Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/experimental' into exp-digest-test

# Conflicts:
#	Sources/epoch_code/compile/setup/EPOCH_clientRevive.sqf
#	Sources/epoch_code/init/client_init.sqf
#	Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgEpochClient.hpp
This commit is contained in:
vbawol 2017-09-25 01:02:55 -05:00
commit a1d4d411fc
30 changed files with 7275 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
5 allowDamage !="_unit allowDamage false;" !="_unit allowDamage true;" !="player allowDamage true;" !="vehicle player allowDamage true;" !="player allowDamage false;" !="_target allowDamage true;" !="_cargo allowDamage false;"
5 addWeaponCargo !="_acceptHolder addWeaponCargo [_wWeapon, 1] ;" !="CBA_fnc_addWeaponCargo" !="\\fnc_addWeaponCargo" !="\"addWeaponCargo" !="cba_fAddWeaponCargo"
5 onMapSingleClick !="onMapSingleClick '';" !="\"onmapsingleclick\""
5 addMagazine !"addMagazineCargo" !="player addMagazine [_item, _magazineSizeMax];" !="player addMagazine [_item, floor (_magazineSize % _magazineSizeMax)];" !="player addMagazine[_x select 0, _x select 1];" !="player addMagazine \"sledge_swing\";" !="player addMagazine \"Hatchet_swing\";" !="player addMagazine \"stick_swing\";" !="_wh addMagazineAmmoCargo[_item, 1, _count];" !="CBA_fnc_addMagazine" !="\\fnc_addMagazine" !="\"addMagazine"
5 addMagazine !"addMagazineCargo" !="player addMagazine [_item, _magazineSizeMax];" !="player addMagazine [_item, floor (_magazineSize % _magazineSizeMax)];" !="player addMagazine[_x select 0, _x select 1];" !="player addMagazine \"sledge_swing\";" !="player addMagazine \"Hatchet_swing\";" !="player addMagazine \"stick_swing\";" !="_wh addMagazineAmmoCargo[_item, 1, _count];" !="CBA_fnc_addMagazine" !="\\fnc_addMagazine" !="\"addMagazine" !="vehicle player addMagazineTurret" !="player addMagazine [_magsTurret,_magAmmo]"
5 addMagazineCargo !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"RabbitCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Pelt_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"Venom_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"SnakeCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_dogHolder addMagazineCargo [\"ChickenCarcass_EPOCH\", 1]" !="_acceptHolder addMagazineCargo [_wAmmo, 1] ;" !="CBA_fnc_addMagazineCargo" !="\\fnc_addMagazineCargo" !="\"addMagazineCargo" !="cba_fAddMagazineCargo"
5 addItem !="{player addItemToVest _x} forEach _vestItems;" !="player addItem _item;" !="_plyr addItemToVest _missionItem;" !="axeVIP addItemToVest _item;" !="_plyr addItemToVest _missionItem;" !="EPOCH_fnc_addItemOverflow" !="CBA_fnc_addItem" !="\\fnc_addItem" !="\"addItem" !="fnc_addItemCargo" !="wH = _nearByHolder select 0;\n};\nif !(isNull _wh) then {\n_wh addItemCargoGlobal [_item,1];\n};\n};\n};\n\n_fnc_findItemInContainers = "
5 addBackPack !="fnc_addBackpackCargo"

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ _hours = floor(servertime/60/60);
_customVars = "";
_val = missionNamespace getVariable [format ["EPOCH_player%1",_x],EPOCH_defaultVars select _forEachIndex];
if !(_x in ["AliveTime","SpawnArray","HitPoints","MissionArray"]) then {
if !(_x in ["AliveTime","SpawnArray","HitPoints","MissionArray","NotUsed"]) then {
if (_x == "Temp") then {
_customVars = _customVars + format["<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>%1: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%2°F | %3°C</t><br/>", _x,_val,_val call EPOCH_convertTemp];
} else {
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ hintSilent parseText format ["
<t size='1.0' font='puristaLight' align='center'>Build: %2</t><br/>
" + _customVars + "
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Karma: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%17</t><br/>
<t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='left'>Fatigue: </t><t size='1.15' font='puristaLight' align='right'>%3</t><br/>
@ -68,5 +69,6 @@ hintSilent parseText format ["
round diag_fps,
if (EPOCH_diag_fps isEqualType 0) then [{EPOCH_diag_fps},{"MANIPULATED"}]
if (EPOCH_diag_fps isEqualType 0) then [{EPOCH_diag_fps},{"MANIPULATED"}],
missionNamespace getVariable ["EPOCH_totalKarma",0]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
Author: Aaron Clark -
Contributors: DirtySanchez
Epoch add magazine with overflow toggle
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) -
[_mag,_magAmmo,true] call EPOCH_fnc_addMagazineOverflow;
_this select 0: STRING - Magazine Class
_this select 1: NUMBER - (Optional) Ammo count
_this select 2: BOOLEAN - (Optional) drop to groundWeaponHolder
NUMBER 1: magazine was added to inventory
2: not enough room in inventory
3: magazine was dropped nearby
0: failed
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_return","_nearByHolder","_wH","_wHPos"];
params [["_item","",[""]],["_count",1],["_canDrop",true]];
_return = 0;
if (player canAdd _item) then {
player addMagazine [_item,_count];
_return = 1;
} else {
_return = 3;
_wH = objNull;
if (isNil "_nearByHolder") then {
_nearByHolder = nearestObjects [player,["groundWeaponHolder"],3];
if (_nearByHolder isEqualTo []) then {
_wHPos = player modelToWorld [0,1,0];
if (surfaceIsWater _wHPos) then {
_wHPos = ASLToATL _wHPos;
_wH = createVehicle ["groundWeaponHolder",_wHPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
} else {
_wH = _nearByHolder select 0;
if !(isNull _wh) then {
//_wh addItemCargoGlobal [_item,1];
_wh addMagazineAmmoCargo [_item, 1, _count];
_return = 2;

View File

@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ if !(alive player && alive _playerObject && !isPlayer _playerObject) then {
player addEventHandler [_x,(["CfgEpochClient", _x, ""] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)];
} forEach (["CfgEpochClient", "addEventHandler", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2);
// testing for civilan males
waituntil {local _playerObject};
_playerObject addRating -2000;
} else {
deleteVehicle _playerObject;

View File

@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46) && (!isNil "EPOCH_loadingScreenDone")};
// load favBar
'load' call epoch_favBar_draw;
// set player rating
player addRating -2000;
// force update within 15 seconds
EPOCH_forceUpdate = false;
_forceUpdate = false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
Author: DirtySanchez - ported from DonkeyPunch eXpoch http://DonkeyPunch.INFO
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) -
params["_weaponTurret", "_turretPath"];
if(isNil {_weaponTurret})exitWith{diag_log "[EpochDebug] checkTurretAmmo _weaponTurret was nil"};
if(isNil {_turretPath})exitWith{diag_log "[EpochDebug] checkTurretAmmo _turretPath was nil"};
private _ammoCount = 0;
private _ammoTurret = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponTurret >> "magazines");
private _items = magazines player;
private _availAmmo = _items arrayIntersect _ammoTurret;
if (count _availAmmo == 0) then
[format["You need a can of %1 or any of its variants",_ammoTurret select 0],5] call Epoch_message;
private _ammo = _availAmmo select 0;
private _magazinesAmmoFull = magazinesAmmoFull player;
if((_x select 0) isEqualTo _ammo) then {
_ammoCount = _x select 1;
_magazinesAmmoFull = [];
}forEach _magazinesAmmoFull;
[format["You have added 1 can of %1 with %2 rounds",_ammo,_ammoCount],5] call Epoch_message;
vehicle player addMagazineTurret [_ammo,_turretPath,_ammoCount];
player removeMagazine _ammo;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Author: DirtySanchez - ported from DonkeyPunch eXpoch http://DonkeyPunch.INFO
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) -
params["_weaponTurret", "_turretPath"];
if(isNil {_weaponTurret})exitWith{diag_log "[EpochDebug] removeCommanderAmmo _weaponTurret was nil"};
if(isNil {_turretPath})exitWith{diag_log "[EpochDebug] removeCommanderAmmo _turretPath was nil"};
private _magAmmo = 0;
private _magsTurret = "";
private _ammoTurret = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponTurret >> "magazines");
private _magsAllTurrets = magazinesAllTurrets vehicle player;
if(_x select 0 in _ammoTurret)then{
_magsTurret = _x select 0;
_magAmmo = _x select 2;
_magsAllTurrets = [];
}forEach _magsAllTurrets;
if(_magAmmo isEqualTo 0)exitWith{
private _nameTurret = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponTurret >> "displayName");
[format["The %1 does not have any ammo",_nameTurret],5] call Epoch_message;
_return = [_magsTurret,_magAmmo] call EPOCH_fnc_addMagazineOverflow;
if(_return isEqualTo 0)exitWith{diag_log "[EpochDebug] removeCommanderAmmo _return epoch_equip failed"};
if(_return isEqualTo 1)then{
[format["You have removed 1 can of %1 with %2 rounds",_magsTurret, _magAmmo],5] call Epoch_message;
if(_return isEqualTo 2)then{
[format["You dropped 1 can of %1 with %2 rounds on the ground!",_magsTurret, _magAmmo],5] call Epoch_message;
if(_return isEqualTo 3)then{
[format["You dont have enough space for %1!",_magsTurret],5] call Epoch_message;
vehicle player removeMagazineTurret [_magsTurret,_turretPath];
reload vehicle player;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Author: DirtySanchez - ported from DonkeyPunch eXpoch http://DonkeyPunch.INFO
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) -
params["_weaponTurret", "_turretPath"];
if(isNil {_weaponTurret})exitWith{diag_log "[EpochDebug] removeTurretAmmo _weaponTurret was nil"};
if(isNil {_turretPath})exitWith{diag_log "[EpochDebug] removeTurretAmmo _turretPath was nil"};
private _magsTurretDetails = magazinesAmmo vehicle player;
if(_magsTurretDetails isEqualTo [])exitWith{
private _nameTurret = getText(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weaponTurret >> "displayName");
[format["The %1 does not have any ammo",_nameTurret],5] call Epoch_message;
private _magsTurret = (_magsTurretDetails select 0) select 0;
private _magAmmo = (_magsTurretDetails select 0) select 1;
_return = [_magsTurret,_magAmmo] call EPOCH_fnc_addMagazineOverflow;
if(_return isEqualTo 0)exitWith{diag_log "[EpochDebug] removeCommanderAmmo _return epoch_equip failed"};
if(_return isEqualTo 1)then{
[format["You have removed 1 can of %1 with %2 rounds",_magsTurret, _magAmmo],5] call Epoch_message;
if(_return isEqualTo 2)then{
[format["You dropped 1 can of %1 with %2 rounds on the ground!",_magsTurret, _magAmmo],5] call Epoch_message;
if(_return isEqualTo 3)then{
[format["You dont have enough space for %1!",_magsTurret],5] call Epoch_message;
vehicle player removeMagazineTurret [_magsTurret,_turretPath];
reload vehicle player;

View File

@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ EPOCH_customVarsDefaults = [
@ -78,12 +78,11 @@ EPOCH_customVarCount = count EPOCH_customVars;
// Init Community Stats
EPOCH_communityStats = [];
EPOCH_defaultStatVars = [];
EPOCH_communityStatsLimits = [];
_communityStatsInit = ["CfgEpochClient", "defineCommunityStats", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
EPOCH_communityStatsDefaults = _communityStatsInit;
EPOCH_communityStats pushBack (_x select 0);
EPOCH_defaultStatVars pushBack (_x select 1);
} forEach _communityStatsInit;
EPOCH_communityStats = _communityStatsInit apply {_x param [0,""]};
EPOCH_defaultStatVars = _communityStatsInit apply {_x param [1,0]};
EPOCH_communityStatsLimits = _communityStatsInit apply {_x param [2,[]]};
EPOCH_communityStatsCount = count EPOCH_communityStats;
//GroupSize (number) // Price (String)

View File

@ -86,7 +86,4 @@ addMissionEventHandler ["PlayerViewChanged", {if (cameraView isEqualTo "GROUP")
[] execFSM "epoch_code\system\player_login.fsm";
// testing for civilan males
player addRating -2000;

View File

@ -32,6 +32,24 @@ class CfgActionMenu
dyna_canAcceptTrade = "if (!(isNull EPOCH_pendingP2ptradeTarget) && alive EPOCH_pendingP2ptradeTarget) then {((EPOCH_pendingP2ptradeTarget isKindOf 'Man') && (dyna_cursorTarget isEqualTo EPOCH_pendingP2ptradeTarget))} else {false}";
dyna_locked = "locked dyna_cursorTarget in [2,3]";
dyna_lockedInVehicle = "locked vehicle player in [2,3]";
dyna_inDriver = "driver vehicle player == player";
dyna_inTurret = "gunner vehicle player == player";
dyna_inCommander = "player isEqualTo commander objectParent player";
dyna_vehicleRoleEmpty = "((assignedVehicleRole player) isEqualTo [])";
dyna_blockTurrets = "['Horn', 'MiniCarHorn', 'SportCarHorn', 'TruckHorn2', 'TruckHorn', 'BikeHorn', 'CarHorn', 'TruckHorn3']";
dyna_weaponsTurret = "if!(dyna_vehicleRoleEmpty)then{(vehicle player) weaponsTurret ((assignedVehicleRole player) select 1)}else{nil}";
dyna_weaponsTurretPath = "if(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})then{((assignedVehicleRole player) select 1)}else{nil}";
dyna_weaponsTurretMags = "if(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})then{vehicle player magazinesTurret dyna_weaponsTurretPath}else{[]}";
dyna_driverTurret = "if(dyna_inDriver)then{vehicle player weaponsTurret[-1]}else{nil}";
dyna_driverTurretMags = "if(!isNil {dyna_driverTurret})then{vehicle player magazinesTurret[-1]}else{[]}";
dyna_isGunning = "if(dyna_inVehicle && dyna_inTurret && !dyna_inDriver)then{(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})}else{false}";
dyna_isDriving = "if(dyna_inVehicle && dyna_inDriver)then{(!isNil {dyna_driverTurret})}else{false}";
dyna_isCommanding = "if(dyna_inVehicle && dyna_inCommander)then{(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})}else{false}";
class self

View File

@ -163,3 +163,87 @@ class ServicePoint
tooltipcode = "Ignatz_Rearm2 select 0";
class veh_gunnerRearm
condition = "if(dyna_isGunning)then{!((dyna_weaponsTurret select 0) in dyna_blockTurrets)}else{false}";
action = "[dyna_weaponsTurret select 0, dyna_weaponsTurretPath] call EPOCH_vehicle_checkTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Rearm.paa";
tooltipcode = "if(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})then{format['Add Mag to %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> dyna_weaponsTurret select 0 >> 'displayName')]}else{''}";
class veh_gunnerRemoveAmmo
condition = "dyna_isGunning && !(dyna_weaponsTurretMags isEqualTo [])";
action = "[dyna_weaponsTurret select 0, dyna_weaponsTurretPath] call EPOCH_vehicle_removeTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\RemoveMag.paa";
tooltipcode = "if(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})then{format['Remove Mag from %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> dyna_weaponsTurret select 0 >> 'displayName')]}else{''}";
class veh_driverRearm
condition = "if(dyna_isDriving)then{!((dyna_driverTurret select 0) in dyna_blockTurrets)}else{false}";
action = "[dyna_driverTurret select 0, [-1]] call EPOCH_vehicle_checkTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Rearm.paa";
tooltipcode = "if(!isNil {dyna_driverTurret})then{format['Add Mag to %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> dyna_driverTurret select 0 >> 'displayName')]}else{''}";
class veh_driverRemoveAmmo
condition = "dyna_isDriving && !(dyna_driverTurretMags isEqualTo [])";
action = "[dyna_driverTurret select 0, [-1]] call EPOCH_vehicle_removeTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\RemoveMag.paa";
tooltipcode = "if!(dyna_driverTurretMags isEqualTo [])then{format['Remove Mag of %1',dyna_driverTurretMags select 0]}else{''}";
class veh_driverRearm1
condition = "if(dyna_isDriving)then{!((dyna_driverTurret select 1) in dyna_blockTurrets) && (count dyna_driverTurret > 1)}else{false}";
action = "[dyna_driverTurret select 1, [-1]] call EPOCH_vehicle_checkTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Rearm.paa";
tooltipcode = "if(!isNil {dyna_driverTurret})then{format['Add Mag to %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> dyna_driverTurret select 1 >> 'displayName')]}else{''}";
class veh_driverRemoveAmmo1
condition = "if(dyna_isDriving)then{(count dyna_driverTurret > 1) && !(dyna_driverTurretMags isEqualTo [])}else{false}";
action = "[dyna_driverTurret select 1, [-1]] call EPOCH_vehicle_removeTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\RemoveMag.paa";
tooltipcode = "if!(dyna_driverTurretMags isEqualTo [])then{format['Remove Mag of %1',dyna_driverTurretMags select 1]}else{''}";
class veh_driverRearm2
condition = "if(dyna_isDriving)then{!((dyna_driverTurret select 1) in dyna_blockTurrets) && (count dyna_driverTurret > 2)}else{false}";
action = "[dyna_driverTurret select 2, [-1]] call EPOCH_vehicle_checkTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Rearm.paa";
tooltipcode = "if(!isNil {dyna_driverTurret})then{format['Add Mag to %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> dyna_driverTurret select 2 >> 'displayName')]}else{''}";
class veh_driverRemoveAmmo2
condition = "if(dyna_isDriving)then{(count dyna_driverTurret > 2) && !(dyna_driverTurretMags isEqualTo [])}else{false}";
action = "[dyna_driverTurret select 2, [-1]] call EPOCH_vehicle_removeTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\RemoveMag.paa";
tooltipcode = "if!(dyna_driverTurretMags isEqualTo [])then{format['Remove Mag of %1',dyna_driverTurretMags select 2]}else{''}";
class veh_commanderRearm
condition = "if(dyna_isCommanding)then{!((dyna_weaponsTurret select 0) in dyna_blockTurrets)}else{false}";
action = "[dyna_weaponsTurret select 0, dyna_weaponsTurretPath] call EPOCH_vehicle_checkTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Rearm.paa";
tooltipcode = "if(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})then{format['Add Mag to %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> dyna_weaponsTurret select 0 >> 'displayName')]}else{''}";
class veh_commanderRemoveAmmo
condition = "dyna_isCommanding && !(dyna_weaponsTurretMags isEqualTo [])";
action = "[dyna_weaponsTurret select 0, dyna_weaponsTurretPath] call EPOCH_vehicle_removeCommanderAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\RemoveMag.paa";
tooltipcode = "if(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})then{format['Remove Mag from %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> dyna_weaponsTurret select 0 >> 'displayName')]}else{''}";
class veh_commanderRearm1
condition = "if(dyna_isCommanding)then{!((dyna_weaponsTurret select 1) in dyna_blockTurrets) && (count dyna_weaponsTurret > 1)}else{false}";
action = "[dyna_weaponsTurret select 1, dyna_weaponsTurretPath] call EPOCH_vehicle_checkTurretAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\Rearm.paa";
tooltipcode = "if(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})then{format['Add Mag to %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> dyna_weaponsTurret select 1 >> 'displayName')]}else{''}";
class veh_commanderRemoveAmmo1
condition = "if(dyna_isCommanding)then{(count dyna_weaponsTurret > 1) && !(dyna_weaponsTurretMags isEqualTo [])}else{false}";
action = "[dyna_weaponsTurret select 1, dyna_weaponsTurretPath] call EPOCH_vehicle_removeCommanderAmmo";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\RemoveMag.paa";
tooltipcode = "if(!isNil {dyna_weaponsTurret})then{format['Remove Mag from %1',getText(configFile >> 'CfgWeapons' >> dyna_weaponsTurret select 1 >> 'displayName')]}else{''}";

View File

@ -235,6 +235,29 @@ class CfgBaseBuilding
removeParts[] = {};
class MetalFloor_Ghost_EPOCH : MetalFloor_SIM_EPOCH {};
class MetalTower_EPOCH : Default
removeParts[] = {{"ItemCorrugatedLg",3}};
upgradeBuilding[] = {{"CinderTower_EPOCH",{{"CinderBlocks",4},{"MortarBucket",4}}}};
upgradeBuildingPart[] = {{"ItemCorrugatedLg",4}};
removeBuildingPart[] = {{"ItemCorrugatedLg",2}};
simulClass = "MetalTower_SIM_EPOCH";
staticClass = "MetalTower_EPOCH";
GhostPreview = "MetalTower_Ghost_EPOCH";
snapPointsPara[] = {"NF2","SF2","EF2","WF2","NF","SF","EF","WF","C","CB"};
snapPointsPerp[] = {"N","S","E","W","CinN","CinS","CinE","CinW"};
persistAnimations[] = {"NWall","EWall","SWall","WWall"};
energyCost = 0.5;
class MetalTower_SIM_EPOCH : MetalTower_EPOCH
allowedSnapPoints[] = {"NF2","SF2","EF2","WF2","CB"};
allowedSnapObjects[] = {"MetalTower_EPOCH","Const_floors_static_F","Constructions_foundation_F"};
class MetalTower_Ghost_EPOCH : MetalTower_SIM_EPOCH {};
class CinderWallGarage_EPOCH : Default
removeParts[] = {{"CinderBlocks",4},{"ItemCorrugatedLg",1},{"CircuitParts",1}};
@ -313,7 +336,28 @@ class CfgBaseBuilding
snapPointsPara[] = {"N","E","W"};
allowedSnapPoints[] = {"N","S","E","W"};
class WoodLargeWall_EPOCH : Default
class CinderTower_EPOCH : Default
removeParts[] = {{"CinderBlocks",2}};
upgradeBuildingPart[] = {{"CinderBlocks",2},{"MortarBucket",2}};
removeBuildingPart[] = {{"CinderBlocks",2}};
simulClass = "CinderTower_SIM_EPOCH";
staticClass = "CinderTower_EPOCH";
GhostPreview = "CinderTower_Ghost_EPOCH";
snapPointsPara[] = {"NF2","SF2","EF2","WF2","NF","SF","EF","WF","C","CB"};
snapPointsPerp[] = {"N","S","E","W","CinN","CinS","CinE","CinW"};
persistAnimations[] = {"NWall","EWall","SWall","WWall"};
energyCost = 0.4;
class CinderTower_SIM_EPOCH : CinderTower_EPOCH
allowedSnapPoints[] = {"NF2","SF2","EF2","WF2","CB"};
allowedSnapObjects[] = {"CinderTower_EPOCH","Const_floors_static_F","Constructions_foundation_F"};
class CinderTower_Ghost_EPOCH : CinderTower_SIM_EPOCH {};
class WoodLargeWall_EPOCH : Default
upgradeBuilding[] = {{"WoodWall1_EPOCH",{{"ItemPlywoodPack",1}}},{"WoodLargeWallCor_EPOCH",{{"ItemCorrugated",1}}}};
removeParts[] = {{"PartPlankPack",2}};
@ -560,7 +604,7 @@ class CfgBaseBuilding
class Tipi_Ghost_EPOCH : Tipi_SIM_EPOCH {};
class TentA_EPOCH : Default
removeParts[] = {{"Pelt_EPOCH",2},{"PartPlankPack",1}};
removeParts[] = {{"KitTentA",1}};
GhostPreview = "TentA_Ghost_EPOCH";
staticClass = "TentA_EPOCH";
simulClass = "TentA_SIM_EPOCH";
@ -578,7 +622,7 @@ class CfgBaseBuilding
class TentA_Ghost_EPOCH : TentA_SIM_EPOCH {};
class TentDome_EPOCH : Default
removeParts[] = {{"Pelt_EPOCH",2},{"PartPlankPack",1}};
removeParts[] = {{"KitTentDome",1}};
GhostPreview = "TentDome_Ghost_EPOCH";
staticClass = "TentDome_EPOCH";
simulClass = "TentDome_SIM_EPOCH";

View File

@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ class CfgClientFunctions
class fnc_isInsideBuilding {};
class fnc_findSafePos {};
class fnc_addItemOverflow {};
class fnc_addMagazineOverflow {};
class itemData {};
class itemPicture {};
class itemDisplayName {};
@ -156,6 +157,9 @@ class CfgClientFunctions
class client_upgradeVehicleCheck {};
class client_VehicleMaintananceCheck {};
class client_VehicleMaintananceDo {};
class vehicle_checkTurretAmmo {};
class vehicle_removeTurretAmmo {};
class vehicle_removeCommanderAmmo {};
class missions

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class CfgEpochClient
{"HitPoints",{0,0,0,0},{1,0,0.5,1,-1,-1}}, // limits here only used for HUD.
{"Karma",0,{50000,-50000}}, // TODO remove or replace
{"NotUsed",0,{50000,-50000}}, // TODO remove or replace
{"Radiation",0,{100,0,35,55,-1,-1}}, // local
@ -120,8 +120,6 @@ class CfgEpochClient
1000 // max
// add any stats and their starting number here for better community integration and neat stats tracking too!
defineCommunityStats[] = {{"Murders",0},{"Deaths",0},{"Suicides",0},{"Revives",0},{"TraderMissions",0},{"AIKills",0},{"AntagonistKills",0},{"ZombieKills",0}};
hudConfigs[] = {
@ -134,6 +132,18 @@ class CfgEpochClient
defineCommunityStats[] = {
// EPOCH_total + varName, starting value, {min,max or custom values}
{"Karma",1500,{-50000,50000,{-5000,-15000,-30000},{5000,15000,30000}}}, // min, max, {Work In Progress levels}
{"Suicides",0,{0,99999,500}}, // min, max, "Suicide King" status
{"Revives",0,{0,99999,500}}, // min, max, "Medic" status
group_upgrade_lvl[] = {4,"1000",6,"1500",8,"2000",10,"2500",12,"3000",14,"3500",16,"4000",32,"8000",64,"16000"}; // controls max group limit and cost
// Event handler code
displayAddEventHandler[] = {"keyDown","keyUp"};
@ -205,6 +215,7 @@ class CfgEpochClient
#include "CfgEpochClient\Bornholm.hpp"
#include "CfgEpochClient\Chernarus_Summer.hpp"
#include "CfgEpochClient\Chernarus.hpp"
#include "CfgEpochClient\ChernarusRedux.hpp"
#include "CfgEpochClient\Esseker.hpp"
#include "CfgEpochClient\ProvingGrounds_PMC.hpp"
#include "CfgEpochClient\Sara_dbe1.hpp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
Author: Aaron Clark -
Epoch gamemode config for Chernarus Redux
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) -
class ChernarusRedux {
blockedArea[] = {
{ { 10203, 1886, 0 }, 430 }, //South Electro
{ { 6822, 2498, 0 }, 600 }, //Cherno
{ { 4612, 9670, 0 }, 140 }, //NWAF south barack
{ { 4907, 10117, 0 }, 250 }, //NWAF NE hangas
{ { 4707, 10384, 0 }, 200 }, //NWAF north barack
{ { 4069, 10778, 0 }, 75 }, //NWAF west hangas
{ { 4553, 10722, 0 }, 150 }, //NWAF NW hangas
{ { 12279, 9505, 0 }, 350 }, //Berenzino Mid
{ { 12816, 9816, 0 }, 400 }, //Berenzino SE
{ { 12991, 10147, 0 }, 375 }, //Berenzino Docs
{ { 2693, 5138, 0 }, 200 }, //Zeleno
{ { 11467, 7508, 0 }, 150 }, //Polana Factory
{ { 13092, 7096, 0 }, 140 } //Solnichniy Factory
// main config
TrashClasses[] = { "Trash", "TrashSmall", "TrashVehicle", "PumpkinPatch", "TrashFood", "HempFiber" };

View File

@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ class cfgFunctions
tag = "EPOCH";
class functions
class arrayToLogic
file = "epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_fnc_arrayToLogic.sqf";
class returnConfigEntryV2
file = "epoch_code\compile\functions\EPOCH_fn_returnConfigEntryV2.sqf";

View File

@ -375,6 +375,14 @@ class CfgItemInteractions
class KitWoodTower : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "WoodTower_EPOCH";
class KitMetalTower : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "MetalTower_EPOCH";
class KitCinderTower : Item_Build_base
buildClass = "CinderTower_EPOCH";
class KitWoodRamp : Item_Build_base
@ -793,5 +801,50 @@ class CfgItemInteractions
class SeedPacket_Poppy : Default {};
class SeedPacket_Pumpkin : Default {};
class SeedPacket_Sunflower : Default {};
class ItemBakedBeans : Food_TinCan_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",800}};
class gyro_wrap_epoch : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}};
class icecream_epoch : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",200},{"Stamina",20}};
class redburger_epoch : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}};
class bluburger_epoch : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}};
class krypto_candy_epoch : Food_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Stamina",50}};
class ItemBottlePlastic_Clean : Drink_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500},{"Stamina",50}};
interactReturnOnUse = "ItemBottlePlastic_Empty";
class ItemCanteen_Clean : Drink_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",1000},{"Stamina",50}};
interactReturnOnUse = "ItemCanteen_Empty";
class ItemBottlePlastic_Dirty: Drink_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500},{"Toxicity",5,1},{"Stamina",50}};
interactReturnOnUse = "ItemBottlePlastic_Empty";
class ItemCanteen_Dirty : Drink_base
interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",1000},{"Toxicity",5,1},{"Stamina",50}};
interactReturnOnUse = "ItemCanteen_Empty";

View File

@ -802,6 +802,8 @@ class CfgItemSort

View File

@ -1810,7 +1810,7 @@ class CfgPricing
class WoodLog_EPOCH
price = 1;
price = 2;
class ItemRope
@ -2900,7 +2900,7 @@ class CfgPricing
class PartPlankPack
price = 2;
price = 4;
class CinderBlocks
@ -2926,21 +2926,45 @@ class CfgPricing
price = 10;
class KitWoodQuarterFloor
price = 8; // price of 2 planks
class KitWoodHalfFloor
price = 16; // price of 4 planks
class KitWoodFloor
price = 10;
price = 32; // price of 8 planks
class KitMetalFloor
price = 100; // price of 4 ItemCorrugatedLg
class KitCinderFloor
price = 120; //price of 3 CinderBlocks and 3 MortarBucket
class KitWoodStairs
price = 10;
price = 16; // price of 4 planks
class KitWoodTower
price = 10;
price = 48; // price of 12 plank packs
class KitMetalTower
price = 150; // price of 6 ItemCorrugatedLg
class KitCinderTower
price = 200; //price of 5 CinderBlocks and 5 MortarBucket
class KitWoodRamp
price = 14;
price = 24; // price of 6 planks
class KitSpikeTrap

View File

@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class MortarBucket : Item
usedIn[] = {"KitFoundation","KitCinderWall","KitHesco3"};
usedIn[] = {"KitFoundation","KitCinderWall","KitHesco3","KitCinderFloor","KitCinderTower"};
nearby[] = {{"Fire","","fire",{1,{"ALL"}},3,1,1,0},{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
recipe[] = {{"ItemRock",12},{"water_epoch",2}};
previewPosition[] = {0.799442,1,0.426761};
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class CinderBlocks : Part
usedIn[] = {"KitCinderWall"};
usedIn[] = {"KitCinderWall","KitCinderFloor","KitCinderTower"};
previewPosition[] = {0.801866,1,0.35};
previewScale = 0.2;
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class ItemCorrugatedLg : Item
usedIn[] = {"KitPlotPole","KitTankTrap","KitHesco3","KitSolarGen","ItemRotor","EngineBlock"};
usedIn[] = {"KitPlotPole","KitTankTrap","KitHesco3","KitSolarGen","ItemRotor","EngineBlock","KitMetalFloor","KitMetalTower"};
recipe[] = {{"ItemCorrugated",3}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
previewPosition[] = {0.797491,1,0.32899};
@ -790,7 +790,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class KitWoodFloor : Kit
usedIn[] = {"KitWoodTower"};
recipe[] = {{"PartPlankPack",4}};
recipe[] = {{"PartPlankPack",8}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\models\Wooden_Floor.p3d";
previewPosition[] = {0.800198,1,0.262418};
@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class KitWoodHalfFloor : Kit
recipe[] = {{"KitWoodQuarterFloor",2}};
recipe[] = {{"KitWoodQuarterFloor",4}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1\models\Half_Floor.p3d";
previewPosition[] = {0.800198,1,0.262418};
@ -809,7 +809,7 @@ class CfgCrafting
class KitWoodQuarterFloor : Kit
usedIn[] = {"KitWoodHalfFloor"};
recipe[] = {{"PartPlankPack",1}};
recipe[] = {{"PartPlankPack",2}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1\models\Quarter_Floor.p3d";
previewPosition[] = {0.800198,1,0.262418};
@ -871,6 +871,45 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.05;
previewVector = 0;
class KitMetalFloor : Kit
usedIn[] = {"KitMetalTower"};
recipe[] = {{"ItemCorrugatedLg",4}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets_1\models\metal_floor.p3d";
previewPosition[] = {0.800198,1,0.262418};
previewScale = 0.055;
previewVector = 3.6;
class KitMetalTower : Kit
recipe[] = {{"KitMetalFloor",1},{"ItemCorrugatedLg",2}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_community\Metal_Base_Tower\Metal_floor_tower.p3d";
previewPosition[] = {0.800653,1,0.378749};
previewScale = 0.05;
previewVector = 0;
class KitCinderFloor : Kit
usedIn[] = {"KitCinderTower"};
recipe[] = {{"CinderBlocks",3},{"MortarBucket",3}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_community\models\cinderfloor.p3d";
previewPosition[] = {0.800198,1,0.262418};
previewScale = 0.055;
previewVector = 3.6;
class KitCinderTower : Kit
recipe[] = {{"KitCinderFloor",1},{"CinderBlocks",2},{"MortarBucket",2}};
nearby[] = {{"Workbench","","workbench",{1,{"WorkBench_EPOCH"}},3,1,0,1}};
model = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_community\Cinder_Base_Tower\cinder_tower_upgrade.p3d";
previewPosition[] = {0.800653,1,0.378749};
previewScale = 0.05;
previewVector = 0;
class KitTiPi : Kit
recipe[] = {{"Pelt_EPOCH",4},{"PartPlankPack",2}};
@ -1250,6 +1289,51 @@ class CfgCrafting
previewScale = 0.3;
previewVector = 0.3;
class ItemBottlePlastic_Empty : Part
usedIn[] = {"ItemBottlePlastic_Dirty"};
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.43035};
previewScale = 2.5;
class ItemBottlePlastic_Dirty: Item
usedIn[] = {"ItemBottlePlastic_Clean"};
nearby[] = {{"Water source","","water",{2,{"water"}},3,1,0,0}};
recipe[] = {"ItemBottlePlastic_Empty"};
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.43035};
previewScale = 2.5;
class ItemBottlePlastic_Clean : Item
usedIn[] = {};
recipe[] = {"ItemBottlePlastic_Dirty","ItemWaterPurificationTablets"};
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.43035};
previewScale = 2.5;
displayName = "Clean Water in a plastic bottle";
class ItemCanteen_Empty : Part
usedIn[] = {"ItemCanteen_Dirty"};
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.43035};
previewScale = 2.5;
class ItemCanteen_Dirty : Item
usedIn[] = {"ItemCanteen_Clean"};
nearby[] = {{"Water source","","water",{2,{"water"}},3,1,0,0}};
recipe[] = {"ItemCanteen_Empty"};
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.43035};
previewScale = 2.5;
class ItemCanteen_Clean : Item
usedIn[] = {};
recipe[] = {"ItemCanteen_Dirty","ItemWaterPurificationTablets"};
previewPosition[] = {0.807346,1,0.43035};
previewScale = 2.5;
displayName = "Clean Water in a canteen";

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_bankBalance","_bankData","_cIndex","_current_crypto","_defaultVars","_playerName","_playerUID","_pos","_response","_triggerType","_vars","_killerUID","_deathType","_killerCommunityStats","_mIndex","_current_murders","_communityStats","_sIndex","_current_suicides","_dIndex","_current_deaths"];
private ["_bankBalance","_bankData","_cIndex","_current_crypto","_defaultVars","_playerName","_playerUID","_pos","_response","_triggerType","_vars","_killerUID","_deathType","_killerCommunityStats","_mIndex","_current_murders","_communityStats","_sIndex","_current_suicides","_dIndex","_current_deaths","_playerKarmaAdj","_killerKarmaAdj","_kIndex","_playerCStats","_playerKarma","_playerIsNeutral","_playerIsBandit","_playerIsHero","_killerCStats","_killerKarma","_karmaLimitsArray","_lowKarmaLevel1","_highKarmaLevel1"];
params ["_playerObj","_killer","_playerName",["_token","",[""]] ];
@ -23,9 +23,27 @@ if !([_playerObj, _token] call EPOCH_server_getPToken) exitWith{};
_playerUID = getPlayerUID _playerObj;
_killerUID = getPlayerUID _killer;
_pos = getposATL _playerObj;
// find player's Karma status
_kIndex = EPOCH_communityStats find "Karma";
_playerCStats = _playerObj getVariable["COMMUNITY_STATS", EPOCH_defaultStatVars];
_playerKarma = _playerCStats select _kIndex;
// set config karma levels
_karmaLimitsArray = EPOCH_communityStatsLimits select _kIndex;
_lowKarmaLevel1 = ((_karmaLimitsArray select 2) select 0);
_highKarmaLevel1 = ((_karmaLimitsArray select 3) select 0);
_playerIsNeutral = (_playerKarma < _highKarmaLevel1 && _playerKarma > _lowKarmaLevel1);
_playerIsBandit = (_playerKarma <= _lowKarmaLevel1);
_playerIsHero = (_playerKarma >= _highKarmaLevel1);
// default deathType is suicide
_deathType = 666;
_playerKarmaAdj = -2;
if (_playerObj != _killer) then {
_playerKarmaAdj = -5;
if (random 1 <= EPOCH_antagonistChancePDeath) then {
_triggerType = 2;
if (surfaceIsWater _pos) then {
@ -41,8 +59,36 @@ if (_playerObj != _killer) then {
['deathlog', format['%1 (%2) Killed By %3 (%4) with weapon %5 from %6m at %7', _playerName, _playerUID, name _killer, _killerUID, currentWeapon _killer, _playerObj distance _killer, _pos]] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveLog;
// player karma changes
if(_playerIsNeutral)then{_playerKarmaAdj = abs((-_playerKarma) * 0.03)};
if(_playerIsBandit)then{_playerKarmaAdj = abs((-_playerKarma) * 0.055)};
if(_playerIsHero)then{_playerKarmaAdj = abs((-_playerKarma) * 0.025)};
if!(_killerUID isEqualTo "")then{
[_killer, "Murders", 1, true] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;
// find killer's Karma status
_killerCStats = _killer getVariable["COMMUNITY_STATS", EPOCH_defaultStatVars];
_killerKarma = _killerCStats select _kIndex;
// killer karma changes
_killerKarmaAdj = -5;
if(_killerKarma < _highKarmaLevel1 && _killerKarma > _lowKarmaLevel1)then{
if(_playerIsNeutral)then{_killerKarmaAdj = abs((-_killerKarma) * 0.03) + _playerKarmaAdj};
if(_playerIsBandit)then{_killerKarmaAdj = abs((_killerKarma) * 0.05) + _playerKarmaAdj};
if(_playerIsHero)then{_killerKarmaAdj = abs((-_killerKarma) * 0.025) + _playerKarmaAdj};
if(_killerKarma <= _lowKarmaLevel1)then{
if(_playerIsNeutral)then{_killerKarmaAdj = abs((_killerKarma) * 0.05) + _playerKarmaAdj};
if(_playerIsBandit)then{_killerKarmaAdj = abs((-_killerKarma) * 0.15) + _playerKarmaAdj};
if(_playerIsHero)then{_killerKarmaAdj = abs((_killerKarma) * 0.15) + _playerKarmaAdj};
if(_killerKarma >= _highKarmaLevel1)then{
if(_playerIsNeutral)then{_killerKarmaAdj = abs((-_killerKarma) * 0.10) + _playerKarmaAdj};
if(_playerIsBandit)then{_killerKarmaAdj = abs((_killerKarma) * 0.15) + _playerKarmaAdj};
if(_playerIsHero)then{_killerKarmaAdj = abs((-_killerKarma) * 0.25) + _playerKarmaAdj};
[_killer, "Karma", _killerKarmaAdj, true] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;
_deathType = 1;
@ -50,9 +96,11 @@ if (_playerObj != _killer) then {
case 666: {
[_playerObj, "Suicides", 1] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;
[_playerObj, "Karma", _playerKarmaAdj] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;
case 1: {
[_playerObj, "Deaths", 1] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;
[_playerObj, "Karma", _playerKarmaAdj] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;
_defaultVars = call EPOCH_defaultVars_SEPXVar;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_loadout","_CorpseCrypto","_PlayerCrypto","_attachments","_cIndex","_class","_currwh","_deleteprimary","_deletesecondary","_dir","_droppedPrimary","_droppedSecondary","_droppedWeapons","_equipped","_group","_location","_newPlyr","_playerGroup","_playerUID","_primaryWeapon","_secondaryWeapon","_token","_type","_vars","_wMags","_wMagsArray","_weapon","_wh"];
private ["_loadout","_CorpseCrypto","_PlayerCrypto","_attachments","_cIndex","_class","_currwh","_deleteprimary","_deletesecondary","_dir","_droppedPrimary","_droppedSecondary","_droppedWeapons","_equipped","_group","_location","_newPlyr","_playerGroup","_playerUID","_primaryWeapon","_secondaryWeapon","_token","_type","_vars","_wMags","_wMagsArray","_weapon","_wh","_kIndex","_reviver","_reviverCStats","_reviverKarma","_reviverKarmaAdj"];
params ["_player","_reviver",["_token","",[""]] ];
@ -203,6 +203,14 @@ if (!local _player) then {
// send stat to reviver
[_reviver, "Revives", 1, true] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;
// send karma stat to reviver
_kIndex = EPOCH_communityStats find "Karma";
_reviverCStats = _reviver getVariable["COMMUNITY_STATS", EPOCH_defaultStatVars];
_reviverKarma = _reviverCStats select _kIndex;
_reviverKarmaAdj = 5;
if(_reviverKarma < 0)then{_reviverKarmaAdj = -5};
[_reviver, "Karma", _reviverKarmaAdj, true] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ _loadBaseTemplateConfig = {
_config = configFile >> "CfgEpoch";
_configWorld = _config >> worldname;
_debugBox = getArray(_configWorld >> "debugBoxClass"); // debugBoxClass = "" to disable
_debugBox = getText(_configWorld >> "debugBoxClass"); // debugBoxClass = "" to disable
if !(_debugBox isEqualTo "") then {
_debugLocation = getMarkerPos "respawn_west";
_debugLocation set[2, 0];
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ if !(_debugBox isEqualTo "") then {
if !(_useWorldPos) then {
_pos1 = _debug modelToWorld _pos1;
_pos1 = asltoatl (_debug modeltoworldworld _pos1);
_exitClass = _x select 2;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_marker","_objHiveKey","_slot"];
private ["_marker","_objHiveKey","_slot","_playerCStats","_playerKarma","_playerKarmaAdj","_kIndex"];
params ["_trader","_player"];
if (!isNull _trader) then {
@ -28,4 +28,11 @@ if (!isNull _trader) then {
_objHiveKey = format ["%1:%2", (call EPOCH_fn_InstanceID), _slot];
["AI", _objHiveKey] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveDEL;
// send karma stat to seller
_kIndex = EPOCH_communityStats find "Karma";
_playerCStats = _player getVariable["COMMUNITY_STATS", EPOCH_defaultStatVars];
_playerKarma = _playerCStats select _kIndex;
_playerKarmaAdj = -5;
if(_playerKarma < 0)then{_playerKarmaAdj = 5};
[_player, "Karma", _playerKarmaAdj, true] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_MaxBankDebit","_SkipOut","_VAL","_aiItems","_bankBalance","_bankData","_cIndex","_config","_currQty","_current_crypto","_current_cryptoRaw","_errorMsg","_final_location","_foundSmoke","_group","_helipad","_helipads","_item","_itemClasses","_itemQty","_itemQtys","_itemTax","_itemWorth","_itemsIn","_itemsOut","_lockOwner","_makeTradeIn","_message","_nearByHolder","_objHiveKey","_objOwner","_playerCryptoLimit","_playerGroup","_playerNetID","_playerUID","_position","_qtyIndex","_response","_return","_returnIn","_returnOut","_road","_serverSettingsConfig","_slot","_smoke","_tax","_tmpposition","_tradeIn","_tradeOut","_tradeQtyTotal","_tradeTotal","_vars","_vehHiveKey","_vehObj","_vehSlot","_vehicle","_vehicleBought","_vehicleSold","_vehicles","_vehslot","_wH","_wHPos","_wp"];
private ["_MaxBankDebit","_SkipOut","_VAL","_aiItems","_bankBalance","_bankData","_cIndex","_config","_currQty","_current_crypto","_current_cryptoRaw","_errorMsg","_final_location","_foundSmoke","_group","_helipad","_helipads","_item","_itemClasses","_itemQty","_itemQtys","_itemTax","_itemWorth","_itemsIn","_itemsOut","_lockOwner","_makeTradeIn","_message","_nearByHolder","_objHiveKey","_objOwner","_playerCryptoLimit","_playerGroup","_playerNetID","_playerUID","_position","_qtyIndex","_response","_return","_returnIn","_returnOut","_road","_serverSettingsConfig","_slot","_smoke","_tax","_tmpposition","_tradeIn","_tradeOut","_tradeQtyTotal","_tradeTotal","_vars","_vehHiveKey","_vehObj","_vehSlot","_vehicle","_vehicleBought","_vehicleSold","_vehicles","_vehslot","_wH","_wHPos","_wp","_kIndex","_playerCStats","_playerKarma","_playerKarmaAdj"];
params ["_trader","_itemsIn","_itemsOut","_player",["_token","",[""]] ];
@ -118,6 +118,13 @@ if (_slot != -1) then {
_current_crypto = _current_crypto + _itemWorth;
_tradeQtyTotal = _tradeQtyTotal + _itemQty;
// send karma stat to seller
_kIndex = EPOCH_communityStats find "Karma";
_playerCStats = _player getVariable["COMMUNITY_STATS", EPOCH_defaultStatVars];
_playerKarma = _playerCStats select _kIndex;
_playerKarmaAdj = 1;
if(_playerKarma < 0)then{_playerKarmaAdj = -1};
[_player, "Karma", _playerKarmaAdj, true] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;
} forEach _itemsIn;
@ -294,6 +301,13 @@ if (_slot != -1) then {
_current_crypto = _current_crypto - _itemWorth;
_tradeQtyTotal = _tradeQtyTotal + _itemQty;
// send karma stat to buyer
_kIndex = EPOCH_communityStats find "Karma";
_playerCStats = _player getVariable["COMMUNITY_STATS", EPOCH_defaultStatVars];
_playerKarma = _playerCStats select _kIndex;
_playerKarmaAdj = 1;
if(_playerKarma < 0)then{_playerKarmaAdj = -1};
[_player, "Karma", _playerKarmaAdj, true] call EPOCH_server_updatePlayerStats;

View File

@ -261,6 +261,7 @@ class CfgEpoch
#include "configs\maps\stratis.h"
#include "configs\maps\altis.h"
#include "configs\maps\chernarus.h"
#include "configs\maps\chernarusredux.h"
#include "configs\maps\chernarus_summer.h"
#include "configs\maps\australia.h"
#include "configs\maps\takistan.h"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
Author: Aaron Clark -
Contributors: Uro1, Robio
Epoch gamemode server Side map specific configs for chernarus redux.
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) -
class ChernarusRedux : Default
worldSize = 12000;
plantLimit = 10;
vehicleSpawnTypes[] = {
traderBlds[] = { "Land_A_FuelStation_Build", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01", "Land_A_GeneralStore_01a", "Land_A_Office01", "Land_Ind_Garage01", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_04", "Land_Ind_Workshop01_L", "Land_Shed_Ind02", "Land_Tovarna2", "Land_sara_hasic_zbroj" };
telePos[] = {
// N [-0.286865,8.17383,-10.3098]
// S [-0.415527,-7.05298,-10.3098]
// E [13.5127,0.410156,-10.3098]
// W [-14.4316,0.112793,-10.3098]
{ "Transport_W_EPOCH", { -14.4316, 0.112793, -10.3098 }, "", { 4569.52, 4524.24, 0.201431 } }, // South West
{ "Transport_E_EPOCH", { 13.5127, 0.410156, -10.3098 }, "", { 12077.8, 5121.92, 0.00144958 } }, // South East
{ "Transport_N_EPOCH", { -0.286865, 8.17383, -10.3098 }, "", { 10688.6, 9428.98, 0.00144958 } } // North East
propsPos[] = {
// phones
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10455.2, 2214.84, 0 }, 52.4502 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10480, 2350.02, 0.101999 }, 326.023 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10479.1, 2349.45, 0.101999 }, 326.023 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6809.42, 2703.85, 0.101999 }, 131.438 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6795.85, 2484.88, 0 }, 312.46 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6738.58, 2393.89, 0 }, 221.25 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6409.57, 2439.88, 0.0883212 }, 46.4278 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 7496.04, 5126.04, -0.000732422 }, 182.17 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10132.1, 5471.31, 1.52588e-005 }, 46.4049 },
{ "Land_TouristShelter_01_F", { 11285.3, 5492.9, 1.52588e-005 }, 160.867 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 11282.8, 5491.04, 0 }, 162.031 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 13359.8, 6170.49, 0 }, 176.672 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12102.1, 7283.6, 0 }, 96.4346 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 10654.9, 8013.35, 0.102005 }, 303.161 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12022.4, 9151.21, 0 }, 47.4504 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12023.3, 9150.26, 0 }, 45.6474 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 12265.6, 9479.49, 1.18411 }, 141.691 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6017.95, 7821.39, -0.00500488 }, 223.037 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 6227.46, 7721.33, 0 }, 36.2285 },
{ "Land_TouristShelter_01_F", { 1969.65, 7361.86, 0 }, 35.9378 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 1971.84, 7359.15, -1.52588e-005 }, 127.545 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 8785.43, 11618.8, 0 }, 100.044 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 11242.2, 12209.9, 0 }, 118.072 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 2706.84, 10002.9, 0 }, 12.6221 },
// City Klen
{ "Land_MarketShelter_F", { 11396.6, 11368.6, -0.0245056 }, 216.043 },
{ "Land_i_Stone_Shed_V1_F", { 11392.3, 11388.6, 0 }, 216.9 },
{ "Land_Wreck_Offroad2_F", { 11398.5, 11382.7, -0.00628662 }, 181.726 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 11383.6, 11393.7, 0.00790405 }, 300.102 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 11379.6, 11386.9, -0.00378418 }, 300.014 },
{ "Land_GarbageBags_F", { 11394.1, 11382.3, 0.00491333 }, 0.000760495 },
{ "Land_CratesPlastic_F", { 11398.8, 11372.4, -0.000823975 }, 359.71 },
{ "Land_BarrelWater_F", { 11390, 11370.7, 0.000457764 }, 359.997 },
{ "Land_Chapel_V2_F", { 11429, 11352.8, 0.258972 }, 126.48 },
{ "Land_u_House_Big_02_V1_F", { 11417.7, 11362.8, 0 }, 36.7593 },
{ "Land_Cages_F", { 11401.1, 11369.3, 0.00457764 }, 76.3813 },
{ "Land_GarbagePallet_F", { 11426.1, 11367.2, 0.00119019 }, 0.234284 },
{ "Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V3_F", { 11405.1, 11375.6, 0 }, 129.339 },
{ "Land_Slums02_4m", { 11414.1, 11377.4, 0.0258484 }, 39.2923 },
{ "Land_Slums02_4m", { 11417, 11375.1, 0.00820923 }, 39.284 },
{ "Land_Slums02_4m", { 11407.2, 11383.1, 0.00335693 }, 39.2788 },
{ "Land_Slums02_4m", { 11419.8, 11372.7, 0.00827026 }, 39.284 },
{ "Land_Wreck_Truck_dropside_F", { 11429.9, 11380.5, 0.000671387 }, 0.00762456 },
{ "Land_d_Shop_01_V1_F", { 11453.7, 11350.2, 0.298096 }, 127.575 },
{ "Land_Garbage_square5_F", { 11449.2, 11357.1, 3.05176e-005 }, 0.000244135 },
{ "Land_GarbagePallet_F", { 11452.4, 11353.4, -0.0103455 }, 0.234284 },
{ "Land_PhoneBooth_02_F", { 11459, 11364.1, 3.05176e-005 }, 124.922 },
{ "Land_d_Addon_02_V1_F", { 11436, 11377.1, 3.05176e-005 }, 37.7171 },
{ "Land_i_Stone_HouseSmall_V3_F", { 11464.1, 11229.2, 0 }, 206.45 },
{ "Land_Wired_Fence_8mD_F", { 11480.2, 11247.8, 0.228699 }, 359.571 },
{ "Land_GarbagePallet_F", { 11473.9, 11223.8, -0.0253296 }, 0.234284 },
{ "Land_Wired_Fence_8m_F", { 11476.1, 11253.8, 0.219452 }, 359.549 },
{ "Land_d_Shop_02_V1_F", { 11460.3, 11357.9, 0 }, 215.984 },
{ "Land_Garbage_line_F", { 11464.2, 11351.2, 0.000854492 }, 52.1301 },
{ "Land_WheelieBin_01_F", { 11461.5, 11349.7, 0 }, 0.0691075 },
{ "Land_GarbagePallet_F", { 11463.7, 11363.2, -0.0102539 }, 0.234284 },
{ "Land_GarbageContainer_closed_F", { 11463.6, 11351.2, 3.05176e-005 }, 130.585 },
{ "Land_Timbers_F", { 11469.3, 11389.7, 0.0153503 }, 359.649 },
{ "Land_d_Stone_HouseBig_V1_F", { 11461.3, 11389.2, 0 }, 0 },
{ "Land_GarbagePallet_F", { 11466.6, 11393.2, -0.0388489 }, 0.234284 },
{ "Land_Wreck_Van_F", { 11462.1, 11396.9, -0.0365906 }, 282.773 },
{ "Land_Ancient_Wall_8m_F", { 11535.8, 11265.3, -0.125122 }, 144.692 },
{ "Land_Ancient_Wall_4m_F", { 11556.4, 11279, -0.112091 }, 148.121 },
{ "Land_Ancient_Wall_8m_F", { 11567.8, 11287.4, 0.0343018 }, 144.515 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11577.4, 11307.8, -0.0361633 }, 324.948 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11572.7, 11307.1, 0.0201416 }, 21.0099 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11562.9, 11309.6, 0.0461121 }, 48.0841 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11567.4, 11307.6, 0.0220337 }, 355.004 },
{ "Land_Cargo_HQ_V3_F", { 11571.9, 11330.1, -0.0317078 }, 268 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11555.9, 11323.6, 0.0753479 }, 231.934 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11562.4, 11326.7, -0.125763 }, 49.9669 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11560.6, 11331.7, -0.0820618 }, 87.9061 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11564.1, 11322.1, 0.0942078 }, 88.1076 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11557.4, 11319, -0.0873108 }, 272.274 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11564.8, 11339.8, 0.0496521 }, 177.031 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11561.2, 11337.2, -0.0386963 }, 107.942 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11557.3, 11313.6, -0.120697 }, 271.244 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11566.1, 11318.1, 0.0227051 }, 36.0297 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11557.1, 11332, 0.112 }, 177.096 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 11559.8, 11311.4, 0.0235596 }, 180.944 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 11578.2, 11325.2, -0.00167847 }, 357.96 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 11565.8, 11331, 0.00180054 }, 87.9936 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 11579.4, 11336.2, 0.00131226 }, 229.004 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11570.4, 11340, 0.0419312 }, 176.992 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11575.8, 11340.3, -0.00686646 }, 176.886 },
{ "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V3_F", { 11598.1, 11309, -0.261566 }, 315 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11604.1, 11309.6, 0.263916 }, 91.8105 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11592.5, 11305.2, 0.325073 }, 42.8493 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11587.8, 11308.1, 0.193237 }, 23.3538 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11602, 11304.9, -0.0116272 }, 133.822 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11582.7, 11309.1, -0.0935974 }, 179.212 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11597.2, 11303.2, 0.501007 }, 1.93882 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 11600.9, 11306.2, 0.0727539 }, 311.827 },
{ "Land_Wreck_HMMWV_F", { 11601.7, 11318.8, 0.0107117 }, 0.254173 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11580.2, 11338.1, -0.0474548 }, 230.951 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11604.3, 11315.3, 0.15564 }, 90.3624 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11605.4, 11320.6, 0.00527954 }, 108.727 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11605.2, 11325.8, -0.31781 }, 239.194 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11602.4, 11336.2, -0.191833 }, 230.52 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11587, 11332.5, 0.0287476 }, 272.043 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11588, 11327.3, -0.0723877 }, 242.815 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11604, 11331, 0.0708313 }, 271.184 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11589.1, 11322.3, -0.0202026 }, 273.918 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11586.6, 11318.1, 0.0480652 }, 330.046 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11581.5, 11316.5, 0.0766602 }, 358.179 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 11584.9, 11336.1, -0.142578 }, 180.844 },
{ "Land_Tyres_F", { 11589.7, 11334.3, -0.0446472 }, 202.731 },
{ "Land_ToiletBox_F", { 11585.2, 11333.7, 0.00323486 }, 359.952 },
{ "Land_ToiletBox_F", { 11582.7, 11333.7, 0.00323486 }, 359.965 },
{ "Land_WaterTank_F", { 11584.8, 11322.4, 0.00262451 }, 270.952 },
{ "Land_Pallet_F", { 11599.1, 11334.4, 0.0012207 }, 167.913 },
{ "Land_PaperBox_open_empty_F", { 11593.4, 11312.9, 0.0102844 }, 166.48 },
{ "Land_PaperBox_closed_F", { 11595.3, 11314, 0.0174255 }, 20.1509 },
{ "Land_Pallets_stack_F", { 11599, 11336.3, 0.00747681 }, 107.491 },
{ "Land_BarrelSand_grey_F", { 11582.4, 11318.9, 0.00143433 }, 200.963 },
{ "Land_BarrelEmpty_F", { 11583, 11319.7, 0.00137329 }, 143.048 },
{ "Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F", { 11630.6, 11256.4, 3.05176e-005 }, 0 },
{ "Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F", { 11634.6, 11338.9, 0 }, 0 },
{ "Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F", { 11645.6, 11296.8, 0 }, 0 },
// North East
// South East
{ "Land_spp_Mirror_F", { 12021.8, 5100.76, -7.62939e-006 }, 182.521 },
{ "Land_spp_Mirror_Broken_F", { 12031.5, 5104.48, 0 }, 182.521 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12050.9, 5109.1, -0.00202179 }, 359.933 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12051, 5121.93, 0.0187302 }, 118.143 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12054.5, 5128.94, 0.0217743 }, 118.269 },
{ "Land_WoodPile_large_F", { 12057.6, 5121.48, -9.15527e-005 }, 21.8792 },
{ "Land_WoodPile_large_F", { 12057.1, 5119.12, 9.91821e-005 }, 203.739 },
{ "Land_WoodPile_large_F", { 12058.9, 5123.89, -0.00171661 }, 197.098 },
{ "Land_WoodPile_large_F", { 12055.8, 5119.65, -9.15527e-005 }, 16.6504 },
{ "Land_Garbage_square3_F", { 12058.5, 5119.32, -0.000190735 }, 200.54 },
{ "Land_Cages_F", { 12051, 5119.59, 0.00479126 }, 22.0683 },
{ "Land_HelipadEmpty_F", { 12058.1, 5100.99, 0 }, 359.533 },
{ "Land_cargo_addon02_V2_F", { 12075.8, 5110.74, 0 }, 313.277 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12067.6, 5108.54, -0.00462341 }, 194.501 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12067, 5122.79, -0.00128937 }, 106.496 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12078.5, 5109.96, -0.00531769 }, 302.472 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12080.8, 5125.66, -0.0038147 }, 62.4229 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12071.9, 5107.49, -0.00380707 }, 194.501 },
{ "Land_Wreck_Offroad_F", { 12074.4, 5127.79, 0.0411682 }, 325.773 },
{ "Land_LampShabby_F", { 12070.6, 5109.13, -0.0195618 }, 0 },
{ "Land_Wreck_Car3_F", { 12078.6, 5126.01, 0.0244293 }, 146.6 },
{ "Land_TentDome_F", { 12076.8, 5111.69, 3.8147e-005 }, 359.62 },
{ "Land_Garbage_line_F", { 12078, 5124.46, -0.0770569 }, 142.344 },
{ "Land_JunkPile_F", { 12073.8, 5125.85, -0.0101395 }, 359.544 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12065.4, 5108.95, 0 }, 16.7308 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12074.6, 5106.78, 0 }, 19.2329 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12081.8, 5123.84, 0 }, 243.383 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12070.3, 5107.81, 0 }, 16.7344 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12079.7, 5111.63, 0 }, 122.723 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12080.1, 5127.47, 0 }, 239.065 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12077.2, 5107.93, 0 }, 122.631 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12069.1, 5128.14, 0 }, 122.279 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12067.6, 5124.65, 0 }, 112.368 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12066.5, 5120.62, 0 }, 104.748 },
{ "Land_Campfire_F", { 12070.3, 5113.58, 0.00119019 }, 0 },
{ "Land_WoodPile_F", { 12073, 5117.34, -0.00229645 }, 236.097 },
{ "Land_CncBarrier_F", { 12065.4, 5116.71, 0 }, 103.32 },
{ "Land_CncBarrier_stripes_F", { 12082.8, 5121.11, 0.0150528 }, 90.5238 },
{ "Land_CncBarrier_stripes_F", { 12082.3, 5117.84, 0.0185394 }, 104.536 },
{ "Land_CncBarrier_stripes_F", { 12064.5, 5112.14, 0.0020752 }, 279.748 },
{ "Land_CncBarrier_stripes_F", { 12081.2, 5114.26, 0.0116425 }, 300.824 },
{ "Land_WheelCart_F", { 12073, 5108.21, 0.00278473 }, 301.42 },
{ "Land_Slums01_pole", { 12068.4, 5126.9, 0.000801086 }, 260.084 },
{ "Land_Portable_generator_F", { 12069.8, 5108.61, 0.00123596 }, 359.87 },
{ "Land_CampingChair_V2_F", { 12076.1, 5109.27, 0.00286865 }, 99.2684 },
{ "Land_CratesPlastic_F", { 12072.4, 5118.94, 3.05176e-005 }, 359.993 },
{ "Land_BarrelWater_F", { 12073.1, 5110.06, 0.00231171 }, 359.255 },
{ "Land_Axe_fire_F", { 12077.1, 5109.95, -0.00322723 }, 359.907 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12070.5, 5130.62, 0.0177002 }, 300.964 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12075.7, 5131.46, 0.00196838 }, 40.0636 },
{ "Land_Slums01_8m", { 12060.6, 5133.4, 0.000160217 }, 168.792 },
{ "Land_LampShabby_F", { 12063, 5131.89, 0 }, 169.228 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12073.8, 5133.13, -7.62939e-006 }, 221.588 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12071.2, 5131.82, 0 }, 122.469 },
{ "Land_InvisibleBarrier_F", { 12077.1, 5130.37, 0 }, 221.588 },
{ "Land_Slums01_pole", { 12072.6, 5134.17, 0.00662994 }, 359.468 },
{ "Land_Slums01_pole", { 12064.7, 5134.13, 0.0012207 }, 359.827 },
{ "Land_Garbage_square5_F", { 12093.4, 5120.34, 0.00907135 }, 359.692 },
{ "Land_FieldToilet_F", { 12093.7, 5119.73, 0.0153198 }, 155.607 },
{ "Land_Grave_rocks_F", { 12116.8, 5130.7, 0 }, 0 },
// South West
{ "Flag_US_F", { 4542.15, 4522, -1.52588e-005 }, 209.275 },
{ "Land_HelipadEmpty_F", { 4552.98, 4515.85, 0 }, 0 },
{ "Land_ToiletBox_F", { 4556.27, 4549.86, 0.175018 }, 0.00193372 },
{ "Land_Timbers_F", { 4564.65, 4516.04, 0.199997 }, 325.751 },
{ "Land_Wreck_Van_F", { 4573.34, 4506.86, 0.199997 }, 151.285 },
{ "Land_Garbage_square5_F", { 4588.59, 4516.25, 0.199997 }, 0 },
{ "Land_LampStreet_small_F", { 4577.73, 4514.35, 0.199997 }, 239.902 },
{ "Land_Pipes_large_F", { 4581.84, 4521.72, 0.174988 }, 146.546 },
{ "Land_Pallets_F", { 4586.84, 4514.64, 0.275681 }, 335.695 },
{ "Land_EngineCrane_01_F", { 4581.71, 4510.71, 0.174988 }, 95.9295 },
{ "Land_GarbageContainer_open_F", { 4582.15, 4523.48, 0.175003 }, 151.569 },
{ "Land_Workbench_01_F", { 4585.25, 4521.76, 0.174988 }, 50.0718 },
{ "Barrels", { 4589.08, 4516.4, 0.225494 }, 239.1 },
{ "SignAd_SponsorS_Redstone_F", { 4585.1, 4511.84, 0 }, 142.53 },
{ "Land_WoodenTable_large_F", { 4579.26, 4513.71, 0.175003 }, 142.285 },
{ "Land_Sink_F", { 4573.95, 4519.14, 0.175003 }, 51.2154 },
{ "Land_CncBarrier_stripes_F", { 4578.63, 4513.11, 0.199997 }, 231.189 },
{ "Land_CncBarrier_stripes_F", { 4577.53, 4518.75, 0.199997 }, 325.531 },
{ "Land_CncBarrier_stripes_F", { 4576.61, 4515.73, 0.199997 }, 231.189 },
{ "Land_WoodenTable_small_F", { 4578.02, 4515.24, 0.174988 }, 319.098 },
{ "Land_WeldingTrolley_01_F", { 4585.96, 4513.3, 0.174988 }, 236.669 },
{ "Land_Bench_F", { 4573.12, 4520.15, 0.175003 }, 232.492 },
{ "Land_ToolTrolley_01_F", { 4586.23, 4520.34, 0.175018 }, 228.625 },
{ "Land_ToolTrolley_02_F", { 4587.01, 4519.39, 0.174973 }, 320.682 },
{ "Land_PlasticCase_01_large_F", { 4588.17, 4518.07, 0.174988 }, 321.256 },
{ "Land_WheelieBin_01_F", { 4581.21, 4522.58, 0.175003 }, 139.325 },
{ "Land_WaterCooler_01_old_F", { 4575.21, 4518.16, 0.175064 }, 226.8 },
{ "Land_ChairWood_F", { 4583.23, 4521.15, 0.175018 }, 270.935 },
{ "Land_BarrelWater_F", { 4574.63, 4517.66, 0.175049 }, 354.242 },
{ "Land_PlasticCase_01_medium_F", { 4579.23, 4513.68, 0.175003 }, 120.138 },
{ "Land_Tyre_F", { 4576.11, 4505.51, 0.0297241 }, 358.563 },
{ "Land_GasTank_01_blue_F", { 4588.49, 4515.58, 0.175034 }, 327.133 },
{ "Land_GasTank_01_yellow_F", { 4588.23, 4515.09, 0.175034 }, 247.551 },
{ "Land_PlasticCase_01_small_F", { 4578.02, 4515.24, 0.174988 }, 137.793 },
{ "Land_SurvivalRadio_F", { 4586.07, 4521.12, 0.941803 }, 269.968 },
{ "Fridge_01_closed_F", { 4576.98, 4516.48, 0.175064 }, 238.777 },
// Boat Vendor
{ "Land_WorkStand_F", { 13678.8, 4032.35, -0.00124931 }, 359.908 },
{ "Land_WheelCart_F", { 13671.7, 4037.31, 0.00549078 }, 0.0201131 },
{ "Land_TentDome_F", { 13661.6, 4027.37, -0.014101 }, 359.452 },
{ "Land_Pier_Box_F", { 13696.5, 4033.33, 0.599987 }, 0 },
{ "Land_Campfire_F", { 13681.2, 4035.13, 0.00247145 }, 0.1179 },
{ "Land_Wreck_Traw_F", { 13710.9, 3862.6, 0.242525 }, 0.611813 },
{ "Land_WavePowerPlant_F", { 13878.7, 3932.25, 9.53635 }, 345.483 },
// Stary Sobor Military
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6296.66, 7795.88, -0.00692749 }, 219.542 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6290.16, 7793.43, 0.0203857 }, 218.553 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6297.02, 7790.79, 0.110291 }, 130.462 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6285.72, 7796.98, 0.0177002 }, 219.491 },
{ "Land_PaperBox_closed_F", { 6292.73, 7799.57, -0.00213623 }, 221.545 },
{ "Land_WaterTank_F", { 6299.27, 7797.89, 0.00109863 }, 219.43 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6272.08, 7813.91, 0.00427246 }, 193.847 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6297.31, 7802.14, -0.00527954 }, 307.543 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6276.2, 7808.03, 0.000549316 }, 83.8871 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6280.2, 7801.39, -0.00228882 }, 37.4585 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6288.43, 7824.38, 0.00488281 }, 217.5 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6293.44, 7822.44, -0.00402832 }, 175.45 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 6278.42, 7808.37, 0 }, 261.498 },
{ "Land_Pallets_stack_F", { 6291.09, 7800.92, 0.000518799 }, 203.664 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6293.92, 7846.05, -0.000823975 }, 37.5492 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6288.87, 7844.77, 0.0146179 }, 125.61 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6287.4, 7836.51, 0.00183105 }, 36.5104 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6285.68, 7840.26, 0.00210571 }, 125.565 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 6288.7, 7841.98, 0 }, 125.471 },
{ "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", { 6291.25, 7840.74, 0 }, 125.498 },
{ "Land_BagBunker_Large_F", { 6284.77, 7830.87, 0.000396729 }, 125.544 },
{ "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", { 6315.33, 7798.51, 0 }, 306.498 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6304.61, 7794.26, -0.00469971 }, 164.31 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6312.32, 7793.03, -0.00683594 }, 219.624 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6317.45, 7794.16, 0.0157166 }, 307.501 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6320.83, 7798.61, 0.0254822 }, 307.457 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 6317.92, 7796.97, 0 }, 307.493 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 6309.06, 7797.2, 0 }, 188.5 },
{ "Land_ToiletBox_F", { 6314.53, 7793.88, 0.000274658 }, 132.45 },
{ "Land_BagBunker_Large_F", { 6326.43, 7813.56, -0.000640869 }, 307.499 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6319.26, 7802.51, -0.00213623 }, 219.502 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6318.51, 7814.62, -0.00192261 }, 219.497 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6329.87, 7820.18, 0.0175171 }, 299.066 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6301.78, 7807.92, -0.00479126 }, 307.524 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6313.51, 7816.39, -0.000457764 }, 171.499 },
{ "Land_TentA_F", { 6325.46, 7824.22, 9.15527e-005 }, 94.5132 },
{ "Land_TentA_F", { 6323.97, 7829.37, 0.00863647 }, 82.3408 },
{ "Land_Campfire_F", { 6317.24, 7829.11, -0.0592346 }, 26.001 },
{ "Land_WoodPile_F", { 6312.93, 7826.2, 0.00164795 }, 1.00009 },
{ "Land_WaterBarrel_F", { 6304.27, 7808.83, -3.05176e-005 }, 136.44 },
{ "Land_Sack_F", { 6326, 7822.95, 0.010437 }, 353.513 },
{ "Land_Basket_F", { 6325.17, 7822.36, 9.15527e-005 }, 137.301 },
{ "Land_MetalBarrel_F", { 6305.22, 7808.31, 0 }, 244.342 },
{ "Land_BarrelTrash_grey_F", { 6305.45, 7807.6, 0.000549316 }, 313.436 },
{ "Land_BarrelEmpty_grey_F", { 6304.88, 7807.12, 0 }, 307.487 },
{ "Land_WoodenLog_F", { 6317.17, 7827.17, 0.000335693 }, 77.1906 },
{ "Land_Axe_F", { 6313.81, 7826.37, -0.00338745 }, 248.999 },
{ "Land_CanisterFuel_F", { 6313.75, 7825.28, 6.10352e-005 }, 34.3382 },
{ "Land_Canteen_F", { 6323.97, 7823.34, 9.15527e-005 }, 347.753 },
{ "Land_TinContainer_F", { 6317.53, 7827.55, 0.00189209 }, 235.145 },
{ "Land_Camping_Light_F", { 6317.18, 7827.1, 0.481659 }, 78.9907 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6325.11, 7838.57, 0.00241089 }, 219.523 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6301.64, 7845.13, -0.00299072 }, 342.464 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6309.64, 7843.89, -0.00140381 }, 37.508 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6317.6, 7841.65, 0.00088501 }, 187.754 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6309.25, 7837.67, 0.0010376 }, 125.494 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6328.96, 7831.3, 0.000183105 }, 265.544 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6305.08, 7831.75, 0.013855 }, 306.499 },
{ "Land_TentA_F", { 6323.29, 7833.88, -3.05176e-005 }, 56.9963 },
{ "Land_ToiletBox_F", { 6306.66, 7840.59, 0.000305176 }, 37.4933 },
{ "Land_Pallets_F", { 6305.09, 7836.28, 0.00402832 }, 301.498 },
{ "Land_WoodenBox_F", { 6315.52, 7830.8, 0.000152588 }, 135.939 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6355.05, 7758.61, 0.01651 }, 180.899 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 6341.05, 7763.39, -0.024231 }, 230.09 },
{ "Land_PaperBox_closed_F", { 6355.89, 7769.34, 0.000213623 }, 300.988 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6356.52, 7790.86, -0.0449524 }, 90.0002 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6334.66, 7777.03, 0.000701904 }, 260.011 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6356.92, 7782.55, -0.0672607 }, 89.0069 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6358.21, 7796.04, -0.00231934 }, 178 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6359.02, 7777.34, -0.0152588 }, 177.997 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 6345.2, 7793.81, 0.00137329 }, 299 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 6349.54, 7771.55, -0.00192261 }, 230.001 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 6332.6, 7798.95, 0.00323486 }, 299 },
{ "Land_PaperBox_closed_F", { 6357.05, 7771.16, 0 }, 270 },
{ "Land_Pallets_stack_F", { 6348.26, 7791.23, 3.05176e-005 }, 225.003 },
{ "Land_Pallets_stack_F", { 6348.28, 7788.84, 0.00216675 }, 263.003 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6350.34, 7814.14, -0.000396729 }, 134.998 },
{ "Land_Razorwire_F", { 6352.86, 7822.44, 0.000793457 }, 196.803 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6330.96, 7824.57, -0.0115967 }, 68.0471 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6375.54, 7759.76, 0.0117493 }, 178.122 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 6386.83, 7765.76, 0.0414429 }, 128.913 },
{ "Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F", { 6364.71, 7786.91, 0.00137329 }, 269 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6371.91, 7791.33, -0.0449524 }, 90 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6372.13, 7782.9, -0.0224304 }, 90.0001 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6370.43, 7777.76, -0.0215149 }, 177.996 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 6369.94, 7796.64, -0.00372314 }, 179 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 6380.18, 7795.26, 0.00366211 }, 244.001 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 6378.41, 7772.92, -0.0100403 }, 129 },
{ "Land_ToiletBox_F", { 6360.83, 7789.36, -3.05176e-005 }, 269.005 },
{ "Land_WaterTank_F", { 6375.86, 7785.65, 0.00012207 }, 0.000633659 },
{ "Land_WaterTank_F", { 6375.74, 7788.49, 0.000183105 }, 0.000302211 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 6360.99, 7782.88, 8.57773 }, 88.0059 },
{ "Land_PortableLight_double_F", { 6363.69, 7791.14, 4.66943 }, 272 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6375.25, 7815.47, 0.00146484 }, 226.006 },
{ "Land_Razorwire_F", { 6361.44, 7821.18, -0.0170898 }, 353.994 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 6363.49, 7807.3, 0.00195313 }, 357.999 },
{ "Land_HBarrierBig_F", { 6390.12, 7781.39, -0.000366211 }, 275 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 6391.39, 7801.7, 0.00195313 }, 244 },
// NW Airfield
{ "Land_Airport_Tower_F", { 4327.37, 10905.9, 0 }, 61.1295 },
{ "Land_Offices_01_V1_F", { 4573.46, 9819.88, 0 }, 244.926 },
{ "Land_i_Barracks_V2_F", { 4598.97, 9720.41, 0 }, 100.719 },
// Wind Farm
{"Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F", { 5449.11, 13270.3, -0.00350952 }, 0 },
{"Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F", { 5477.64, 13280.7, 3.05176e-005 }, 0 },
{"Land_spp_Transformer_F", { 5478.29, 13300.4, 0 }, 0},
{"Land_dp_transformer_F", { 5482.13, 13300.9, -3.05176e-005 }, 0 },
{"Land_wpp_Turbine_V2_F", { 5503.9, 13291.3, 0.0585327 }, 0 },
// Old Hero small military post.
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12899.8, 12748.4, 0.02034 }, 354.796 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12894.1, 12748, 0.013916 }, 354.737 },
{ "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_F", { 12897.5, 12750.2, 0 }, 85.8348 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12898.8, 12763.6, 0.00309753 }, 354.799 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12891.9, 12751.4, 0.132568 }, 85.9089 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12893.1, 12763.1, 0.0252838 }, 354.791 },
{ "Land_Garbage_square5_F", { 12898.5, 12754.1, 0.403336 }, 356.786 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 12894.2, 12753.5, -0.00849915 }, 176.727 },
{ "Land_Sign_WarningMilitaryArea_F", { 12878.3, 12753.7, 0 }, 86.9098 },
{ "Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_F", { 12921.2, 12747.4, 1.52588e-005 }, 354.835 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12906.8, 12739.5, 0.185944 }, 32.8205 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12928.2, 12739.4, -0.0260773 }, 353.715 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12922.9, 12739.1, -0.00527954 }, 353.753 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12917.2, 12738.6, -0.00486755 }, 353.757 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12912.2, 12738.2, -0.0137329 }, 353.744 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12901.8, 12744.8, 0.200394 }, 86.3687 },
{ "Land_Garbage_square5_F", { 12909.3, 12746, 1.08038 }, 303.574 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 12903.3, 12741.9, -0.0743713 }, 214.774 },
{ "Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_F", { 12924.7, 12773.8, 0 }, 210.835 },
{ "Land_ScrapHeap_2_F", { 12915.2, 12759.6, 0.0301971 }, 169.814 },
{ "Land_Loudspeakers_F", { 12915.6, 12750.6, 0 }, 356.835 },
{ "Land_ScrapHeap_1_F", { 12921.4, 12760.3, 0.0139313 }, 349.801 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12921.6, 12756, -0.0275116 }, 353.819 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12929.5, 12770.1, 0.118179 }, 84.8375 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12929.9, 12764.5, 0.142838 }, 84.8577 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12918.7, 12776.7, -0.0367279 }, 353.82 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12913.2, 12776.2, -0.0335236 }, 353.831 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12919.8, 12776.8, -0.0367126 }, 353.82 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12916, 12755.5, -0.0212097 }, 353.818 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12927.1, 12773.9, 0.00674438 }, 30.819 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12927.1, 12756.5, -0.0491486 }, 353.797 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12900.6, 12767.1, 0.0879211 }, 86.4439 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12903.9, 12773.6, -0.0444031 }, 307.87 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12901.7, 12752, 0.132278 }, 86.4207 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12907.7, 12775.7, -0.0238953 }, 353.847 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12905.2, 12754.4, 0.00515747 }, 354.814 },
{ "Land_GarbageBags_F", { 12904.7, 12751, -0.0263214 }, 26.6415 },
{ "Land_Garbage_square5_F", { 12917.5, 12761.8, 0.00386047 }, 19.7988 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 12901.2, 12770.2, 0.0333557 }, 130.704 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_3_F", { 12923.5, 12776.2, -0.00253296 }, 212.829 },
{ "Land_JunkPile_F", { 12907.2, 12769.1, 0.00367737 }, 354.816 },
{ "Land_Pallets_stack_F", { 12909, 12767.7, 0.000915527 }, 128.791 },
{ "Land_CratesShabby_F", { 12910.4, 12768, 0.0017395 }, 245.684 },
{ "Land_GarbageBarrel_01_F", { 12914.8, 12763.5, -0.00370789 }, 182.87 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12931.5, 12742.2, -0.338425 }, 264.829 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12931.2, 12747.7, -0.208801 }, 264.774 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12930.4, 12758.9, 0.141861 }, 84.8576 },
{ "Land_HBarrier_5_F", { 12930.8, 12753.3, -0.150925 }, 264.812 }
staticNpcPos[] = {
// South West
{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 4585.05, 4516.51, 0.201431 }, 273.197 },
// South East
{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 12075.5, 5109.38, 0.00123596 }, 313.34},
// North East
{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 10686.8,9437.87,0.00151825 }, 231.976},
//Boat Trader
{ "C_man_hunter_1_F", { 13694, 4033.22, 0.0021317 }, 93.5839 }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.