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2017-07-27 14:51:19 +00:00
Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
VIP Event - Reveals the map location of a random player that possesses a specific item every x minutes.
Improvements and or bugfixes and other contributions are welcome via the github:
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_marker","_name","_owner","_player","_players","_position"];
params [["_item","ItemBriefcaseGold100oz"]];
// marker name
_marker = "VIPMarker1";
// remove any previous markers
if (_marker in allMapMarkers) then {
deleteMarker _marker;
// get all alive players with the VIP item.
_players = allPlayers select {(alive _x && (_item in magazines _x))};
// continue if players found
if !(_players isEqualTo []) then {
// select random player
_player = selectRandom _players;
_position = getpos _player;
_owner = owner _player;
_name = name _player;
// make marker
_marker = createMarker[_marker, _position];
_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
_marker setMarkerType "hd_objective";
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_marker setMarkerText "VIP";
// tell player about VIP status
["You are the VIP!", 5] remoteExec ['Epoch_message',_player];
// broadcast to everyone else
[format["%1 is the VIP!",_name], 5] remoteExec ['Epoch_message',[-2,-_owner]];
// debug
diag_log format["Epoch: VIP Marker triggered on %1", _player];