<?php /** * @brief Public bootstrap * @author Aaron Clark * @copyright (c) 2016 Epoch Mod * @license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ * @package Parse SQM v12 to version 51 * @since * @version */ ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); class Mission { var $addOns; var $addOnsAuto; var $randomSeed; var $intel; var $groups; var $markers; function Mission( $addOns = array(), $addOnsAuto = array ( "A3_epoch_config", "cup_zargabad_config" ), $randomSeed=12032465, $intel = array( 'briefingName'=>'Epoch Mod', 'timeOfChanges'=>28800, 'startWeather'=>0, 'startWind'=>0, 'startWaves'=>0, 'forecastWeather'=>0, 'forecastWind'=>0, 'forecastWaves'=>0, 'forecastLightnings'=>1.0, 'year'=>2035, 'month'=>6, 'day'=>24, 'hour'=>12, 'minute'=>0, 'startFogDecay'=>0.013, 'forecastFogDecay'=>0.013 ), $playerCount = 100, $groups = array ( 'Item0' => array ( 'side'=>'CIV', 'Vehicles' => array ( 'Item0' => array ( 'position'=> array(4331.02,0,148.62354), ) ) ) ), $markers = array ( 'Item0' => array ( 'position' => array (4135.0137,0,4039.3584), 'name'=>"center", 'type'=>"Empty", ), 'Item1' => array ( 'position' => array (4331.02,0,148.62354), 'name'=>"respawn_east", 'type'=>"Empty", ), 'Item2' => array ( 'position' => array (4331.02,0,148.62354), 'name'=>"respawn_west", 'type'=>"Empty", ), 'Item3' => array ( 'position' => array (3257.1497,0,1079.2324), 'name'=>"south", 'type'=>"Empty", ), 'Item4' => array ( 'position' => array (3154.1616,0,5169.5229), 'name'=>"east", 'type'=>"Empty", ) ) ) { $this->addOns = $addOns; $this->addOnsAuto = $addOnsAuto; $this->randomSeed = $randomSeed; $this->intel = $intel; $this->playerCount = $playerCount; $this->groups = $groups; $this->markers = $markers; } } // end of class Mission ?> <pre> <?php // utility functions function print_vars($obj) { foreach (get_object_vars($obj) as $prop => $val) { if (!is_array($val)) { echo "\t$prop = $val\n"; } else { echo "\t$prop = \n"; print_r($val); } } } function print_methods($obj) { $arr = get_class_methods(get_class($obj)); foreach ($arr as $method) { echo "\tfunction $method()\n"; } } function class_parentage($obj, $class) { if (is_subclass_of($GLOBALS[$obj], $class)) { echo "Object $obj belongs to class " . get_class($GLOBALS[$obj]); echo ", a subclass of $class\n"; } else { echo "Object $obj does not belong to a subclass of $class\n"; } } // instantiate 2 objects $mission = new Mission(); // print out information about objects // echo "CLASS " . get_class($mission) . "\n"; // show mission properties //echo "\nmission: Properties\n"; //print_vars($mission); echo "version=51; class EditorData { moveGridStep=1; angleGridStep=0.2617994; scaleGridStep=1; autoGroupingDist=10; toggles=1; class ItemIDProvider { nextID=2; }; class Camera { pos[]={7542.4932,93.791428,15492.986}; dir[]={-0.8989169,-0.17364819,-0.40223712}; up[]={-0.15850332,0.98480779,-0.070925266}; aside[]={-0.40844229,0,0.91278416}; }; }; binarizationWanted=0; "; echo "addons[]= { "; foreach ($mission->addOnsAuto as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { echo " \"$value\",\n"; } else { echo " $value,\n"; } } echo "};\n"; echo "randomSeed=$mission->randomSeed;\n"; echo "class ScenarioData { author=\"[VB]AWOL\"; };\n"; echo "class Mission { class Intel { "; foreach ($mission->intel as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { echo " $key=\"$value\";\n"; } else { echo " $key=$value;\n"; } } echo " };\n"; $EntitiesCounter = 0; echo " class Entities { "; echo " items=". (count($mission->markers) + $mission->playerCount) .";\n"; foreach ($mission->markers as $key => $value) { $position = implode(",", $value["position"]); echo " class Item".$EntitiesCounter." { dataType=\"Marker\"; position[]={".$position."}; name=\"".$value["name"]."\"; type=\"".$value["type"]."\"; id=".$EntitiesCounter."; };\n"; $EntitiesCounter++; } for ($x = count($mission->markers); $x <= ($mission->playerCount+count($mission->markers)); $x++) { foreach ($mission->groups as $key => $value) { $position = implode(",", $value["Vehicles"]["Item0"]["position"]); echo " class Item".$x." { dataType=\"Group\"; side=\"Civilian\"; class Entities { items=1; class Item0 { dataType=\"Object\"; class PositionInfo { position[]={".$position."}; angles[]={0,4.7169838,0}; }; side=\"Civilian\"; flags=3; class Attributes { isPlayable=1; }; id=".($EntitiesCounter+1)."; type=\"VirtualMan_EPOCH\"; }; }; class Attributes { }; id=".$EntitiesCounter."; };\n"; $EntitiesCounter++; $EntitiesCounter++; } } // Entities end echo " };\n"; // final echo "};\n"; ?> </pre> <?php echo ' </body> </html> ';