{ "CfgEpochClient": { "epochVersion": "", "sapperRngChance": 100, "droneRngChance": 100, "buildingNearbyMilitary": 0, "buildingNearbyMilitaryRange": 300, "buildingNearbyMilitaryClasses": [ "Cargo_Tower_base_F", "Cargo_HQ_base_F", "Cargo_Patrol_base_F", "Cargo_House_base_F" ], "restrictedLocations": [ "NameCityCapital" ], "restrictedLocationsRange": 300, "buildingRequireJammer": 0, "buildingCountLimit": 200, "buildingJammerRange": 75, "JammerPerGroup": 1, "minJammerDistance": 650, "maxBuildingHeigh": 33, "buildingCountLeader": 125, "buildingCountPerMember": 5, "storagecountLeader": 10, "storagecountPerMember": 5, "maxdoors": 8, "maxgates": 5, "disableRemoteSensors": true, "EPOCH_news": [ "Word is that Sappers have a new boss.", "Dogs will often lure them monsters away.", "My dog was blown up. I miss him.." ], "deathMorphClass": [ "Epoch_Sapper_F", "Epoch_SapperB_F", "I_UAV_01_F", "Epoch_Cloak_F" ], "niteLight": [ 1, 1.88, 22 ], "ryanZombiesEnabled": true, "antagonistSpawnIndex": [ [ "Epoch_Cloak_F", 1 ], [ "GreatWhite_F", 2 ], [ "Epoch_Sapper_F", 2 ], [ "Epoch_SapperB_F", 1 ], [ "I_UAV_01_F", 2 ], [ "PHANTOM", 1 ], [ "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", 1 ], [ "EPOCH_RyanZombie_1", 12 ] ], "customVarsDefaults": [ [ "Temp", 98.6, [ 106.7, 95, 102, 105, 96, 95 ] ], [ "Hunger", 5000, [ 5000, 0, 5001, 5001, 1250, 0 ] ], [ "Thirst", 2500, [ 2500, 0, 2501, 2501, 625, 0 ] ], [ "AliveTime", 0, [ -2, 0 ] ], [ "Energy", 0, [ 2500, 0 ] ], [ "Wet", 0, [ 100, 0, 35, 55, -1, -1 ] ], [ "Soiled", 0, [ 100, 0, 35, 55, -1, -1 ] ], [ "Immunity", 0, [ 100, 0 ] ], [ "Toxicity", 0, [ 100, 0, 35, 55, -1, -1 ] ], [ "Stamina", 100, [ "EPOCH_playerStaminaMax", 0 ] ], [ "Crypto", 0, [ 250000, 0 ] ], [ "HitPoints", [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0, 0.5, 1, -1, -1 ] ], [ "BloodP", 100, [ 190, 0, 120, 140, 70, 50 ] ], [ "SpawnArray", [], [] ], [ "Karma", 0, [ 50000, -50000 ] ], [ "Alcohol", 0, [ 100, 0, 35, 55, -1, -1 ] ], [ "Radiation", 0, [ 100, 0, 35, 55, -1, -1 ] ], [ "Nuisance", 0, [ 100, 0 ] ], [ "MissionArray", [], [] ] ], "hudConfigs": [ [ [ "BloodP", "", "", [ "getPlayerDamage", ">=", 0.7 ] ], "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\bleeding_ca.paa", [ "forceUpdate" ] ], [ [ "Oxygen", "getPlayerOxygenRemaining", "", [], [ 1, 0, 2, 2, 1, 0.55 ] ], "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\oxygen_ca.paa" ], [ "Hunger", "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\hunger_ca.paa", [ "forceBloodRise" ] ], [ "Thirst", "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\thirst_ca.paa", [ "forceBloodRise" ] ], [ "Temp", "topRight", [ "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\hot_ca.paa", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\cold_ca.paa" ], [ "forceFatigue" ] ], [ "Toxicity", "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\hazzard_ca.paa" ], [ "Wet", "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\wet_ca.paa" ], [ "Alcohol", "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\drunk_ca.paa" ], [ "Soiled", "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\soiled_ca.paa" ], [ "Radiation", "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\rads_ca.paa" ], [ [ "HitPoints", "getPlayerHitPointDamage", "HitLegs" ], "topRight", "x\\addons\\a3_epoch_code\\Data\\UI\\broken_ca.paa" ] ], "group_upgrade_lvl": [ 4, "1000", 6, "1500", 8, "2000", 10, "2500", 12, "3000", 14, "3500", 16, "4000", 32, "8000", 64, "16000" ], "displayAddEventHandler": [ "keyDown", "keyUp" ], "keyDown": "(_this call EPOCH_KeyDown)", "keyUp": "(_this call EPOCH_KeyUp)", "addEventHandler": [ "Respawn", "Put", "Take", "InventoryClosed", "InventoryOpened", "Fired", "Killed", "HandleRating", "GetInMan", "GetOutMan" ], "Respawn": "(_this select 0) call EPOCH_clientRespawn", "Put": "(_this select 1) call EPOCH_interact;_this call EPOCH_PutHandler", "Take": "(_this select 1) call EPOCH_interact;_this call EPOCH_UnisexCheck", "Fired": "_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerFired;", "InventoryClosed": "if !(EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs isEqualTo[]) then {[EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs] remoteExec['EPOCH_server_save_vehicles', 2]; EPOCH_arr_interactedObjs = [];};", "InventoryOpened": "_this spawn EPOCH_initUI;_container = _this select 1;_lockedNear = false;if (_container isKindOf 'GroundWeaponHolder' || _container isKindOf 'WeaponHolderSimulated') then {{if (locked _x in [2, 3] ||_x getVariable['EPOCH_Locked', false]) exitWith {_lockedNear = true}} forEach (player nearSupplies 10);};if (locked _container in [2, 3] || _container getVariable['EPOCH_Locked', false] || _lockedNear) then {[] spawn {disableSerialization;waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 602};_display = findDisplay 602;_ctrl_cargo = _display displayCtrl 6401;_ctrl_ground = _display displayCtrl 6321;_ctrl_cargo ctrlEnable false;ctrlSetFocus _ctrl_ground;ctrlActivate _ctrl_ground;};};", "Killed": "_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerDeath;", "HandleRating": "EPOCH_playerKarma = EPOCH_playerKarma + (_this select 1);0", "HandleDamage": "", "HandleHeal": "", "Dammaged": "", "Hit": "", "HitPart": "", "GetInMan": "_this call EPOCH_getInMan", "GetOutMan": "_this call EPOCH_getOutMan;", "nonJammerAI": [ "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "PHANTOM", "EPOCH_Sapper_F", "Epoch_SapperB_F", "I_UAV_01_F", "EPOCH_RyanZombie_1" ], "nonTraderAI": [ "B_Heli_Transport_01_F", "PHANTOM", "EPOCH_Sapper_F", "Epoch_SapperB_F", "I_UAV_01_F", "Epoch_Cloak_F", "GreatWhite_F", "EPOCH_RyanZombie_1" ], "nonTraderAIRange": 50, "fishLoots": [ "ItemTuna", "ItemSeaBass", "ItemSeaBass", "ItemSeaBass", "ItemTrout", "ItemTrout", "ItemTrout", "ItemTrout", "ItemTrout", "ItemTrout" ], "animalAiTables": [ "Sheep_random_EPOCH", "Sheep_random_EPOCH", "Goat_random_EPOCH", "Goat_random_EPOCH", "Goat_random_EPOCH", [ "Cock_random_EPOCH", "Hen_random_EPOCH" ], [ "Cock_random_EPOCH", "Hen_random_EPOCH" ], "Rabbit_EPOCH", "Rabbit_EPOCH", "Rabbit_EPOCH", "Snake_random_EPOCH", "Snake2_random_EPOCH", [ "Fin_random_EPOCH", "Alsatian_Random_EPOCH" ] ], "playerDeathScreen": "TapOut", "playerKilledScreen": "TapOut2", "playerDisableRevenge": 0, "playerRevengeMinAliveTime": 900, "bankTransferTime": [ 0.0006, 1.2, 0.06 ], "#include0": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Altis.hpp\"", "#include1": "\"CfgEpochClient\\australia.hpp\"", "#include2": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Bornholm.hpp\"", "#include3": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Chernarus_Summer.hpp\"", "#include4": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Chernarus.hpp\"", "#include5": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Esseker.hpp\"", "#include6": "\"CfgEpochClient\\ProvingGrounds_PMC.hpp\"", "#include7": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Sara_dbe1.hpp\"", "#include8": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Sara.hpp\"", "#include9": "\"CfgEpochClient\\SaraLite.hpp\"", "#include10": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Stratis.hpp\"", "#include11": "\"CfgEpochClient\\takistan.hpp\"", "#include12": "\"CfgEpochClient\\utes.hpp\"", "#include13": "\"CfgEpochClient\\vr.hpp\"", "#include14": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Zargabad.hpp\"", "#include15": "\"CfgEpochClient\\Tanoa.hpp\"", "#include16": "\"CfgEpochClient\\WorldInteractions.hpp\"" }, "CfgEpochSapper": { "detonateDistMax": 8, "groanTrig": 16, "sRange": 300, "smellDist": 24, "reflexSpeed": 0.25, "nestChance": 2, "hideLevel": 72, "chargeLevel": 52 }, "CfgEpochUAV": { "UAVMinDist": 48, "UAVMaxDist": 180, "UAVHeight": 100 }, "CfgEpochUAVSupport": { "unitTypes": [ "I_Soldier_EPOCH", "I_Soldier2_EPOCH", "I_Soldier3_EPOCH" ], "maxUnitNum": 2, "minAISkill": 0.2, "maxAimingAccuracy": 0.7, "maxAimingShake": 0.9, "maxAimingSpeed": 0.6, "maxEndurance": 0.4, "maxSpotDistance": 0.4, "maxSpotTime": 0.3, "maxCourage": 0.3, "maxReloadSpeed": 0.5, "maxCommanding": 0.4, "maxGeneral": 0.4 }, "CfgEpochAirDrop": { "AirDropFreq": 1200, "AirDropChance": 6 }, "CfgEpochCloak": { "cRange": 300, "cAggression": 75, "attackFrequency": 120, "attackDistance": 38, "targetChangeFrequency": 42, "teleportChance": 66, "hoverFrequency": 1280 }, "CfgEpochRyanZombie": { "zeds": [ "EPOCH_RyanZombie_1", "EPOCH_RyanZombie_2", "EPOCH_RyanZombie_3", "EPOCH_RyanZombie_4", "EPOCH_RyanZombie_5" ], "attackDist": 1.6, "range": 45, "disposeRange": 800, "smell": [ 38, 0.42 ], "sight": [ 28, 0.72 ], "hearing": [ 108, 0.68 ], "memory": [ 480, 0.8 ], "reflexSpeed": 0.25, "moans": [ "ryanzombiesmoan1", "ryanzombiesmoan2", "ryanzombiesmoan3", "ryanzombiesmoan4" ], "screams": [ "ryanzombiesscream1", "ryanzombiesscream2", "ryanzombiesscream3", "ryanzombiesscream4", "ryanzombiesscream5", "ryanzombiesscream6", "ryanzombiesscream7", "ryanzombiesscream8", "ryanzombiesscream9" ] } }