params [["_EnergyRequired",250],["_radius",250]]; if (missionnamespace getvariable ["Epoch_VehicleScanActive",false]) exitwith {}; if (EPOCH_playerEnergy - _EnergyRequired < 0) exitwith { [format ['You need %1 Energy to scan for near Players',_EnergyRequired], 5,[[0,0,0,0.5],[1,0.5,0,1]]] call Epoch_message; }; Epoch_VehicleScanActive = true; ["Energy",-_EnergyRequired] call Epoch_GiveAttributes; _radius spawn { private ["_dist","_trdrMsg","_veh","_vehs"]; ["Scanning for near Vehicles... Please wait...", 10,[[0,0,0,0.5],[1,0.5,0,1]]] call Epoch_message; uisleep (5 + random 3); _trdrMsg = ""; _vehs = player nearEntities [["Landvehicle","SHIP","AIR","TANK"],_this]; if (count _vehs < 1) then { _trdrMsg = format["%2 %1.",name player,selectRandom["I haven't seen anything lately","There is nothing around here","The last time the UAV went out it found nothing"]]; } else { _veh = selectrandom _vehs; _dist = ceil ((_veh distance player) / 100) * 100; _trdrMsg = format["I know of at least one vehicle within about %1m. It looks like a %2.",_dist, (typeof _veh) call EPOCH_itemDisplayName]; }; [_trdrMsg, 5,[[0,0,0,0.5],[1,0.5,0,1]]] call Epoch_message; Epoch_VehicleScanActive = nil; };