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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Config to calculate bullets for crafted mags
Example: - You need 3x energy pack small + 1x electronic + 1x Gold to craft a large energy pack. - The 3 small packs can hold max 30 bullets - If you have in these 3 small packs only 15 bullets, you will return only a half full large pack (50 Bullets) - If you have only 10 Bullets, you will get back 100*10/30 -> 33 Bullets.
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ if !(false call EPOCH_crafting_checkResources) exitWith {};
//craft button
[] spawn {
private ["_craftReturn","_needBench","_craftCount","_fnc_UILock","_itemCraftTime","_selection","_craftItem","_item","_itemName","_itemCraftTime","_itemRecipeItems","_itemType","_nearbyReq","_hasNearby","_canCraft","_wH","_nearByHolder","_wHPos"];
private ["_GiveBackRounds","_TotalroundsIn","_TotalMaxRoundsIn","_roundsCheck","_maxMagrnd","_maxMagRndTmp","_roundsCheckTmp","_magsammosearched","_craftReturn","_needBench","_craftCount","_fnc_UILock","_itemCraftTime","_selection","_craftItem","_item","_itemName","_itemCraftTime","_itemRecipeItems","_itemType","_nearbyReq","_hasNearby","_canCraft","_wH","_nearByHolder","_wHPos"];
_fnc_UILock = {
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ if !(false call EPOCH_crafting_checkResources) exitWith {};
_needBench = {"WorkBench_EPOCH" in (_x select 3 select 1)} count _nearbyReq;
_craftCount = _craftItem param [15,1];
_craftReturn = _craftItem param [16,[]];
_BulletCalculateOnCraft = ["CfgEpochClient", "BulletCalculateOnCraft", false] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
for "_c" from 1 to rmx_var_craftQTYOut do {
false call _fnc_UILock;
@ -64,19 +66,63 @@ if !(false call EPOCH_crafting_checkResources) exitWith {};
if !(_canCraft && rmx_var_craftingLOOPS) exitWith {};
_GiveBackRounds = 0;
_TotalroundsIn = 0;
_TotalMaxRoundsIn = 0;
_roundsCheck = false;
_maxMagrnd = (getnumber (configfile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _item >> "count")) max 1;
if !(_x isEqualType []) then {_x = [_x,1]};
for "_r" from 1 to (_x select 1) do {
player removeItem (_x select 0); //removes any type of item, but only if not in special slots
_x params ["_recipetype","_recipetypecount"];
_recipetype = tolower _recipetype;
_maxMagRndTmp = getnumber (configfile >> "cfgMagazines" >> _recipetype >> "count");
_roundsCheckTmp = ([_recipetype,"cfgMagazines"] call Epoch_fnc_isAny && [_item,"cfgMagazines"] call Epoch_fnc_isAny && _maxMagrnd > 1 && _maxMagRndTmp > 1 && _BulletCalculateOnCraft);
for "_r" from 1 to _recipetypecount do {
if (_roundsCheckTmp) then {
_roundsCheck = true;
_magsammosearched = [];
_x params ["_type","_rounds"];
if ((tolower _type) isequalto _recipetype) then {
_magsammosearched pushback _x;
} foreach (magazinesammo player);
_TotalMaxRoundsIn = _TotalMaxRoundsIn + _maxMagRndTmp;
_TotalroundsIn = _TotalroundsIn + ((_magsammosearched deleteat 0) select 1);
player removemagazines _recipetype;
_x call EPOCH_fnc_addMagazineOverflow;
} foreach _magsammosearched;
else {
player removeItem _recipetype; //removes any type of item, but only if not in special slots
} forEach _itemRecipeItems;
if (_roundsCheck) then {
_GiveBackRounds = (_maxMagrnd * (_TotalroundsIn / _TotalMaxRoundsIn));
_nearByBench = nearestObjects [player,["WorkBench_EPOCH"],3];
if (!(_nearByBench isEqualTo []) && (_needBench > 0)) then { //adds item on top of bench if bench was required
(_nearByBench select 0) addItemCargoGlobal [_item,_craftCount];
} else {
[_item,_craftCount] call EPOCH_fnc_addItemOverflow;
if (_roundsCheck) then {
(_nearByBench select 0) addMagazineAmmoCargo [_item, _craftCount, ((ceil (_GiveBackRounds / _craftCount)) min _maxMagrnd) max 1];
else {
(_nearByBench select 0) addItemCargoGlobal [_item,_craftCount];
else {
if (_roundsCheck) then {
for "_i" from 1 to _craftCount do {
[_item,((ceil (_GiveBackRounds / _craftCount)) min _maxMagrnd) max 1] call EPOCH_fnc_addMagazineOverflow;
else {
[_item,_craftCount] call EPOCH_fnc_addItemOverflow;
// return items
@ -216,6 +216,8 @@ class CfgEpochClient
Fav_BannedItems[] = {"FAK"}; // Items that users are not allowed to pin
EnableTempVehTrade = "false"; // Enable selling of temp Vehicles (not handled by Epoch). Temp Vehicles will not be stored in Traders, but can be sold
BulletCalculateOnCraft = "true"; // Enable Bullet Calculation on Crafting - Example: If you craft a large EnergyPack with 3 half full EnergyPacks, you will only get a half filled large EnergyPack back
// Advanced Vehicle Repair
UseAdvancedVehicleRepair = "true"; // Switch On / Off Advanced Vehicle Repair (Does not effect SuppressedCraftingItems !)
EnableRemoveParts = "true"; // Enable removing Tires / Engines from Vehicles
Reference in New Issue
Block a user