/* Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com Contributors: Description: Starts main functions Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_server/init/server_init.sqf */ //[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]] private ["_ReservedSlots","_SideHQ1","_SideHQ2","_SideHQ3","_abortAndError","_allBunkers","_allowedVehicleIndex","_allowedVehicleListName","_allowedVehiclesList","_allowedVehiclesListArray","_animationStates","_bunkerCounter","_bunkerLocations","_bunkerLocationsKey","_cfgServerVersion","_channelColor","_channelNumber","_channelTXT","_clientVersion","_colCount","_config","_configSize","_configVersion","_date","_dateChanged","_debug","_debugLocation","_epochConfig","_epochWorldPath","_existingStock","_firstBunker","_hiveVersion","_index","_indexStock","_instanceID","_list","_loc1","_location","_locations","_markers","_markertxt","_maxColumns","_maxRows","_memoryPoints","_modelInfo","_newBunkerCounter","_object","_originalLocation","_pOffset","_pos","_radio","_radioactiveLocations","_radioactiveLocationsTmp","_response","_rng","_rngChance","_rowCount","_sapper","_score","_scriptHiveKey","_seed","_selectedBunker","_serverConfig","_serverSettingsConfig","_servicepoints","_size","_startTime","_staticDateTime","_staticFuelSources","_timeDifference","_valuesAndWeights","_veh","_vehicleCount","_vehicleSlotLimit","_worldSize"]; //[[[end]]] _startTime = diag_tickTime; missionNamespace setVariable ['Epoch_ServerVersion', getText(configFile >> "CfgMods" >> "Epoch" >> "version"), true]; diag_log format["Epoch: Starting ArmA3 Epoch Server, Version %1",Epoch_ServerVersion]; _abortAndError = { // kick all players with reverse BE kicks true remoteExec ['EPOCH_client_rejectPlayer',-2, true]; // flood server rpt with reason for "_i" from 0 to 15 do { diag_log _this; }; }; _cfgServerVersion = configFile >> "CfgServerVersion"; _serverSettingsConfig = configFile >> "CfgEpochServer"; _epochConfig = configFile >> "CfgEpoch"; _clientVersion = getText(_cfgServerVersion >> "client"); _configVersion = getText(_cfgServerVersion >> "config"); _hiveVersion = getText(_cfgServerVersion >> "hive"); if (_clientVersion != Epoch_ServerVersion) exitWith{ format["Epoch: Version mismatch! Current: %2 Needed: %1", _clientVersion, Epoch_ServerVersion] call _abortAndError; }; if (_configVersion != getText(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "A3_server_settings" >> "epochVersion")) exitWith { format["Epoch: Config file needs updated! Current: %1 Needed: %2", _configVersion, getText(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "A3_server_settings" >> "epochVersion")] call _abortAndError; }; if (isClass(getMissionConfig "CfgEpochClient") && _configVersion != getText(getMissionConfig "CfgEpochClient" >> "epochVersion")) exitWith{ format["Epoch: Mission Config file needs updated! Current: %1 Needed: %2", _configVersion, getText(getMissionConfig "CfgEpochClient" >> "epochVersion")] call _abortAndError; }; if (("epochserver" callExtension "") != _hiveVersion) exitWith { format["Epoch: Server DLL mismatch! Current: %1 Needed: %2", "epochserver" callExtension "",_hiveVersion] call _abortAndError; }; _serverConfig = call compile ("epochserver" callExtension "000"); EPOCH_fn_InstanceID = compileFinal (str (_serverConfig select 0)); _instanceID = call EPOCH_fn_InstanceID; if (isNil "_instanceID") exitWith{ "Epoch: InstanceID missing!" call _abortAndError; }; EPOCH_modCUPWeaponsEnabled = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "CUP_Weapons_WeaponsCore" >> "requiredVersion") > 0); EPOCH_modCUPVehiclesEnabled = (getNumber (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "CUP_WheeledVehicles_Core" >> "requiredVersion") > 0); if (EPOCH_modCUPWeaponsEnabled) then { diag_log "Epoch: CUP Weapons detected"; }; if (EPOCH_modCUPVehiclesEnabled) then { diag_log "Epoch: CUP Vehicles detected"; }; diag_log "Epoch: Init Variables"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\epoch_server\init\server_variables.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\epoch_server\init\server_securityfunctions.sqf"; ["I", _instanceID, "86400", ["CONTINUE"]] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSETEX; diag_log format["Epoch: Start Hive, Instance ID: '%1'", _instanceID]; diag_log "Epoch: Init Connect/Disconnect handlers"; onPlayerConnected {}; // seems this is needed or addMissionEventHandler "PlayerConnected" does not work. as of A3 1.60 addMissionEventHandler ["PlayerConnected", { params ["_id","_uid","_name","_jip","_owner"]; // TODO: diabled STEAMAPI - Vac ban check needs reworked. // "epochserver" callExtension format["001|%1", _uid]; // diag_log format["playerConnected:%1", _this]; ["PlayerData", _uid, EPOCH_expiresPlayer, [_name]] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSETEX; ['Connected', [_uid, _name]] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveLog; }]; addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect", {_this call EPOCH_server_onPlayerDisconnect}]; diag_log "Epoch: Setup Side Settings"; //set side status _SideHQ1 = createCenter resistance; _SideHQ2 = createCenter east; _SideHQ3 = createCenter west; RESISTANCE setFriend [WEST, 0]; WEST setFriend [RESISTANCE, 0]; RESISTANCE setFriend [EAST, 0]; EAST setFriend [RESISTANCE, 0]; // friendly EAST setFriend[WEST, 1]; WEST setFriend[EAST, 1]; diag_log format["Epoch: Setup World Settings for %1",worldName]; //World Settings _worldSize = worldSize; _epochWorldPath = _epochConfig >> worldName; if (isClass _epochWorldPath) then { _configSize = getNumber(_epochWorldPath >> "worldSize"); if (_configSize > 0) then { _worldSize = _configSize; }; }; epoch_centerMarkerPosition = getMarkerPos "center"; if (epoch_centerMarkerPosition isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then { diag_log "Epoch: Error cannot find center marker!"; }; EPOCH_dynamicVehicleArea = _worldSize / 2; // custom radio channels EPOCH_customChannels = []; for "_i" from 0 to 9 do { _radio = configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> format["EpochRadio%1", _i]; _channelTXT = getText(_radio >> "displayName"); // _channelNumber = getNumber(_radio >> "channelID"); _channelColor = getArray(_radio >> "channelColor"); _index = radioChannelCreate[_channelColor, _channelTXT, "%UNIT_NAME", []]; EPOCH_customChannels pushBack _index; }; //Execute Server Functions diag_log "Epoch: Loading buildings"; EPOCH_BuildingSlotsLimit call EPOCH_server_loadBuildings; diag_log "Epoch: Loading teleports and static props"; call EPOCH_server_createTeleport; diag_log "Epoch: Loading NPC traders"; EPOCH_NPCSlotsLimit call EPOCH_server_loadTraders; diag_log "Epoch: Spawning NPC traders"; call EPOCH_server_spawnTraders; diag_log "Epoch: Loading vehicles"; // Vehicle slot limit set to total of all allowed limits _allowedVehicleIndex = if (EPOCH_modCUPVehiclesEnabled) then {if (EPOCH_mod_madArma_Enabled) then {3} else {1}} else {if (EPOCH_mod_madArma_Enabled) then {2} else {0}}; _allowedVehicleListName = ["allowedVehiclesList","allowedVehiclesList_CUP","allowedVehiclesList_MAD","allowedVehiclesList_MADCUP"] select _allowedVehicleIndex; if !(EPOCH_forcedVehicleSpawnTable isEqualTo "") then { _allowedVehicleListName = EPOCH_forcedVehicleSpawnTable; }; // do something here _allowedVehiclesList = getArray(_epochConfig >> worldName >> _allowedVehicleListName); _vehicleSlotLimit = 0; {_vehicleSlotLimit = _vehicleSlotLimit + (_x select 1)} forEach _allowedVehiclesList; _ReservedSlots = 50; _vehicleSlotLimit = _vehicleSlotLimit + _ReservedSlots; if (EPOCH_useOldLoadVehicles) then { _vehicleSlotLimit call EPOCH_load_vehicles_old; } else { _vehicleSlotLimit call EPOCH_load_vehicles; }; diag_log "Epoch: Spawning vehicles"; _allowedVehiclesListArray = []; { _x params ["_vehClass","_velimit"]; _vehicleCount = {(_x getvariable ["VEHICLE_BaseClass",typeOf _x]) == _vehClass} count vehicles; // Load how many of this vehicle are in stock at any trader. _indexStock = EPOCH_traderStoredVehicles find _vehClass; if (_indexStock != -1) then { _existingStock = EPOCH_traderStoredVehiclesCnt select _indexStock; _vehicleCount = _vehicleCount + _existingStock; }; for "_i" from 1 to (_velimit-_vehicleCount) do { _allowedVehiclesListArray pushBack _vehClass; }; } forEach _allowedVehiclesList; [_allowedVehiclesListArray] call EPOCH_spawn_vehicles; diag_log "Epoch: Loading storage"; EPOCH_StorageSlotsLimit call EPOCH_load_storage; diag_log "Epoch: Loading static loot"; call EPOCH_server_spawnBoatLoot; [] execFSM "\epoch_server\system\server_monitor.fsm"; // Setting Server Date and Time _dateChanged = false; _date = date; _staticDateTime = [_serverSettingsConfig, "StaticDateTime", []] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry; _timeDifference = [_serverSettingsConfig, "timeDifference", 0] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry; if (_staticDateTime isEqualto []) then { _response = "epochserver" callExtension "510"; if (_response != "") then { diag_log format ["Epoch: Set Real Time: %1", _response]; _date = parseSimpleArray _response; _date resize 5; _date set[0, (_date select 0) + 21]; _date set[3, (_date select 3) + _timeDifference]; _dateChanged = true; }; } else { { if (_x != 0) then { _date set [_forEachIndex, _x]; _dateChanged = true; }; }forEach _staticDateTime; }; if (_dateChanged) then { setDate _date; //add 1 min to be 100% correct _date set [4, (_date select 4) + 1]; _date spawn { uiSleep 60; setDate _this; }; }; _config = 'CfgServicePoint' call EPOCH_returnConfig; _servicepoints = getArray (_config >> worldname >> 'ServicePoints'); { _pos = _x; _markertxt = "Service Point"; if (count _x > 3) then { _pos = _x select 0; if ((_x select 3) isequaltype "") then { _markertxt = _x select 3; }; }; if !(_markertxt isequalto "") then { _markers = ["ServicePoint", _pos,_markertxt] call EPOCH_server_createGlobalMarkerSet; if !(surfaceiswater _pos) then { "Land_HelipadCircle_F" createvehicle _pos; }; }; } forEach _ServicePoints; // Remove Auto-Refuel from all maps if ([_serverSettingsConfig, "disableAutoRefuel", true] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry) then { // get all fuel source objects on the map (Note: this maybe slow consider refactor with another command) _staticFuelSources = ((epoch_centerMarkerPosition nearObjects ['Building',EPOCH_dynamicVehicleArea]) select {getFuelCargo _x > 0}); // globalize all fuel sources missionNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_staticFuelSources", _staticFuelSources, true]; // disable fuel sources server side. (Note: might not be needed since we also need to do this client side) {_x setFuelCargo 0;} foreach _staticFuelSources; }; // set time multiplier setTimeMultiplier ([_serverSettingsConfig, "timeMultiplier", 1] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry); // globalize tax rate missionNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_taxRate", [_serverSettingsConfig, "taxRate", 0.1] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry, true]; // pick random radioactive locations _radioactiveLocations = getArray(_epochConfig >> worldName >> "radioactiveLocations"); _blacklist = getArray(_epochConfig >> worldName >> "radioactiveLocBLObjects"); _distance = getNumber(_epochConfig >> worldName >> "radioactiveLocBLDistance"); _radioactiveLocationsTmp = []; if !(_radioactiveLocations isEqualTo []) then { private _locations = nearestLocations[epoch_centerMarkerPosition, _radioactiveLocations, EPOCH_dynamicVehicleArea]; if !(_locations isEqualTo []) then { { _locPOS = locationPosition _x; _nearBLObj = nearestObjects [_locPOS, _blacklist, _distance]; if!(_nearBLObj isEqualTo [])then{_locations = _locations - [_x]}; }forEach _locations; for "_i" from 0 to ((getNumber(_epochConfig >> worldName >> "radioactiveLocationsCount"))-1) do { if (_locations isEqualTo []) exitWith {}; private _selectedLoc = selectRandom _locations; _locations = _locations - [_selectedLoc]; _locSize = size _selectedLoc; _radius = sqrt((_locSize select 0)^2 + (_locSize select 1)^2); _locName = (str(_selectedLoc)) splitString " "; _radioactiveLocationsTmp pushBack [_locName,[random 666,_radius]]; private _position = locationPosition _selectedLoc; _markers = ["Radiation", _position] call EPOCH_server_createGlobalMarkerSet; }; }; }; missionNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_radioactiveLocations", _radioactiveLocationsTmp, true]; // spawn bunkers, just in VR for now. if (worldName == "VR") then { _debug = true; _debugLocation = getMarkerPos "respawn_west"; _memoryPoints = ["one","two","three","four"]; _bunkerCounter = 0; _newBunkerCounter = 0; // size _maxRows = 30; _maxColumns = 30; _rngChance = 0; // Lower this to spawn more positions _scriptHiveKey = "EPOCH:DynamicBunker"; // do not change _bunkerLocationsKey = format ["%1:%2", _instanceID, worldname]; // change instance id to force a new map to be generated. _response = [_scriptHiveKey, _bunkerLocationsKey] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveGETRANGE; _response params [["_status",0],["_data",[]] ]; _firstBunker = objNull; _bunkerLocations = []; // check for proper return and data type if (_status == 1 && _data isEqualType [] && !(_data isEqualTo [])) then { _bunkerLocations = _data; // spawn cached bunkers { if (_x isEqualType [] && !(_x isEqualTo [])) then { _x params ["_selectedBunker", "_posWorld", ["_memoryPointsStatus",[]] ]; _object = createSimpleObject [_selectedBunker, _posWorld]; if (isNull _firstBunker) then {_firstBunker = _object;}; { _object animate [_x,(_memoryPointsStatus param [_forEachIndex,1]),true]; } forEach _memoryPoints; _bunkerCounter = _bunkerCounter + 1; }; } forEach _bunkerLocations; } else { // generate new bunker _size = 13.08; _allBunkers = []; _newBunkerCounter = 0; // Generate Seed _seed = random 999999; diag_log format["Generating bunker with seed: %1",_seed]; _location = _debugLocation; _originalLocation = +_location; _valuesAndWeights = [ "bunker_epoch", 0.2, // empty bunker "bunker_epoch_01", 0.1, // tall concrete maze 1 "bunker_epoch_02", 0.05, // Epoch Corp storage // "bunker_epoch_03", 0.01, // save for xmas "bunker_epoch_04", 0.05, // generator room // "bunker_epoch_05", 0.01, // invisible walls "bunker_epoch_06", 0.05, // jail "bunker_epoch_07", 0.05, // clone chamber "bunker_epoch_08", 0.01, // epoch celebration room "bunker_epoch_09", 0.05, // tallest concrete walls "bunker_epoch_10", 0.05, // knee high concrete walls "bunker_epoch_11", 0.1, // sewer "bunker_epoch_12", 0.05, // concrete mid wall "bunker_epoch_13", 0.05, // tall concrete maze 2 "bunker_epoch_14", 0.08, // odd concrete walls "bunker_epoch_15", 0.05 // concrete mid wall maze ]; _rowCount = 0; _colCount = 0; //spawn x number of connected bunkers. while {true} do { if (_colCount > _maxColumns) exitWith {}; _rng = _seed random [_location select 0,_location select 1]; if (_rng > _rngChance) then { _selectedBunker = selectRandomWeighted _valuesAndWeights; _object = createVehicle [_selectedBunker, _location, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; if (isNull _firstBunker) then {_firstBunker = _object;}; _allBunkers pushBack _object; _newBunkerCounter = _newBunkerCounter + 1; }; _location set [0,(_location select 0) + _size]; _rowCount = _rowCount + 1; if (_rowCount >= _maxRows) then { _rngChance = 0.3; _colCount = _colCount + 1; _rowCount = 0; _location set [0,_originalLocation select 0]; _location set [1,(_location select 1) + _size]; }; }; _score = 0; { _veh = _x; _animationStates = []; { _pOffset = _veh selectionPosition _x; if !(_pOffset isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then { _loc1 = _veh modelToWorldVisual _pOffset; _list = _loc1 nearObjects ["bunker_epoch", 1]; if !(_list isEqualTo []) then { _score = _score + 1; _animationStates pushBack 0; _veh animate [_x,0]; } else { _animationStates pushBack 1; _veh animate [_x,1]; }; }; } forEach _memoryPoints; _modelInfo = getModelInfo _veh; _bunkerLocations pushBack [_modelInfo select 1, getPosWorld _veh, _animationStates, _score]; } forEach _allBunkers; // save to DB [_scriptHiveKey, _bunkerLocationsKey, _bunkerLocations] call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveSET; }; // move respawn point into first bunker. if (!(isNull _firstBunker) && {_firstBunker distance _debugLocation > 1}) then { deleteMarker "respawn_west"; createMarker ["respawn_west", getposATL _firstBunker]; }; if (_debug) then { diag_log format["DEBUG: Spawned %1 Existing Bunker",_bunkerCounter]; if (_newBunkerCounter > 0) then { diag_log format["DEBUG: Spawned %1 New Bunker.",_newBunkerCounter]; }; }; }; // start accepting logins missionNamespace setVariable ["EPOCH_SERVER_READY", true, true]; // spawn a single sapper to preload _sapper = createAgent ["Epoch_Sapper_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _sapper setDamage 1; _sapper enableSimulationGlobal false; diag_log format ["Epoch: Server Start Complete: %1 seconds",diag_tickTime-_startTime]; // unit test start if (EPOCH_enableUnitTestOnStart isEqualTo 1) then { call EPOCH_fnc_server_hiveUnitTest; EPOCH_enableUnitTestOnStart = nil; };