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2019-05-01 21:31:15 +00:00
_this spawn {
params ["_Building","_Vehicle",["_Textures",[]]];
2019-05-04 22:30:58 +00:00
_PaintingCosts = getnumber (missionconfigfile >> "CfgPainting" >> "DefaultVehicle" >> "PaintingCosts");
if (isclass (missionconfigfile >> "CfgPainting" >> (typeof _Vehicle))) then {
_PaintingCosts = getnumber (missionconfigfile >> "CfgPainting" >> (typeof _Vehicle) >> "PaintingCosts");
2019-05-01 21:31:15 +00:00
if (EPOCH_playerCrypto < _PaintingCosts) exitWith {
_line = format ['You need %1 Crypto for Painting', _PaintingCosts];
[_line,5] call Epoch_message;
_ok = true;
_Check1 = {
_out1 = true;
2019-05-02 21:07:51 +00:00
if (_Vehicle distance2D _Building > 2.5) exitwith {
2019-05-01 21:31:15 +00:00
["Park in center of the Garage",5] call Epoch_Message;
if !((crew _Vehicle) isEqualTo []) exitwith {
["All passengers have to leave the Vehicle",5] call Epoch_Message;
_playerPosASL = visiblePositionASL _x;
_abovePlayerPosASL = [_playerPosASL select 0,_playerPosASL select 1,(_playerPosASL select 2) + 15];
if (lineIntersects [_playerPosASL, _abovePlayerPosASL, _x]) exitwith {
["All Players have to leave the Garage",5] call Epoch_Message;
_out1 = false;
} foreach (_Building nearentities ["MAN",(sizeof (typeof _Building))/2]);
_DoorCheck = {
(_building animationPhase "Lroll_door") < 0.1
_Animate = {
_Building animate ["Lroll_door",_this];
_Building animate ["Uroll_door",_this];
_Building animate ["door_2",if (_this == 1) then {0} else {1}];
if !(call _Check1) exitwith {};
0 call _Animate;
waituntil {uisleep 0.2; !(call _Check1) || call _DoorCheck};
if !(call _DoorCheck) exitwith {};
_smokes = [];
_smokeclasses = ["SmokeShellOrange","SmokeShellBlue","SmokeShellPurple","SmokeShellRed","SmokeShellGreen","SmokeShellYellow"];
for "_i" from 0 to 5 do {
_pos = switch _i do {
case 0: {[-1.5,2,-0.35]};
case 1: {[1.5,2,-0.35]};
case 2: {[-1.5,-2,-0.35]};
case 3: {[1.5,-2,-0.35]};
case 4: {[0,0,-0.35]};
default {[0,0,0]};
if !(call _DoorCheck) exitwith {};
_smoke = (_smokeclasses deleteat 0) createVehicle getPosATL _Vehicle;
_smoke attachTo [_Vehicle,_pos];
_smokes pushback _smoke;
uisleep 3.5;
if !(call _DoorCheck) exitwith {
["Painting Abort - Someone has opened the Door",5] call Epoch_Message;
deletevehicle _x;
} foreach _smokes;
1 call _Animate;
if !(_Textures isEqualTo []) then {
[_vehicle,_PaintingCosts,_Textures,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteexec ['epoch_server_paintvehicle',2];
deletevehicle _x;
} foreach _smokes;
uisleep 5;
["Painting finished! Thank you very much...",5] call Epoch_Message;
1 call _Animate;