mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Test for horde numbers when spawning.
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,25 +20,41 @@
OBJECT - Zombie Agent
private ["_zRange","_disableAI","_unitClass","_unit","_clutterPos","_zedHandle"];
_zRange = getNumber (getMissionConfig "CfgEpochRyanZombie" >> "range");
params [["_justSpawn",false]];
private ["_zRange","_disableAI","_unitClass","_unit","_clutterPos","_zedHandle","_zMax"];
_disableAI = {{_this disableAI _x}forEach["TARGET","AUTOTARGET","FSM"];};
_unitClass = selectRandom ["EPOCH_RyanZombie_1","EPOCH_RyanZombie_2","EPOCH_RyanZombie_3","EPOCH_RyanZombie_4","EPOCH_RyanZombie_5"];
_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, position player, [], _zRange, "FORM"];
_clutterPos = getPosATL _unit;
if!(isOnRoad _unit)then{
// todo cleanup this object after some time
// _grave = createVehicle ["Land_Grave_dirt_F", _clutterPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_unit call _disableAI;
_unit switchMove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteOut";
[[_unit,player], 4, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_handle_switchMove",2];
_units = [];
_zRange = getNumber (getMissionConfig "CfgEpochRyanZombie" >> "range");
_zeds = getArray (getMissionConfig "CfgEpochRyanZombie" >> "zeds");
_zMax = getNumber (getMissionConfig "CfgEpochRyanZombie" >> "maxNumber");
_zDoCnt = 0;
//Check for horde
_nrZeds = nearestObjects [player,_zeds,_zRange];
_currZCount = count _nrZeds;
if(_currZCount < _zMax)then{_zDoCnt = _zMax - _currZCount;};
for "_i" from 1 to _zDoCnt step 1 do{
_unit setmimic "dead";
_unit setface (selectRandom ["RyanZombieFace1", "RyanZombieFace2", "RyanZombieFace3", "RyanZombieFace4", "RyanZombieFace5"]);
removegoggles _unit;
_zedHandle = [_unit,true] execFSM "epoch_code\system\EPOCH_zombie_brain.fsm";
_unit addEventHandler ["FiredNear", "(_this select 0) setVariable [""zFiredNear"",[_this select 1, _this select 2]];"];
_unit addEventHandler ["Hit", "(_this select 0) setVariable [""zHit"",[_this select 1, _this select 2]];"];
//if(isNil "axeFlag")then{ axeFlag = createVehicle ["Flag_Blue_F", (getpos player), [], 10, "CAN_COLLIDE"];};
_unitClass = selectRandom _zeds;
_unit = createAgent[_unitClass, position player, [], _zRange, "FORM"];
// todo cleanup this object after some time
//_clutterPos = getPosATL _unit;
//if!(isOnRoad _unit)then{
// _grave = createVehicle ["Land_Grave_dirt_F", _clutterPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_unit call _disableAI;
_unit switchMove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteOut";
[[_unit,player], 4, Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_handle_switchMove",2];
_unit setmimic "dead";
_unit setface (selectRandom ["RyanZombieFace1", "RyanZombieFace2", "RyanZombieFace3", "RyanZombieFace4", "RyanZombieFace5"]);
removegoggles _unit;
_zedHandle = [_unit,true] execFSM "epoch_code\system\EPOCH_zombie_brain.fsm";
_unit addEventHandler ["FiredNear", "(_this select 0) setVariable [""zFiredNear"",[_this select 1, _this select 2]];"];
_unit addEventHandler ["Hit", "(_this select 0) setVariable [""zHit"",[_this select 1, _this select 2]];"];
_units pushBack _unit;
if !(_units isEqualTo []) then {
_units remoteExec ["EPOCH_localCleanup",2];
Reference in New Issue
Block a user