diff --git a/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp b/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp index c1f2228a..afb687f1 100644 --- a/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp +++ b/Server_Install_Pack/@epochhive/epochconfig.hpp @@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ forceRestartTime = 14400; // 4 hour restarts // vehicles - Max vehicle slots is calculated from per vehicle limits below. Warning! Higher the number lower the performance. disableAutoRefuel = "true"; // Removes auto refuel from all buildings at server startup. simulationHandlerOld = "false"; // When enabled this feature disables simulation on vehicles that are not nea players. Can help improve client fps at the cost of server fps. - vehicleLockTime = 1800; // Controls how many seconds it takes to allow another person/group to unlock vehicle. VehLockMessages = "true"; // Give players a hint, that the Vehicle is locked / unlocked removevehweapons[] = { // remove these Weapons from spawned Vehicles "missiles_DAR","gatling_30mm","gatling_20mm","missiles_DAGR","cannon_30mm_Plane_CAS_02_F","Missile_AA_03_Plane_CAS_02_F","Missile_AGM_01_Plane_CAS_02_F","Rocket_03_HE_Plane_CAS_02_F", @@ -136,6 +135,7 @@ forceRestartTime = 14400; // 4 hour restarts DEBUG_VEH = "false"; // DEBUG ONLY used to debug spawing of vehicles // Hive Related + vehicleLockTime = "1800"; // Controls how many seconds it takes to allow another person/group to unlock vehicle. expiresBuilding = "604800"; // expiration date in seconds for buildings expiresPlayer = "2592000"; // expiration date in seconds for players expiresBank = "7776000"; // expiration date in seconds for players bank