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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
121 lines
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121 lines
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private["_found", "_return", "_foundLocalAnimal", "_str", "_blood", "_foundTerminal", "_index"];
_return = false;
if (isNil "EPOCH_trashLootList") then{
_config = 'CfgEpochClient' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
EPOCH_trashLootList = [];
EPOCH_trashLootList pushBack getArray(_config >> worldname >> _x);
} forEach(getArray(_config >> worldname >> "TrashClasses"));
if (isNil "EPOCH_atmList") then{
_config = 'CfgEpochClient' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
EPOCH_atmList = getArray(_config >> worldname >> "ATM");
if (diag_tickTime - EPOCH_lastTrash > 2) then {
EPOCH_lastTrash = diag_tickTime;
_destroyTrashObj = objNull;
_lootAnimalObj = objNull;
EPOCH_bankTerminal = objNull;
_trashType = 0;
_objects = nearestObjects[player, [], 2];
_found = false;
_foundTerminal = false;
_foundLocalAnimal = false;
if !(_x isKindOf "All") then {
if (alive _x) then {
_str = str(_x);
_findStart = _str find ": ";
if (_findStart != -1) then {
_p3dName = _str select[_findStart + 2, 999];
_found = _p3dName in _x;
if (_found) exitWith{ _trashType = _forEachIndex };
} forEach EPOCH_trashLootList;
_foundTerminal = _p3dName in EPOCH_atmList;
} else {
if (alive _x) then {
if ((typeOf _x) in["Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", "Land_PhoneBooth_01_F", "Land_Atm_01_F", "Land_Atm_02_F", "Land_Laptop_device_F"]) then {
_foundTerminal = true
if (_x isKindOf "Snake_random_EPOCH") then {
_foundLocalAnimal = true;
if (random 1 < 0.1) then {
EPOCH_playerToxicity = (EPOCH_playerToxicity + (random(100 - EPOCH_playerImmunity))) min 100;
} else {
if ((_x isKindOf "Animal_Base_F" && !(_x isKindOf "Dog_Base_F")) || (typeOf _x) in["Epoch_Sapper_F", "Epoch_SapperB_F", "Epoch_Cloak_F", "I_UAV_01_F"]) then {
_foundLocalAnimal = true;
if (_found) exitWith{ _destroyTrashObj = _x };
if (_foundLocalAnimal) exitWith{ _lootAnimalObj = _x };
if (_foundTerminal) exitWith{ EPOCH_bankTerminal = _x };
}forEach _objects;
if (!isNull _lootAnimalObj) then {
EPOCH_lootAnimal = [_lootAnimalObj, player, Epoch_personalToken];
_bloodPos = getPosATL _lootAnimalObj;
_blood = "BloodSplat" createVehicleLocal _bloodPos;
_blood setPosATL _bloodPos;
EPOCH_playerSoiled = (EPOCH_playerSoiled + 1) min 100;
publicVariableServer "EPOCH_lootAnimal";
_return = true;
_dt = ["<t size='0.8' shadow='0' color='#99ffffff'>Object Looted</t>", 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;
if (!isNull _destroyTrashObj) then {
EPOCH_destroyTrash = [_destroyTrashObj, _trashType, player, Epoch_personalToken];
// hint str EPOCH_destroyTrash;
publicVariableServer "EPOCH_destroyTrash";
EPOCH_playerSoiled = (EPOCH_playerSoiled + 1) min 100;
_return = true;
_dt = ["<t size='0.8' shadow='0' color='#99ffffff'>Object Looted</t>", 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;
// Snake Den
if (random 1 < 0.04) then {
_animalPos = getposATL _destroyTrashObj;
_randomAIClass = ["Snake_random_EPOCH", "Snake2_random_EPOCH"];
_randomIndex = floor(random(count _randomAIClass));
_randomAIClass = _randomAIClass select _randomIndex;
_animals = [];
for "_i" from 1 to 2 step 1 do {
_animal = createAgent[_randomAIClass, _animalPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_animal setVariable["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true];
_id = [_animal, true] execFSM "\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\System\Animal_brain.fsm";
_animals pushBack _animal;
publicVariableServer "EPOCH_TEMPOBJ_PVS";
if (!isNull EPOCH_bankTerminal) then {
// make balance request
if (isNil "EPOCH_bankTransferActive") then {
EPOCH_storeCrypto_PVS = [player, [], Epoch_personalToken];
publicVariableServer "EPOCH_storeCrypto_PVS";
closeDialog 0;
createDialog "InteractBank";
lbClear 21500;
_index = lbAdd[21500, name _x];
lbSetData[21500, _index, netId _x];
} forEach(playableUnits - [player]);
_return = true;