_trdrMsg = "Hey, there is a garage down the road.. Well, there used to be.";
_vehs = [];
_plyr = player;
_vehs = nearestObjects [_plyr, ["CAR","AIR"], 1000]; 
if (count _vehs < 1) then {
	_trdrMsg = format["%2 %1.",name _plyr,selectRandom["I haven't seen anything lately, why not buy one","There is nothing around here","The last time the UAV went out it found nothing"]];
} else {
	_veh = _vehs select (floor (random count _vehs));
	_dist = _veh distance _plyr;
	_trdrMsg = format["I know of at least one vehicle within %1m of my current location. It looks like a %2.",_dist, typeof _veh];
[_trdrMsg, 5] call Epoch_message;