
19 lines
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2015-09-14 20:55:36 +00:00
if (EPOCH_playerCrypto > 0) then {
_config = "CfgEpochClient" call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_buildingJammerRange = getNumber(_config >> "buildingJammerRange");
if (_buildingJammerRange == 0) then { _buildingJammerRange = 75; };
2015-10-08 19:54:40 +00:00
_maintainCount = {(damage _x) > 0} count nearestObjects[_this, ["Constructions_static_F","Constructions_foundation_F","Constructions_lockedstatic_F","Buildable_Storage","Secure_Storage_Proxy"], _buildingJammerRange];
2015-09-14 20:55:36 +00:00
if (EPOCH_playerCrypto < _maintainCount) then {
_maintainCount = EPOCH_playerCrypto;
EPOCH_MAINTBUILD = [_this, player, _maintainCount, Epoch_personalToken];
publicVariableServer "EPOCH_MAINTBUILD";
_dt = [format["<t size=""0.8"" shadow=""0"" color=""#99ffffff"">Cost %1 Krypto to maintain base.</t>", _maintainCount], 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;
} else {
_dt = ["<t size=""0.8"" shadow=""0"" color=""#99ffffff"">You need Krypto to maintain a base.</t>", 0, 1, 5, 2, 0, 1] spawn bis_fnc_dynamictext;