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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
temp fixed player death screen
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,51 +22,37 @@
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_config","_doRevenge","_playerDeathScreen","_playerKilledScreen","_playerRevengeMinAliveTime","_tapDiag"];
params [["_unit",objNull,[objNull]],["_killer",objNull,[objNull]] ];
_config = 'CfgEpochClient' call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_playerDeathScreen = getText(_config >> "playerDeathScreen");
_playerRevengeMinAliveTime = getNumber(_config >> "playerRevengeMinAliveTime");
if (_playerDeathScreen isEqualTo "") then {_playerDeathScreen = "TapOut"};
if(_playerDeathScreen isEqualTo "")then{ _playerDeathScreen = "TapOut" };
_tapDiag = _playerDeathScreen;
// diag_log format ["DEBUG: EPOCH_playerAliveTime %1",EPOCH_playerAliveTime];
_doRevenge = ((getNumber(_config >> "playerDisableRevenge") isEqualTo 0) && EPOCH_playerAliveTime >= _playerRevengeMinAliveTime);
// test ejecting unit from vehicle if dead client side
if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then {
_unit action["Eject", vehicle _unit];
if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then { _unit action["Eject", vehicle _unit]; };
[player,_killer,toArray profileName,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_deadPlayer",2];
// disable build mode
EPOCH_buildMode = 0;
EPOCH_snapDirection = 0;
EPOCH_Target = objNull;
// playerKilledScreen
_playerKilledScreen = getText(_config >> "playerKilledScreen");
if (_playerKilledScreen isEqualTo "") then {_playerKilledScreen = "TapOut2"};
if(_doRevenge && player != _killer && (isPlayer _killer || isPlayer (effectiveCommander _killer)))then{_tapDiag = _playerKilledScreen};//TODO: vehicle check may not always be reliable
if(_playerKilledScreen isEqualTo "")then {_playerKilledScreen = "TapOut2"};
if(_doRevenge && player != _killer && (isPlayer _killer || isPlayer (effectiveCommander _killer)))then{ _tapDiag = _playerKilledScreen };
if (Epoch_canBeRevived) then {
setPlayerRespawnTime 600;
createDialog _tapDiag;
} else {
setPlayerRespawnTime 15;
["You can be just revived once per life!", 5] call Epoch_message;
[_killer, _tapDiag] spawn{
setPlayerRespawnTime 600;
createDialog _tapDiag;
if(!Epoch_canBeRevived)then{ ["You can be just revived once per life!", 5] call Epoch_message; };
[_killer, _tapDiag] spawn {
params ["_killer2","_tapDiag2"];
while {!alive player} do {
if (playerRespawnTime <= 1) exitWith{ (findDisplay 46) closeDisplay 0; };
if (playerRespawnTime > 15 && !dialog) then {createDialog _tapDiag2;};
if (isObjectHidden player) then {closeDialog 2;};
if(player getVariable["EPOCH_doBoom",false])exitWith{player setVariable ["EPOCH_doBoom",nil]; call EPOCH_fnc_playerDeathDetonate;};
if(player getVariable["EPOCH_doMorph",false])exitWith{player setVariable ["EPOCH_doMorph",nil];[selectRandom (getArray (getMissionConfig "CfgEpochClient" >> "deathMorphClass")),player,_killer2] call EPOCH_fnc_playerDeathMorph;};
if(playerRespawnTime > 15 && !dialog)then{ createDialog _tapDiag2; };
if(isObjectHidden player)then{ closeDialog 2; };
if(player getVariable["EPOCH_doBoom",false])exitWith { player setVariable ["EPOCH_doBoom",nil]; call EPOCH_fnc_playerDeathDetonate; };
if(player getVariable["EPOCH_doMorph",false])exitWith { player setVariable ["EPOCH_doMorph",nil];[selectRandom (getArray (getMissionConfig "CfgEpochClient" >> "deathMorphClass")),player,_killer2] call EPOCH_fnc_playerDeathMorph; };
uiSleep 0.1;
if(!isNil'BIS_DeathBlur')then{ppEffectDestroy BIS_DeathBlur;};
Reference in New Issue
Block a user