class StartFishMission { author = "He-Man"; title = "Start Fish Mission"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 2; triggerintervall = 5; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders',(player nearentities [[""C_Man_1""],20]) apply {_x getVariable [""AI_SLOT"",-1]}]; EPOCH_Mission_StartPos = getpos player"; cleanUpCall = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders', nil];EPOCH_Mission_StartPos = nil"; dialogues[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... } { // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...}} "true", {"I really need a fresh Fish. Can you fish me one?","Go to the Water and catch me a fresh Fish. I will reward you"} }, { // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...}} "true", {"But don't bring me a Fish from this region. Go a bit away","The Fishes from this region are boring. Please go a bit farther"} }, { "!(""MeleeRod"" in weapons player)", {"Hey, you need your Fishin Rod for fishing! Don't throw it away"} }, { "(surfaceiswater (getpos player) || (surfaceiswater (player modelToWorld[0, 5 + (random 5), 0]))) && player distance EPOCH_Mission_StartPos < 1000", {"The Fishes in this region taste awful. Go to another Spot.","Don't bring me a fish frome here! They taste terrible..."} }, { "(surfaceiswater (getpos player) || (surfaceiswater (player modelToWorld[0, 5 + (random 5), 0]))) && player distance EPOCH_Mission_StartPos > 1000", {"Oh nice, here is an excellent spot for fishing...","Use your Fishing-Rod to catch me a fresh Fish"} } }; callevents[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... } }; abandonTime = 1200; failedCondition = "!alive player"; faileddialogues[] = {"I guess you have better things to do. - Mission Failed","Mission Failed - Try again later."}; completeCondition = "player distance (missionNamespace getVariable [""EPOCH_myBobber"", objNull]) < 40 && player distance EPOCH_Mission_StartPos > 900"; completedialogues[] = {"Okay, now catch a Fish","Let's wait now..."}; completedCALL = ""; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {"CatchFish"}; // Not used atm taskLimit = 3; itemSpawn = 3; callEventBinTask = 0; diagSquelch = 30; abandonDist = 100; }; class CatchFish { author = "He-Man"; title = "Catch the Fish"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 8; triggerintervall = 5; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = ""; cleanUpCall = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders', nil];EPOCH_Mission_StartPos = nil"; dialogues[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... } }; callevents[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... } }; abandonTime = 600; failedCondition = "!alive player"; faileddialogues[] = {"I guess you have better things to do. - Mission Failed","Mission Failed - You took to long."}; completeCondition = "{_x in magazines player} count ([""CfgEpochClient"", ""fishLoots"", [""ItemTuna"",""ItemSeaBass"",""ItemSeaBass"",""ItemSeaBass"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout""]] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) > 0"; completedialogues[] = {"YEAH! You got one. Bring it to me","Wow, bring the Fish to me!"}; completedCALL = ""; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {"BringTheFish"}; }; class BringTheFish { author = "He-Man"; title = "Bring the Fish"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 8; triggerintervall = 8; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = ""; cleanUpCall = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders', nil];EPOCH_Mission_StartPos = nil"; dialogues[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... } { // {"condition",{"Message1","Message2", ...}} "diag_ticktime - EPOCH_task_startTime > 180", {"Hurry up, I am really hungry.","Hey, where is my Fish? Bring it to me!","Why does it take so long to bring me a Fish?"} } }; callevents[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... } }; abandonTime = 1200; failedCondition = "!alive player"; faileddialogues[] = {"I guess you have better things to do. - Mission Failed","Mission Failed - You took to long."}; completeCondition = "((player nearentities [[""C_Man_1""],20]) apply {_x getVariable [""AI_SLOT"",-1]} isEqualTo (uiNameSpace getVariable [""axeStartTraders"",[]])) && {_x in magazines player} count ([""CfgEpochClient"", ""fishLoots"", [""ItemTuna"",""ItemSeaBass"",""ItemSeaBass"",""ItemSeaBass"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout""]] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) > 0"; completedialogues[] = {"Hey, you bring me my Fish? - THANKS!!!","Great Job there. Step into my office traveller.","You made it, thanks for bringing me the Fish."}; completedCALL = "{if (_x in magazines player) exitwith {player removeMagazine _x}} foreach ([""CfgEpochClient"", ""fishLoots"", [""ItemTuna"",""ItemSeaBass"",""ItemSeaBass"",""ItemSeaBass"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout"",""ItemTrout""]] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2)"; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {"FinishFishMission"}; }; class FinishFishMission { author = "He-Man"; title = "Finish Fish Mission"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 8; triggerintervall = 8; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = ""; cleanUpCall = "uiNameSpace setVariable ['axeStartTraders', nil];EPOCH_Mission_StartPos = nil"; dialogues[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... } }; callevents[] = { // {{ARRAY1},{ARRAY2},... } }; abandonTime = 240; failedCondition = "false"; faileddialogues[] = {}; completeCondition = "true"; completedialogues[] = {"Take your reward, you have earnt it","Here is your reward, you are a great fisher man.","Any time you need work, come and see me, great job."}; completedCALL = "_WH = createVehicle[""groundWeaponHolder"",getPosATL player,[],0,""CAN_COLLIDE""];[_WH,""Mission_Fishing_Payout""] remoteExec [""EPOCH_serverLootObject"",2];"; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 1; nextTask[] = {}; };