mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Advanced RyanZ Spawner
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
waituntil {uisleep 1; !isnil "Ryanzombiesdamage" && !isnil "Ryanzombieshealth" && !isnil "Ryanzombieslimit" && !isnil "RZ_fnc_zombie_attackHuman" && !isnil "RZ_CrawlerAggressiveArray"};
uisleep 15;
params [
Ryanzombiesdamage = _Ryanzombiesdamage;
Ryanzombieshealth = _Ryanzombieshealth;
ryanzombiesinfectedchance = _ryanzombiesinfectedchance;
ryanzombiesinfectedrate = _ryanzombiesinfectedrate;
ryanzombiesinfectedsymptoms = _ryanzombiesinfectedsymptoms;
ryanzombiesinfecteddeath = _ryanzombiesinfecteddeath;
ryanzombiesantivirusduration = _ryanzombiesantivirusduration;
NoZedAreas = _NoZedAreas;
MaxOverallZeds = _MaxOverallZeds;
BlackListedVehicles = _BlackListedVehicles;
ZedSpawnArr = _ZedSpawnArr;
ryanzombiesglow = nil; // Do not change it here! Just in the config!
ryanzombiesglowdemondisable = false;
RZ_CrawlerAggressiveArray = RZ_NormalZombieAggressiveArray;
Epoch_ZedAttack = {
_soundEffectFinal = "A3\sounds_f\weapons\silenced\silent-23.wss";
_unit = player;
_soundEffectRange = 0;
playSound3D [_soundEffectFinal, _unit, false, getPosASL _unit, 1, 1, _soundEffectRange];
addCamShake [3,0.5,30];
player setdamage (damage player + Ryanzombiesdamage);
reverse ZedSpawnArr;
_ZedSpawnCheckTime = diag_ticktime;
_ZedSpawnCheck = {
params [["_target",objnull]];
_output = [];
if (!isnull _target && alive _target) then {
if (isobjecthidden _target) exitwith {};
if ({vehicle _target iskindof _x} count BlackListedVehicles > 0) exitwith {};
if (speed (vehicle _target) > 25) exitwith {};
if ({_x distance2d _target < 150} count (missionnamespace getvariable ["Epoch_Plotpoles",[]]) > 0) exitwith {};
_OverallZeds = (entities [["EPOCH_RyanZombie_1","RyanZombieCivilian_F"],[],true,false]);
_AliveZeds = _OverallZeds select {alive _x};
if ((count _AliveZeds) <= MaxOverallZeds) then {
_NearHouses = (_target nearObjects ["house", 100]) select {!((_x buildingPos -1) isEqualTo [])};
_housecount = count _NearHouses;
_spawnArray = [0,0,0,0,0];
_x params ["_HousesInRange"];
if (_housecount >= _HousesInRange) exitwith {
_spawnArray = _x;
} foreach ZedSpawnArr;
_spawnArray params ["_HousesInRange","_SpawnChance","_MinSpawn","_MaxSpawn","_maxZedsInRange"];
_Spawncount = _MinSpawn + (round (random (_MaxSpawn - _MinSpawn)));
if (_SpawnChance > (random 100)) then {
_nearplayer = count ((_target nearEntities 100) select {isplayer _x});
_Spawncount = round (_Spawncount / _nearplayer);
if (_Spawncount > 0) then {
_NearZeds = count (_OverallZeds select {_target distance _x < 200});
if (_NearZeds < _maxZedsInRange) then {
_pos = [_target, 50, 100, 1, 0, 50, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
if (count _pos == 2) then {
_Spawncount = (_Spawncount min (_maxZedsInRange - _NearZeds) min (MaxOverallZeds - (count _OverallZeds)));
_output = [_target,_Spawncount,_pos,_NearHouses];
if (!isserver && hasinterface) exitwith {
while {true} do {
if (diag_ticktime > _ZedSpawnCheckTime) then {
_output = [player] call _ZedSpawnCheck;
if !(_output isEqualto []) then {
[_output] remoteexec ["Epoch_ZedSpawner",2];
_ZedSpawnCheckTime = diag_ticktime + _ZedCheckTimer;
uisleep 0.5;
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
class Epoch_ZedSpawner {
Ryanzombiesdamage = 0.018; // How much damage should one hit by a Zombie do on a Player - default = 0.1
Ryanzombieshealth = 0.95; // Health (Damage) of Zombies on Spawn - Make them easy to kill -> 0.9
ryanzombiesinfectedchance = 0; // Not used here - Default = 50
ryanzombiesinfectedrate = 0; // Not used here - Default = 0.1
ryanzombiesinfectedsymptoms = 0; // Not used here - Default = 1
ryanzombiesinfecteddeath = 0; // Not used here - Default = 1
ryanzombiesantivirusduration = 0; // Not used here - Default = 300
ryanzombiesglow = 1; // Enable / Disable Glowing Eyes for Zombies
Ryanzombieslimit = 200; // Internal check distance for RyanScripts (to engage with Players). Reduced for performance - default = 5000
NoZedAreas[] = { // Array of coords, where no Zeds can Spawn
MaxOverallZeds = 50; // Limit for Overall Zeds on the Map
DeleteDistance = 200; // If no Player is within x meters, the Zed will get deleted
StuckOrDeadCheckTime = 180; // Stucked or Dead Zeds will be deleted after about x seconds
BlackListedVehicles[] = { // Players inside these VehicleTypes will not spawn any Zeds. Can be ["Landvehicle","SHIP","AIR","TANK"]
ZedCheckTimer = 50; // Timer, how often the script should check for a ZombieSpawn
ZedSpawnArr[] = {
// [HousesInRange, SpawnChance, MinSpawn, MaxSpawn, MaxZedsInRange]
{0, 15, 0, 2, 3 },
{2, 15, 1, 2, 4 },
{4, 20, 1, 3, 5 },
{6, 20, 2, 4, 6 },
{8, 25, 2, 4, 7 },
{10, 25, 3, 5, 8 },
{15, 30, 3, 6, 10 },
{20, 30, 4, 7, 10 },
{25, 35, 5, 7, 15 }
ZedClasses[] = {
// Fast RyanZ CIV
// Mid RyanZ CIV
// Slow RyanZ CIV
// Walker RyanZ CIV
// Spider RyanZ CIV
// Crawler RyanZ CIV
// Epoch RyanZ
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
class CfgPatches
class Epoch_RyanZ_Spawner
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {};
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
magazines[] = {};
ammo[] = {};
author[]= {"He-Man"};
class CfgFunctions
class Epoch_RyanZ_Spawner
class main {
file = "Epoch_RyanZ_Spawner";
class init {
preInit = 1;
#include "ZedSpawner\Epoch_ZombieSpawnConfig.hpp"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
if !(isclass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "Ryanzombies")) exitwith {};
[] spawn {
waituntil {uisleep 1; !isnil "Ryanzombiesdamage" && !isnil "Ryanzombieshealth" && !isnil "Ryanzombieslimit" && !isnil "RZ_fnc_zombie_attackHuman" && !isnil "RZ_CrawlerAggressiveArray"};
uisleep 15;
RZ_fnc_zombie_attackHuman = {
params ["_zombie","_target"];
_dir = _zombie getDir _target;
_zombie setdir _dir;
[_zombie, "AwopPercMstpSgthWnonDnon_throw"] remoteExecCall ["fnc_RyanZombies_SwitchMove"];
_attackSound = selectRandom ([_zombie,"attack"] call RZ_fnc_zombie_getZombieSoundArray);
playsound3d [_attackSound, _zombie, false, getPosASL _zombie, 1, pitch _zombie];
_target allowfleeing 1;
sleep 0.3;
_attackSpeed = [Ryanzombiesattackspeed,0.3] select (_zombie getVariable "RZ_isDemon");
if ([_zombie,_target] call RZ_fnc_zombie_canAttackHuman) then {
_hitSound = selectRandom ([_zombie,"hit"] call RZ_fnc_zombie_getZombieSoundArray);
playsound3d [_hitSound, _target, false, getPosASL _target, 1, pitch _zombie];
if (isnil "ryanzombiesdisablebleeding") then {
[_target, 10] remoteExecCall ["fnc_RyanZombies_Bleeding"];
_scream = selectRandom RZ_HumanScreamArray;
[_target, _scream] remoteExecCall ["say3d"];
_vel = velocity _target;
_dir = direction _zombie;
_strength = _zombie call RZ_fnc_zombie_getHumanVelocityStrength;
[_target, [(_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * _strength), (_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * _strength), (_vel select 2) + random 1]] remoteExecCall ["fnc_RyanZombies_Velocity"];
[] remoteexec ['Epoch_ZedAttack',_target];
sleep _attackSpeed;
RZ_fnc_zombie_checkForNewTarget =
private _zombie = _this;
private _civilians = [];
if !(isnil "ryanzombiescivilianattacks") then
_civilians = nearestobjects [_zombie, ["Civilian"], 100 min Ryanzombieslimit];
_civsToDelete = [];
if (!alive _x || _x getvariable ["ace_medical_inReviveState",false] || lifeState _x == "INCAPACITATED") then
_civsToDelete pushback _x;
} foreach _civilians;
_civilians = _civilians - _civsToDelete;
private _target = _zombie findNearestEnemy _zombie;
if (count _civilians != 0) then
_civiliantarget = _civilians select 0;
if (!isNull _target && ((_target distance _zombie) < (_civiliantarget distance _zombie))) exitwith {};
if (_zombie knowsabout _civiliantarget > 0.5) then
_target = _civiliantarget;
if(!isNull _target) then
if(_zombie distance _target > Ryanzombieslimit) exitWith { _target = objNull; };
_zombie setVariable ["RZ_Target",_target];
RZ_fnc_zombie_canAttackHuman =
params ["_zombie","_target"];
if(!alive _zombie || !alive _target || _target getvariable ["ace_medical_inReviveState",false] || lifeState _target == "INCAPACITATED") exitWith { false };
_maxAttackDistance = _zombie call RZ_fnc_zombie_maxAttackDistanceToHuman;
((_zombie distance _target) < _maxAttackDistance && !(lineIntersects [eyepos _zombie, eyepos _target,_zombie,_target]))
MyZeds = [];
Epoch_ZedSpawner = {
params [["_output",[]]];
if !(_output isequalto []) then {
_output params ["_target","_Spawncount","_pos","_NearHouses"];
_group = creategroup [RESISTANCE,true];
for "_i" from 1 to _Spawncount do {
_randomPos = [_pos,random 15,random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_Zed = _group createUnit [selectrandom ZedClasses, _randomPos, [], 5, "NONE"];
if (Epoch_ryanzombiesglow isEqualTo 1) then {
_Zed setface (selectrandom RZ_FaceArray);
MyZeds pushback _Zed;
uisleep 0.15;
_FirstWp = [_target, 10, 50, 1, 0, 50, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
if (count _FirstWp == 2) then {
_FirstWp pushback 0;
_wp = _group addwaypoint [_FirstWp,5];
_wp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
_x domove _FirstWp;
} foreach (units _group);
_NearHouses = _NearHouses call Bis_fnc_ArrayShuffle;
if (!isnull _x) then {
_wp = _group addwaypoint [_x,5];
_wp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
} foreach _NearHouses;
if (count (waypoints _group) < 20) then {
for "_1" from 1 to 20 do {
_randomPos = [_pos,60,random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;
_wp = _group addwaypoint [_randomPos,5];
_wp setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
_group setCurrentWaypoint [_group, 1];
[] spawn {
_Ryanzombiesdamage = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "Ryanzombiesdamage");
_Ryanzombieshealth = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "Ryanzombieshealth");
_ryanzombiesinfectedchance = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "ryanzombiesinfectedchance");
_ryanzombiesinfectedrate = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "ryanzombiesinfectedrate");
_ryanzombiesinfectedsymptoms = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "ryanzombiesinfectedsymptoms");
_ryanzombiesinfecteddeath = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "ryanzombiesinfecteddeath");
_ryanzombiesantivirusduration = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "ryanzombiesantivirusduration");
_ryanzombiesglow = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "ryanzombiesglow");
_Ryanzombieslimit = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "Ryanzombieslimit");
_NoZedAreas = getarray (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "NoZedAreas");
_MaxOverallZeds = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "MaxOverallZeds");
_DeleteDistance = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "DeleteDistance");
_StuckOrDeadCheckTime = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "StuckOrDeadCheckTime");
_BlackListedVehicles = getarray (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "BlackListedVehicles");
_ZedSpawnArr = getarray (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "ZedSpawnArr");
_ZedClasses = getarray (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "ZedClasses");
_ZedCheckTimer = getnumber (configfile >> "Epoch_ZedSpawner" >> "ZedCheckTimer");
_params = [
Epoch_ryanzombiesglow = _ryanzombiesglow;
Ryanzombieslimit = _Ryanzombieslimit;
ZedClasses = _ZedClasses;
RZ_FaceArray = ["RyanZombieFace1_Glowing","RyanZombieFace2_Glowing","RyanZombieFace3_Glowing","RyanZombieFace4_Glowing","RyanZombieFace5_Glowing","RyanZombieFace6_Glowing"];
_ZombieSpawn = compilefinal preprocessfilelinenumbers "Epoch_RyanZ_Spawner\ZedSpawner\Epoch_ZombieSpawn.sqf";
[_params,_ZombieSpawn] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_spawn", -2, "Epoch_ZedSpawner"];
[] spawn _ZombieSpawn;
_ZedCleanup = {
params [["_target",objnull]];
if !(MyZeds isEqualto []) then {
_Zed = MyZeds deleteat 0;
_del = (_Zed nearEntities _DeleteDistance) select {isplayer _x} isEqualto [];
if !(_del) then {
_Checktime = _Zed getvariable ["Epoch_RyanZ_StuckCheck",0];
if (diag_ticktime > _Checktime) then {
_LastPos = _Zed getvariable ["Epoch_RyanZ_LastPos",[0,0,0]];
if ((getposATL _Zed) distance _lastpos < 2) exitwith {
_del = true;
_Zed setvariable ["Epoch_RyanZ_StuckCheck",diag_ticktime + _StuckOrDeadCheckTime];
if (_del) exitwith {};
if (_Zed distance2d _x < 150) exitwith {
_del = true;
} foreach (missionnamespace getvariable ["Epoch_PlotPoles",[]]);
_Zed setvariable ["Epoch_RyanZ_LastPos",getposATL _Zed];
if (_del) then {
deletevehicle _Zed;
else {
MyZeds pushback _Zed;
_run2sec = diag_ticktime;
while {true} do {
if (diag_ticktime > _run2sec) then {
[objnull] call _ZedCleanup;
_run2sec = diag_ticktime + 2;
uisleep 0.5;
@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ class CfgRemoteExec
mode = 1;
mode = 1;
jip = 0;
jip = 0;
class Epoch_ZedSpawner {
jip = 0;
class EPOCH_server_spawnLoot
class EPOCH_server_spawnLoot
Reference in New Issue
Block a user