/* Legend: interactAction: 0 = examine, 1 = eat, 2 = drink, 3 = build, 4 = refuel, 5 = siphon, 6 = Soiled-25, 7 = Warm+1, 8 = Cold-1, 9 = Energy 100, 10 = Repair Light, 11 = Repair Heavy, 12 = base painting, 13 = Heal Player, 14 = Unpack Backpack, 15 = Read interactAttributes[] = { {"Temp",0}, {"Hunger",0}, {"Thirst",0}, {"Energy",0}, {"Soiled",0}, {"Immunity",0}, {"Toxicity",0}, {"Stamina",0}, {"Wet",0}, {"BloodP",0}, {"NotUsed",0}, {"Alcohol",0}, {"Radiation",0} }; */ /*[[[cog from arma_config_tools import *; json_to_arma()]]]*/ /* @author = "Aaron Clark - https://EpochMod.com"; @contributors[] = {"Andrew Gregory"}; @description = "Item interaction configs"; @licence = "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike"; @github = "https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_config/Configs/CfgItemInteractions.hpp"; */ class CfgItemInteractions { class Default { interactAction = 0; }; class Food_base : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}}; }; class Food_TinCan_base : Food_base { interactReturnOnUse = "ItemEmptyTin"; }; class Food_Jar_base : Food_base { interactReturnOnUse = "emptyjar_epoch"; }; class Food_Cooler_base : Food_base { interactReturnOnUse = "ItemCoolerE"; }; class Drink_base : Default { interactAction = 2; interactText = "DRINK"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500}}; }; class Drink_Jar_base : Drink_base { interactReturnOnUse = "emptyjar_epoch"; }; class Soda_base : Drink_base { interactReturnOnUse = "ItemSodaEmpty"; }; class Item_Build_base : Default { interactAction = 3; interactText = "BUILD"; }; class Item_Packed_base : Default { interactAction = 14; interactText = "UNPACK"; }; class honey_epoch : Food_Jar_base { interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",1},{"Stamina",30}}; interactActions[] = {{"EMPTY","[1,[],'emptyjar_epoch'] call EPOCH_consumeItem;"}}; }; class sardines_epoch : Food_TinCan_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1000},{"Toxicity",7,1},{"Radiation",2,1}}; }; class meatballs_epoch : Food_TinCan_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1200},{"Radiation",2,1}}; }; class scam_epoch : Food_TinCan_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1000},{"Radiation",2,1}}; }; class sweetcorn_epoch : Food_TinCan_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600},{"Radiation",2,1}}; }; class FoodBioMeat : Food_TinCan_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1000},{"Toxicity",7},{"Radiation",2,1}}; }; class TacticalBacon : Food_TinCan_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Radiation",2,1}}; }; class ItemTrout : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",300},{"Toxicity",5,1}}; }; class ItemSeaBass : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Toxicity",10,1}}; }; class ItemTuna : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",2500}}; }; class ItemTroutCooked : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}}; }; class ItemSeaBassCooked : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1200}}; }; class ItemTunaCooked : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",5000}}; }; class FoodMeeps : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500}}; }; class FoodSnooter : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Stamina",50}}; }; class ItemCooler0 : Food_Cooler_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3000}}; }; class ItemCooler1 : Food_Cooler_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3500}}; }; class ItemCooler2 : Food_Cooler_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",4000}}; }; class ItemCooler3 : Food_Cooler_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",5000}}; }; class ItemCooler4 : Food_Cooler_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",5000}}; }; class WhiskeyNoodle : Drink_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",400},{"Toxicity",-1},{"Radiation",-1},{"Stamina",50},{"Alcohol",10},{"BloodP",1}}; }; class water_epoch : Drink_Jar_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500},{"Toxicity",5,1},{"Stamina",50}}; }; class clean_water_epoch : Drink_Jar_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500},{"Stamina",50}}; }; class HotAxeSauce_epoch : Drink_Jar_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-500},{"Immunity",1},{"Stamina",5}}; }; class ItemSodaRbull : Soda_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",1000},{"Stamina",100}}; }; class ItemSodaOrangeSherbet : Soda_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",800},{"Stamina",75}}; }; class ItemSodaPurple : Soda_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",800},{"Stamina",75}}; }; class ItemSodaMocha : Soda_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",650},{"Stamina",150}}; }; class ItemSodaBurst : Soda_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",800},{"Stamina",75}}; }; class FoodWalkNSons : Soda_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",1200},{"Stamina",150}}; }; class ItemSodaAlpineDude : Soda_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",800},{"Stamina",800}}; }; class jerrycan_epoch : Default { interactAction = 4; interactText = "FILL"; interactReturnOnUse = "jerrycanE_epoch"; interactAttributes[] = {10}; interactActions[] = {{"DRINK","[2,[['Toxicity',100],['Alcohol',50]],'jerrycanE_epoch'] call EPOCH_consumeItem;"},{"EMPTY","[2,[],'jerrycanE_epoch'] call EPOCH_consumeItem;"}}; }; class jerrycanE_epoch : Default { interactAction = 5; interactText = "SIPHON"; interactReturnOnUse = "jerrycan_epoch"; interactAttributes[] = {10}; }; class lighter_epoch : Default { interactAction = 5; interactText = "Fill"; interactReturnOnUse = "lighter_epoch"; interactAttributes[] = {2}; }; class FAK : Default { interactAction = 13; interactText = "USE"; }; class ItemLockbox : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "LockBox_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class ItemSafe : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Safe_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class ItemSafe_s : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Safe_s_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class ItemGunSafe : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "GunSafe_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class JackKit : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Jack_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class EnergyPack : Default { interactAction = 9; interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Energy",100}}; }; class EnergyPackLg : Default { interactAction = 9; interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Energy",1000}}; }; class VehicleRepair : Default { interactAction = 10; interactText = "USE"; }; class VehicleRepairLg : Default { interactAction = 11; interactText = "USE"; }; class Venom_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Toxicity",20,1}}; }; class SnakeCarcass_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",300},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",10,1}}; }; class SnakeMeat_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1200}}; }; class RabbitCarcass_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",300},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",10,1}}; }; class CookedRabbit_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",1200}}; }; class ChickenCarcass_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",25,1}}; }; class CookedChicken_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",2000}}; }; class GoatCarcass_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",15,1}}; }; class DogCarcass_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",15,1}}; }; class CookedDog_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3000}}; }; class CookedGoat_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3000}}; }; class SheepCarcass_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Soiled",1},{"Toxicity",15,1}}; }; class CookedSheep_EPOCH : Default { interactAction = 1; interactText = "EAT"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",3000}}; }; class ItemPowderMilk : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-350},{"Hunger",300}}; }; class ItemRicebox : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-1000},{"Hunger",1200}}; }; class ItemCereals : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-1000},{"Hunger",1200}}; }; class ItemVitamins : Food_base { interactText = "Take Pills"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",20},{"Stamina",50},{"Toxicity",-5},{"Thirst",-150}}; }; class KitSpikeTrap : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Spike_TRAP_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitMetalTrap : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Metal_TRAP_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitStudWall : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WoodLargeWall_EPOCH"; }; class KitJailWall : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "JailWall_EPOCH"; }; class KitWoodFloor : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WoodFloor_EPOCH"; }; class KitWoodHalfFloor : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WoodHalfFloor_EPOCH"; }; class KitWoodQuarterFloor : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WoodQuarterFloor_EPOCH"; }; class KitWoodStairs : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WoodStairs_EPOCH"; }; class KitWoodTower : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WoodTower_EPOCH"; }; class KitMetalTower : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "MetalTower_EPOCH"; }; class KitMetalFloor : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "MetalFloor_EPOCH"; }; class KitMetalHalfFloor : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "MetalHalfFloor_EPOCH"; }; class KitMetalQuarterFloor : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "MetalQuarterFloor_EPOCH"; }; class KitCinderTower : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "CinderTower_EPOCH"; }; class KitCinderFloor : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "CinderFloor_EPOCH"; }; class KitCinderHalfFloor : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "CinderHalfFloor_EPOCH"; }; class KitCinderQuarterFloor : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "CinderQuarterFloor_EPOCH"; }; class KitWoodRamp : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WoodRamp_EPOCH"; }; class KitTankTrap : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "TankTrap_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitHesco3 : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Hesco3_EPOCH"; }; class KitWoodLadder : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WoodLadder_EPOCH"; }; class KitFirePlace : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "FirePlace_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitTiPi : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Tipi_SIM_EPOCH"; isStorage = 1; }; class KitShelf : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "StorageShelf_SIM_EPOCH"; isStorage = 1; }; class KitWorkbench : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Workbench_SIM_EPOCH"; isStorage = 1; }; class KitTentA : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "TentA_SIM_EPOCH"; isStorage = 1; }; class KitTentDome : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "TentDome_SIM_EPOCH"; isStorage = 1; }; class KitFoundation : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Foundation_EPOCH"; }; class KitWoodFoundation : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WoodFoundation_EPOCH"; }; class KitSolarGen : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SolarGen_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitPlotPole : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "PlotPole_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitPlotPole_M : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "PlotPole_M_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitPlotPole_L : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "PlotPole_L_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitPlotPole_XL : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "PlotPole_XL_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitPlotPole_XXL : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "PlotPole_XXL_SIM_EPOCH"; }; class KitCinderWall : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "CinderWallHalf_EPOCH"; }; class Kit_Garden : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Garden_EPOCH"; isStorage = 1; }; class KitSolarCharger : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SolarCharger_EPOCH"; isStorage = 1; }; class KitSolarChargerXL : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SolarChargerXL_EPOCH"; isStorage = 1; }; class KitBurnBarrel : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "BurnBarrel_EPOCH"; }; class KitLightPole : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "LightPole_EPOCH"; }; class KitSmallForestCamoNet : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SmallForestCamoNet_EPOCH"; }; class KitSmallDesertCamoNet : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SmallDesertCamoNet_EPOCH"; }; class KitLargeForestCamoNet : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "LargeForestCamoNet_EPOCH"; }; class KitLargeDesertCamoNet : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "LargeDesertCamoNet_EPOCH"; }; class KitFirePlace_02 : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "FirePlace_02_EPOCH"; }; class KitFieldToilet : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "FieldToilet_EPOCH"; }; class KitScaffolding : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Scaffolding_EPOCH"; }; class KitSink : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "Sink_EPOCH"; }; class KitPortableLight_Single : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "PortableLight_Single_EPOCH"; }; class KitPortableLight_Double : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "PortableLight_Double_EPOCH"; }; class KitWatchTower : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WatchTower_EPOCH"; }; class KitSunShade : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SunShade_EPOCH"; }; class KitFuelPump : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "FuelPump_EPOCH"; }; class KitBagBunker : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "BagBunker_EPOCH"; }; class KitSandBagWall : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SandBagWall_EPOCH"; }; class KitSandBagWallLong : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "SandBagWallLong_EPOCH"; }; class KitBarGate : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "BarGate_EPOCH"; }; class KitWaterPump : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "WaterPump_EPOCH"; }; class KitBarbedWire : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "BarbedWire_EPOCH"; }; class BaseCam : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "BaseCam_EPOCH"; }; class PaintCanBase : Default { interactAction = 12; interactText = "USE"; }; class PaintCanClear : PaintCanBase { colorName = "None"; textureIndex = 0; }; class PaintCanBlk : PaintCanBase { colorName = "Black"; textureIndex = 1; }; class PaintCanBlu : PaintCanBase { colorName = "Blue"; textureIndex = 2; }; class PaintCanBrn : PaintCanBase { colorName = "Brown"; textureIndex = 3; }; class PaintCanGrn : PaintCanBase { colorName = "Green"; textureIndex = 4; }; class PaintCanOra : PaintCanBase { colorName = "Orange"; textureIndex = 5; }; class PaintCanPur : PaintCanBase { colorName = "Purple"; textureIndex = 6; }; class PaintCanRed : PaintCanBase { colorName = "Red"; textureIndex = 7; }; class PaintCanTeal : PaintCanBase { colorName = "Teal"; textureIndex = 8; }; class PaintCanYel : PaintCanBase { colorName = "Yellow"; textureIndex = 9; }; class Poppy : Default { interactAction = 6; interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",10},{"Stamina",-100}}; }; class Goldenseal : Default { interactAction = 6; interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Toxicity",-5}}; }; class Pumpkin : Default { interactAction = 6; interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Stamina",50}}; }; class Towelette : Default { interactAction = 6; interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Soiled",-25}}; }; class HeatPack : Default { interactAction = 7; interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Temp",1}}; }; class ColdPack : Default { interactAction = 8; interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Temp",-1}}; }; class ItemHotwire : Default { interactAction = 2; interactText = "USE"; }; class ItemKeyKit : Default { interactAction = 2; interactText = "USE"; }; class ItemBarrelF : Default { interactAction = 4; interactText = "FILL"; interactAttributes[] = {210}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemBarrelE"; }; class ItemBarrelE : Default { interactAction = 5; interactText = "SIPHON"; interactAttributes[] = {210}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemBarrelF"; }; class ItemKey : Default { interactAction = 2; interactText = "USE"; }; class ItemKeyBlue : ItemKey {}; class ItemKeyGreen : ItemKey {}; class ItemKeyRed : ItemKey {}; class ItemKeyYellow : ItemKey {}; class ItemDoc1 : Default { interactAction = 15; interactText = "READ"; }; class ItemDoc2 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemDoc3 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemDoc4 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemDoc5 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemDoc6 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemDoc7 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemDoc8 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemVehDoc1 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemVehDoc2 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemVehDoc3 : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemVehDoc4 : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeI_100_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeI_300_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeII_100_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeII_200_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeII_300_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_100_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_200_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeIII_300_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_100_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_200_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class KitVehicleUpgradeIV_300_EPOCH : ItemDoc1 {}; class ItemBulb : Default {}; class ItemBurlap : Default {}; class ItemBriefcaseE : Default {}; class ItemBriefcaseGold100oz : Default {}; class ItemBriefcaseSilver100oz : Default {}; class ItemAluminumBar : Default {}; class ItemAluminumBar10oz : Default {}; class ItemCopperBar : Default {}; class ItemCopperBar10oz : Default {}; class ItemTinBar : Default {}; class ItemTinBar10oz : Default {}; class ItemPlywoodPack : Default {}; class ItemComboLock : Default {}; class CircuitParts : Default {}; class Pelt_EPOCH : Default {}; class ItemPipe : Default {}; class ItemEmptyTin : Default {}; class ItemSodaEmpty : Default {}; class emptyjar_epoch : Default {}; class PartPlankPack : Default {}; class CinderBlocks : Default {}; class MortarBucket : Default {}; class ItemKiloHemp : Default {}; class ItemTopaz : Default {}; class ItemOnyx : Default {}; class ItemSapphire : Default {}; class ItemAmethyst : Default {}; class ItemEmerald : Default {}; class ItemCitrine : Default {}; class ItemRuby : Default {}; class ItemQuartz : Default {}; class ItemJade : Default {}; class ItemGarnet : Default {}; class ItemMixOil : Default {}; class ItemDocument : Default {}; class ItemDocumentMission : Default {}; class ItemSilverBar : Default {}; class ItemSilverBar10oz : Default {}; class ItemGoldBar : Default {}; class ItemGoldBar10oz : Default {}; class ItemRock : Default {}; class ItemStick : Default {}; class ItemRope : Default {}; class PartOre : Default {}; class PartOreSilver : Default {}; class PartOreGold : Default {}; class ItemPacked : Default {}; class ItemSolar : Default {}; class ItemCables : Default {}; class ItemBattery : Default {}; class ItemScraps : Default {}; class ItemCorrugated : Default {}; class ItemCorrugatedLg : Default {}; class 5Rnd_rollins_mag : Default {}; class CSGAS : Default {}; class sledge_swing : Default {}; class stick_swing : Default {}; class hatchet_swing : Default {}; class WoodLog_EPOCH : Default {}; class ItemCoolerE : Default {}; class Item_AssaultPack_cbr : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_cbr"; }; class Item_AssaultPack_dgtl : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_dgtl"; }; class Item_AssaultPack_khk : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_khk"; }; class Item_AssaultPack_mcamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_mcamo"; }; class Item_AssaultPack_ocamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_ocamo"; }; class Item_AssaultPack_rgr : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_rgr"; }; class Item_AssaultPack_sgg : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_sgg"; }; class Item_AssaultPack_blk : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_AssaultPack_blk"; }; class Item_Carryall_cbr : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_cbr"; }; class Item_Carryall_khk : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_khk"; }; class Item_Carryall_mcamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_mcamo"; }; class Item_Carryall_ocamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_ocamo"; }; class Item_Carryall_oli : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_oli"; }; class Item_Carryall_oucamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Carryall_oucamo"; }; class Item_FieldPack_blk : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_blk"; }; class Item_FieldPack_cbr : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_cbr"; }; class Item_FieldPack_khk : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_khk"; }; class Item_FieldPack_ocamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_ocamo"; }; class Item_FieldPack_oli : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_oli"; }; class Item_FieldPack_oucamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_FieldPack_oucamo"; }; class Item_Kitbag_cbr : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Kitbag_cbr"; }; class Item_Kitbag_mcamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Kitbag_mcamo"; }; class Item_Kitbag_rgr : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Kitbag_rgr"; }; class Item_Kitbag_sgg : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_Kitbag_sgg"; }; class Item_TacticalPack_blk : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_blk"; }; class Item_TacticalPack_mcamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_mcamo"; }; class Item_TacticalPack_ocamo : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_ocamo"; }; class Item_TacticalPack_oli : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_oli"; }; class Item_TacticalPack_rgr : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "B_TacticalPack_rgr"; }; class Item_smallbackpack_red : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "smallbackpack_red_epoch"; }; class Item_smallbackpack_green : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "smallbackpack_green_epoch"; }; class Item_smallbackpack_teal : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "smallbackpack_teal_epoch"; }; class Item_smallbackpack_pink : Item_Packed_base { interactReturnOnUse = "smallbackpack_pink_epoch"; }; class ItemCanvas : Default {}; class ItemSeedBag : Default {}; class SeedPacket_GoldenSeal : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Toxicity",-1}}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemSeedBag"; }; class SeedPacket_Hemp : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",1},{"Stamina",30},{"Hunger",100}}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemSeedBag"; }; class SeedPacket_Poppy : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",1},{"Stamina",30},{"Hunger",50}}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemSeedBag"; }; class SeedPacket_Pumpkin : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",1},{"Stamina",30},{"Hunger",100}}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemSeedBag"; }; class SeedPacket_Sunflower : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Immunity",1},{"Toxicity",-2},{"Stamina",30},{"Hunger",100}}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemSeedBag"; }; class ItemBakedBeans : Food_TinCan_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",800},{"Radiation",2,1}}; }; class gyro_wrap_epoch : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}}; }; class icecream_epoch : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",200},{"Stamina",20}}; }; class redburger_epoch : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}}; }; class bluburger_epoch : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",600}}; }; class krypto_candy_epoch : Food_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Hunger",500},{"Stamina",50}}; }; class ItemBottlePlastic_Clean : Drink_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500},{"Stamina",50}}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemBottlePlastic_Empty"; }; class ItemCanteen_Clean : Drink_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",1000},{"Stamina",100}}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemCanteen_Empty"; }; class ItemBottlePlastic_Dirty: Drink_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",500},{"Toxicity",5,1},{"Stamina",50},{"Radiation",2,1}}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemBottlePlastic_Empty"; }; class ItemCanteen_Dirty : Drink_base { interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",1000},{"Toxicity",10,1},{"Stamina",100},{"Radiation",4,1}}; interactReturnOnUse = "ItemCanteen_Empty"; }; class adrenaline_epoch : Drink_base { interactText = "USE"; // todo digest system to give attributes over time interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-50},{"Stamina",120},{"BloodP",20},{"Toxicity",5}}; }; class atropine_epoch : Drink_base { interactText = "USE"; // todo digest system to give attributes over time interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-50},{"Stamina",-20},{"Toxicity",-5},{"Immunity",-1}}; }; class morphine_epoch : Default { interactAction = 16; // currently heals most damaged hitpoint first on self and gives attributes interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-20},{"Stamina",-50},{"Toxicity",5},{"BloodP",5}}; }; class caffeinepills_epoch : Food_base { // todo digest system to give attributes over time (some type of boost system is needed as well as new action to feed it) interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-20},{"Stamina",50},{"Toxicity",1}}; }; class orlistat_epoch : Food_base { // todo should reduce hunger downtick for a duration, if too much is taken causes bowel issues? interactAttributes[] = {{"Thirst",-20},{"Hunger",25},{"BloodP",-1}}; }; class nanite_cream_epoch : Food_base { interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Radiation",-25},{"Soiled",20},{"Toxicity",5},{"Immunity",5}}; }; class nanite_gun_epoch : Food_base { interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Radiation",-100},{"Toxicity",5},{"Immunity",5}}; }; class nanite_pills_epoch : Food_base { interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Radiation",-10},{"Thirst",-50},{"Toxicity",5},{"Immunity",5}}; }; class iodide_pills_epoch : Food_base { interactText = "USE"; interactAttributes[] = {{"Radiation",-15},{"Thirst",-50},{"Immunity",5}}; }; class ItemDefibrillator : Default { interactAction = 17; interactText = "ReCharge"; }; class BaseCamTerminal : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "BaseCamTerminal_EPOCH"; interactActions[] = {{"Watch","call Epoch_CamUse;"}}; }; class KitSnowman : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "snowman_EPOCH"; }; class KitPlyThirdWall_EPOCH : Item_Build_base { buildClass = "PlyThirdWall_EPOCH"; }; }; /*[[[end]]]*/