/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// All credit for this script goes to Ghostrider [GRG] - Visit Ghostriders github at: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD- Install instructions by Nicho1494. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //GRG EB4E - Extended Base Objects - Epoch // //Step 1; Download the file "EB4E-master" and extract it to your documents. Unpack your MPMission - epoch.Altis.pbo (Changes dependable on the map you are using) //Step 2; Merge the contents of the following files with the those in you MPMission file - epoch.Altis\epoch_config\Configs\ CfgObjectInteractions.hpp CfgItemInteractions.hpp CfgCrafting.hpp CfgBaseBuilding.hpp Copy the following files to epoch.Altis\epoch_config\Configs\ EB4E_BaseBuilding.hpp EB4E_Crafting.hpp EB4E_ItemInteractions.hpp EB4E_ObjectInteractions.hpp //Step 3; Copy the folder @EB4E and place it in your main directory with @EpochHive. Add to your command line under server mods - @EB4E; so it looks like @EpochHive;@EB4E; Restart your server and ensure no errors are present in your RPT. Additional scripts are avalible from GhostriderGaming [GRG] - Find the link at the top of this file! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////