[Added] Solar Generator base item can be crafted from items found in the world. When placed gives passive power within 75m. [Added] New loot/crafting items (Solar Panels, Wire Cables, Battery Box) added to loot tables. [Changed] Increase max payout of Air Drop event loot. [Changed] Make use of new command getAllHitPointsDamage in A3 1.50 to increase performance of hitpoint data storage. [Changed] Use new A3 command setHitIndex instead of setHitPointDamage so we can use all hitpoints regardless of name. [Changed] Change BIS_fnc_distance2D usage over to distance2D command that added with A3 1.50 for better performance. [Fixed] Loot object "Blue Tarp" weaponholder proxy position was in the wrong position. [Fixed] Reduce base hunger/thirst loss rate by half if players stamina is above 100. Base rate now can be changed with "baseHTLoss" variable in CfgEpochClient. [Info] Requres Arma 3 1.50 or higher. [ServerInfo] Removed old .bikey and added new one for 0330.