class DocCheckAccept{ author = "He-Man"; title = "Document check accept"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 1; triggerintervall = 10; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = ""; cleanUpCall = ""; dialogues[] = {}; callevents[] = {}; abandonTime = 240; failedCondition = "missionNameSpace getVariable ['InSafeZone',false]"; faileddialogues[] = {"Mission not allowed in Safe Zone"}; completeCondition = "true"; completedialogues[] = {}; completedCALL = ""; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {"DocCheckStart"}; }; class DocCheckStart{ author = "He-Man"; title = "Document check start"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 1; triggerintervall = 8; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = "EPOCH_Mission_StartPos = getpos player"; cleanUpCall = "EPOCH_Mission_StartPos = nil;"; dialogues[] = { { "'ItemDocument' in magazines player", {"You have an unknown Document for me? Let's have a look...","Lets try to find out what kind of document you have...","Let's try to identify your unknown document..."} }, { "'ItemDocument' in magazines player", {"Hmm, it's hard to identify it... give me some seconds","Oh, I think it is... hmm... no... wait..."} } }; callevents[] = { { "player distance EPOCH_Mission_StartPos > 5", "[selectrandom ['Abort - Come back or I can not check your document!','Abort - Hey, I need your document. Come back!','Abort - If you run away, I can not check your document!'],5,[[0,0,0,0.5],[1,0.5,0,1]]] call epoch_message", {"DocCheckAbord"} }, { "!('ItemDocument' in magazines player)", "[selectrandom ['Come back later with an unknown document.','You have no unknown document. Find one and come back later.','Without an unknown document, I have nothing to check'],5,[[0,0,0,0.5],[1,0.5,0,1]]] call epoch_message", {"DocCheckAbord"} } }; abandonTime = 240; failedCondition = "!(alive player)"; faileddialogues[] = {}; completeCondition = "'ItemDocument' in magazines player && diag_tickTime - EPOCH_task_startTime >= 12 && alive player && player distance EPOCH_Mission_StartPos <= 5"; completedialogues[] = {}; completedCALL = "if !('ItemDocument' in magazines player) exitwith {}; player removeMagazine 'ItemDocument'; if ((random 100) > 70) exitwith {[selectrandom ['Oh no, your document is too much damaged. Sorry!','Sorry, I can not read this document. It is only trash. Sorry!'],5] call epoch_message};_randomdoc = selectRandomWeighted ['ItemVehDoc1',10,'ItemVehDoc2',6,'ItemVehDoc3',4,'ItemVehDoc4',2,'ItemVehDocRara',1]; [format ['Oh great, it is a %1 - I put it in your pocket',_randomdoc call EPOCH_itemDisplayName],5,[[0,0,0,0.5],[1,0.5,0,1]]] call Epoch_Message; _randomdoc call EPOCH_fnc_addItemOverflow"; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 1; nextTask[] = {}; }; class DocCheckAbord{ author = "He-Man"; title = "DocCheckAbord"; simpleTask = 0; items[] = {}; triggerDelay = 1; triggerintervall = 1; markerType = 0; markerVisible = 0; markerRadius = 0; markerText = ""; initcall = "EPOCH_Mission_StartPos = nil;"; cleanUpCall = ""; dialogues[] = { }; callevents[] = { }; abandonTime = 240; failedCondition = "true"; faileddialogues[] = {}; completeCondition = "false"; completedialogues[] = {}; completedCALL = ""; reward[] = {}; cleanUp = 0; nextTask[] = {}; };