15:16 +00:00
usedIn [ ] = { " KitSolarGen " , " KitSolarCharger " , " KitSolarChargerXL " , " KitPlotPole " , " ItemCopperBar " , " KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH " , " BaseCam " , " BaseCamTerminal " , " KitIcebox " } ;
2018-07-23 01:12:39 +00:00
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCopperBar " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802374 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.3 ;
previewVector = 2.8 ;
} ;
class ItemCopperBar : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCables " , " ItemCopperBar10oz " , " EnergyPack " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } , { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " , 1 } } ;
recipeReturn [ ] = { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797144 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 1.3 ;
previewVector = 2.5 ;
} ;
class ItemCopperBar10oz : Item
usedIn [ ] = { } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCopperBar " , 10 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } , { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " , 1 } } ;
recipeReturn [ ] = { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.797144 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.7 ;
previewVector = 2.5 ;
} ;
class ItemGoldBar : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemGoldBar10oz " , " EnergyPackLg " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " PartOreGold " , 2 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } , { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " , 1 } } ;
recipeReturn [ ] = { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 2.5 ;
previewVector = 2.5 ;
} ;
class ItemSilverBar : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemSilverBar10oz " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " PartOreSilver " , 2 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } , { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " , 1 } } ;
recipeReturn [ ] = { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 2.5 ;
previewVector = 2.5 ;
} ;
class ItemGoldBar10oz : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemBriefcaseGold100oz " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemGoldBar " , 10 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } , { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " , 1 } } ;
recipeReturn [ ] = { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.801715 , 1 , 0.331674 } ;
previewScale = 1.5 ;
previewVector = 0.3 ;
} ;
class ItemSilverBar10oz : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemBriefcaseSilver100oz " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemSilverBar " , 10 } , { " water_epoch " , 1 } , { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " , 1 } } ;
recipeReturn [ ] = { " SmeltingTools_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.801715 , 1 , 0.331674 } ;
previewScale = 1.5 ;
previewVector = 0.3 ;
} ;
class ItemBriefcaseGold100oz : Item
usedIn [ ] = { } ;
nearby [ ] = { } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemGoldBar10oz " , 10 } , { " ItemBriefcaseE " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.42 } ;
previewScale = 0.5 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemBriefcaseSilver100oz : Item
usedIn [ ] = { } ;
nearby [ ] = { } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemSilverBar10oz " , 10 } , { " ItemBriefcaseE " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.42 } ;
previewScale = 0.5 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemBriefcaseE : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemBriefcaseGold100oz " , " ItemBriefcaseSilver100oz " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.42 } ;
previewScale = 0.5 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class ItemBattery : Item
2018-08-11 17:15:16 +00:00
usedIn [ ] = { " KitSolarGen " , " KitSolarCharger " , " KitSolarChargerXL " , " KitPlotPole " , " BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag " , " BarrelBomb2_EPOCH_Remote_Mag " , " KitIcebox " } ;
2018-07-23 01:12:39 +00:00
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " EnergyPackLg " , 3 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802374 , 1 , 0.276733 } ;
previewScale = 0.4 ;
} ;
class KitSolarGen : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemSolar " , 1 } , { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " ItemBattery " , 1 } , { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } , { " CircuitParts " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_3 \ CfgVehicles \ Solar_Generator_Complete \ Solar_generator.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.804979 , 1 , 0.39189 } ;
previewScale = 0.11 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitSolarCharger : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemSolar " , 1 } , { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " ItemBattery " , 1 } , { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } , { " CircuitParts " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_3 \ CfgVehicles \ Solar_Generator_Complete \ Solar_generator.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.804979 , 1 , 0.39189 } ;
previewScale = 0.11 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
descriptionShort = " Solar Charger Kit " ;
descriptionFull = " Used to charge small Energy Packs " ;
} ;
class KitSolarChargerXL : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemSolar " , 2 } , { " ItemCables " , 2 } , { " ItemBattery " , 2 } , { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } , { " CircuitParts " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_assets_3 \ CfgVehicles \ Solar_Generator_Complete \ Solar_generator.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.804979 , 1 , 0.39189 } ;
previewScale = 0.11 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
descriptionShort = " Solar Charger Kit XL " ;
descriptionFull = " Used to charge large Energy Packs " ;
} ;
class BaseCam : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " ItemGlass " , 1 } , { " ItemDuctTape " , 1 } , { " ItemScraps " , 2 } , { " CircuitParts " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \b ase_cam.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.804979 , 1 , 0.3 } ;
previewScale = 0.5 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
descriptionShort = " Base Camera " ;
descriptionFull = " Protect your Base with a Camera.<br/>A BaseCam Terminal is needed,<br/>to check your Base Cameras " ;
} ;
class BaseCamTerminal : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " ItemGlass " , 1 } , { " ItemDuctTape " , 1 } , { " ItemScraps " , 2 } , { " CircuitParts " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \b ase_cam_terminal.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.804979 , 1 , 0.3 } ;
previewScale = 0.5 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
descriptionShort = " Base Camera Terminal " ;
descriptionFull = " Check your Base Cameras with this Terminal " ;
} ;
class MeleeRod : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemRope " , 1 } , { " ItemStick " , 1 } , { " ItemScraps " , 1 } } ;
descriptionFull = " " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798975 , 1 , 0.375 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = - 1.8 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeI_100_EPOCH : Kit //doc1
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc1 " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } , { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " VehicleRepair " , 3 } } ; //update rest of items
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc1 " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } , { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " VehicleRepair " , 3 } } ; //update rest of items
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeI_300_EPOCH : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc1 " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } , { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " VehicleRepair " , 3 } } ; //update rest of items
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeII_100_EPOCH : Kit //doc2, tire
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc2 " , 1 } , { " SpareTire " , 1 } , { " KitTankTrap " , 2 } , { " ItemAluminumBar10oz " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc2 " , 1 } , { " SpareTire " , 1 } , { " KitTankTrap " , 2 } , { " ItemAluminumBar10oz " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeII_300_EPOCH : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc2 " , 1 } , { " SpareTire " , 1 } , { " KitTankTrap " , 2 } , { " ItemAluminumBar10oz " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH : Kit //doc3, pipes
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc3 " , 1 } , { " ItemPipe " , 2 } , { " KitShelf " , 2 } , { " ItemBurlap " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc3 " , 1 } , { " ItemPipe " , 2 } , { " KitShelf " , 2 } , { " ItemBurlap " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_300_EPOCH : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc3 " , 1 } , { " ItemPipe " , 2 } , { " KitShelf " , 2 } , { " ItemBurlap " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_100_EPOCH : Kit //doc4
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc4 " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } , { " ItemScraps " , 2 } , { " jerrycan_epoch " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc4 " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } , { " ItemScraps " , 2 } , { " jerrycan_epoch " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_300_EPOCH : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemVehDoc4 " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } , { " ItemScraps " , 2 } , { " jerrycan_epoch " , 2 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.798208 , 1 , 0.227936 } ;
previewScale = 0.28 ;
previewVector = - 0.5 ;
} ;
class ItemVehDoc1 : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802374 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.2 ;
previewVector = 3.3 ;
} ;
class ItemVehDoc2 : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802374 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.2 ;
previewVector = 3.3 ;
} ;
class ItemVehDoc3 : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802374 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.2 ;
previewVector = 3.3 ;
} ;
class ItemVehDoc4 : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802374 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1.2 ;
previewVector = 3.3 ;
} ;
class SpareTire : Part
recipe [ ] = { { " VehicleRepair " , 2 } , { " ItemDuctTape " , 1 } } ;
usedIn [ ] = { " KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802374 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.45 ;
previewVector = 3.3 ;
} ;
class ItemPipe : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH " , " KitTentA " , " KitTentDome " , " KitScaffolding " , " KitSink " , " KitSunShade " , " KitWaterPump " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802374 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = 0.5 ;
} ;
class ItemCanvas : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " KitTentA " , " KitTentDome " , " KitSunShade " , " KitWatchTower " , " KitScaffolding " , " ItemSeedBag " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemKiloHemp " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802443 , 1 , 0.254301 } ;
previewScale = 0.8 ;
previewVector = 4.9 ;
} ;
class ItemBulb : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitLightPole " , " KitPortableLight_Single " , " KitPortableLight_Double " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.802443 , 1 , 0.254301 } ;
previewScale = 0.95 ;
previewVector = 4.9 ;
} ;
class BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag : Kit
nearby [ ] = { { " Fire " , " " , " fire " , { 1 , { " ALL " } } , 3 , 1 , 1 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemBarrelE " , 1 } , { " jerrycan_epoch " , 3 } , { " ItemBattery " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.79545 , 1 , 0.42 } ;
previewScale = 0.3 ;
previewVector = 0.3 ;
} ;
class BarrelBomb2_EPOCH_Remote_Mag : BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.79545 , 1 , 0.234395 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = 0.1 ;
} ;
class ItemBarrelE : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag " , " BarrelBomb2_EPOCH_Remote_Mag " , " KitBurnBarrel " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.79545 , 1 , 0.234395 } ;
previewScale = 0.2 ;
previewVector = 0.1 ;
} ;
class KitTentA : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCanvas " , 2 } , { " ItemPipe " , 3 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \t ent_camo.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.3 } ;
previewScale = 0.5 ;
previewVector = 0.3 ;
} ;
class KitTentDome : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCanvas " , 3 } , { " ItemPipe " , 4 } } ;
model = " \ x \a ddons \a 3_epoch_community \ models \t ent_dome.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.3 } ;
previewScale = 0.5 ;
previewVector = 0.3 ;
} ;
class ItemWaterPurificationTablets : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemBottlePlastic_Clean " , " ItemCanteen_Clean " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class ItemBottlePlastic_Empty : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemBottlePlastic_Dirty " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class ItemBottlePlastic_Dirty : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemBottlePlastic_Clean " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Water source " , " " , " water " , { 2 , { " water " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " ItemBottlePlastic_Empty " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class ItemBottlePlastic_Clean : Item
recipe [ ] = { " ItemBottlePlastic_Dirty " , " ItemWaterPurificationTablets " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class ItemCanteen_Empty : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCanteen_Dirty " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class ItemCanteen_Dirty : Item
usedIn [ ] = { " ItemCanteen_Clean " } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Water source " , " " , " water " , { 2 , { " water " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 0 } } ;
recipe [ ] = { " ItemCanteen_Empty " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class ItemCanteen_Clean : Item
usedIn [ ] = { } ;
recipe [ ] = { " ItemCanteen_Dirty " , " ItemWaterPurificationTablets " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 1 ;
previewVector = 1 ;
} ;
class lighter_epoch : Part
usedIn [ ] = { " KitBurnBarrel " } ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.79545 , 1 , 0.234395 } ;
previewScale = 2.5 ;
previewVector = - 90 ;
} ;
class KitBurnBarrel : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemBarrelE " , 1 } , { " jerrycan_epoch " , 1 } , { " WoodLog_EPOCH " , 3 } , { " lighter_epoch " , 1 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F \ Items \ Vessels \ MetalBarrel_empty_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.30 ;
} ;
class KitLightPole : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemBulb " , 1 } , { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " ItemBattery " , 1 } , { " ItemCorrugated " , 1 } , { " PartPlankPack " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F \ Civ \ Lamps \ LampShabby_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796787 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.040 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitFieldToilet : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } , { " ItemCorrugated " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F \ Civ \ Camping \ FieldToilet_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796787 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.1 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitScaffolding : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemPipe " , 16 } , { " PartPlankPack " , 2 } , { " ItemRope " , 12 } , { " ItemCanvas " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F \ Civ \ Constructions \ Scaffolding_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.02 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitSink : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 2 } , { " ItemPipe " , 1 } , { " ItemCorrugated " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F \ Civ \ Accessories \ Sink_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.15 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitPortableLight_Single : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemBulb " , 1 } , { " ItemCables " , 1 } , { " ItemBattery " , 1 } , { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 1 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F_EPA \ Civ \ Constructions \ PortableLight_single_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796787 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.1 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitPortableLight_Double : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemBulb " , 2 } , { " ItemCables " , 2 } , { " ItemBattery " , 1 } , { " ItemCorrugatedLg " , 1 } , { " CircuitParts " , 2 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F_EPA \ Civ \ Constructions \ PortableLight_double_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796787 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.1 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitWatchTower : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 8 } , { " ItemRope " , 4 } , { " ItemCanvas " , 2 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F_EPC \ Civ \ Accessories \ LifeguardTower_01_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796787 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.040 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitSunShade : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemCanvas " , 1 } , { " ItemPipe " , 1 } , { " ItemRope " , 1 } , { " ItemStick " , 4 } } ;
nearby [ ] = { { " Workbench " , " " , " workbench " , { 1 , { " WorkBench_EPOCH " } } , 3 , 1 , 0 , 1 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F_EPC \ Civ \ Camping \ Sunshade_03_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.796787 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.09 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitSandbagWall : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemBurlap " , 2 } , { " MortarBucket " , 2 } } ;
model = " A3 \ Structures_F \ Mil \ BagFence \ BagFence_Short_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.17 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitSandbagWallLong : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemBurlap " , 4 } , { " MortarBucket " , 4 } } ;
model = " A3 \ Structures_F \ Mil \ BagFence \ BagFence_Long_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.12 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitBagBunker : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " ItemBurlap " , 8 } , { " MortarBucket " , 8 } , { " KitWoodFloor " , 1 } , { " PartPlankPack " , 2 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F \ Mil \ BagBunker \ BagBunker_Small_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.055 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitBarGate : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " PartPlankPack " , 6 } , { " CinderBlocks " , 1 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F \ Walls \ BarGate_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.26 } ;
previewScale = 0.035 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
class KitWaterPump : Kit
recipe [ ] = { { " CinderBlocks " , 4 } , { " MortarBucket " , 4 } , { " ItemPipe " , 2 } , { " ItemCorrugated " , 2 } } ;
model = " \ A3 \ Structures_F \ Civ \ Accessories \ Water_source_F.p3d " ;
previewPosition [ ] = { 0.8 , 1 , 0.27 } ;
previewScale = 0.09 ;
previewVector = 0 ;
} ;
2018-08-11 17:15:16 +00:00
# include "EB4E_BaseBuilding.hpp"
2018-07-23 01:12:39 +00:00
} ;