/* Author: Niklas Wagner - EpochMod.com Contributors: Aaron Clark, Raimonds Virtoss Description: TODO: DESC-TBA Licence: Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike Github: https://github.com/EpochModTeam/Epoch/tree/release/Sources/epoch_code/gui/scripts/Epoch_onPause.sqf */ disableSerialization; private ["_fieldManual","_btnSave","_btnAbort","_respawnButton"]; params [["_display",displayNull,[displayNull]]]; _fieldManual = _display displayCtrl 122; _fieldManual ctrlEnable false; _btnSave = _display displayCtrl 103; _btnSave ctrlEnable false; _btnAbort = _display displayCtrl 104; _btnAbort ctrlEnable false; _respawnButton = _display displayCtrl 1010; _respawnButton ctrlEnable false; //Change to a scheduled environment [_btnAbort,_display] spawn { disableSerialization; params ["_btnAbort","_display"]; _startTime = diag_tickTime+10; waitUntil { _time = _startTime - diag_tickTime; if (isNull _display || _time <= 0) exitWith {true}; _btnAbort ctrlSetText format[localize "str_epoch_abort",[_time,"SS.MS"] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString]; false }; if (!isNull _display) then { _btnAbort ctrlSetText localize "str_disp_int_abort"; _btnAbort ctrlEnable true; }; }; [_display,_btnAbort,_fieldManual,_btnSave] spawn { disableSerialization; params ["_display","_btnAbort","_fieldManual","_btnSave"]; _profilName = _display displayctrl 109; _pauseText = _display displayctrl 523; _pauseSetText = toUpper(localize "str_a3_cfguigrids_gui_0"); _fieldManualText = toUpper(localize "str_a3_rscdisplaywelcome_pare_list3_title"); _btnSaveText = toUpper(localize "str_disp_int_save"); waitUntil { _fieldManual ctrlShow true; _fieldManual ctrlEnable false; _fieldManual ctrlSetText _fieldManualText; _btnSave ctrlShow true; _btnSave ctrlSetText _btnSaveText; _pauseText ctrlSetText _pauseSetText; _profilName ctrlSetText profileName; uiSleep 0.2; isNull _display }; }; [_display] spawn { disableSerialization; params ["_display"]; _startTime = diag_tickTime+4; waitUntil { uiSleep 0.2; (isNull _display) || ((_startTime - diag_tickTime) <= 0) }; if (!isNull _display) then { call (missionnamespace getvariable ["EPOCH_ReloadLoadout",{}]); uisleep 1; // give one second to broadcast clothing change missionnamespace setvariable ["EPOCH_forceUpdateNow",true]; }; }; // init epoch configurator with missionNamespace do { _display call EPOCH_InterruptConfig; }; true