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2018-08-11 13:15:46 -04:00
@EB4E v 0.1 alpha 2018-07-22 21:12:39 -04:00
mapName.epoch/epoch_config/Configs Update CfgItemInteractions.hpp 2018-08-11 13:15:46 -04:00
README.md Update README.md 2018-07-23 18:08:08 -04:00


Project Name: Extended Base Objects for Epoch (EB4E) Purpose: provide an addon that permits players to craft, build and place new objects outside of those provided by Epoch. Prerequisites: Epoch 1.2+; Arma 1.84 +. Current Focus: add new storage containers. Steam link: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/931567646646736872/A25459A5CA3CCDA214F4B5E1D8537D125E4739AD/?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-format=jpeg&output-quality=95&fit=inside%7C637%3A358&composite-to=,%7C637%3A358&background-color=black

Website: www.Ghostridergaming.net

Credits: Grahame for assistance regarding coding, testing and troubleshooting. AWOL and other members of the A3 Epoch team for developming an increadible and adaptable mod.