Sherbet Fixes #1

- Increased defuse chance
- More restricted run around base obj
- Remove terminal after UAV mission
- Looting dead UAV fixed
- Exploding Vehicles fix (Arma has changed HitPointNames to LowerCase)
This commit is contained in:
He-Man 2019-01-20 13:20:01 +01:00
parent d0b8a62eb0
commit e2b933188d
8 changed files with 16 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ uisleep 5;
if (alive player && !isnull _object) then {
_reward = gettext (configfile >> "cfgammo" >> _type >> "defaultMagazine");
if !(_reward isequalto "") then {
_chance = ["CfgEpochClient", "DefuseBombChance", 0.4] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
_chance = ["CfgEpochClient", "DefuseBombChance", 0.6] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2;
if (_chance >= ((random 100) / 100)) then {
[_object,false,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteexec ["EPOCH_server_DefuseBomb",2];

View File

@ -190,10 +190,10 @@ if (vehicle player == player) then {
if (_dikCode in(actionKeys "moveFastForward") || _dikCode in(actionKeys "moveForward")) then {
if ((diag_tickTime - EPOCH_lastAGTime) > 1) then {
if ((diag_tickTime - EPOCH_lastAGTime) > 0.5) then {
EPOCH_lastAGTime = diag_tickTime;
if !(player nearObjects["Const_All_Walls_F", 6] isEqualTo[]) then {
_currentPos = player modelToWorld[0, 1, 1];
_currentPos = player modelToWorld[0, 1.75, 1];
if !(surfaceIsWater _currentPos) then {
_currentPos = ATLtoASL _currentPos;

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@ -239,9 +239,11 @@ if (!isnil "EPOCH_ResetTraderMission") then {
EPOCH_taskMarker = nil;
if !(_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray isequalto []) then {
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray params ["_mainblock"];
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray params ["_mainblock","","","","","_taskFailed"];
_mainblock params ["","","","","",["_missionCleanUpCall",""]];
call _missionCleanUpCall;
_taskFailed params ['','','','',["_taskFailedCall",""]];
call _taskFailedCall;
EPOCH_ActiveTraderMission = [];
_EPOCH_TraderMissionArray = [];

View File

@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ class BaseCam
class ConnectUAV
condition = "dyna_cursorTarget iskindof 'UAV_01_base_F' || dyna_cursorTarget iskindof 'UAV_06_base_F'";
condition = "(dyna_cursorTarget iskindof 'UAV_01_base_F' || dyna_cursorTarget iskindof 'UAV_06_base_F') && alive dyna_cursorTarget";
action = "if ({_x in (assigneditems player)} count ['B_UavTerminal','O_UavTerminal','I_UavTerminal','C_UavTerminal'] > 0) then {dyna_cursorTarget spawn {_unit = _this;if (isnull (driver _unit)) then {_plyr = player;_grp = createGroup side _plyr;_driver = _grp createUnit[""I_UAV_AI"", position _unit, [], 0, ""CAN_COLLIDE""];_driver moveInAny _unit;uisleep 0.5;};player action [""SwitchToUAVDriver"", _unit];};}else {['You need an UAV-Terminal to connect',5] call epoch_message;};";
icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\epoch_UAV.paa";
tooltip = "Connect to UAV";

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@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class CfgEpochClient
ActionBurnBarrelOffExtinguisher = "true"; // FireExtinguisher is needed to put off Burn Barrels
ActionHookRope = "true"; // Rope is needed to hook vehicles (get back on release)
DefuseBombChance = 0.4; // Chance for successfully defuse a bomb -> If fail, the bomb will explode
DefuseBombChance = 0.6; // Chance for successfully defuse a bomb -> If fail, the bomb will explode
DisableDoorInteractForACE = "true"; // If true, Door-Interactions from ACE-Mod will be blocked (no effect, if ACE is not running)
epochMessageBackgroundCol[] = {0,0,0,0.2}; //Epoch_message background color (format: {R,G,B,A})
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class CfgEpochClient
EPOCH_news[] = {"Word is that Sappers have a new boss.","Dogs will often lure them monsters away.","My dog was blown up. I miss him.."};
deathMorphClass[] = {"Epoch_Sapper_F","Epoch_SapperG_F","Epoch_SapperB_F","I_UAV_01_F","Epoch_Cloak_F"}; //Random selection of these classes when player morphs after death. Currently available: Epoch_Cloak_F, Epoch_SapperB_F, Epoch_Sapper_F, I_UAV_01_F
niteLight[] = {0,1.88,22}; // 0 = disabled or 1 = enabled, Set ambient lighting at night: {Brightness of light,Height of light}. Default (Low Ambient): {1.88,22} | Twilight: {7.2,88} | Distant: {12.8,142}
niteLight[] = {1,1.88,22}; // 0 = disabled or 1 = enabled, Set ambient lighting at night: {Brightness of light,Height of light}. Default (Low Ambient): {1.88,22} | Twilight: {7.2,88} | Distant: {12.8,142}
ryanZombiesEnabled = "true";
antagonistChances[] = {

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@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ class sampletask {
abandonTime = 240; // Timeout for task
failedCondition = "false"; // Failed Condition for Task
faileddialogues[] = {"Text1","Text2"}; // Array of random dialogues when task failed
failedCall = ""; // Code to call when task failed
completeCondition = "'B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player"; // Condition to complete the task succesfully
completedialogues[] = {"Text1","Text2"}; // Array of random dialogues when task completed successfully
completedCALL = ""; // Code to call when task completed successfully

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@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ class doUAVSpawn{
abandonTime = 240;
failedCondition = "!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive player)";
faileddialogues[] = {"Lost it already.. Mission Over","Not a willing pilot eh ? Try again later.","Equipment Lost.. Mission Failed !"};
failedCall = "player unassignItem 'B_UavTerminal'; player removeItem 'B_UavTerminal'";
completeCondition = "!(isNull axeUAV)";
completedialogues[] = {};
completedCALL = "";
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ class doUAVAttach{
abandonTime = 1200;
failedCondition = "!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive axeUAV) || !(alive player) || cameraon != axeUAV";
faileddialogues[] = {"Lost it already.. Mission Over","Not a natural pilot. Try again later.","Mission Failed !"};
failedCall = "player unassignItem 'B_UavTerminal'; player removeItem 'B_UavTerminal'";
completeCondition = "(getPosATL axeUAV select 2) > 10";
completedialogues[] = {};
completedCALL = "if(SunOrMoon < 1)then{player action [""lightOn"", axeUAV];};";
@ -178,6 +180,7 @@ class takeOffUAV{
abandonTime = 240;
failedCondition = "!('B_UavTerminal' in assignedItems player) || !(alive axeUAV) || !(alive player) || cameraon != axeUAV";
faileddialogues[] = {"Oh dear, that didn't go well..","Try again later.","Misison Failed !"};
failedCall = "player unassignItem 'B_UavTerminal'; player removeItem 'B_UavTerminal'";
completeCondition = "false";
completedialogues[] = {};
completedCALL = "";
@ -197,7 +200,7 @@ class uavMission1{
markerRadius = 180;
markerText = "Trader House Recon";
initcall = "_obj = selectRandom (nearestObjects [axeUAV,[""HOUSE""],2500]);EPOCH_taskMarkerPos = getPosATL _obj;";
cleanUpCall = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV";
cleanUpCall = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV;player unassignItem 'B_UavTerminal'; player removeItem 'B_UavTerminal'";
dialogues[] = {
@ -235,7 +238,7 @@ class uavMission2{
markerRadius = 220;
markerText = "UAV Trader";
initcall = "_obj = selectRandom (Epoch_Traders select {player distance _x > 50 && alive _x && !((_x getvariable ['AI_SLOT',-1]) == -1)});EPOCH_taskMarkerPos = getPosATL _obj;";
cleanUpCall = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV";
cleanUpCall = "[(driver axeUAV)] joinSilent grpNull; removeFromRemainsCollector [axeUAV]; deletevehicle axeUAV;player unassignItem 'B_UavTerminal'; player removeItem 'B_UavTerminal'";
dialogues[] = {

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ if !(isNull _vehObj) then{
// add random damage to vehicle (avoid setting engine or fuel to 100% damage to prevent instant destruction)
if (_spawnDamaged) then {
_maxDamage = if (_x in ["HitEngine","HitFuel","HitHull"]) then {0.8} else {1};
_maxDamage = if ((tolower _x) in ["hitengine","hitfuel","hithull","hitbody"]) then {0.8} else {1};
_vehObj setHitIndex [_forEachIndex,((random 1 max 0.1) min _maxDamage)];
} forEach ((getAllHitPointsDamage _vehObj) param [0,[]]);