dialogue1[]={"The UAV terminal is at your feet, Equip it !","Pick up the terminal and equip yourself with it.","Grab the UAV terminal and put it in your GPS slot."};
diag2Condition="!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player)";
dialogue2[]={"Hurry it up, pick up and equip the terminal.","Come on, Equip yourself with the terminal.","We don't have all day, get that terminal equipped."};
failed[]={"I guess you have better things to do.","Try again later.","You didn't pick up the terminal. Misison Failed !"};
completeCondition="'B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player";
completed1[]={"That's great, you have 30 seconds to find a safe position.","Find a hidden spot to operate from, take off in 30 seconds.","Find yourself a concealed position to work from, taking off in half a minute."};
dialogue1[]={"Great start.. Lets take this thing for a ride.","We're off, get some practice, I am finding you a target.","Get clear of this area, I am calculating your target."};
diag2Condition="alive axeUAV";
dialogue2[]={"Keep it up, you are doing a great job.","Try and find some targets on your way.","Don't get shot down now !"};
failedCondition="!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive axeUAV)";
failed[]={"Oh dear, that didn't go well..","Try again later.","Misison Failed !"};
dialogue2[]={"I have marked your map, it will be nearby.","Check you map, there is a marker near a safehouse","Search your map for the landing zone, near a traders safehouse."};
dialogue2[]={"Check your map for his location, you will need to land nearby.","I have marked your map with his location.","Fly to the location marked on your map, then land."};
dialogue3[]={"Get this thing down and the engine off.","Land in the zone and switch your engine off quickly.","Find a landing spot in the area and keep quiet."};
failedCondition="!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive axeUAV)";
failed[]={"Oh dear, Mission Over !","Mission Failed !"};