diff --git a/Changelogs/ b/Changelogs/
index d3996eb6..9715c158 100644
--- a/Changelogs/
+++ b/Changelogs/
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
-[Fixed] Client fps lag when first joining the server.
+[Added] New secure storage device: Safe
+[Added] New crafting UI and system by Raymix.
+[Added] Epoch variant of the unarmed Strider vehicle. (I_MRAP_03_EPOCH)
+[Added] Melee weapons: a Broad Sword and Fishing Pole.
+[Added] Halloween Clown mask.
+[Fixed] Reduce client fps lag when first joining the server.
+[Changed] Wolf/Pumpkin masks and Meeps Candy re-added to loot tables for Halloween.
[Fixed] Error Generic error in expression in EPOCH_server_repairVehicle.
diff --git a/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/addons/a3_epoch_server.pbo b/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/addons/a3_epoch_server.pbo
index df38238c..964a36f6 100644
Binary files a/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/addons/a3_epoch_server.pbo and b/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/addons/a3_epoch_server.pbo differ
diff --git a/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/addons/a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo b/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/addons/a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo
index 7177a178..8aca1d44 100644
Binary files a/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/addons/a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo and b/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/addons/a3_epoch_server_settings.pbo differ
diff --git a/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp b/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp
index d29eff2a..833c433c 100644
--- a/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp
+++ b/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ allowedVehiclesList[] = {
+ {"I_MRAP_03_EPOCH", 3},
diff --git a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/addweaponcargo.txt b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/addweaponcargo.txt
index 28e289e2..42f220e9 100644
--- a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/addweaponcargo.txt
+++ b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/addweaponcargo.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-5 "" !="(Binocular|Rangefinder|Hatchet|CrudeHatchet|WoodClub|Melee(Sledge|Maul)|ChainSaw|MultiGun|Rollins_F|Plunger)" !="(ruger_pistol|speargun|1911_pistol|akm|m14|M14Grn|m16|m16Red|m107|m107Tan|m249|m249Tan|m4a3|sr25|l85a2|l85a2_(pink|ugl))_epoch" !="SMG_(01|02)_F" !="hgun_(PDW2000|ACPC2|Rook40|P07|Pistol_heavy_0[1-2]|Pistol_Signal)_F" !="LMG_(Mk200|Zafir)_F" !="srifle_(EBR|GM6|LRR|DMR_01)_F" !="arifle_(Katiba|Katiba_C|Katiba_GL|SDAR|TRG21|TRG20|TRG21_GL|Mk20|Mk20C|Mk20C_plain|Mk20_GL|Mk20_plain|Mk20_GL_plain)_F" !="arifle_(MXC|MX|MX_GL|MXM|MXM_Black|MX_GL_Black|MX_Black|MXC_Black|MX_SW|MX_SW_Black)_F" !="srifle_DMR_0[2-6](_(camo|sniper|khaki|tan|multicam|woodland|spotter|blk|hex|olive)_|_)F" !="MMG_0[1-2]_(hex|tan|camo|black|sand)_F"
\ No newline at end of file
+5 "" !="(Binocular|Rangefinder|Hatchet|CrudeHatchet|WoodClub|Melee(Sledge|Maul|Rod|Sword)|ChainSaw|MultiGun|Rollins_F|Plunger)" !="(ruger_pistol|speargun|1911_pistol|akm|m14|M14Grn|m16|m16Red|m107|m107Tan|m249|m249Tan|m4a3|sr25|l85a2|l85a2_(pink|ugl))_epoch" !="SMG_(01|02)_F" !="hgun_(PDW2000|ACPC2|Rook40|P07|Pistol_heavy_0[1-2]|Pistol_Signal)_F" !="LMG_(Mk200|Zafir)_F" !="srifle_(EBR|GM6|LRR|DMR_01)_F" !="arifle_(Katiba|Katiba_C|Katiba_GL|SDAR|TRG21|TRG20|TRG21_GL|Mk20|Mk20C|Mk20C_plain|Mk20_GL|Mk20_plain|Mk20_GL_plain)_F" !="arifle_(MXC|MX|MX_GL|MXM|MXM_Black|MX_GL_Black|MX_Black|MXC_Black|MX_SW|MX_SW_Black)_F" !="srifle_DMR_0[2-6](_(camo|sniper|khaki|tan|multicam|woodland|spotter|blk|hex|olive)_|_)F" !="MMG_0[1-2]_(hex|tan|camo|black|sand)_F"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/attachto.txt b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/attachto.txt
index 7b8a46fd..bf710bae 100644
--- a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/attachto.txt
+++ b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/attachto.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-5 "" !WeaponHolderSimulated !Shot !"(LockBox|FirePlace|PlotPole|Jack|SolarGen)_EPOCH" !"Jack_SIM_EPOCH" !"LockBox_Ghost_EPOCH" !"CinderWallHalf_Ghost_EPOCH" !"(Tipi|StorageShelf|Wood(Floor|LargeWall|Stairs|Ramp|Ladder|Tower)_Ghost_EPOCH" !"Foundation_Ghost_EPOCH" !"Land_Cages_F" !"Epoch_Sapper_F"
+5 "" !WeaponHolderSimulated !Shot !"(Safe|LockBox|FirePlace|PlotPole|Jack|SolarGen)_EPOCH" !"Jack_SIM_EPOCH" !"LockBox_Ghost_EPOCH" !"CinderWallHalf_Ghost_EPOCH" !"(Tipi|StorageShelf|Wood(Floor|LargeWall|Stairs|Ramp|Ladder|Tower)_Ghost_EPOCH" !"Foundation_Ghost_EPOCH" !"Land_Cages_F" !"Epoch_Sapper_F"
diff --git a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/createvehicle.txt b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/createvehicle.txt
index 1c24404f..14f3f9cc 100644
--- a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/createvehicle.txt
+++ b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/createvehicle.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
5 "" !="I_UAV_01_F" !="(I|B|O)_UAV_AI" !"_EPOCH" !="B_65x39_Minigun_Caseless_Red_splash" !="B_762x51_Minigun_Tracer_Yellow_splash" !="B_(Swing|Stick)" !"^SmokeShell" !"^G_40mm_" !"^F_40mm_" !"Sub_F_" !"^F_Signal_" !="mini_Grenade" !="GrenadeHand" !="LaserTarget(C|W|E)" !"^Chemlight_" !="(ClaymoreDirectionalMine|DemoCharge|SatchelCharge)_Remote_Ammo" !="SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Ammo" !="(CMflare_Chaff|Sapper_Charge|SapperB_Charge|ATMine_Range)_Ammo" !="APERS(TripMine_Wire|BoundingMine_Range|Mine_Range)_Ammo" !="Epoch_(Sapper|SapperB|Cloak)_F" !="GreatWhite_F" !="groundWeaponHolder" !="WeaponHolderSimulated" !="Epoch_(Male|Female)_F" !"Supply[0-9]" !"Steerable_Parachute_F" !="Epoch_Female_CamoRed_F" !="Land_Cages_F" !="(O|I|B)_UAV_01_backpack_F" !="I_(helipilot|helicrew)_F"
-5 "_EPOCH" !="(SapperHead|Jack|SolarGen)_SIM_EPOCH" !="Wood(Floor|LargeWall|Stairs|Ramp|Foundation|Ladder|Tower)_EPOCH" !="(Tipi|StorageShelf|CinderWallHalf|Foundation|Wood(Floor|LargeWall|Stairs|Ramp|Foundation|Ladder|Tower))_Ghost_EPOCH" !="(Tipi|StorageShelf|LockBox|FirePlace|FirePlaceOn|PlotPole|SolarGen|Jack|Freezer|Tarp|CinderWallHalf)_EPOCH" !="I_(Soldier[1-3]|Soldier)_EPOCH" !="(Bed|locker|Filing|Chair|ChairRed|wardrobe|cooker|Couch|Table|Pelican|Fridge|Shelf|ToolRack|Shoebox|Bunk|Rabbit|Cabinet)_EPOCH" !="(Sheep|Goat|Snake|Snake2|Hen|Cock|Fin|Alsatian)_random_EPOCH" !="(LockBox|CinderWall|CinderWallGarage|CinderWallHalf|PlotPole|Tipi|StorageShelf|Fireplace)_SIM_EPOCH" !="Wood(Floor|LargeWall|LargeWallCor|LargeWallDoor|LargeWallDoorL|LargeWallDoorway|Stairs|Stairs2|Ramp|Ladder|Tower)_SIM_EPOCH" !="(WoodFoundation|Foundation)_EPOCH" !="WoodWall[1-4](_SIM|_Ghost|)_EPOCH"
+5 "_EPOCH" !="(SapperHead|Jack|SolarGen)_SIM_EPOCH" !="Wood(Floor|LargeWall|Stairs|Ramp|Foundation|Ladder|Tower)_EPOCH" !="(Tipi|StorageShelf|CinderWallHalf|Foundation|Wood(Floor|LargeWall|Stairs|Ramp|Foundation|Ladder|Tower))_Ghost_EPOCH" !="(Tipi|StorageShelf|Safe|LockBox|FirePlace|FirePlaceOn|PlotPole|SolarGen|Jack|Freezer|Tarp|CinderWallHalf)_EPOCH" !="I_(Soldier[1-3]|Soldier)_EPOCH" !="(Bed|locker|Filing|Chair|ChairRed|wardrobe|cooker|Couch|Table|Pelican|Fridge|Shelf|ToolRack|Shoebox|Bunk|Rabbit|Cabinet)_EPOCH" !="(Sheep|Goat|Snake|Snake2|Hen|Cock|Fin|Alsatian)_random_EPOCH" !="(Safe|LockBox|CinderWall|CinderWallGarage|CinderWallHalf|PlotPole|Tipi|StorageShelf|Fireplace)_SIM_EPOCH" !="Wood(Floor|LargeWall|LargeWallCor|LargeWallDoor|LargeWallDoorL|LargeWallDoorway|Stairs|Stairs2|Ramp|Ladder|Tower)_SIM_EPOCH" !="(WoodFoundation|Foundation)_EPOCH" !="WoodWall[1-4](_SIM|_Ghost|)_EPOCH"
5 SeaGull
diff --git a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/deleteVehicle.txt b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/deleteVehicle.txt
index 7cbb5f5e..21e6ec2f 100644
--- a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/deleteVehicle.txt
+++ b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/deleteVehicle.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-1 "" !="Land_MPS_EPOCH" !="SapperHead_SIM_EPOCH" !="Epoch_Sapper_F" !="Epoch_Cloak_F" !="LockBox_EPOCH" !="Rabbit_EPOCH" !="(Sheep|Goat|Snake|Snake2|Hen|Cock)_random_EPOCH" !="LockBox_(Ghost|SIM)_EPOCH" !="CinderWallHalf_(Ghost|SIM)_EPOCH" !="CinderWall_SIM_EPOCH" !="Wood(Floor|LargeWall|LargeWallCor|LargeWallDoor|LargeWallDoorway|Stairs|Stairs2|Ramp|Ladder|Tower)_(Ghost|SIM)_EPOCH" !="Foundation_Ghost_EPOCH" !="Foundation_EPOCH" !="WoodWall[1-4](_SIM|_Ghost|)_EPOCH"
+1 "" !="Land_MPS_EPOCH" !="SapperHead_SIM_EPOCH" !="Epoch_Sapper_F" !="Epoch_Cloak_F" !="(Safe|LockBox)_EPOCH" !="Rabbit_EPOCH" !="(Sheep|Goat|Snake|Snake2|Hen|Cock)_random_EPOCH" !="LockBox_(Ghost|SIM)_EPOCH" !="CinderWallHalf_(Ghost|SIM)_EPOCH" !="CinderWall_SIM_EPOCH" !="Wood(Floor|LargeWall|LargeWallCor|LargeWallDoor|LargeWallDoorway|Stairs|Stairs2|Ramp|Ladder|Tower)_(Ghost|SIM)_EPOCH" !="Foundation_Ghost_EPOCH" !="Foundation_EPOCH" !="WoodWall[1-4](_SIM|_Ghost|)_EPOCH"
diff --git a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/setpos.txt b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/setpos.txt
index 4e17bd97..25578000 100644
--- a/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/setpos.txt
+++ b/Server_Install_Pack/sc/battleye/setpos.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-5 "" !="Epoch_(Male|Female)_F" !="SapperHead_SIM_EPOCH" !="(Tipi|StorageShelf|LockBox|FirePlace|FirePlaceOn|PlotPole|SolarGen)_EPOCH" !="(Bed|locker|Filing|Chair|ChairRed|wardrobe|cooker|Couch|Table|Pelican|Fridge|Shelf|ToolRack|Rabbit|Cabinet)_EPOCH" !="(Sheep|Goat|Snake|Hen|Cock|Fin|Alsatian)_random_EPOCH" !="(LockBox|CinderWallHalf|CinderWall|Fireplace|SolarGen)_SIM_EPOCH" !="Wood(Floor|LargeWall|LargeWallCor|LargeWallDoor|LargeWallDoorway|Stairs|Stairs2|Ramp)_SIM_EPOCH" !="(Foundation|Wood(Foundation|Ladder|Tower))_Ghost_EPOCH" !="Foundation_EPOCH" !="WoodFoundation_EPOCH" !="WoodWall[1-4](_SIM|_Ghost|)_EPOCH"
+5 "" !="Epoch_(Male|Female)_F" !="SapperHead_SIM_EPOCH" !="(Tipi|StorageShelf|Safe|LockBox|FirePlace|FirePlaceOn|PlotPole|SolarGen)_EPOCH" !="(Bed|locker|Filing|Chair|ChairRed|wardrobe|cooker|Couch|Table|Pelican|Fridge|Shelf|ToolRack|Rabbit|Cabinet)_EPOCH" !="(Sheep|Goat|Snake|Hen|Cock|Fin|Alsatian)_random_EPOCH" !="(Safe|LockBox|CinderWallHalf|CinderWall|Fireplace|SolarGen)_SIM_EPOCH" !="Wood(Floor|LargeWall|LargeWallCor|LargeWallDoor|LargeWallDoorway|Stairs|Stairs2|Ramp)_SIM_EPOCH" !="(Foundation|Wood(Foundation|Ladder|Tower))_Ghost_EPOCH" !="Foundation_EPOCH" !="WoodFoundation_EPOCH" !="WoodWall[1-4](_SIM|_Ghost|)_EPOCH"
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_code/System/Construct_Brain.fsm b/Sources/epoch_code/System/Construct_Brain.fsm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bfd54aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sources/epoch_code/System/Construct_Brain.fsm
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+item0[] = {"construct",0,250,-316.429199,-195.383255,-226.429291,-145.383362,0.000000,"construct"};
+item1[] = {"_",8,218,62.332706,-185.990021,114.284866,-157.584717,0.000000,""};
+item2[] = {"instinct",2,250,165.295456,-196.723892,255.295410,-146.723892,0.000000,"instinct"};
+item3[] = {"no_decision",4,218,366.525970,-123.699348,456.525940,-73.699387,10.000000,"no decision"};
+item4[] = {"action",2,250,164.446381,121.731827,254.446365,171.731903,0.000000,"action"};
+item5[] = {"dispose",4,218,37.004036,-291.823761,127.004257,-241.823792,90.000000,"dispose"};
+item6[] = {"_",8,218,182.964218,311.201538,234.916306,339.606750,0.000000,""};
+item7[] = {"reset_vars",2,250,-57.248745,-196.860123,32.751255,-146.860138,0.000000,"reset vars"};
+item8[] = {"_",8,218,-150.031967,-184.788101,-98.079796,-156.382797,0.000000,""};
+item9[] = {"complete",4,218,-57.972878,-94.263466,32.027390,-44.263451,100.000000,"complete"};
+item10[] = {"move",4,218,286.028778,192.150543,376.028778,242.150604,20.000000,"move"};
+item11[] = {"end",1,250,-241.719803,14.907898,-151.719772,64.907913,0.000000,"end"};
+item12[] = {"dispose",4,218,-59.072083,14.028580,30.927921,64.028580,95.000000,"dispose"};
+item13[] = {"do_move",2,250,286.331848,300.982452,376.331848,350.982452,0.000000,"do move"};
+item14[] = {"near_building",4,218,674.880554,-143.328430,764.880676,-93.328377,80.000000,"near building"};
+item15[] = {"instinct_done",4,218,165.528030,-96.910675,255.527969,-46.910683,100.000000,"instinct done"};
+item16[] = {"move",4,218,266.138367,-295.030945,356.138367,-245.030884,50.000000,"move"};
+item17[] = {"wait_action",4,218,373.527924,50.001488,463.527740,100.001457,110.000000,"wait action"};
+item18[] = {"checking_status",2,250,611.751343,-31.961807,701.751221,18.038223,0.000000,"checking status"};
+item19[] = {"see_target",4,4314,553.701416,-144.674866,643.701538,-94.674820,90.000000,"see target"};
+item20[] = {"checked",4,218,612.020508,61.020790,702.020386,111.020844,10.000000,"checked"};
+item21[] = {"done",4,218,476.283447,-31.286667,566.283386,18.713348,100.000000,"done"};
+item22[] = {"construct_smash",4,218,165.596268,-331.217682,255.596191,-281.217590,60.000000,"construct smash"};
+item23[] = {"return",2,250,360.850586,-30.593140,450.850647,19.406860,0.000000,"return"};
+item24[] = {"to_action",4,218,277.703308,21.529037,367.703308,71.529037,10.000000,"to action"};
+item25[] = {"to_instinct",4,218,287.631317,-100.089363,377.631317,-50.089355,5.000000,"to instinct"};
+item26[] = {"smash",4,218,-81.683311,146.820755,8.316697,196.820755,30.000000,"smash"};
+item27[] = {"interrupt",4,218,58.118843,-94.064064,148.118866,-44.064060,90.000000,"interrupt"};
+item28[] = {"construct_smash",2,250,-82.893753,370.386627,7.106274,420.386658,0.000000,"construct smash"};
+item29[] = {"wander",4,218,320.950836,-243.494019,410.950836,-193.494019,40.000000,"wander"};
+item30[] = {"wander",4,218,370.444092,167.573929,460.444061,217.573975,30.000000,"wander"};
+item31[] = {"do_wander",2,250,370.747131,376.849396,460.747131,426.849396,0.000000,"do wander"};
+item32[] = {"health_check",4,218,726.020203,-74.284813,816.020264,-24.284767,70.000000,"health check"};
+item33[] = {"____FAKE____",9,1320,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,"____FAKE____"};
+link0[] = {0,8};
+link1[] = {1,2};
+link2[] = {2,3};
+link3[] = {2,5};
+link4[] = {2,15};
+link5[] = {2,16};
+link6[] = {2,29};
+link7[] = {3,18};
+link8[] = {4,9};
+link9[] = {4,10};
+link10[] = {4,12};
+link11[] = {4,17};
+link12[] = {4,26};
+link13[] = {4,27};
+link14[] = {4,30};
+link15[] = {5,2};
+link16[] = {6,4};
+link17[] = {7,1};
+link18[] = {8,7};
+link19[] = {9,7};
+link20[] = {10,13};
+link21[] = {12,11};
+link22[] = {13,6};
+link23[] = {14,18};
+link24[] = {15,4};
+link25[] = {16,2};
+link26[] = {17,18};
+link27[] = {18,14};
+link28[] = {18,19};
+link29[] = {18,20};
+link30[] = {18,21};
+link31[] = {18,32};
+link32[] = {19,18};
+link33[] = {20,18};
+link34[] = {21,23};
+link35[] = {22,2};
+link36[] = {23,24};
+link37[] = {23,25};
+link38[] = {24,4};
+link39[] = {25,2};
+link40[] = {26,28};
+link41[] = {27,7};
+link42[] = {28,6};
+link43[] = {29,2};
+link44[] = {30,31};
+link45[] = {31,6};
+link46[] = {32,18};
+link47[] = {33,22};
+globals[] = {0.000000,0,0,0,16777215,640,480,1,169,6316128,1,73.118919,857.202637,468.231750,-240.399475,1008,911,1};
+window[] = {2,-1,-1,-1,-1,725,200,1225,200,3,1026};
+class FSM
+ fsmName = "construct";
+ class States
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class construct
+ {
+ name = "construct";
+ init = /*%FSM*/"_construct = _this select 0;" \n
+ "_trgt = player;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "//_construct setBehaviour ""COMBAT"";" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_constructNames=[""Rocky"",""Miner"",""Plate""];" \n
+ "_constructName = _constructNames select (floor(random count _constructNames));" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_entsArr = [""Epoch_Male_F"",""Epoch_Female_F"",""Epoch_Sapper_F"",""Fin_random_EPOCH"",""Alsatian_Random_EPOCH"",""Epoch_cloak_F"",""b_survivor_F"",""Epoch_Female_Camo_F""];" \n
+ "_plyArr = [""Epoch_Male_F"",""Epoch_Female_F"",""b_survivor_F"",""Epoch_Female_Camo_F""];" \n
+ "_trgtArr = [""Epoch_Male_F"",""Epoch_Female_F"",""b_survivor_F"",""Epoch_Female_Camo_F""];" \n
+ "_vehArray = [""Car""];" \n
+ "_tRange = 20;" \n
+ "_sRange = 150;" \n
+ "_vRange = 50;" \n
+ "_maxTravelTime = 480;" \n
+ "_trgtZ = 0;" \n
+ "_t = diag_tickTime;" \n
+ "_u = _t;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_dirTo = 0;" \n
+ "_lDist = 0;" \n
+ "_checkEntry = """";" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_constructPos=[0,0,0];" \n
+ "_trgtPos=[0,0,0];" \n
+ "_hidePos = [0,0,0];" \n
+ "_nrPlyrs = [];" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_nrBuild = nearestBuilding _construct;" \n
+ "_buildBash = false;" \n
+ "_doSmash = false;" \n
+ "_doWander = false;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "//Behaviour" \n
+ "_fearTrigger = 12;" \n
+ "_angerTrigger = 24;" \n
+ "_lAnger = 0;" \n
+ "_lFear = 0;" \n
+ "_lBrave = 0;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "//construct Vars" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_doMove = false;" \n
+ "_sanityCheckDone = false;" \n
+ "_canSee = false;" \n
+ "_nrTrgts = [];" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_sanityCheck = 0;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_doHide = false;" \n
+ "_doAttack = false;" \n
+ "_firedNear = 0;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_lootVar = 0;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "//DEBUG" \n
+ "_doDebug = false;" \n
+ "_count = 0;" \n
+ "_debugDo = ""INIT"";" \n
+ "_mkrName = """";" \n
+ "_dWait = 0;" \n
+ "_strDebug = """";" \n
+ "_constructFeels = ""STARTING"";" \n
+ "axeCount = 0;" \n
+ "_strMoveTo = """";" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class _
+ {
+ priority = 0.000000;
+ to="reset_vars";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class instinct
+ {
+ name = "instinct";
+ init = /*%FSM*/"_t = diag_tickTime;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "systemChat format [""Instinct:%1 | D:%2 | M:%3 | S:%4"",diag_tickTime,_decisionMade,_doMove,_canSee];" \n
+ "};" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class instinct_done
+ {
+ priority = 100.000000;
+ to="action";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_decisionMade;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_t = diag_tickTime;" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class dispose
+ {
+ priority = 90.000000;
+ to="instinct";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"((_trgt distance _construct) > (_sRange * 4)) || !(alive _construct);"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_doDispose = true;" \n
+ "_decisionMade = true;" \n
+ "_actionDone = false;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class move
+ {
+ priority = 50.000000;
+ to="instinct";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_canSee"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_doMove = true;" \n
+ "_decisionMade = true;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class wander
+ {
+ priority = 40.000000;
+ to="instinct";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"!_canSee"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_doWander = true;" \n
+ "_decisionMade = true;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class no_decision
+ {
+ priority = 10.000000;
+ to="checking_status";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"!_decisionMade && diag_tickTime - _t > 3;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_checkEntry = ""instinct"";" \n
+ "_sanityCheck = 100;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class action
+ {
+ name = "action";
+ init = /*%FSM*/"" \n
+ "" \n
+ "if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "systemChat format [""Action:%1 | %2"",diag_tickTime,_debugDo];" \n
+ "};"/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class wait_action
+ {
+ priority = 110.000000;
+ to="checking_status";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"diag_tickTime > _u + 4;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_checkEntry = ""action"";" \n
+ "_sanityCheck = 100;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class complete
+ {
+ priority = 100.000000;
+ to="reset_vars";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/"if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "" \n
+ "hint format [""CONSTRUCT\n%1\nMove:%2\nSmash:%3\nWait:%4"",_debugDo,_doMove,_doSmash,_sWait];" \n
+ "};"/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_actionDone && ((call compile _criteria) || (diag_tickTime > (_t + _sWait)));"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"" \n
+ "if(!isNil ""_criteriaMetAction"")then{" \n
+ "call _criteriaMetAction;" \n
+ "};" \n
+ "" \n
+ "if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "hint format [""CONSTRUCT\n%1\nMove:%2\nSmash:%3\nWait:%4"",_debugDo,_doMove,_doSmash,_sWait];" \n
+ "systemChat format [""Complete:%1"",diag_tickTime];" \n
+ "};" \n
+ "" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class dispose
+ {
+ priority = 95.000000;
+ to="end";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"(_doDispose || !(alive _construct)) && (diag_tickTime - _t) > 120;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "_debugDo = ""Dispose"";" \n
+ "hint format [""CONSTRUCT\n%1\nAlive: %2"",_debugDo, alive _construct];" \n
+ "};"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class interrupt
+ {
+ priority = 90.000000;
+ to="reset_vars";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"(_allowInterrupt && (call compile _interruptReason));"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class smash
+ {
+ priority = 30.000000;
+ to="construct_smash";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_doSmash;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_doSmash = false;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class wander
+ {
+ priority = 30.000000;
+ to="do_wander";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_doWander;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_doWander = false;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class move
+ {
+ priority = 20.000000;
+ to="do_move";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_doMove;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_doMove = false;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class reset_vars
+ {
+ name = "reset_vars";
+ init = /*%FSM*/"//Default Vars" \n
+ "_rnd = 0;" \n
+ "_actionDone = false;" \n
+ "_decisionMade = false;" \n
+ "_sWait = 0;" \n
+ "_doDispose = false;" \n
+ "_chooseTarget = false;" \n
+ "_criteria = Nil;" \n
+ "_criteriaMet = false;" \n
+ "_allowInterrupt = false;" \n
+ "_interruptReason = ""(false)"";" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_moveTo = [0,0,0];" \n
+ "" \n
+ "//Brain Vars" \n
+ "_override = false;" \n
+ "_criteria =""(false)"";" \n
+ "_criteriaMetAction = nil;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "//Feeling Vars" \n
+ "_nrTrgts = [];" \n
+ "_isThreatened = false;" \n
+ "_isSafe = false;" \n
+ "_feelingDone = false;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "//construct Vars" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class _
+ {
+ priority = 0.000000;
+ to="instinct";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class end
+ {
+ name = "end";
+ init = /*%FSM*/"deleteVehicle _construct;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "axeDo = Format[""Dispose | Alive:%1 | Distance: %2"",alive _construct,player distance _construct];" \n
+ "};"/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class do_move
+ {
+ name = "do_move";
+ init = /*%FSM*/"_construct forceSpeed 5;" \n
+ "_constructPos = getPos _construct;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_moveTo = getPos _trgt;" \n
+ "_construct doMove _moveTo;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_sWait = ((_construct distance _moveTo) / 2) min 18;" \n
+ "_actionDone = true;" \n
+ "_t = diag_tickTime;" \n
+ "_criteria = ""((_construct distance _moveTo)< 6)"";" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "//Session Vars" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "_debugDo = ""Move"";" \n
+ "};"/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class _
+ {
+ priority = 0.000000;
+ to="action";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class checking_status
+ {
+ name = "checking_status";
+ init = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class done
+ {
+ priority = 100.000000;
+ to="return";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_sanityCheck < 1;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class see_target
+ {
+ priority = 90.000000;
+ to="checking_status";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_sanityCheck > 90;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_canSee = false;" \n
+ "_nrTrgts = (getPosATL _construct) nearEntities [_trgtArr, _sRange];" \n
+ "if(count _nrTrgts >0)then{" \n
+ "{" \n
+ "if(alive _x)then{" \n
+ "if(!lineIntersects [aimPos _construct, aimPos _x, _construct, _x]) exitWith {_canSee = true;_trgt = _x};" \n
+ "};" \n
+ "}forEach _nrTrgts;" \n
+ "};" \n
+ "if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "systemChat format [""SEE:%1 | %2"",_canSee,_trgt];" \n
+ "};" \n
+ "_sanityCheck = 90;" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class near_building
+ {
+ priority = 80.000000;
+ to="checking_status";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_sanityCheck > 80;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_buildBash = false;" \n
+ "_nrBuild = nearestBuilding _construct;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "if((_nrBuild distance _construct)< 16)then{" \n
+ "_buildBash = true;" \n
+ "_nrBuild setdamage 1;" \n
+ "};" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_sanityCheck = 80;" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class health_check
+ {
+ priority = 70.000000;
+ to="checking_status";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_sanityCheck > 70;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"if(damage _construct > 0.4)then{" \n
+ "_construct setDamage 0;" \n
+ "};" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_sanityCheck = 70;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class checked
+ {
+ priority = 10.000000;
+ to="checking_status";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_sanityCheck > 10;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_sanityCheck = 0 ;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class return
+ {
+ name = "return";
+ init = /*%FSM*/"" \n
+ "_u = diag_tickTime;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "systemChat format [""RETURN:%1 | %2"",diag_tickTime,_checkEntry];" \n
+ "};"/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class to_action
+ {
+ priority = 10.000000;
+ to="action";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_checkEntry == ""action"";"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_checkEntry = """";" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class to_instinct
+ {
+ priority = 5.000000;
+ to="instinct";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_checkEntry == ""instinct"";"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_checkEntry = """";" \n
+ ""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class construct_smash
+ {
+ name = "construct_smash";
+ init = /*%FSM*/"_nrBuild setdamage 1;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_sWait = 1.5;" \n
+ "_actionDone = true;" \n
+ "_t = diag_tickTime;" \n
+ "_criteria = ""(false)"";" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "_debugDo = format[""Smash | Dir:%1"",_nrBuild];" \n
+ "};"/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class _
+ {
+ priority = 0.000000;
+ to="action";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class do_wander
+ {
+ name = "do_wander";
+ init = /*%FSM*/"_constructPos = getPos _construct;" \n
+ "_constructMoveTo = [_constructPos,18,80,5,0,5,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;" \n
+ "_construct doMove _constructMoveTo;" \n
+ "_construct forceSpeed 3;" \n
+ "" \n
+ "_sWait = ((_construct distance _moveTo) / 2) min 18;" \n
+ "_actionDone = true;" \n
+ "_t = diag_tickTime;" \n
+ "_criteria = ""((_construct distance _moveTo)< 6)"";" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "//Session Vars" \n
+ "" \n
+ "" \n
+ "if(_doDebug)then{" \n
+ "_debugDo = ""Wander"";" \n
+ "};"/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class _
+ {
+ priority = 0.000000;
+ to="action";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class ____FAKE____
+ {
+ name = "____FAKE____";
+ init = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ class Links
+ {
+ /*%FSM*/
+ class construct_smash
+ {
+ priority = 60.000000;
+ to="instinct";
+ precondition = /*%FSM*/""/*%FSM*/;
+ condition=/*%FSM*/"_buildBash;"/*%FSM*/;
+ action=/*%FSM*/"_doSmash = true;" \n
+ "_decisionMade = true;"/*%FSM*/;
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ };
+ /*%FSM*/
+ };
+ initState="construct";
+ finalStates[] =
+ {
+ "end"
+ };
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_UnisexCheck.sqf b/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_UnisexCheck.sqf
index 3a40ac67..9518347b 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_UnisexCheck.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_UnisexCheck.sqf
@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ if (_class in ["Hatchet","CrudeHatchet"]) then {
player addMagazine "Hatchet_swing";
-if (_class in ["MeleeSledge", "MeleeMaul"]) then {
+if (_class in ["MeleeSledge","MeleeMaul","MeleeSword"]) then {
if !("sledge_swing" in _mags) then {
player addMagazine "sledge_swing";
-if (_class in ["WoodClub","Plunger"]) then {
+if (_class in ["WoodClub","Plunger","MeleeRod"]) then {
if !("stick_swing" in _mags) then {
player addMagazine "stick_swing";
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_consumeItem.sqf b/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_consumeItem.sqf
index 7e2fa037..b9b73f87 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_consumeItem.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_code/compile/EPOCH_consumeItem.sqf
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ switch _interactOption do {
_isOk = if (_isStorage == 1) then { EPOCH_StorageSlotsCount > 0 } else { EPOCH_BuildingSlotCount > 0 };
- if (_buildClass == "LockBox_SIM_EPOCH") then {
+ if (_buildClass isKindOf "Secure_Storage_Temp") then {
_isOk = (EPOCH_StorageSlotsCount > 0 && EPOCH_BuildingSlotCount > 0);
if (isNil "EPOCH_simulSwap_Lock") then {
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgMagazines.hpp b/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgMagazines.hpp
index 8e82d7b8..5f7d2c29 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgMagazines.hpp
+++ b/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgMagazines.hpp
@@ -58,6 +58,22 @@ class CfgMagazines
interactText = "BUILD";
buildClass = "LockBox_SIM_EPOCH";
+ class ItemSafe : CA_Magazine
+ {
+ scope = 2;
+ count = 1;
+ type = 256;
+ displayName = "Safe";
+ model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1\models\safe_onside.p3d";
+ picture = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1\pictures\equip_safe_CA.paa";
+ descriptionShort = "Secure Safe";
+ mass = 50;
+ interactAction = 3;
+ interactText = "BUILD";
+ buildClass = "Safe_SIM_EPOCH";
+ };
class PartPlankPack: CA_Magazine
scope = 2;
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgPricing.hpp b/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgPricing.hpp
index 34396ca6..abb2bf0d 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgPricing.hpp
+++ b/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgPricing.hpp
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ class CfgPricing
class ItemCoolerE {price = 50;};
class JackKit {price = 25;};
class ItemLockbox {price = 250; tax = 0.5;};
+ class ItemSafe { price = 1250; tax = 0.5; };
class ItemCompass {price = 3;};
class ItemGPS {price = 20;};
@@ -632,6 +633,7 @@ class CfgPricing
class H_104_EPOCH {price = 3;};
class wolf_mask_epoch {price = 30;};
class pkin_mask_epoch {price = 30;};
+ class clown_mask_epoch {price = 30;};
class C_Offroad_01_EPOCH {price = 750;};
class C_Quadbike_01_EPOCH {price = 500;};
@@ -650,6 +652,7 @@ class CfgPricing
class B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH {price = 2500;};
class B_SDV_01_EPOCH {price = 1000;};
class B_MRAP_01_EPOCH {price = 2500;};
+ class I_MRAP_03_EPOCH { price = 2500; };
class B_G_Offroad_01_armed_EPOCH {price = 2500;};
class B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH {price = 1000;};
class B_Truck_01_covered_EPOCH {price = 1000;};
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgVehicles.hpp b/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgVehicles.hpp
index b129e05e..a46608fb 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgVehicles.hpp
+++ b/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgVehicles.hpp
@@ -1927,6 +1927,21 @@ class CfgVehicles
class TransportItems{};
class Eventhandlers{};
+ class I_MRAP_03_F;
+ class I_MRAP_03_EPOCH : I_MRAP_03_F
+ {
+ scope = 2;
+ crew = "";
+ side = 3;
+ armor = 75;
+ faction = "CIV_F";
+ maximumLoad = 3500;
+ typicalCargo[] = {};
+ class TransportItems{};
+ class Eventhandlers{};
+ };
class B_Truck_01_transport_F;
class B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH: B_Truck_01_transport_F
@@ -2339,8 +2354,8 @@ class CfgVehicles
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgVehicles\Characters\Sapper_corpse.p3d";
displayName = "Sapper Corpse";
- class LockBox_SIM_EPOCH : Constructions_modular_F
+ class Secure_Storage_Temp : Constructions_modular_F {};
+ class LockBox_SIM_EPOCH : Secure_Storage_Temp
scope = 2;
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1\models\lockbox.p3d";
@@ -2351,6 +2366,17 @@ class CfgVehicles
limitNearby = 2;
bypassJammer = 1;
+ class Safe_SIM_EPOCH : Secure_Storage_Temp
+ {
+ scope = 2;
+ model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1\models\safe.p3d";
+ displayName = "Safe";
+ simulClass = "Safe_SIM_EPOCH";
+ staticClass = "Safe_EPOCH";
+ GhostPreview = "Safe_EPOCH";
+ limitNearby = 2;
+ bypassJammer = 1;
+ };
class Fireplace_SIM_EPOCH : Constructions_modular_F
scope = 2;
@@ -3560,6 +3586,46 @@ class CfgVehicles
armor = 5000;
bypassJammer = 1;
limitNearby = 2;
+ isSecureStorage = 1;
+ returnOnPack[] = { { "ItemLockbox", 1 } };
+ class UserActions
+ {
+ class Unlock
+ {
+ displayName = "Unlock";
+ onlyforplayer = 1;
+ position = "Door_knopf";
+ radius = 3;
+ condition = "this getVariable [""EPOCH_Locked"",true]";
+ statement = "EPOCH_lockStorage_PVS = [this,false,player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer ""EPOCH_lockStorage_PVS"";";
+ };
+ class Pack
+ {
+ displayName = "Pack";
+ onlyforplayer = 1;
+ position = "Door_knopf";
+ radius = 3;
+ condition = "this getVariable [""EPOCH_Locked"",true]";
+ statement = "EPOCH_packStorage_PVS = [this,player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer ""EPOCH_packStorage_PVS"";";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class Safe_EPOCH : Constructions_lockedstatic_F
+ {
+ scope = 2;
+ model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1\models\safe.p3d";
+ displayName = "Lockbox";
+ simulClass = "Safe_SIM_EPOCH";
+ staticClass = "Safe_EPOCH";
+ weaponHolderProxy = "SafeProxy_EPOCH";
+ GhostPreview = "Safe_EPOCH";
+ armor = 15000;
+ bypassJammer = 1;
+ limitNearby = 2;
+ isSecureStorage = 1;
+ returnOnPack[] = { { "ItemSafe", 1 } };
class UserActions
class Unlock
@@ -4866,7 +4932,8 @@ class CfgVehicles
- class LockBoxProxy_EPOCH : WeaponHolder
+ class Secure_Storage_Proxy : WeaponHolder {};
+ class LockBoxProxy_EPOCH : Secure_Storage_Proxy
scope = 2;
model = "\A3\Weapons_f\dummyweapon.p3d";
@@ -4875,6 +4942,32 @@ class CfgVehicles
showWeaponCargo = 0;
forceSupply = 0;
maximumLoad = 600;
+ isSecureStorage = 1;
+ class UserActions
+ {
+ class Lock
+ {
+ displayName = "Lock";
+ onlyforplayer = 1;
+ position = "Door_knopf";
+ radius = 3;
+ condition = "this == this";
+ statement = "EPOCH_lockStorage_PVS = [this,true,player,Epoch_personalToken]; publicVariableServer ""EPOCH_lockStorage_PVS"";";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ class SafeProxy_EPOCH : Secure_Storage_Proxy
+ {
+ scope = 2;
+ model = "\A3\Weapons_f\dummyweapon.p3d";
+ displayName = "Safe WH";
+ isGround = 0;
+ showWeaponCargo = 0;
+ forceSupply = 0;
+ maximumLoad = 3600;
+ isSecureStorage = 1;
class UserActions
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgWeapons.hpp b/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgWeapons.hpp
index 5d348a33..c3014009 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgWeapons.hpp
+++ b/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgWeapons.hpp
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@ class CfgWeapons
scope = 2;
weaponPoolAvailable = 1;
displayName = "Clown Mask";
- picture = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgVehicles\Characters\gear_wolfmask_x_ca.paa";
+ picture = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgVehicles\Characters\gear_clownmask_ca.paa";
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgVehicles\Characters\clown.p3d";
class ItemInfo : HeadgearItem
@@ -2217,6 +2217,24 @@ class CfgWeapons
descriptionShort = "Sledge Hammer";
+ class MeleeSword : MeleeWeapon
+ {
+ scope = 2;
+ type = 4;
+ primary = 0;
+ reloadAction = "ReloadRPG";
+ autoreload = 1;
+ magazineReloadTime = 0;
+ model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgWeapons\sword_weaponized.p3d";
+ picture = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\Sledge\equip_sledge_CA.paa";
+ displayName = "Sword";
+ magazines[] = { "sledge_swing" };
+ handAnim[] = { "OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgVehicles\Characters\Sledge_hold.rtm" };
+ descriptionShort = "Sword";
+ };
class MeleeMaul : MeleeWeapon
scope = 2;
@@ -2248,6 +2266,22 @@ class CfgWeapons
handAnim[] = { "OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgVehicles\Characters\Sledge_hold.rtm" };
descriptionShort = "Wood Club";
+ class MeleeRod : MeleeWeapon
+ {
+ scope = 2;
+ type = 4;
+ primary = 0;
+ reloadAction = "ReloadRPG";
+ autoreload = 1;
+ magazineReloadTime = 0;
+ model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgWeapons\fishingpole_weaponized.p3d";
+ // TODO
+ picture = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\textures\improv_weapon\gear_stick_ca.paa";
+ displayName = "Fishing Rod";
+ magazines[] = { "stick_swing" };
+ handAnim[] = { "OFP2_ManSkeleton", "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgVehicles\Characters\Sledge_hold.rtm" };
+ descriptionShort = "Fishing Rod";
+ };
class Plunger : MeleeWeapon
scope = 2;
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_bases/EPOCH_server_loadBuildings.sqf b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_bases/EPOCH_server_loadBuildings.sqf
index 4c0d2d5e..65c85fdd 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_bases/EPOCH_server_loadBuildings.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_bases/EPOCH_server_loadBuildings.sqf
@@ -82,7 +82,8 @@ for "_i" from 0 to _this do {
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorBlue";
- if (_class == "LockBox_EPOCH") then {
+ if (_class isKindOf 'Constructions_lockedstatic_F') then{
if ((_location select 2) < 0) then {
_location set [2, 0];
_baseObj setposATL _location;
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_bases/EPOCH_server_saveBuilding.sqf b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_bases/EPOCH_server_saveBuilding.sqf
index 872806b2..7b7e7fc7 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_bases/EPOCH_server_saveBuilding.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_bases/EPOCH_server_saveBuilding.sqf
@@ -85,12 +85,11 @@ if (isText _config) then {
_newVehicle setVariable["BUILD_OWNER", _plyrUID, true];
_slot = "-1";
- // TODO change to config based classes
- if (_oemType == "LockBox_SIM_EPOCH") then {
+ if (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _staticClass >> "isSecureStorage") == 1) then{
//diag_log format["building lockbox %1", _oemType];
- _buildClass = "LockBoxProxy_EPOCH";
+ _buildClass = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _staticClass >> "weaponHolderProxy");
if (!isNull _newVehicle) then {
@@ -99,32 +98,34 @@ if (isText _config) then {
if !(EPOCH_StorageSlots isEqualTo []) then {
//diag_log format["building lockbox findslot %1", _newVehicle];
+ if (_buildClass != "") then{
- // TODO need some sanity checks here
- _storageObj = createVehicle[_buildClass, _vehiclePos, [], 0.0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
+ // TODO need some sanity checks here
+ _storageObj = createVehicle[_buildClass, _vehiclePos, [], 0.0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
- _slot = EPOCH_StorageSlots select 0;
- EPOCH_StorageSlots = EPOCH_StorageSlots - [_slot];
+ _slot = EPOCH_StorageSlots select 0;
+ EPOCH_StorageSlots = EPOCH_StorageSlots - [_slot];
- //diag_log format["building lockbox found slot %1", _slot];
+ //diag_log format["building lockbox found slot %1", _slot];
- missionNamespace setVariable[format["EPOCH_STORAGE_%1", _slot], _storageObj];
+ missionNamespace setVariable[format["EPOCH_STORAGE_%1", _slot], _storageObj];
- _newVehicle setVariable["EPOCH_secureStorage", _slot];
- _newVehicle setVariable["EPOCH_Locked", false, true];
+ _newVehicle setVariable["EPOCH_secureStorage", _slot];
+ _newVehicle setVariable["EPOCH_Locked", false, true];
- _storageObj setVariable["STORAGE_OWNERS", [_plyrUID]];
- _storageObj setVariable["EPOCH_secStorParent", _objSlot];
- _storageObj setVariable["STORAGE_SLOT", _slot, true];
+ _storageObj setVariable["STORAGE_OWNERS", [_plyrUID]];
+ _storageObj setVariable["EPOCH_secStorParent", _objSlot];
+ _storageObj setVariable["STORAGE_SLOT", _slot, true];
- _storageObj call EPOCH_server_save_storage;
+ _storageObj call EPOCH_server_save_storage;
- _storageObj call EPOCH_server_storageInit;
+ _storageObj call EPOCH_server_storageInit;
- diag_log format["STORAGE: %1 created storage %2 at %3", _plyrUID, _buildClass, _pos];
+ diag_log format["STORAGE: %1 created storage %2 at %3", _plyrUID, _buildClass, _pos];
- EPOCH_StorageSlotsCount = count EPOCH_StorageSlots;
- publicVariable "EPOCH_StorageSlotsCount";
+ EPOCH_StorageSlotsCount = count EPOCH_StorageSlots;
+ publicVariable "EPOCH_StorageSlotsCount";
+ };
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_trading/EPOCH_server_makeNPCTrade.sqf b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_trading/EPOCH_server_makeNPCTrade.sqf
index 396fcb77..83abc489 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_trading/EPOCH_server_makeNPCTrade.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_trading/EPOCH_server_makeNPCTrade.sqf
@@ -185,9 +185,9 @@ if (_slot != -1) then {
// select available slot
- _slot = EPOCH_VehicleSlots select 0;
+ _vehslot = EPOCH_VehicleSlots select 0;
// Remove from available slots
- EPOCH_VehicleSlots = EPOCH_VehicleSlots - [_slot];
+ EPOCH_VehicleSlots = EPOCH_VehicleSlots - [_vehslot];
EPOCH_VehicleSlotCount = count EPOCH_VehicleSlots;
publicVariable "EPOCH_VehicleSlotCount";
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ if (_slot != -1) then {
_lockOwner = _plyrGroup;
- _vehObj = [_item,_position,random 360,true,_slot,_lockOwner,"NONE",false] call EPOCH_fnc_spawn_vehicle;
+ _vehObj = [_item,_position,random 360,true,_vehslot,_lockOwner,"NONE",false] call EPOCH_fnc_spawn_vehicle;
_returnOut pushBack _item;
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_load_storage.sqf b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_load_storage.sqf
index 193171d0..eba369a8 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_load_storage.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_load_storage.sqf
@@ -76,9 +76,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _this do {
if (count _arr >= 6) then {
_vehicle setVariable ["STORAGE_OWNERS", _arr select 5];
- if (_class == "LockBoxProxy_EPOCH") then {
+ if (_class isKindOf 'Secure_Storage_Proxy') then{
if ((_arr select 6) != -1) then {
_vehicle setVariable ["EPOCH_secStorParent", _arr select 6];
_location set [2, -10];
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_load_vehicles.sqf b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_load_vehicles.sqf
index 03abc776..dabf1199 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_load_vehicles.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_load_vehicles.sqf
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _this do {
_class = _arr select 0;
_worldspace = _arr select 1;
_damage = _arr select 2;
if (_class != "" && _damage < 1) then {
_location = _worldspace deleteAt 0;
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _this do {
EPOCH_VehicleSlots deleteAt _vehicleSlotIndex;
// temp for changes in class names
_found = ["O_Heli_Transport_04_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_bench_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_box_F","O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F","B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_F","O_Truck_03_covered_F"] find _class;
if (_found != -1) then {
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _this do {
_vehicle = createVehicle [_class, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_allVehicles pushBack _vehicle;
_vehicle call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
_vehicle setposATL _location;
_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp _worldspace;
_vehicle setDamage _damage;
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _this do {
_vehicle setFuel (_arr select 4);
_vehicle call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;
_config = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _class >> "availableColors";
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _this do {
case 0: {
if (typeName _x == "ARRAY") then {
if ((count _x) >= 4) then {
_vehicle addWeaponCargoGlobal[_x deleteAt 0, 1];
_attachments = [];
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _this do {
} forEach _x;
- // add all attachments to vehicle
+ // add all attachments to vehicle
// TODO replace with adding attachments directly to gun (Arma feature dependant)
_vehicle addItemCargoGlobal[_x, 1];
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _this do {
_vehicle addMagazineAmmoCargo[_wMagsArray select 0, 1, _wMagsArray select 1];
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _this do {
_vehicle enableSimulationGlobal false;
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_server_lockStorage.sqf b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_server_lockStorage.sqf
index ac9d0793..aed926e7 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_server_lockStorage.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_server_lockStorage.sqf
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ if (isNull _unit) exitWith{};
if (_plyr distance _unit > 20) exitWith{};
_type = typeOf _unit;
-if (_type in ["LockBox_EPOCH","LockBoxProxy_EPOCH"]) then {
+if (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "isSecureStorage") == 1) then{
_parentID = _unit getVariable ["EPOCH_secureStorage", "-1"];
_weaponHolder = missionNamespace getVariable [format ["EPOCH_STORAGE_%1",_parentID], objNull];
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_server_packStorage.sqf b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_server_packStorage.sqf
index abd54dcb..cd5f9e5f 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_server_packStorage.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/compile/epoch_vehicle/EPOCH_server_packStorage.sqf
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ if !([_plyr, _this select 2] call EPOCH_server_getPToken) exitWith{};
if (isNull _unit) exitWith{};
if (_plyr distance _unit > 20) exitWith{};
-if (typeOf _unit == "LockBox_EPOCH") then {
+_class = typeOf _unit;
+if (_class isKindOf 'Constructions_lockedstatic_F') then{
_parentID = _unit getVariable["EPOCH_secureStorage", "-1"];
_weaponHolder = missionNamespace getVariable[format["EPOCH_STORAGE_%1", _parentID], objNull];
if (!isNull _weaponHolder) then {
@@ -40,7 +41,11 @@ if (typeOf _unit == "LockBox_EPOCH") then {
_gwh = createVehicle["groundWeaponHolder", _posWH, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_gwh setPosATL _posWH;
- _gwh addMagazineCargoGlobal["ItemLockbox", 1];
+ _returnItems = getArray(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _class >> "returnOnPack");
+ {
+ _gwh addMagazineCargoGlobal _x;
+ } forEach _returnItems;
_objType = _forEachIndex;
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/init/server_securityfunctions.sqf b/Sources/epoch_server/init/server_securityfunctions.sqf
index c5c328ad..3e4a4553 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/init/server_securityfunctions.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/init/server_securityfunctions.sqf
@@ -1108,7 +1108,7 @@ call compile ("'"+_skn_doAdminRequest+"' addPublicVariableEventHandler {
if ((_content isKindOf 'LandVehicle') || (_content isKindOf 'Air') || (_content isKindOf 'Ship') || (_content isKindOf 'Tank')) then {
[_content, _admin] call EPOCH_server_save_killedVehicle;
} else {
- if (typeOf _content in ['LockBoxProxy_EPOCH'] || (_content isKindOf 'Buildable_Storage')) then {
+ if (_content isKindOf 'Secure_Storage_Proxy' || (_content isKindOf 'Buildable_Storage')) then{
[_content, _admin] call EPOCH_server_save_killedStorage;
} else {
[_content, _admin] call EPOCH_server_save_killedBuilding;
@@ -2077,7 +2077,7 @@ _skn_admincode = compileFinal ("
}forEach _attachments;
if (_this == 70) then {
- _headgear = ['wolf_mask_epoch','pkin_mask_epoch'];
+ _headgear = ['wolf_mask_epoch','pkin_mask_epoch','clown_mask_epoch'];
for '_h' from 1 to 104 do
_headgear pushBack format['H_%1_EPOCH',_h];
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/init/server_variables.sqf b/Sources/epoch_server/init/server_variables.sqf
index fc0cb476..0fded8cd 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/init/server_variables.sqf
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/init/server_variables.sqf
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ _configArray = [
["B_Heli_Light_01_EPOCH", 2],
["B_SDV_01_EPOCH", 2],
["B_MRAP_01_EPOCH", 3],
+ ["I_MRAP_03_EPOCH", 3],
["B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH", 1],
["B_Truck_01_covered_EPOCH", 2],
["B_Truck_01_mover_EPOCH", 1],
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server/system/server_monitor.fsm b/Sources/epoch_server/system/server_monitor.fsm
index 6750545d..812de4dc 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server/system/server_monitor.fsm
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server/system/server_monitor.fsm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-item0[] = {"Init",0,250,600.000000,-575.000000,700.000000,-525.000000,0.000000,"Init"};
+item0[] = {"Init",0,4346,600.000000,-575.000000,700.000000,-525.000000,0.000000,"Init"};
item1[] = {"_",8,218,600.000000,-500.000000,700.000000,-450.000000,0.000000,""};
item2[] = {"Process",2,250,600.000000,-350.000000,700.000000,-300.000000,0.000000,"Process"};
item3[] = {"De_simulate_Vehicle",4,218,750.000000,-225.000000,850.000000,-175.000000,2.000000,"De-simulate" \n "Vehicle Check"};
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ link16[] = {8,2};
link17[] = {9,2};
link18[] = {10,2};
link19[] = {11,2};
-globals[] = {25.000000,1,0,0,0,640,480,1,2,6316128,1,323.926788,885.320923,-53.358742,-574.484070,948,880,1};
-window[] = {2,-1,-1,-1,-1,968,208,1646,208,3,966};
+globals[] = {25.000000,1,0,0,0,640,480,1,2,6316128,1,323.926788,885.320923,-295.501770,-668.580139,948,630,1};
+window[] = {2,-1,-1,-1,-1,942,182,1474,182,3,966};
class FSM
@@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ class FSM
" _list = _this nearEntities[[""Epoch_Male_F"", ""Epoch_Female_F"", ""LandVehicle"", ""Ship"", ""Air"", ""Tank""], 45];" \n
" if ({ isPlayer _x }count _list == 0) then {" \n
" _this setVariable [""LAST_CHECK"",nil];" \n
+ " diag_log format[""DEBUG: _cleanIT del %1"", _this];" \n
" deleteVehicle _this;" \n
+ "" \n
" };" \n
" };" \n
" };" \n
@@ -147,6 +149,7 @@ class FSM
" deleteVehicle _x;" \n
" }forEach nearestObjects[_this, [""WeaponHolder""], 2];" \n
" _this setVariable [""LAST_CHECK"",nil];" \n
+ " diag_log format[""DEBUG: _cleanIT2 del %1"", _this];" \n
" deleteVehicle _this;" \n
" _removed = true;" \n
" };" \n
@@ -325,6 +328,7 @@ class FSM
" _activeVehicles pushBack _x;" \n
" };" \n
" } else {" \n
+ " diag_log format[""DEBUG: vtoken del %1"",_x];" \n
" deleteVehicle _x;" \n
" };" \n
" };" \n
diff --git a/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/loots.h b/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/loots.h
index c1eaf492..86080332 100644
--- a/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/loots.h
+++ b/Sources/epoch_server_settings/configs/loots.h
@@ -790,7 +790,9 @@ class CfgLootTable
{ { "scam_epoch", "magazine" }, 15 },
{ { "sweetcorn_epoch", "magazine" }, 15 },
{ { "FoodSnooter", "magazine" }, 9 },
- { { "TacticalBacon", "magazine" }, 5 }
+ { { "TacticalBacon", "magazine" }, 5 },
+ { { "FoodMeeps", "magazine" }, 1 }
@@ -831,25 +833,28 @@ class CfgLootTable
class GenericLarge
items[] = {
- { { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 17 },
+ { { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 16 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemSolar", "magazine" }, 5 },
{ { "ItemBattery", "magazine" }, 5 },
- { { "ItemCables", "magazine" }, 5 }
+ { { "ItemCables", "magazine" }, 5 },
+ { { "ItemSafe", "magazine" }, 1 }
class GenericAuto
items[] = {
+ { { "ItemSafe", "magazine" }, 1 },
{ { "ItemLockbox", "magazine" }, 4 },
{ { "jerrycan_epoch", "magazine" }, 5 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 9 },
- { { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 11 },
+ { { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 10 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 11 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 12 },
{ { "JackKit", "magazine" }, 9 },
@@ -1148,10 +1153,12 @@ class CfgLootTable
class Tools
items[] = {
- { { "Hatchet", "weapon" }, 65 },
+ { { "Hatchet", "weapon" }, 62 },
{ { "MeleeSledge", "weapon" }, 20 },
{ { "ChainSaw", "weapon" }, 10 },
{ { "Plunger", "weapon" }, 4 },
+ { { "MeleeSword", "weapon" }, 1 },
+ { { "MeleeRod", "weapon" }, 2 },
{ { "lighter_epoch", "magazine" }, 1 }
@@ -1358,7 +1365,8 @@ class CfgLootTable
{ { "KitFirePlace", "magazine" }, 8 },
{ { "KitCinderWall", "magazine" }, 5 },
{ { "KitFoundation", "magazine" }, 5 },
- { { "KitWoodFoundation", "magazine" }, 14 }
+ { { "KitWoodFoundation", "magazine" }, 14 },
+ { { "ItemSafe", "magazine" }, 1 }
@@ -1369,8 +1377,9 @@ class CfgLootTable
{ { "Sodas", "CfgLootTable" }, 6 },
{ { "CanFood", "CfgLootTable" }, 8 },
{ { "BaseBuilding", "CfgLootTable" }, 20 },
- { { "GenericLarge", "CfgLootTable" }, 25 },
+ { { "GenericLarge", "CfgLootTable" }, 24 },
{ { "ItemLockbox", "magazine" }, 4 },
+ { { "ItemSafe", "magazine" }, 1 },
{ { "Generic", "CfgLootTable" }, 10 },
{ { "Tools", "CfgLootTable" }, 19 }
@@ -1834,9 +1843,11 @@ class CfgLootTable
{ { "H_90_EPOCH", "item" }, 1 },
{ { "H_91_EPOCH", "item" }, 1 },
{ { "H_92_EPOCH", "item" }, 1 },
- { { "H_104_EPOCH", "item" }, 1 }
- // { { "wolf_mask_epoch", "item" }, 1 },
- // { { "pkin_mask_epoch", "item" }, 1 }
+ { { "H_104_EPOCH", "item" }, 1 },
+ { { "wolf_mask_epoch", "item" }, 1 },
+ { { "pkin_mask_epoch", "item" }, 1 },
+ { { "clown_mask_epoch", "item" }, 1 }