**A3 Epoch Hive Calls** Full A3 epoch server hive call documentation **000** Get and return Instance ID from config _Input: None_ _Returns: [ARRAY](https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Array) format: ["NA123"]_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension "000"; ``` **001** STEAMAPI - Vac ban check _Input: [SteamID64](https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getPlayerUID)_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["001|%1", _uid]; ``` **100** Setter - Temporarily stack, workaround for Arma 8k character limitation. Used in combination with the SET or SETEX calls. _Uses:  SET_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Call Index ID, Value_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["100|%1:%2|%3|%4", 100, _prefix, _key, _hiveCallID, _value]; ``` **101**  Setter - Temporarily stack, workaround for Arma 8k character limitation. Used in combination with the SET or SETEX calls. _Uses:  SET_ _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Call Index ID, Value_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["100|%1:%2|%3|%4", 101, _prefix, _key, _hiveCallID, _value]; ``` **110**  Store value in database with the specified key _Uses:  SET_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Call Index ID, Value_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["110|%1:%2|%3|%4", _prefix, _key, _hiveCallID, _value]; ``` **111** Store value in database with the specified key _Uses:  SET_ _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Call Index ID, Value_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["111|%1:%2|%3|%4", _prefix, _key, _hiveCallID, _value]; ``` **120** _Uses:  SETEX_ _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Expires, Call Index ID, Value_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["120|%1:%2|%3|%4|%5", _prefix, _key, _expires, _hiveCallID, _value]; ``` **121** Store value in database with the specified key and expiration. _Uses:  SETEX_ _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Expires, Call Index ID, Value_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["121|%1:%2|%3|%4|%5", _prefix, _key, _expires, _hiveCallID, _value]; ``` **130** Set a timeout on key. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted. _Uses:  [EXPIRE](http://redis.io/commands/expire)_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Expires_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format ["130|%1:%2|%3", _prefix, _key, _expires]; ``` **131** Set a timeout on key. After the timeout has expired, the key will automatically be deleted. _Uses:  [EXPIRE](http://redis.io/commands/expire)_ _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Expires_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format ["130|%1:%2|%3", _prefix, _key, _expires]; ``` **140** Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key. _Uses: [SETBIT](http://redis.io/commands/setbit)_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Bit Index, Value_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["140|%1:%2|%3|%4", _prefix, _key, _bitIndex, _value]; ``` **141** Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key. _Uses: [SETBIT](http://redis.io/commands/setbit)_ _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Bit Index, Value_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["141|%1:%2|%3|%4", _prefix, _key, _bitIndex, _value]; ``` **200** _Uses: GET_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Bit Index, Value_ _Returns: _Array ``` _hiveResponse = "epochserver" callExtension format ["200|%1:%2", _prefix, _key]; ``` **210** _Uses: GET, TLL_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Bit Index, Value_ _Returns: Array_ ``` _hiveResponse = "epochserver" callExtension format ["210|%1:%2", _prefix, _key]; ``` **220** _Uses: GETRANGE_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Start Index, Stop Index_ _Returns: Array_ ``` _hiveResponse = "epochserver" callExtension format["220|%1:%2|%3|%4", _prefix, _key, _currentIndex, (_currentIndexMax-1)]; ``` **230** _Uses: GETBIT_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro), Bit Index, Value (0-1)_ _Returns: BOOL_ ``` _hiveResponse = "epochserver" callExtension format["240|%1:%2|%3", _prefix, _key, _value]; ``` **300** _Uses: [TTL](http://redis.io/commands/ttl)_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro)_ _Returns: TTL in seconds_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["300|%1:%2", _prefix, _uniqueID]; ``` **400** Removes the specified key. _Uses: [DEL](http://redis.io/commands/del)_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: [Key](http://redis.io/topics/data-types-intro)_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["400|%1:%2", _prefix, _uniqueID]; ``` **500** _Uses: [PING](http://redis.io/commands/ping)_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: Nothing_ _Returns: "PONG"_ ``` 'epochserver' callExtension '500' ``` **501** Get current time. _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: Nothing_ _Returns: Array [YYYY,MM,DD,HH,MM,SS]_ ``` 'epochserver' callExtension '510' ``` **600** Used to push data from database server in a queue. _Uses: [LPOP](http://redis.io/commands/lpop) with CMD- prefix_ _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: Server InstanceID_ _Returns: Array [1,""]_ ``` _response = "epochserver" callExtension format["600|%1",_instanceID]; ``` **700** Log in Redis _Uses: LPUSH _with -LOG postfix _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: Key Prefix, Message_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["700|%1|%2", _prefix, _message]; ``` **701** Log in Redis _Uses: LPUSH _with -LOG postfix _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: Key Prefix, Message_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["701|%1|%2", _prefix, _message]; ``` **800** Append strings specified to end of first line of publicvariable.txt and then runs BE command #loadEvents. _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: Strings_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["800|%1|%2|%3|%4", _var1, _var2, _var3, _var4]; ``` **801** Append strings specified to end of first line of publicvariable.txt and then runs BE command #loadEvents. _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: Strings_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` "epochserver" callExtension format["800|%1|%2|%3|%4", _var1, _var2, _var3, _var4]; ``` **810** Get random string, [a-zA-Z]{5-10}, if only one string is requested it will return a string instead of a array _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: Count_ _Returns: Array or String_ ``` _response = 'epochserver' callExtension format['810|%1',_count]; ``` **820** Add ban to bans.txt and execute #loadBans (Depreciated should use 900 calls) _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: Steam64ID, Reason_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` 'epochserver' callExtension format['820|%1|%2',getPlayerUID _playerObj,_reason]; ``` **821** Add ban to bans.txt and execute #loadBans (Depreciated should use 900 calls) _Call Type: Synchronous_ _Input: Steam64ID, Reason_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` epochserver' callExtension format['821|%1|%2',getPlayerUID _playerObj,_reason]; ``` **901** Broadcast message to server _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: Message_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` 'epochserver' callExtension format['901|%1', _message]; ``` **911** Kick with message _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: player64ID, Message_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` 'epochserver' callExtension format['911|%1|%2', _playerUID, _reason]; ``` **921** Ban with message and duration _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: player64ID, Message, duration_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` 'epochserver' callExtension format['921|%1|%2|%3', _playerUID, _message, _duration]; ``` **930** Unlock server using BE command #unlock _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: Nothing_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` 'epochserver' callExtension '930' ``` **931** Lock server using BE command #lock _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: Nothing_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` 'epochserver' callExtension '931' ``` **991** Shutdown Server using BE #shutdown command.   _Call Type: Asynchronous_ _Input: Nothing_ _Returns: Nothing_ ``` 'epochserver' callExtension '991' ```