No temp group invite if in main group

This commit is contained in:
DESKTOP-UH65DCE\MusTanG 2017-08-30 04:02:25 -05:00
parent 3b82e8b0b0
commit 963ab30581

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@ -27,13 +27,21 @@ Epoch_my_tempGroup params [
Epoch_my_Group params [
if (_playerUID == Epoch_my_tempGroupUID || {_x select 0 == _playerUID}count (_modArray) > 0) then {
_currentMember = count(_modArray) + count(_memberArray) + 1;
if (_currentMember < _groupSize) then {
_InvitePlayerCombo = (findDisplay -1300) displayCtrl 41;
_playerUID = _InvitePlayerCombo lbData (lbCurSel _InvitePlayerCombo);
_playerName = _InvitePlayerCombo lbText (lbCurSel _InvitePlayerCombo);
if (_playerUID != "" && _playerName != "" && ({_playerUID in _x} count (_modArray) == 0) && ({_playerUID in _x} count (_memberArray) == 0) && !(_playerUID == Epoch_my_tempGroupUID)) then {
if (_playerUID != "" && _playerName != "" && ({_playerUID in _x} count (_modArray) == 0) && ({_playerUID in _x} count (_memberArray) == 0) && ({_playerUID in _x} count (_modArray2) == 0) && ({_playerUID in _x} count (_memberArray2) == 0) && !(_playerUID == Epoch_my_tempGroupUID)) then {
_txt = format["Do you want to add %1 to your Temp Group?",_playerName];
[_playerUID,_txt,_groupName] spawn {
params ["_playerUID","_txt","_groupName"];