changes for Vehicle Repair + iteminteracts

This commit is contained in:
He-Man 2017-08-04 21:50:26 +02:00
parent 6e3dcd090a
commit 5388ca2210
8 changed files with 153 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -49,27 +49,16 @@ _type0 = []; _type1 = []; _type2 = []; _type3 = []; _out = [];
if !(_Suppressed isequalto []) then {
if (_cName in _Suppressed) then {
_cPriority = -1;
_cRecipeArr = [];
_tmp = _cRecipeArr;
if (_x isequaltype []) then {
if ((_x select 0) in _Suppressed) then {
_cRecipeArr = _cRecipeArr - [_x];
else {
if (_x in _Suppressed) then {
_cRecipeArr = _cRecipeArr - [_x];
} foreach _tmp;
if (_x in _cUsedInArr) then {
_cUsedInArr = _cUsedInArr - [_x];
} foreach _Suppressed;
if (_cRecipeArr isequalto [] && _cUsedInArr isequalto []) then {
_cPriority = -1;
switch (_cPriority) do {

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class CfgEpochClient
// Advanced Vehicle Repair
UseAdvancedVehicleRepair = "true"; // Switch On / Off Advanced Vehicle Repair (Does not effect SuppressedCraftingItems !)
DisallowSellOnDamage = "false"; // Prevent from selling Vehicles with one or more fully damaged wheel or engine
SuppressedCraftingItems[] = {"VehicleRepair","VehicleRepairLg"}; // Suppresed for usage of "Advanced Vehicle Repair"
SuppressedCraftingItems[] = {"VehicleRepairLg"}; // These Items can not be crafted (but can be used in recipe) - for usage of "Advanced Vehicle Repair"
VehicleRepairs[] = { // {Hitpoint, dmg to repair, dmg to replace, mat to repair, mat to replace}

View File

@ -326,6 +326,23 @@ class CfgItemInteractions
interactAction = 1;
interactText = "EAT";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3000}};
class ItemPowderMilk : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-350},{"Hunger",300}};
class ItemRicebox : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-1000},{"Hunger",1200}};
class ItemCereals : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-1000},{"Hunger",1200}};
class ItemVitamins : Food_base
interactText = "Take Pills";
interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",20},{"Stamina",50},{"BloodP",-10},{"Toxicity",-5},{"Thirst",-150}};
class KitSpikeTrap : Item_Build_base

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class CircuitParts : Part
usedIn[] = {"EnergyPack","EnergyPackLg","KitPlotPole","ItemBattery","KitSolarGen","KitVehicleUpgradeI_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeI_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeI_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_300_EPOCH","BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag","BarrelBomb2_EPOCH_Remote_Mag"};
usedIn[] = {"EnergyPack","EnergyPackLg","KitPlotPole","ItemBattery","KitSolarGen","KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH","BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag","BarrelBomb2_EPOCH_Remote_Mag"};
previewPosition[] = {0.791044,1,0.256956};
previewScale = 2;
previewVector = 2.3;
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class ItemAluminumBar10oz : Item
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeII_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH"};
nearby[] = {{"Fire","","fire",{1,{"ALL"}},3,1,1,0}};
recipe[] = {{"ItemAluminumBar",10},{"water_epoch",1}};
previewPosition[] = {0.797144,1,0.26};
@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class ItemBurlap : Item
usedIn[] = {"KitHesco3","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitHesco3","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH"};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
recipe[] = {{"ItemKiloHemp",2}};
previewPosition[] = {0.8,1,0.38};
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class ItemScraps : Item
usedIn[] = {"ItemCorrugated","KitMetalTrap","MeleeRod","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"ItemCorrugated","KitMetalTrap","MeleeRod","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH"};
nearby[] = {{"Fire","","fire",{1,{"ALL"}},3,1,1,0}};
recipe[] = {{"PartOre",2}};
previewPosition[] = {0.797144,1,0.309158};
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class ItemCorrugated : Item
usedIn[] = {"KitShelf","ItemCorrugatedLg","VehicleRepairLg"};
usedIn[] = {"KitShelf","ItemCorrugatedLg","VehicleRepairLg","EngineParts"};
nearby[] = {{"Fire","","fire",{1,{"ALL"}},3,1,1,0}};
recipe[] = {{"ItemScraps",2}};
previewPosition[] = {0.791088,1,0.300004};
@ -360,25 +360,55 @@ class CfgCrafting
class jerrycan_epoch : Part
usedIn[] = {"CSGAS","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_300_EPOCH","BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag","BarrelBomb2_EPOCH_Remote_Mag"};
usedIn[] = {"CSGAS","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH","BarrelBomb_EPOCH_Remote_Mag","BarrelBomb2_EPOCH_Remote_Mag"};
previewPosition[] = {0.802443,1,0.254301};
previewScale = 0.6;
previewVector = 4.9;
class VehicleRepair : Part
usedIn[] = {"VehicleRepairLg"};
usedIn[] = {"VehicleRepairLg","EngineParts","SpareTire"};
previewPosition[] = {0.787659,1,0.30098};
previewScale = 0.45;
previewVector = 1.5;
class VehicleRepairLg : Item
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH"};
recipe[] = {"VehicleRepair","ItemCorrugated"};
previewPosition[] = {0.798742,1,0.317871};
previewScale = 0.25;
previewVector = 0.7;
class ItemDuctTape : Part
usedIn[] = {"SpareTire","EngineParts","ItemRotor"};
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.27};
previewScale = 1.8;
previewVector = -3.9;
class EngineParts : Item
usedIn[] = {"EngineBlock"};
recipe[] = {{"VehicleRepair",2},{"ItemCorrugated",1},{"ItemDuctTape",1} };
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.29};
previewScale = 0.38;
previewVector = 0.9;
class EngineBlock : Item
recipe[] = {{"EngineParts",1},{"ItemCorrugatedLg",1} };
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.29};
previewScale = 0.38;
previewVector = 0.5;
class ItemRotor : Item
recipe[] = {{"ItemCorrugatedLg",1},{"ItemDuctTape",1} };
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.29};
previewScale = 0.2;
previewVector = 0.5;
class EpochRadio0 : Part
usedIn[] = {"EpochRadio1"};
@ -698,7 +728,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class ItemCorrugatedLg : Item
usedIn[] = {"KitPlotPole","KitTankTrap","KitHesco3","KitSolarGen"};
usedIn[] = {"KitPlotPole","KitTankTrap","KitHesco3","KitSolarGen","ItemRotor","EngineBlock"};
recipe[] = {{"ItemCorrugated",3}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
previewPosition[] = {0.797491,1,0.32899};
@ -808,7 +838,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class KitTankTrap : Kit
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeII_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH"};
recipe[] = {{"ItemCorrugatedLg",1}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_3\CfgVehicles\Defense\tank_trap.p3d";
@ -854,7 +884,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class KitShelf : Kit
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH"};
recipe[] = {{"ItemCorrugated",3}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\models\shelf.p3d";
@ -915,7 +945,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class ItemCables : Item
usedIn[] = {"KitSolarGen","KitPlotPole","ItemCopperBar","KitVehicleUpgradeI_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeI_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitSolarGen","KitPlotPole","ItemCopperBar","KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH"};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
recipe[] = {{"ItemCopperBar",1}};
previewPosition[] = {0.802374,1,0.26};
@ -1026,27 +1056,32 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.2;
previewVector = -1.8;
class KitVehicleUpgradeI_100_EPOCH : Kit //doc1
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc1",1}, {"CircuitParts",1}, {"ItemCables",1}, {"VehicleRepairLg",2} }; //update rest of items
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc1",1}, {"CircuitParts",1}, {"ItemCables",1}, {"VehicleRepair",3} }; //update rest of items
previewPosition[] = {0.798208,1,0.227936};
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH : Kit
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc1",1}, {"CircuitParts",1}, {"ItemCables",1}, {"VehicleRepairLg",2} }; //update rest of items
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc1",1}, {"CircuitParts",1}, {"ItemCables",1}, {"VehicleRepair",3} }; //update rest of items
previewPosition[] = {0.798208,1,0.227936};
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeI_300_EPOCH : Kit
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc1",1}, {"CircuitParts",1}, {"ItemCables",1}, {"VehicleRepairLg",2} }; //update rest of items
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc1",1}, {"CircuitParts",1}, {"ItemCables",1}, {"VehicleRepair",3} }; //update rest of items
previewPosition[] = {0.798208,1,0.227936};
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeII_100_EPOCH : Kit //doc2, tire
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc2",1}, {"SpareTire",1}, {"KitTankTrap",2}, {"ItemAluminumBar10oz",2} };
@ -1054,6 +1089,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH : Kit
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc2",1}, {"SpareTire",1}, {"KitTankTrap",2}, {"ItemAluminumBar10oz",2} };
@ -1061,6 +1097,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeII_300_EPOCH : Kit
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc2",1}, {"SpareTire",1}, {"KitTankTrap",2}, {"ItemAluminumBar10oz",2} };
@ -1068,6 +1105,8 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH : Kit //doc3, pipes
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc3",1}, {"ItemPipe",2}, {"KitShelf",2}, {"ItemBurlap",2} };
@ -1075,6 +1114,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH : Kit
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc3",1}, {"ItemPipe",2}, {"KitShelf",2}, {"ItemBurlap",2} };
@ -1082,6 +1122,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_300_EPOCH : Kit
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc3",1}, {"ItemPipe",2}, {"KitShelf",2}, {"ItemBurlap",2} };
@ -1089,6 +1130,8 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_100_EPOCH : Kit //doc4
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc4",1}, {"CircuitParts",1}, {"ItemScraps",2}, {"jerrycan_epoch",2} };
@ -1096,6 +1139,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH : Kit
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc4",1}, {"CircuitParts",1}, {"ItemScraps",2}, {"jerrycan_epoch",2} };
@ -1103,6 +1147,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_300_EPOCH : Kit
recipe[] = { {"ItemVehDoc4",1}, {"CircuitParts",1}, {"ItemScraps",2}, {"jerrycan_epoch",2} };
@ -1110,10 +1155,10 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.28;
previewVector = -0.5;
class ItemVehDoc1 : Part
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeI_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeI_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH"};
previewPosition[] = {0.802374,1,0.26};
previewScale = 1.2;
previewVector = 3.3;
@ -1121,35 +1166,36 @@ class CfgCrafting
class ItemVehDoc2 : Part
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeII_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH"};
previewPosition[] = {0.802374,1,0.26};
previewScale = 1.2;
previewVector = 3.3;
class ItemVehDoc3 : Part
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH"};
previewPosition[] = {0.802374,1,0.26};
previewScale = 1.2;
previewVector = 3.3;
class ItemVehDoc4 : Part
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeIV_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIV_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH"};
previewPosition[] = {0.802374,1,0.26};
previewScale = 1.2;
previewVector = 3.3;
class SpareTire : Part
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeII_300_EPOCH"};
recipe[] = {{"VehicleRepair",2},{"ItemDuctTape",1} };
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH"};
previewPosition[] = {0.802374,1,0.26};
previewScale = 0.45;
previewVector = 3.3;
class ItemPipe : Part
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH","KitVehicleUpgradeIII_300_EPOCH"};
usedIn[] = {"KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH"};
previewPosition[] = {0.802374,1,0.26};
previewScale = 0.19;
previewVector = 3.3;

View File

@ -60,6 +60,18 @@ class CfgLootTable
{ { "FAK", "item" }, 20 }
class Repairs
items[] = {
{ { "VehicleRepair", "item" }, 30 },
{ { "SpareTire", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "EngineParts", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "EngineBlock", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "ItemGlass", "item" }, 15 },
{ { "ItemDuctTape", "item" }, 20 },
{ { "ItemRotor", "item" }, 5 }
class Equipment
items[] = {
@ -154,7 +166,7 @@ class CfgLootTable
{ { "ItemMixOil", "magazine" }, 4 },
{ { "ItemCoolerE", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 8 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 7 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 7 },
{ { "Towelette", "magazine" }, 14 },
{ { "HotColdPacks", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
{ { "PaintCans", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
@ -233,7 +245,7 @@ class CfgLootTable
{ { "ItemMixOil", "magazine" }, 4 },
{ { "ItemCoolerE", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 8 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 7 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 7 },
{ { "Towelette", "magazine" }, 14 },
{ { "HotColdPacks", "CfgLootTable" }, 8 },
{ { "PaintCans", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
@ -248,7 +260,7 @@ class CfgLootTable
items[] = {
{ { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 16 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 16 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 16 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemSolar", "magazine" }, 5 },
@ -269,7 +281,7 @@ class CfgLootTable
{ { "jerrycan_epoch", "magazine" }, 5 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 9 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 10 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 10 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 11 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 12 },
{ { "JackKit", "magazine" }, 8 },

View File

@ -60,6 +60,18 @@ class CfgLootTable_CUP
{ { "FAK", "item" }, 20 }
class Repairs
items[] = {
{ { "VehicleRepair", "item" }, 30 },
{ { "SpareTire", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "EngineParts", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "EngineBlock", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "ItemGlass", "item" }, 15 },
{ { "ItemDuctTape", "item" }, 20 },
{ { "ItemRotor", "item" }, 5 }
class Equipment
items[] = {
@ -250,7 +262,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_CUP
{ { "ItemMixOil", "magazine" }, 4 },
{ { "ItemCoolerE", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 8 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 7 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 7 },
{ { "Towelette", "magazine" }, 14 },
{ { "HotColdPacks", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
{ { "PaintCans", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
@ -326,7 +338,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_CUP
{ { "ItemMixOil", "magazine" }, 4 },
{ { "ItemCoolerE", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 8 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 7 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 7 },
{ { "Towelette", "magazine" }, 14 },
{ { "HotColdPacks", "CfgLootTable" }, 8 },
{ { "PaintCans", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
@ -341,7 +353,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_CUP
items[] = {
{ { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 16 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 16 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 16 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemSolar", "magazine" }, 5 },
@ -360,7 +372,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_CUP
{ { "jerrycan_epoch", "magazine" }, 5 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 9 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 10 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 10 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 11 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 12 },
{ { "JackKit", "magazine" }, 8 },

View File

@ -60,6 +60,18 @@ class CfgLootTable_MAD
{ { "FAK", "item" }, 20 }
class Repairs
items[] = {
{ { "VehicleRepair", "item" }, 30 },
{ { "SpareTire", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "EngineParts", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "EngineBlock", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "ItemGlass", "item" }, 15 },
{ { "ItemDuctTape", "item" }, 20 },
{ { "ItemRotor", "item" }, 5 }
class Equipment
items[] = {
@ -154,7 +166,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_MAD
{ { "ItemMixOil", "magazine" }, 4 },
{ { "ItemCoolerE", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 8 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 7 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 7 },
{ { "Towelette", "magazine" }, 14 },
{ { "HotColdPacks", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
{ { "PaintCans", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
@ -233,7 +245,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_MAD
{ { "ItemMixOil", "magazine" }, 4 },
{ { "ItemCoolerE", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 8 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 7 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 7 },
{ { "Towelette", "magazine" }, 14 },
{ { "HotColdPacks", "CfgLootTable" }, 8 },
{ { "PaintCans", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
@ -248,7 +260,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_MAD
items[] = {
{ { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 16 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 16 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 16 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemSolar", "magazine" }, 5 },
@ -269,7 +281,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_MAD
{ { "jerrycan_epoch", "magazine" }, 5 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 9 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 10 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 10 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 11 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 12 },
{ { "JackKit", "magazine" }, 8 },

View File

@ -60,6 +60,18 @@ class CfgLootTable_MADCUP
{ { "FAK", "item" }, 20 }
class Repairs
items[] = {
{ { "VehicleRepair", "item" }, 30 },
{ { "SpareTire", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "EngineParts", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "EngineBlock", "item" }, 10 },
{ { "ItemGlass", "item" }, 15 },
{ { "ItemDuctTape", "item" }, 20 },
{ { "ItemRotor", "item" }, 5 }
class Equipment
items[] = {
@ -250,7 +262,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_MADCUP
{ { "ItemMixOil", "magazine" }, 4 },
{ { "ItemCoolerE", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 8 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 7 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 7 },
{ { "Towelette", "magazine" }, 14 },
{ { "HotColdPacks", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
{ { "PaintCans", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
@ -326,7 +338,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_MADCUP
{ { "ItemMixOil", "magazine" }, 4 },
{ { "ItemCoolerE", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 8 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 7 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 7 },
{ { "Towelette", "magazine" }, 14 },
{ { "HotColdPacks", "CfgLootTable" }, 8 },
{ { "PaintCans", "CfgLootTable" }, 9 },
@ -341,7 +353,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_MADCUP
items[] = {
{ { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 16 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 16 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 16 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 17 },
{ { "ItemSolar", "magazine" }, 5 },
@ -360,7 +372,7 @@ class CfgLootTable_MADCUP
{ { "jerrycan_epoch", "magazine" }, 5 },
{ { "CircuitParts", "magazine" }, 6 },
{ { "MortarBucket", "magazine" }, 9 },
{ { "VehicleRepair", "magazine" }, 10 },
{ { "Repairs", "CfgLootTable" }, 10 },
{ { "ItemCorrugated", "magazine" }, 11 },
{ { "CinderBlocks", "magazine" }, 12 },
{ { "JackKit", "magazine" }, 8 },