displayMessage[]={"It was a beautiful day on Johnny's block","While Johnny was watching his father take all he could","Daddy's Roommate by Will Michoite"};
displayMessage[]={"An elaborate story on a small town kid with big town mommies, I mean tittied.","Heather has TWO Mommies by Leslea Newman and Diana Solza"};
displayMessage[]={"Look its todays edition and OH crap you die today, nvm thats O'Tool whom died","Trade City Obituaries by Your Fellow Community Members and AI"};
displayMessage[]={"As you open the manilla folder you see pictures of your mom..."};
displayMessage[]={"First you have no liquor and then you get slapped by a woman. This is not your day..."};
displayMessage[]={"Wooden Ramp for DUMMIES volume 3"};
displayMessage[]={"Swap the Deck, a seductive tale so bad the author couldnt put his name on it!"};
displayMessage[]={"'He Touch Me, He Touch Me NOT is Back' raves Cherno Shmerno!","#1 Bestseller throughout Arma 2 DayZ Epoch"};