More precise Vehicle saving / loading

This change will save / load Vehicles much more accurate (especially on
Ramps / slopy terrain.

If use VectorDir / VectorUp, the Vehicle will be tilted around the model
Center and PosWorld also use the Modelcenter, while PosATL / PosASL use
the lowest level of the Vehicle.
This commit is contained in:
He-Man 2018-04-07 00:11:12 +02:00
parent ad7d7ddb2d
commit af6318940b
3 changed files with 18 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -68,10 +68,8 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _maxVehicleLimit do {
if (_class != "" && _damage < 1) then {
// remove location from worldspace and set to new var
_location = _worldspace deleteAt 0;
_worldspace params [["_location",[]],["_VectorDir",[0,0,0]],["_VectorUp",[0,0,1]],["_useposworld",false]];
if !(_location isEqualTo []) then {
// increased position precision
if (count _location == 2) then{
_location = (_location select 0) vectorAdd (_location select 1);
@ -117,9 +115,13 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _maxVehicleLimit do {
_vehicle call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
_vehicle call EPOCH_server_vehicleInit;
// set final direction and postion of vehicle
_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp _worldspace;
_vehicle setposATL _location;
_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp [_VectorDir,_VectorUp];
if (_useposworld) then {
_vehicle setposWorld _location;
else {
_vehicle setposATL _location;
// set fuel level
_vehicle setFuel _fuel;
// apply persistent textures

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _maxVehicleLimit do {
_damage = _arr select 2;
if (_class != "" && _damage < 1) then {
_location = _worldspace deleteAt 0;
_worldspace params [["_location",[]],["_VectorDir",[0,0,0]],["_VectorUp",[0,0,1]],["_useposworld",false]];
if !(_location isEqualTo []) then {
@ -68,11 +68,16 @@ for "_i" from 1 to _maxVehicleLimit do {
_class = ["O_Heli_Transport_04_EPOCH","O_Heli_Transport_04_bench_EPOCH","O_Heli_Transport_04_box_EPOCH","O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_EPOCH","B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_EPOCH","O_Truck_03_covered_EPOCH"] select _found;
_vehicle = createVehicle [_class, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_vehicle = createVehicle [_class, [random 500, random 500,500], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
_allVehicles pushBack _vehicle;
_vehicle call EPOCH_server_setVToken;
_vehicle setposATL _location;
_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp _worldspace;
if (_useposworld) then {
_vehicle setposWorld _location;
else {
_vehicle setposATL _location;
_vehicle setVectorDirAndUp [_VectorDir,_VectorUp];
_vehicle setDamage _damage;
_allHitpoints = getAllHitPointsDamage _vehicle;

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ if (!isNull _vehicle) then {
_colorSlot = _vehicle getVariable ["VEHICLE_TEXTURE",0];
_baseType = _vehicle getVariable ["VEHICLE_BASECLASS",""];
_VAL = [typeOf _vehicle,[(getposATL _vehicle call EPOCH_precisionPos),vectordir _vehicle,vectorup _vehicle],damage _vehicle,_hitpoints,fuel _vehicle,_inventory,[true,magazinesAllTurrets _vehicle],_colorSlot,_baseType];
_VAL = [typeOf _vehicle,[getposworld _vehicle,vectordir _vehicle,vectorup _vehicle,true],damage _vehicle,_hitpoints,fuel _vehicle,_inventory,[true,magazinesAllTurrets _vehicle],_colorSlot,_baseType];
["Vehicle", _vehHiveKey, EPOCH_expiresVehicle, _VAL] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSETEX;